
This is Graphic.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#ifndef _GRAPHIC_H_
#define _GRAPHIC_H_

@class GraphicView;

#define KNOB_DY_ONCE  0x1
#define KNOB_DY_TWICE 0x2
#define KNOB_DX_ONCE  0x4
#define KNOB_DX_TWICE 0x8

/* corners */

#define LOWER_LEFT	(0x10)

/* special corner which means upper right, but also note that we're creating */

#define CREATE		(0x20)

/* corner mask values */

#define LEFT_SIDE_MASK		(1 << LEFT_SIDE)
#define TOP_SIDE_MASK		(1 << TOP_SIDE)
#define ALL_CORNERS		0xffffffff

/* arrows */

#define ARROW_AT_START	1
#define ARROW_AT_END	2
#define ARROW_AT_BOTH	3

/* Fills - These must match up with the order in the PopUpList in the Inspector Panel */

#define FILL_NONE	0
#define FILL_EO		1
#define FILL_NZWR	2

extern id CrossCursor;

@interface Graphic : Object
    NXRect bounds;			/* the bounds */
    float linewidth;			/* linewidth */
    int rotAngle;                     /* the rotation angle */
    NXPoint unrotOrigin;
    struct _gFlags {
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
	unsigned int selected:1;	/* whether selected */
	unsigned int active:1;		/* whether to really draw in draw: */
	unsigned int eofill:1;		/* whether eofilled */
	unsigned int fillColorSet:1;	/* whether to put frame around fill */
	unsigned int downhill:1;	/* Line: direction line goes */
	unsigned int initialized:1;	/* subclass specific */
	unsigned int linewidthSet:1;	/* used when archiving only */
	unsigned int lineColorSet:1;	/* used when archiving only */
	unsigned int linejoin:2;	/* line join */
	unsigned int linecap:2;		/* line cap */
	unsigned int fill:1;		/* whether filled */
	unsigned int locked:1;		/* locked down? */
	unsigned int arrow:2;		/* arrow position */
	unsigned int nooutline:1;	/* whether the graphic is outlined */
	unsigned int isFormEntry:1;	/* whether the graphic is a form entry (TextGraphic only) */
	unsigned int localizeFormEntry:1; /* whether to localize a form entry (TextGraphic only) */
	unsigned int mightBeLinked:1;	/* set if Graphic has ever had a link associated with it */
	unsigned int goleft:1;		/* Line: direction line goes */
	unsigned int padding:11;
	unsigned int padding:11;
	unsigned int goleft:1;
	unsigned int mightBeLinked:1;
	unsigned int localizeFormEntry:1;
	unsigned int isFormEntry:1;
	unsigned int nooutline:1;
	unsigned int arrow:2;
	unsigned int locked:1;
	unsigned int fill:1;
	unsigned int linecap:2;
	unsigned int linejoin:2;
	unsigned int lineColorSet:1;
	unsigned int linewidthSet:1;
	unsigned int initialized:1;
	unsigned int downhill:1;
	unsigned int fillColorSet:1;
	unsigned int eofill:1;
	unsigned int active:1;
	unsigned int selected:1;
    } gFlags;
    NXColor *lineColor;
    NXColor *fillColor;
    int identifier;			/* unique identifier */

/* Factory methods */

+ showFastKnobFills;
+ initialize;
+ (BOOL)isEditable;
+ cursor;

+ (int)currentGraphicIdentifier;
+ updateCurrentGraphicIdentifier:(int)newMaxIdentifier;

/* Initialization method */

- init;

/* Called when a GraphicView is unarchived */

- awake;

/* Private methods (for subclassers only) */

- setGraphicsState;
- setLineColor;
- setFillColor;
- (int)cornerMask;

/* Data link methods */

- setLink:(NXDataLink *)aLink;
- (NXDataLink *)link;
- (Graphic *)graphicLinkedBy:(NXDataLink *)aLink;
- reviveLink:(NXDataLinkManager *)linkManager;
- (NXSelection *)selection;
- (BOOL)mightBeLinked;

/* Notification from GraphicView */

- wasRemovedFrom:(GraphicView *)sender;
- wasAddedTo:(GraphicView *)sender;

/* Methods for uniquely identifying a Graphic. */

- resetIdentifier;
- (int)identifier;
- writeIdentifierTo:(char *)buffer;
- (Graphic *)graphicIdentifiedBy:(int)anIdentifier;

/* Event handling */

- (BOOL)handleEvent:(NXEvent *)event at:(const NXPoint *)p inView:(View *)view;

/* Number of Graphics this Graphic represents (1 for non-Group). */

- (int)graphicCount;

/* Public routines (called mostly by a GraphicView or subclassers). */

- (const char *)title;
- (BOOL)isSelected;
- (BOOL)isActive;
- (BOOL)isLocked;
- select;
- deselect;
- activate;
- deactivate;
- lock;
- unlock;

- (BOOL)isFormEntry;
- setFormEntry:(int)flag;
- (BOOL)hasFormEntries;
- (BOOL)writeFormEntryToStream:(NXStream *)stream;

- setCacheable:(BOOL)flag;
- (BOOL)isCacheable;

- getBounds:(NXRect *)theRect;
- setBounds:(const NXRect *)aRect;
- (NXRect *)getExtendedBounds:(NXRect *)theRect;

