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INHERITS FROM	Responder : Object

DECLARED IN	ChangeManager.h


The ChangeManager class is the part of the undo mechanism that collects change objects and manipulates the undo and redo menu items. This class works with the Change class to provide a simple way to implement multi-level undo. Change managers communicate with change objects through the responder chain. By deriving window delegates from ChangeManager you can easily implement document-level undo. By installing a change manager as an application delegate you can also implement application wide undo.


Inherited from Object	Class	isa;

Inherited from Responder	id	nextResponder;

Declared in ChangeManager	List	*_changesList;
	Change	*_lastChange;
	Change	*_nextChange;
	Change	*_changeInProgress;
	int	_numberOfDoneChanges;
	int	_numberOfUndoneChanges;
	int	_numberOfDoneChangesAtLastClean;
	BOOL	_someChangesForgotten;
	int	_changesDisabled;

_changesList 	A list of changes that have been made.

_lastChange	The id of the change that can be undone.

_nextChange	The id of the change that can be redone.

_changeInProgress	The id of the change which is currently underway.

_numberOfDoneChanges	The number of changes made.

_numberOfUndoneChanges	The number of changes that have been undone.

_numberofDoneChangesAtLastClean	A count of changes made when clean was last called.

_someChangesForgotten	YES if some changes have been thrown away

_changesDisabled	The number of nested calls to disableChanges:.


Initializing and freeing 	- init
	± free

Disabling undo	± disableChanges:
	± enableChanges:

Examining state	± canUndo
	± canRedo
	± isDirty
Setting state	± dirty:
	± clean:
	± reset:
Validating Menu Commands	± validateCommand:

Undoing and Redoing	± undoOrRedoChange:
	± undoChange:
	± redoChange:
Tracking change progress	± changeInProgress:
	± changeComplete:
Subclass notification	± changeWasDone
	± changeWasUndone
	± changeWasRedone


- (BOOL)canRedo

Returns YES if there is a Change that can be redone. The name of this Change will be visible in the redo or undo/redo menu item. You should not need to override this method.

See also:  ± validateCommand:

- (BOOL)canUndo

Returns YES if there is a Change that can be undone. The name of this Change will be visible in the undo or undo/redo menu item. You should not override this method.

See also:  ± validateCommand:

- changeComplete:change

Called by Change objects to signify that change is done. The receiving ChangeManager will then ask change to save the new state information via saveAfterChange. Just before returning, the changeComplete: method sends a changeWasDone message to self, which provides subclasses of ChangeManager with an opportunity to react to the change. You should never call changeComplete: directly, nor should you override it.

See also:  ± changeInProgress:, ± changeWasDone, ± saveAfterChange (Change)

- changeInProgress:change

Called by Change objects to signify that a change is about to be made. If changes have been disabled using disableChanges: then changeInProgress: will send a disable message to change and immediately return. If changes have not been disabled, the receiving ChangeManager tries to find a home for change. If another Change is already in progress that Change is sent an incorporateChange: message with change as the argument. If the Change in progress returns YES then change is sent a saveBeforeChange message, otherwise it is sent a disable message. If there is no Change already in progress, but there is a previous completed Change then the previous Change is sent a subsumeChange: message with change as the argument. If the previous Change returns YES then change is sent a disable message. If the previous Change returns NO, or if there is no previous Change, change is sent a saveBeforeChange message and set to be the current Change in progress, and the previous Change, if there is one, is sent a finishChange message. You should never need to call changeInProgress: directly, nor should you need to override it.

See also:  ± changeComplete:, ± saveBeforeChange (Change), ± incorporateChange: (Change), ± subsumeChange: (Change), ± finishChange (Change)

- changeWasDone

Override this method if your subclass needs to know when a change has been made. For example, this hook can be used to update the close box on a document window to reflect the dirty state of the ChangeManager. You should not call this method directly.

See also:  ± changeWasRedone, ± changeWasUndone, ± isDirty

- changeWasRedone

Override this method if your subclass needs to know when a change has been redone. For example, this hook can be used to update the close box on a document window to reflect the dirty state of the ChangeManager. You should not call this method directly.

