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Object Links for Draw (file: gvLinks.m)

There are a number of things you have to do to implement Object Links in an application.  Many of them are optional (depending on the level of functionality you want or are able to provide), but Draw does them ALL, so this should be a good reference point for you.

Please refer to the documentation in the system about Object Links to get an overall background in place before reading this document.


Note first that Object Links only works on a document basis, so the GraphicView object cannot do links on its own.  Only the DrawDocument object knows the name of the file, for example, and this is crucial to making links work.  So, even though most of the implementation of Object Links in Draw is in GraphicView (actually, a category thereof found in gvLinks.m), you'll notice that it is the DrawDocument which creates (and is the delegate of) the NXDataLinkManager, etc.  However, it usually forwards most of the messages it gets from the NXDataLinkManager onto the GraphicView.

Note also that a significant part of making Object Links work in Draw is all the messages that DrawDocument sends TO the NXDataLinkManager (grep for ``[linkManager'' in DrawDocument.m to find all those calls).  DrawDocument is responsible for letting the system know when something about the document changes (e.g. the document is saved or closed or reverted to saved or whatever).

The ``Publish'' aspect of Draw is done via the saveLink: method in DrawDocument.  You should be able to understand the implementation of this method after reading all the description of how Object Links works below.

It also calls updateLinksPanel from its windowDidUpdate: method to keep the Link Inspector panel up to date.

Now let's dive into how Draw actually implements the Object Links mechanism ...


The most important part of participating in Object Links is also the part that requires the most thought.  It is the process of representing a ``selection'' in your document.  It is appropriate that this be the most ``difficult'' thing to do in Object Links because it is the part of the Object Links mechanism that is purely application-dependent.  NeXTSTEP tries to do as much of the Object Links functionality for you, but it cannot do the things that are dependent upon what your application does for a living.

A ``linked-to'' selection (``source'' selections):

If you want people to link to documents in your application, you must be able to describe a selection that the user makes and then copies and pastes (and links) into another document in another application.  This selection description can be anything you want (it's a ``bag o' bits''), but it must survive and make sense no matter what happens to the source document (unless, of course, the items in the selection the user originally made eventually get deleted, but even that case you must detect).

How you represent this selection is really something you must think about carefully.  Draw actually has more than one way of representing the selection (this may well be true in the case of your application too).  Draw's selection-representation choice is purely for example purposes and you should, by no means, draw the conclusion that Draw's way is the only way (or even the best way) to represent a selection in an application that manipulates graphical elements (and obviously, Draw's way is not appropriate for text manipulation, spreadsheets, and other kinds of applications).

Okay, now that the disclaimer is out of the way, let's talk about how Draw represents selections that it exports to other applications.  First, note that you can get the ``selection'' that the user has made in a GraphicView at any time by calling the currentSelection method defined in this file.  It returns an NXSelection object (the bag o' bits mentioned above) representing the current selection.

So, how does Draw represent is current selection?

1. [NXSelection allSelection]

This is the selection that is created when the user does Select All (and only in that case).  The allSelection method of NXSelection returns a ``special'' selection that Draw just chooses to know how to interpret.  Most applications will want to handle this special-case of allSelection.

2. Drag-Selection

When the user drags out a box to make a selection in Draw, the NXSelection that Draw uses to represent that state is the rectangle the user dragged out.  Then, whenever Draw is asked about this NXSelection, it just intersects that rectangle with the current state of the Graphic's in the view.

This is a particularly questionable type of selection because the user often ends up with ``not quite what she expected.''  On the other hand, it is a bit more accurate than selection type #3 below because it remembers a bit more of the semantics of what the user selected.  In any case, I have included it to show you what an alternative selection mechanism might be like and how to handle it.

The getRect:forSelection: method returns YES if the NXSelection passed to it is of the drag-select type (and, obviously, the ``rect'' that it ``gets'' is the rect the user dragged out to make her original selection).

3. Individual Graphic Selection

In this case, Draw just remembers the unique identifiers of each of the Graphic's in the selection.  Then, when the system asks Draw about a selection of this kind, it looks in the current state of the Draw document for all of these items.  Note that it also includes any Group objects which include one of the Graphic's in the original selection.  Users can use this to, for example, have a background which they include in the original copy/paste link and then group whatever image they want to be the ``currently exported thing'' with that background.

The best selection mechanism would probably be some mixture of #2 and #3 (and perhaps some other types of selection mechanisms).  I've chosen these two because they are easy to understand.