- (int)knobHit:(const NXPoint *)point;

- draw:(const NXRect *)rect;

- (BOOL)canEmitEPS;
- (BOOL)canEmitTIFF;

- moveLeftEdgeTo:(const NXCoord *)x;
- moveRightEdgeTo:(const NXCoord *)x;
- moveTopEdgeTo:(const NXCoord *)y;
- moveBottomEdgeTo:(const NXCoord *)y;
- moveHorizontalCenterTo:(const NXCoord *)x;
- moveVerticalCenterTo:(const NXCoord *)y;
- moveBaselineTo:(const NXCoord *)y;
- (NXCoord)baseline;

- moveBy:(const NXPoint *)offset;
- moveTo:(const NXPoint *)p;
- centerAt:(const NXPoint *)center;
- sizeTo:(const NXSize *)size;
- sizeToNaturalAspectRatio;
- alignToGrid:(GraphicView *)graphicView;
- sizeToGrid:(GraphicView *)graphicView;
- rotateTo: (const int *) angle;
- rotateBy: (const int *) angle;
- (int) rotation;

/* Compatibility methods */

- replaceWithImage;

/* Public routines (called mostly by inspectors and the like). */

- setLineWidth:(const float *)value;
- (float)lineWidth;
- setLineColor:(const NXColor *)color;
- (Graphic *)colorAcceptorAt:(const NXPoint *)point;
- (NXColor)lineColor;
- setFillColor:(const NXColor *)color;
- (NXColor)fillColor;
- changeFont:sender;
- (Font *)font;
- setGray:(const float *)value;
- (float)gray;
- setFill:(int)mode;
- (int)fill;
- setOutlined:(BOOL)outlinedFlag;
- (BOOL)isOutlined;
- setLineCap:(int)capValue;
- (int)lineCap;
- setLineArrow:(int)arrowValue;
- (int)lineArrow;
- setLineJoin:(int)joinValue;
- (int)lineJoin;

/* Archiving (must be overridden by subclasses with instance variables) */

- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream;

/* Routines intended to be subclassed for different types of Graphics. */

 * Can be overridden to provide more sophisticated size constraining
 * than an aspect ratio (though that is almost always sufficient).
 * For example, Line overrides this to constrain to closes 15 degree angle.
 * constrainByDefault says whether constraining is the default or not for
 * the receiving kind of Graphic.

- (BOOL)constrainByDefault;
- constrainCorner:(int)corner toAspectRatio:(float)aspect;

 * Can be overridden to resize the Graphic differently than the
 * default (which is to drag out the bounds), or to do something
 * before and/or after the subclass is resized.  This is called
 * during the default creation method as well (create:in:).

- resize:(NXEvent *)event by:(int)corner in:(GraphicView *)view;

 * Possible override candidate for different types of Graphics.
 * Should return YES if the Graphic got created okay.
 * The most common need to override this method is if the creation
 * of the Graphic requires multiple mouseUps and mouseDowns (for
 * an arbitrary arc, for example).

- (BOOL)create:(NXEvent *)event in:(GraphicView *)view;

 * Override hit: if you want your subclass to only get selected when the
 * mouse goes down in certain parts of the bounds (not the whole bounds).
 * e.g. Lines only get selected if you click close to them.

- (BOOL)hit:(const NXPoint *)point;

 * Returns YES if this Graphic can't be seen through.
 * Default behaviour is to return YES if the Graphic isFilled.

- (BOOL)isOpaque;

 * Returns YES if the Graphic is properly formed (usually this just
 * refers to whether it is big enough to be a real graphic during creation).
 * This is called by create:in:.  By default it returns YES if the Graphic
 * is at least 10.0 by 10.0 pixels in size.

- (BOOL)isValid;

 * This is the Graphic's natural aspect ratio.  If it doesn't have a natural
 * aspect ratio, then this method should return zero (the default return).

- (float)naturalAspectRatio;

 * Called repeatedly as the user drags the mouse to create or resize
 * the Graphic.  The default implementation does the right thing.
 * The specified corner should be moved to the specified point.

- (int)moveCorner:(int)corner to:(const NXPoint *)point constrain:(BOOL)flag;

 * This routine actually draws the graphic.  It should be draw to fit the
 * bounds instance variable.  Be sure to use all the parameters listed in
 * the instance variable list (e.g. linewidth, fillgray, etc.) that are
 * appropriate to this object.  It is probably a good idea to do a newpath
 * and a closepath at the beginning and the end of draw.
 * If a sublcass just wants to draw a unit-sized version of itself
 * (i.e. it draws itself in a bounding box of {{0.0,0.0},{1.0,1.0}})
 * it can just override unitDraw (and not draw).

- unitDraw;
- draw;

 * Should return YES iff the Graphic can be "edited."  It is up to the
 * subclass of Graphic to determine what this means for it.  Usually
 * it means that it has text and allows that text to be edited by the
 * user (e.g. TextGraphic).  Default is to do nothing and return NO.

- (BOOL)edit:(NXEvent *)event in:(View *)view;

/* Methods added to support Hippo drawing */

- forward:(SEL)aSelector :(marg_list)argFrame;
   * implemented to trap messages destined to Plot objects.
   * They should be trapped here and be harmless to non-plot objects


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.