
This is SpreadSheetMgr.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Spread Sheet like n-tuple browser	by Imran Qureshi	August 1992
 * Copyright (C)  1992  The Board of Trustees of  
 * The Leland Stanford Junior University.  All Rights Reserved.


#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import "hippo.h"

#define 	DEFAULT_ROWS	150
#define 	DEFAULT_COLS	7

@interface SpreadSheetMgr:View
    id	cellMatrix;
	id	lineNumberMatrix;
	id	columnNameMatrix;
	id	scrollView;
	id	spreadView;
	id	spreadSheetBox;
	id	lineNumberscrollView;
	FILE	*currentFile;
	int	maxRow;
	int	minRowT;	/* index to first row of tuple displayed */
	int	maxRowT;	/* index to last row of tuple diplayed */
	ntuple	tuple;
	BOOL	newTupleFlag;
	char	filename[256];
	int	numRowsD;	/* number of rows displayed */
	int	numColsD;	/* number of columns displayed */
	id	hDraw;
-setRows:(int)rows columns:(int)cols;
-(const char*)inspectorName;;
-initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect;
/***** MEthods for accessing data ****/
-setRow:(int)number to:(float*)data;
-addColumn:(char*)name with:(float*)data;

-textDidEnd:textObject endChar:(unsigned short)whyEnd;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.