
This is InspectBase.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* InspectBase.h		by Paul Kunz	December 1991
 * Base class for tuple and plot inspectors.
 * $Id: InspectBase.h,v 2.10 1993/03/23 22:49:03 rensing Exp $
 * Copyright (C)  1991  The Board of Trustees of
 * The Leland Stanford Junior University.  All Rights Reserved.

#import <objc/Object.h>
#import <dpsclient/event.h>  // for NXPoint.
#import "hippo.h"

@class DrawApp, GraphicView, HGraphicView, HDrawApp, NewInspector, Plot;

@interface InspectBase:Object
    id 	contentBox;	/* Box containing Inspector's contentView */
    HGraphicView	*graphicView;	/* The HGraphicView holding plot */
    HDrawApp		*hDraw;		/* hippo global controler object */
    DrawApp		*drawInstance;	/* Draw global controler object */
    NewInspector	*theInspector;	/* global NewInspector */
    Plot		*selectedPlot;	/* The last selected Plot graphic
                                         * or nil if multiple */
    Plot		*firstPlot;	/* The first selected Plot if multiple
                                         * are selected */
    Plot		*lastPlot;	/* Last plot for which inspector was
                                         * updated (set by derived class) */
    int comingForward;		/* flag for next update.
				 * if true, do full update and clear */

- initInspFor:aDraw;
  * Initializes inspector object  Each Inspector derived from
  * this class should message its super class with this method 
  * and after it has intialized itself, should add itself
  * to the NewInspector's list of inspectors
- windowDidUpdate:sender;
   * Called each time an event occurs.  Updates the view if current
   * selected graphic object is a plot for which one has not
   * yet done an update.   Send message to method updateView to
   * do the updating.
- load:(GraphicView *)aView;
  * Loads the current DrawDocument's View.
- firstPlot;
  * returns the first plot selected

- comingForward;
  * set comingForward flag for next update round.

- fullUpdate;
  * do extensive update.
  * defaults to updateView.

- updateView;
  * Updates the Inspector's content View when a single Plot
  * is selected.   An Inspector derived from
  * this class should over-rid this method.

- updateEmptySelection;
  * Updates the Inspector's content View when there is no
  * Plot selected.   An Inspector derived from
  * this class should over-ride this method.

- updateMultiSelection;
  * Updates the Inspector's content View when there are multiple
  * Plots selected.   An inspector derived from this class
  * should over-rid this method.
- setTuple:(ntuple) aTuple;
  * Sets the selected n-tuple in case a derived Inspector needs it.
- mouseMoved:(const NXPoint *)offset in:sender;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.