The findGraphicsInSelection: method returns a List object with all the Graphic's in the current document represented by the NXSelection passed to it.  This method can handle all three sorts of ``source'' selections (i.e. #1, #2, and #3 above).  This method calls the above-mentioned getRect:forSelection: method to handle case #2.

A ``linked-from'' selection (``destination'' selections):

If you allow the user to copy something from another application and Paste and Link it into the documents your application edits, you must be able to describe where in your document the thing was Paste and Link'ed.  This, too, is just a description of a selection in your document.

Since Draw only allows PostScript and TIFF (i.e. NXImage-handled data types) and RTF and ASCII (i.e. Text object-handled data types) to be Paste and Link'ed in (of course, these are the only types Draw allows to be normal-pasted in as well!), Draw represents this sort of ``destination'' selection by just remembering which Image or TextGraphic was created to import the data (since all objects in Draw have a unique identifier associated with them, this is an easy task).

There is a method implemented in the Graphic base class called ``selection'' which returns an NXSelection which describes the Graphic you sent the message to in terms of its unique identifier (i.e., it creates an NXSelection and tosses the unique identifier of the receiving Graphic into the bag o' bits and returns it to you).  The findGraphicInSelection: method in this file searches through the document to find the Graphic with the corresponding unique identifier extracted from the NXSelection passed to it.

Importing/Exporting Link Data

Okay, so now you understand how Draw creates an NXSelection object to represent either a selection made in a Draw document which is going to be exported to another application via Copy/Paste and Link and also how it represents a selection which describes which Graphic is the receiving end of an Object Link.  Let's quickly talk about how Draw exports a link and how it imports a link.


It exports a link via the method writeLinkToPasteboard:types:.  This is a very simple method, but very important to the Object Links mechanism.  It does two distinct things:

1. It creates and writes an NXDataLink object to the Pasteboard which includes all the stuff another application would need to know to create an Object Link to the current selection the user has made in Draw (primarily just the currentSelection itself and the data types Draw will export (e.g. PostScript and TIFF)).  This is the most important thing this method does.

2. It writes all of the links in the GraphicView to the Pasteboard.

Why, you may ask, does it do this?  Well, if you copy an Image in Draw which is actually the destination of an Object Link (not the source of a link, but the DESTINATION), then if you pasted that Image into another Draw document, you want it to keep its ``linkness'', i.e., you want the thing you pasted to also get updates when the source of that Image gets updated.  Simple, huh?

Which brings us to the readLinkForGraphic:fromPasteboard:useNewIdentifier: method.  It's the thing that is called every time you paste a Graphic into Draw to get that pasted Graphic properly linked up with the NXDataLinkManager in the Draw document you paste it into.

It is implemented by calling the addLinkPreviouslyAt:fromPasteboard:at: method in NXDataLinkManager which simply reestablishes the link that Image has to another document (that was at oldSelection in the old document) by setting the destination selection of the link to the selection which represents the Image's location in the new document ([graphic selection]).

The useNewIdentifier thing is so that if you copy and immediately paste back into the same document, no actual change occurs (this is important in case someone else is linked to something that is in turn linked to something else--just trust me, you want copy/paste from/to the same document to be a net ``no-change'' in the document as far as links are concerned).


Importing a linked thing happens only via the addLink:toGraphic:at:update: method.  No where else in Draw is a linked thing added to the document (except, of course in readLinkForGraphic:fromPasteboard:useNewIdentifier:, but that's a special case).

Let's quickly summarize how this method works:

The arguments are simple.  The link is an NXDataLink gotten either from a file (.objlink) or from a Pasteboard (during Paste and Link) or was alloc/init'ed pointing to a file.  See the callers of addLink:... to see about that.  The graphic is just an Image or TextGraphic created from the same Pasteboard we got the link out of or from the file that we alloc/init'ed the link to point to.  If graphic nil, then we probably got the link from a .objlink file, so we don't actually know what kind of data we're talking about yet.  We take care of that first thing in this method (see the next paragraph).  The update argument is used to describe whether this is a normal link, or a link which is never updated (link buttons and links to files represented by the file's icon are the classic examples of these) or a link which must be updated immediately because we don't yet have any data for it (again, see the next paragraph).

