
This is HTuple.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* HTuple.h	by Paul Kunz	December 1991
 * Object used to store information on open Hippo Tuple and methods
 * to archive it to NXTypedStream.
 * $Id: HTuple.h,v 2.5 1993/07/26 21:49:02 pfkeb Exp $
 * Copyright (C)  1991-1992  The Board of Trustees of
 * The Leland Stanford Junior University.  All Rights Reserved.

#import <objc/Object.h>

#import "hippo.h"

@interface HTuple:Object
    ntuple	tuple;		/* The tuple */
    char 	*filename;	/* filename of ntuple */
    int		ntindex;	/* index of tuple in file */
    char 	*altfilename;	/* alternate filename of ntuple */
    List	*functionList;	/* functions adding columns to the ntuple */
    BOOL	isRef;		/* Import by reference or not */
    BOOL	isBinary;	/* file was binary or not */
    BOOL	fakeFilename;	/* set YES if n-tuple is not from file */
+ initialize;
  * Initializer for class.   Sets up the class version number 
- initTuple:(ntuple) nt file:(const char *)path
         by:(BOOL)refFlag mode:(BOOL) binFlag index:(int) iValue;
  * Designated initalizer fro HTuple object.
- (ntuple) ntuple;
  * Returns the ntuple managed by the receiving object.
- setNtuple:(ntuple) aTuple;
  * Sets the ntuple to be managed by the receiving object.
- (BOOL) isRef;
  * Returns YES if ntuple is imported by reference, or NO otherwise.
- setIsRef:(BOOL) refFlag;
  * Sets the reference state of the ntuple managed by receiving object.
- (BOOL) isSameTupleAs:aTuple;
  * The receiving object compares its self with aTuple and returns
  * YES if both objects refer to the same ntuple.
- setIsBinary:(BOOL) binFlag;
  * Sets the mode by which the ntuple was read from disk to binary,
  * binFlag = YES, or text, binFlag = NO.
- (const char *)filename;
  * Returns the file name of the ntuple managed by the receiving object.
- setFilename:(const char *)path;
  * Sets the filename path name of the ntuple managed by the receiving object.
- (int) index;
  * Returns the index number of n-tuple in a file of multiple n-tuples.
- setIndex:(int) value;
  * Sets the index number of n-tuple in a file of multiple n-tuples.
- (const char *)altfilename;
  * Returns the alternate file name of the ntuple managed 
  * by the receiving object.  In cases where the object was archived
  * by reference with one file name, but upon dearchiving another
  * filename was prompted for and used, then the alternate filename
  * is the original filename.
- setAltFilename:(const char *)path;
  * Sets the alternate filename path name of the ntuple managed 
  * by the receiving object. See - (const char *)altfilename.
- (BOOL) isFakeFilename;
  * Returns YES if the filename is a fake one.

- setFakeFilename:(BOOL) bValue;
  * Sets the status of the filename.   The filename is considered "fake"
  * if the n-tuple was not read from a file, e.g. was copied from Pasteboard
  * or generated by the application.
- (const char *) title;
  * Returns the title of the tuple if it is open, else non available 
  * message.
/* Methods for handling column functions */
- (List *) functionList;
  * Returns the list of attached column functions.
- takeFunctionList:(List *)list;
  * Appends the functions in list to receiving object's list,
  * empties list.
- startArchivingTo:(const char *)directory;
  * Saves the source of all functions in directory directory.
- (int) finishUnarchivingFrom:(const char *)directory;
  * Finishes the un-archiving by running column functions, if any.
  * Returns 0 if successful, non-zero otherwise.
- write:(NXTypedStream *) stream;
  * Archives the receiving object to the NXTypedStream stream.   If
  * the ntuple managed by the receiving object is imported by copy,
  * then the ntuple is archived as well
- read:(NXTypedStream *) stream;
  * Dearchives the receiving object from the NXTypedStream stream.   If
  * the ntuple managed by the receiving object is imported by copy,
  * then the ntuple is dearchived as well.
- free;
  * Frees all memory contained by the receiving object and
  * frees the object itself.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.