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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "hippo.h" #ifdef sun #define EXIT_FAILURE 1 #define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 #endif extern int getopt(int, char **, char *); int main(int argc, char **argv) { extern char *optarg; extern int optind; int c; int i,j,n; int i_appnt=0, i_thisnt=0; int append = 0; int verbose = 0; char infilenm[80] = ""; ntuple *nt_list; /* hippo objects */ ntuple appnt=NULL; display *d_list; const float *ntlow, *nthigh; while ((c = getopt( argc, argv, "f:i:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'i': case 'f': sscanf(optarg,"%s",infilenm); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Input text file = %s\n",infilenm); break; default: case '?': fprintf(stderr,"Usage: [-f <inputfile>]\n"); fprintf(stderr,"[<inputfile> | stdin]\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* * input file not in option form. */ if (optind < argc) { sscanf(argv[optind],"%s",infilenm); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr,"Input text file = %s\n",infilenm); optind++; } /* * read in file. */ if (strlen(infilenm) == 0) i = h_readStream(stdin,&d_list,&nt_list); else i = h_read(infilenm,&d_list,&nt_list); if (i != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not read file\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } n = 0; while (nt_list[n] != NULL) n++; printf("%d ntuple",n); if (n != 1) printf("s"); printf(" in file\n"); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { printf("Ntuple %d: Dim %d, Title \"%s\"\n",i,h_getNtDim(nt_list[i]), h_getNtTitle(nt_list[i])); nthigh = h_getNtHigh(nt_list[i]); ntlow = h_getNtLow(nt_list[i]); for (j=0; j<h_getNtDim(nt_list[i]); j++) { int k; printf(" Column %2d \"%s\"",j,h_getNtLabel(nt_list[i],j)); for (k=20-strlen(h_getNtLabel(nt_list[i],j));k>0;k--) printf(" "); printf(" range: %g to %g\n",ntlow[j],nthigh[j]); } printf(" Number of rows %d\n", h_getNtNdata(nt_list[i])); printf("\n"); } n = 0; while (d_list[n] != NULL) n++; printf("%d display",n); if (n != 1) printf("s"); printf(" in file\n"); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { printf("Display %d: Title \"%s\"\n",i,h_getTitle(d_list[i])); printf(" Bound to ntuple with title \"%s\"\n", h_getNtTitle(h_getNtuple(d_list[i])) ); printf(" Plot type is "); switch(h_getDrawType(d_list[i])) { case HISTOGRAM: printf("Histogram\n"); break; case XYPLOT: printf("x-y Plot\n"); break; case STRIPCHART: printf("Stripchart\n"); break; case LEGOPLOT: printf("Legoplot\n"); break; case COLORPLOT: printf("Greyscale/color plot\n"); break; case SCATTERPLOT: printf("Scatterplot\n"); break; case THREEDSCATTER: printf("3D Scatterplot\n"); break; } printf(" x-axis -> ntuple column %d\n", h_getBinding(d_list[i],XAXIS)); if (h_getBinding(d_list[i],YAXIS) >= 0) printf(" y-axis -> ntuple column %d\n", h_getBinding(d_list[i],YAXIS)); if (h_getBinding(d_list[i],ZAXIS) >= 0) printf(" z-axis -> ntuple column %d\n", h_getBinding(d_list[i],ZAXIS)); if (h_getBinding(d_list[i],WEIGHT) >= 0) printf(" weight -> ntuple column %d\n", h_getBinding(d_list[i],WEIGHT)); if (h_getBinding(d_list[i],XERROR) >= 0) printf(" x-error -> ntuple column %d\n", h_getBinding(d_list[i],XERROR)); if (h_getBinding(d_list[i],YERROR) >= 0) printf(" y-error -> ntuple column %d\n", h_getBinding(d_list[i],YERROR)); printf("\n"); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
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