
This is Change.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * Please refer to external reference pages for complete
 * documentation on using the Change class.

@interface Change : Object
    struct {
	unsigned int disabled: 1;	/* YES if disable message receieved */
	unsigned int hasBeenDone: 1;	/* YES if done or redone */
	unsigned int changeInProgress: 1; /* YES after startChange 
					     but before endChange */
	unsigned int padding: 29;
    } _changeFlags;
    id _changeManager;		/* Actually a (ChangeManager *). This should 
    				   be changed in 3.0 when we can use @class. */

/* Methods called directly by your code */

- init;				/* start with [super init] if overriding */
- startChange;			/* DO NOT override */
- startChangeIn:aView;		/* DO NOT override */
- endChange;			/* DO NOT override */
- changeManager;		/* DO NOT override */

/* Methods called by ChangeManager or by your code */

- disable;			/* DO NOT override */
- (BOOL)disabled;		/* DO NOT override */
- (BOOL)hasBeenDone;		/* DO NOT override */
- (BOOL)changeInProgress;	/* DO NOT override */
- (const char *)changeName;	/* override at will */

/* Methods called by ChangeManager */
/* DO NOT call directly */

- saveBeforeChange;		/* override at will */
- saveAfterChange;		/* override at will */
- undoChange;			/* end with [super undoChange] if overriding */
- redoChange;			/* end with [super redoChange] if overriding */
- (BOOL)subsumeChange:change;	/* override at will */
- (BOOL)incorporateChange:change;/* override at will */
- finishChange;			/* override at will */


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