
This is HFunction.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* HFunction.h	by Paul Kunz	May 1992
 * Object used to store information on user defined function.
 * Copyright (C)  1992  The Board of Trustees of
 * The Leland Stanford Junior University.  All Rights Reserved.

#define HFUNCTION_H_ID "$Id: HFunction.h,v 1994/01/05 02:22:08 rensing Exp $"

#import <objc/Object.h>

typedef enum 

@interface HFunction:Object
    NXStream	*codeStream;	/* The source code */
    char	*filename;	/* Source code filename */
    char        *ofilename;	/* last compiled objective filename */
    char        *flags;	        /* compile flags, such as -I */
    char        *outputDir;	/* directory for output;if NULL, same as file*/
    char	*name;		/* function's name */
    LANGUAGE    language;       /* language used */
    void	*function;	/* the function */

- init;

-(const char*) outputDir;
  * Returns the OutputDir of the saved source file.
- setOutputDir:(const char *)fname;
  * set the OutputDir

-(const char*) filename;
  * Returns the filename of the saved source file.
- setFileName:(const char *)fname;
  * set the filename

- (void *) funcPointer;
  * return the function pointer

- initFromDirectory:(const char *)path;
  * Opens the source file in directory path.
- (const char *) functionName;
  * Returns the name of the function.
- setFunctionName:(const char *)name;
  * Set the name of the function.
- getFunctionFrom:sender;
  * The receiver is notified that it should retreive the function
  * pointer from sender.   Normally, this is done at the end of 
  * the dynamic linking step.
- (LANGUAGE) language;
  * Returns the function's programming language
- setLanguage: (LANGUAGE)lang;
  * set the language

- setCompileFlags: (const char *)flags;
  * set the compile flags
- (const char *) compileFlags;
  * returns the compile flags string

- (int) saveToTmpFile;
  * Saves the source code of the function to file in the form
  * /tmp/nameXXXXXXX.c where XXXXXX is replace with unique number.
  * Returns -1 if an error occurred while saving the file or 0 otherwise.
- saveToDirectory:(const char *) directory;
  * Saves the source code stream in the directory.
- (int) compile;
  * Compiles the function and return 0 if successful.
- (int) link;
  * Links the last compiled version with the running application.
- (int) unload;
 /* Uses rld_unload to unlink and unload the last object that was loaded.
  * (see rld(3) ).   WARNING: because rld_unload() unloads the last
  * object, this method must be invoked before the next object is loaded.
- (NXStream *) openMessages;
  * Returns the NXStream containing compiler, linker, or other 
  * error messages.
- write:(NXTypedStream *)ts;
- read:(NXTypedStream *)ts;
- free;

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