The first if-statement handles the case of pasting or dragging in an NXDataLink without any corresponding data (i.e. no PostScript or TIFF to go with it).  This is always the case for a .objlink file, and could conceivably be the case for a Copy/Paste and Link if the app that copied the stuff in only copied the NXDataLink and forgot to (or chose not to for some reason) put the thing being linked to itself in the Pasteboard.  Anyway, what that first if-statement does is figure out what data types the NXDataLink deals in (again, e.g., PostScript or RTF or some such) and creates an ``empty'' Graphic (an Image or TextGraphic) which will be filled in immediately when, later in the method, we force an updateDestination to occur (setting the update mode to UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY is what does this).

The second if-statement is what's doing all the work, of course.  First, it asks the Graphic which is going to be the destination of this Object Link (it'll be an Image or TextGraphic) for an NXSelection object which represents it.  Then it ``adds'' the link to the NXDataLinkManager.    If the link is successfully added, then we let the Image or TextGraphic know about the link to it (only so that we can ask for it back later, the Image and TextGraphic's never actually do anything themselves with the link).  Next, we put the Graphic into the document using the standard placeGraphic:at: method that we always use to add foreign data to the view (see gvPasteboard.m).

Finally, if we need to update the link immediately because we have no data, we do so by calling updateDestination, then ensuring that the update actually caused some data to flow over by seeing if the Graphic isValid.  This works well for Image's, but not so well for TextGraphic's, I'm afraid (they always say they are valid!).  Anyway, it's better than nothing.

That's it for exporting and importing links.  Not so bad, is it?

Updating Links

Now, how do we actually update links (in either direction)?  This, too, is simple.  Whenever NeXTSTEP wants you to update someone else who is linked to you, it sends you the message copyToPasteboard:at:cheapCopyAllowed:.  Whenever NeXTSTEP asks someone else to update something that is linked into your document, it sends you the message pasteFromPasteboard:at: (or importFile:at: if it's a whole file).  All you have to do is to responds to these messages sensibly (you should assume that they can be called at any time).  Return nil from these methods if the NXSelection's in question no longer exist (in their entirety).

Draw's implementation of these methods is very straightforward (these methods are almost always really easy to implement if you already implement Copy/Paste or Services).

In pasteFromPasteboard:at:, it just finds the Image or TextGraphic represented by the NXSelection passed to it (see findGraphicInSelection:), then sends a message to that Graphic to reinitialize itself with the data in the Pasteboard passed to it.  It then updates the view and marks the view as edited.

The method importFile:at: is just like pasteFromPasteboard:at:, except that the source of the data comes out of a file instead of from a Pasteboard.  This happens when you create an Object Link to a whole file without involving the application that knows how to edit that file (see gvDrag.m and the stuff where we drag a file into Draw with the Control key down (which means create a link to this file)).

In copyToPasteboard:at:cheapCopyAllowed:, there are basically two paths that can be taken depending on whether cheapCopyAllowed is true.  cheapCopyAllowed just means that you can use the lazy pasteboard mechanism to the fullest because NeXTSTEP guarantees that no changes to your document can occur between the time this method is called and the time the lazy provideData: is called.  In other words, when cheapCopyAllowed is true, we don't actually have to write the Draw objects in the selection to the pasteboard by value, we can simply write a reference to them.

So, in Draw, when cheapCopyAllowed is true, we just declare that we can provide PostScript and TIFF, but write neither to the Pasteboard (we'll provide it lazily).  Of course, when the lazy provideData: is called, we have to know what part of our document to put into the Pasteboard, so we simply drop in the NXSelection that we were asked to copyToPasteboard:.

Thus, in the cheapCopyAllowed case, the actual work of putting the data in is done in the INSTANCE method pasteboard:provideData:!  It is okay to use the instance as the owner of the Pasteboard because the system has guaranteed us that our document would not be changed (especially not FREED!).  The implementation of provideData: is really simple since we already had methods lying around that could write the PostScript or TIFF for a list of Graphic's into a stream (write{PS,TIFF}ToStream:usingList:).  We get the list of Graphic's to write from the NXSelection we put in there (see how this all just dovetails together? Idn it great?).

When cheapCopyAllowed is not true, then we just do what we normally do when the user hits Copy, we just do it with the Graphic's that are in the passed NXSelection instead of the ones in the current selection.  We plop the list of Graphic's into the Pasteboard and let the normal lazy Pasteboard stuff take care of the rest (the CLASS method pasteboard:provideData: in this case, see gvPasteboard.m).

Miscellaneous methods.

There's a few other little methods you may want to implement.

