
This is Inspect3D.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Inspect3D.h		by Mike Gravina		July 1992
 * Controls 3d perspective plots
 * Copyright (C)  1991  The Board of Trustees of
 * The Leland Stanford Junior University.  All Rights Reserved.

#define INSPECT3D_H_ID "$Id: Inspect3D.h,v 2.10 1993/03/10 23:48:22 mfg Exp $"

#import "InspectBase.h"

@interface Inspect3D:InspectBase
    id                  distanceSlider;
    id                  phiSlider;
    id                  thetaSlider;
    id                  distText;
    id                  phiText;
    id                  thetaText;
    id                  cubeSwitch;
    id                  wireFrameSwitch;
    id                  fillSwitch;
    id                  meshSwitch;
    id			grayMatrix;

    display		disp;

  * creates a new Inspect3D for global controler aDraw.
  * After initialization, adds itself to the NewInspector.
  * This method is the designated initializer for the class.

-showError:(char *)errorMessage;
- mouseMoved:(const NXPoint *)offset in:sender withKey:(int)flag;
 /* used for trapping mouse movements.

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