
This is PFunction.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* PFunction.h  by Paul Kunz	November 1992
 * Class to manage a plot function
 * Copyright (C)  1992  The Board of Trustees of
 * The Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved.

#define PFUNCTION_H_ID "$Id: PFunction.h,v 1994/02/08 20:30:02 rensing Exp $"

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import "hippo.h"
#import "fitParm.h"

typedef enum { INITIAL_VALUES, FIT_VALUES, PLAY_VALUES } parm_t;

@class Form, Storage;
@class Plot;
@interface PFunction:Object
 /* Archived members... */
    char    	*title;    	/* Title of function */
    int     	nargs;     	/* Number of Arguments */
    char    	**names;   	/* Argument names */
    parm_t	currentParms;	/* the current parameter type in parmblk */
    Storage	*fittedParms;	/* parameters from last fit */
    Storage	*startParms;	/* parameters at start of last fit */
    Storage	*variedParms;	/* parameters being varied */
    int		fitType;	/* fit type used in fit */
    int		ebType;		/* empty-bin action code */
    int         hfunc_index;    /* index of hfunc in display list */
				/*  filled only at write, used after read */
  /* Working members... */
    NXStream	*codeStream;	/* Copy of the source code */
    char	*filename;	/* Source code file name */
    display	disp;		/* hippo display structure */
    func_id	hfunc; 		/* hippo function block */
    double	*parmblk;	/* parameter block used by hippo */
    void    	(*fp)();   	/* pointer to function */

+ initialize;
  /* set version number for class */
- setTitle:(const char *)string;
 /* Sets the title of the function */

- (const char *)title;
 /* Returns tht title of the function. */

- setFunctionPtr:(void *)ptr;
 /* Sets the function pointer. */

- (void *) functionPtr;
 /* Returns the function pointer. */

- registerFunc;
  * Registers the controlled function with hippo function registery.
  * Must be called after title and function pointer are set.
- setNumberArgs:(int) value;
 /* Sets the number of arguments */

- (int) numberArgs;
 /* Returns the number of arguments for the function */

- setArgName:(const char *)string at:(int)i;
 /* Sets the name of the i-th argument. */

- (const char *) argNameAt:(int) i;
 /* Returns the i-th argument name. */
- setFitType:(int *)ivalue;
  * Sets the fitType to be used in a fit.
- (int) fitType;
  * Returns the fit type.
- setEbType:(int *)ivalue;
  * Sets the empty bin action to be used in a fit.
- (int) ebType;
  * Returns the empty-bin action.
- setFuncLineStyle:(int *)ivalue;
  * Sets the function plot linestyle.
- (int) funcLineStyle;
  * Returns the function plot linestyle.
/* Methods to attach to display */

- resetAfterRead:aPlot;
  * Pick up stuff from the hippo function block after read.

- addToPlot:aPlot;
  * Receiving PFunction adds its function to the display structure of
  * aPlot and stores the resulting hippo func_id and the parameter block
  * that was allocated.

- removeFromPlot:(Plot *)aPlot;
  * Removes the receiving function from aPlot and frees the parmblk.

- setInitialValues;
  * Initializes fitting parameters to default initial values.  
  * Override method initialValues to make smarter guesses

- initialValues;
  * user routine to set initial values
  * does not need to do anything
- copyToInitial:(parm_t *) type;
- copyToFitted:(parm_t *) type;
- copyToVaried:(parm_t *) type;
  * Makes the varied parameters a copy of the type type.   Note
  * passing the pointer of type allows its use with makeObjectsPerform
  * with a List of functions.
- resetParms;
  * Resets the parameter block to the current parameter type.
- updateFromType:(parm_t *) type;
  * Updates the hippo parameter block for all parameters
- (parm_t) currentType;
  * Returns the parameter type currently used by the plot function.
- (Storage *) parmListOfType:(parm_t) type;
  * Returns parameter Storage object of type type.  The types are
  * 0= starting, 1= Fitted, and 2= varied.
- updateParm:(double) value at:(int) index;
  * Updates the parameter block of function with value at index.
  * Does not update the Storage object.
- setFloatValue:(float) aValue at:(int) index;
- (const char *)filename;
  * Returns the filename of the source file.
- readFile:(const char *)directory :(const char *)file;
  * Reads the source file into memory, so that it can be stored,
  * if needed, to document directory later.
- writeFile:(const char *)directory :(const char *)file;
  * Write the source code to file in directory.
- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
- free;
  * Free the receiving object and all storage associated with it.


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