See also:  ± changeWasDone, ± changeWasUndone, ± isDirty

- changeWasUndone

Override this method if your subclass needs to know when a change has been undone. For example, this hook can be used to update the close box on a document window to reflect the dirty state of the ChangeManager. You should not call this method directly.

See also:  ± changeWasDone, ± changeWasRedone, ± isDirty

- clean:sender

Tells the receiving ChangeManager to consider its current state to be clean. Calls to isDirty will return NO until further change activity occurs. In ChangeManagers that correspond to documents, you should call clean: each time the document is saved. By doing this, the isDirty method can be used to tell whether the saved representation of the document matches the internal memory representation. When overriding this method you should begin your method with ª[super clean:sender]º.

See also:  ± dirty:, ± reset:, ± isDirty

- dirty:sender

Forces the receiving ChangeManager to appear dirty. Call this method when your code as made a change that wasn't recorded with a Change object. After a dirty message is received the isDirty method will return YES until a clean: or reset: message is received. When overriding this method you should begin your method with ª[super dirty:sender]º.

See also:  ± clean:, ± reset:, ± isDirty

- disableChanges:sender

This method increments the receiver's changesDisabled instance variable. As long as changesDisabled is non-zero, new change objects will be disabled. You should not need to override this method.

See also:  ± enableChanges, ± disable (Change)

- enableChanges:sender

Decrements the receiver's changesDisabled instance variable. You should not need to override this method.

See also:  ± disableChanges

- free

Calls reset: to clean out any change objects and frees the ChangeManager object.

- init

Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated ChangeManager object.

- (BOOL)isDirty

Returns NO if no net change activity has occurred since the ChangeManager was initialized or since the last clean: or reset: message was received. For example, if a single Change has been undone and then redone since the last clean: message, then isDirty will return NO. The completion of the next new, non-disabled Change will cause isDirty to return YES. You should not need to override this method.

See also:  ± disableChanges:, ± clean:, ± dirty:, ± reset:

- redoChange:sender

This method should be the action performed by the redo menu item in an application with multiple-undo. The redoChange: method sends a redoChange message to the last Change that was undone. The name of this Change will then appear in the undo menu item. Your application should not use both redoChange: and undoOrRedoChange: at the same time. You should not need to override this method.

See also:  ± undoChange:, ± undoOrRedoChange:

- reset:sender

Causes the receiving ChangeManager to free all the Change objects that it is managing. The state of the ChangeManager is re-initialized to the state after it first received the init message. When overriding this method you should begin your method with ª[super reset:sender]º.

- undoChange:sender

This method should be the action performed by the undo menu item in an application with multiple-undo. The undoChange: method sends an undoChange message to the last Change that was done or redone. The name of this Change will then appear in the redo menu item. Your application should not use both undoChange: and undoOrRedoChange: at the same time. You should not need to override this method.

See also:  ± redoChange:, ± undoOrRedoChange:

- undoOrRedoChange:sender

This method should be the action performed by the undo menu item in an application offering single-level undo. If the last change has already been done, then it will be undone. If was just undone, then it will be redone. In order to make your application use single-level undo you must edit ChangeManager.m and define the N_LEVEL_UNDO constant to be 1. Your application should not use both undoChange: and undoOrRedoChange: at the same time. You should not need to override this method.

Although undoOrRedoChange: is really intended for applications with single-level undo, it will attempt to do something reasonable in applications with multiple-undo. If there is a Change that can be undone undoOrRedoChange: sends an undoChange message to the Change. If there is no Change that can be undone, but there is a Change that can be redone then undoOrRedoChange: sends a redoChange message to the Change.

See also:  ± undoChange:, ± redoChange:

- (BOOL)validateCommand:menuCell

This method can be used to change the state of menu items corresponding to undo, redo and undo/redo. Use this method as the update action for menu cells that invoke undoChange:, redoChange:, or undoOrRedoChange:. The value returned is YES if the command specified in the update action of menuCell is valid.

Independent of whether the command is valid or not, the change manager may update the title of menuCell to contain the correct name of the current changes.

See also:  ± undoChange:, ± redoChange:, ± undoOrRedoChange:, ± setUpdateAction:forMenu: (MenuCell)

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