This is gvDraw2.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* gvDraw2.m by Paul Kunz July 1992 * This file contains methods implemented in NeXTSTEP 2.0 version * of GraphicView which were removed from the 3.0 version. These * methods are needed by HippoDraw */ #import "draw.h" const char gvDraw2_m_rcsid[] = "$Id: gvDraw2.m,v 1.3 1993/06/30 22:47:43 rensing Exp $"; @implementation GraphicView(Draw2) - graphicsPerform:(SEL)aSelector andDraw:(BOOL)flag { if (flag) { [self graphicsPerform:aSelector]; } else { [slist makeObjectsPerform:aSelector]; } [self dirty]; return self; } - graphicsPerform:(SEL)aSelector with:(void *)argument andDraw:(BOOL)flag { if ( flag ) { [self graphicsPerform:aSelector with:argument]; } else { [slist makeObjectsPerform:aSelector with:argument]; } [self dirty]; return self; } @end
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