You'll probably want something akin to updateLinksPanel which just keeps the Link Inspector panel up to date (it is called from windowDidUpdate: in DrawDocument).

The showSelection: method in gvLinks.m (the actual names of some of these methods is different, see DrawDocument.m which forwards them onto GraphicView) is sent by NeXTSTEP when the user asks to show the source of an Object Link that comes from your document.  It is very nice to respond properly to this message (the user will certainly be expecting this to work in your application).  It is very easy for Draw to get the bounding box of the Graphic's in the passed selection (it even draws the little drag-selection rectangle if that's the kind of NXSelection it is) since we already have methods lying around that, given a list of Graphic's can find their bounding box.

There is one notable thing that Draw does when showing source selections.  It uses the fact that all the drawing done in a Draw document is actually done in an off-screen cache and composited to the screen.  When Draw shows a source selection, it draws them directly to the on-screen window, then remembers the areas in which it draw (this is the invalidRect).  Then, it leaves the source selection showing until the user touches the view (see drawSelf::) at which point, it just blows the invalidRect away by copying that rectangle from the off-screen cache.  If you do double-buffering like this in your application, this trick is easy and effective.

The breakLinkAndRedrawOutlines: method in Draw is what keeps the link outlines up-to-date.  When the user chooses Show Links from the menu, all things that are linked into your document should show a border around them (there is a NeXTSTEP function to draw this border).  These borders are kind of the opposite of what the showSelection: method draws (i.e. showSelection: shows what Object Links originate in your document, and Show Links shows the Object Links that are linked into your document from somewhere else).  The argument to breakLinkAndRedrawOutlines: is a link that was recently broken by NeXTSTEP (this method is called from DrawDocument's dataLinkManager:didBreakLink: and dataLinkManagerRedrawLinkOutlines: methods which are sent by NeXTSTEP).

If the link argument is nil, it means that no link was broken, so Draw just redraws all the link outlines.  If the argument is not nil, then the method searches for the Graphic which held that link and redraws it so that it's outline goes away.  Furthermore, if it was a link that didn't show the source data (i.e. it was a link button or file icon or something), that Graphic is removed from the document (since it is now disconnected and useless--don't we all feel that way sometimes?).

Tracking Links

Finally, there is the task of tracking the sources of links.  This is optional behaviour but is really a must if you want to implement Continually updating links.  The idea here is that you tell NeXTSTEP when a selection which is the source of a link which you export has changed.  Otherwise, NeXTSTEP has to assume that every time your document is edited that all the links that you export have changed.  In other words, this is a performance optimization, but a valuable one.

Note that you don't have to track all your links, only the ones that are showing up in other documents that are on the screen at the same time.  NeXTSTEP (through the NXDataLinkManager) will tell you when to start and stop tracking links (NeXTSTEP is such a polite entity, is it not?).

Draw tracks links very easily by making the assumption that if any region of the Draw document which is redrawn overlaps the source of a link, that link must have changed and needs to be updated.  Since Draw has a nice knothole through which all updates to the document go (cache:), this is a mere matter of keeping track of the boundaries of the sources of links which Draw exports.

Draw does this by keeping a Storage object which a struct in it that has three pieces of information.

1. The rectangle which encloses the source of the link.
2. The link in question.
3. What type of selection is involved (all, drag or normal).

Almost every time cache: is called (sometimes cache:andUpdateLinks: is called with NO as its argument, but not very often, grep the code and you find out the times when that is necessary) the method updateTrackedLinks: is called.  This method has a two-fold purpose:

1. Notify the NXDataLinkManager if any of the currently-being-tracked links intersects the area which was just cache:'ed.
2. Reevaluate the bounds of any of the source selections that intersects the area which was just cache:'ed.

We must do step #2, because the thing that might have caused cache: to get called could have been that the user resized one of the objects which are linked to.  Thus, step #2 is not necessary for the drag-selection (since that originally dragged-out box can never ``change size'') and allSelection cases.  Step #2 is implemented simply by getting the NXSelection from the link, calling findGraphicsInSelection:, then calling the already-existing getBBox:of: method.

All we do in startTrackingLinks: and stopTrackingLinks: is add/remove structs from the Storage object.


Well, that's all there is about links and Draw.  I hope this document is illuminating.  The take-home messages should be that Object Links should be simple to implement if you already implement Copy/Paste and/or Services.  The only ``hard part'' might be figuring out how to represent a selection in your document.  Good luck with that part. :-)

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.