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The Change class is an abstract superclass that is part of the undo mechanism. Create subclasses of Change to represent user actions that should be undoable. Each time the user performs one of these actions, your application should create a change object (an instance of a subclass of Change).


Inherited from Object	Class	isa;

Declared in Change	struct {
unsigned int		disabled:1;
unsigned int		hasBeenDone:1;
unsigned int		changeInProgress:1;
unsigned int		padding:29;
}	_changeFlags;
id	_changeManager;

_changeFlags.disabled 	YES if this change should not be remembered.

_changeFlags.hasBeenDone	YES after the change has been originally made or redone.

_changeFlags.changeInProgress	YES if the change has not yet been done the first time.

_changeManager	The id of the ChangeManager that owns this change.


Initializing a Change	- init

Called by application code	± startChange
	± startChangeIn:
	± endChange
	± changeManager

Called by ChangeManager	± disable
	± disabled
	± hasBeenDone
	± changeInProgress
	± changeName

Used exclusively by ChangeManager	± saveBeforeChange
	± saveAfterChange
	± undoChange
	± redoChange
	± subsumeChange:
	± incorporateChange:
	± finishChange


- (BOOL)changeInProgress

Returns YES if the receiving Change has been sent a startChange or startChangeIn: message but has not yet received an endChange message. You should not need to override this method.

See also:  ± startChange, ± endChange

- changeManager

Returns the ChangeManager responsible for handling the receiving Change. This method will return nil until either a startChange or startChangeIn: message has been sent to the Change, at which point the Change will find the responsible ChangeManager by searching up the responder chain for the nearest ChangeManager. You should not need to override this method.

See also:  ± startChange

- (const char *)changeName

Override this method to return the name to be used by the ChangeManager in the Undo and Redo menu items. This method is called by validateCommand: in the ChangeManager class.

See also:  ± validateCommand: (ChangeManager)

- disable

This method is called to tell the receiving Change that it won't be recorded as an explicit change, and won't ever be asked to undoChange or redoChange. The actual changes represented by the change object will still take place, but the ChangeManager won't record them as a separate action. ChangeManager does not send saveBeforeChange and saveAfterChange messages to disabled Change objects. A Change object will be disabled by its ChangeManager if any of the following conditions are true: changes have been explicitly disabled in the ChangeManager; the Change was initiated while another Change was already in progress and the Change in progress declined to incorporateChange: the new change; or the previous (complete) Change elects to subsumeChange: the new Change. You should not need to override this method.

See also:  ± saveBeforeChange, ± saveAfterChange, ± incorporateChange:, ± subsumeChange:, ± disableChanges: (ChangeManager)

- (BOOL)disabled

Returns YES if the change object has received a disable message.

See also:  ± disable

- endChange

Signals that a change is complete. This method should be called after the startChange method or startChangeIn: method has been sent to the same Change. If the receiver has not been disabled, the endChange method will send a changeComplete: message to the receiver's ChangeManager. Before this method returns, the ChangeManager will send a saveAfterChange message back to the Change. If the receiver has been disabled or was unable to find a ChangeManager when it started then endChange will cause the receiver to free itself. You should not need to override this method.

See also:  ± saveAfterChange, ± startChange, ± changeComplete: (ChangeManager)

- finishChange

The vast majority of all subclasses of Change will not need to use this method. The finishChange method is intended to be overridden only in subclasses who's instances subsume other Change instances, and only then by subclasses that need to perform some special action after the last subsumable Change has been subsumed. ChangeManager sends finishChange just before the receiving Change is asked to undoChange or just after the receiving Change declines to subsumeChange: another Change. If a change is repeatedly undone and redone, the ChangeManager will repeatedly send the finishChange message to the same Change, so it is important that the Change keep track of whether this method has already been called.

See also:  ± subsumeChange:

- (BOOL)hasBeenDone

Returns YES if the Change has been done for the first time or if the change has been redone. Specifically, hasBeenDone returns NO if the receiver has never been sent an endChange message or if the receiver has been sent an undoChange message more recently than a redoChange message.

- (BOOL)incorporateChange:change

The incorporateChange: method is called by the ChangeManager if the receiving Change is in progress when a new change is initiated. The receiving Change is given the opportunity to incorporate the new change. This mechanism can be used when one user action would create multiple Change objects. For example, a paste command might implemented using two independent, Change producing methods, one for deleting the current selection and one for creating the new selection. In this case, both the deletion Change and the creation Change should really be part of a single paste Change, which will incorporate them as sub-changes. Unlike subsumeChange:, this method is called only when a Change is in progress. 

Most subclasses of Change will not need to use this method. You should never need to call this method directly, although you may occasionally want to override it. Your implementation should return YES if the specified change should be incorporated into the receiving Change. By returning YES, the receiving Change accepts responsibility for the incorporated change, and the ChangeManager will not keep track of it nor free it. Your implementation should return NO when change can't or shouldn't be incorporated in the receiving Change. In this case, change will be disabled and ignored. The default implementation always returns NO. Note that in either case the receiving Change must still be able to undo any changes in state that happen from the time it receives a startChange message until it receives an endChange message. 
See also:  ± disable, ± subsumeChange:

- init

Initializes the receiver, a newly allocated Change object.

- redoChange

Called by the change manager to re-issue a change after it has been undone. This is accomplished by restoring the state of the application using the state information recorded by saveAfterChange. You should not need to call this method directly. When overriding this method you should end your method with ªreturn [super redoChange]º.

See also:  ± undoChange, ± saveAfterChange

- saveAfterChange

Called by the ChangeManager after the receiving Change is sent an endChange message, provided the Change is not disabled. Override this method to save any state information modified during the course of the change. This state information can be used by the redoChange method to redo a change after it has been undone. You should not need to call this method directly. 

See also:  ± saveBeforeChange, ± redoChange

- saveBeforeChange

Called by the ChangeManager after the receiving Change is sent a startChange or startChangeIn: message, provided the Change is not disabled. Override this method to save any state information necessary to undo the change later on. For example, if a change causes a variable to be updated, the saveBeforeChange method could save the current value of the variable for later use by undoChange. You should not need to call this method directly.

See also:  ± saveAfterChange, ± undoChange

- startChange

This method, or its sibling method startChangeIn:, is called once per Change by your application code to signal that a change is about to take place. The Change will open a connection to the nearest ChangeManager on the responder chain. The id of this ChangeManager will be saved in the changeManager instance variable. If the application is not active startChange will fail to find a ChangeManager. Use startChangeIn: instead of startChange if the application is not active. The startChange method will return nil if no ChangeManager is found. If a ChangeManager is found, it will be sent a changeInProgress: message and it will either send the Change either a disable message or a saveBeforeChange message before startChange returns. The code for causing the change should follow a call to startChange and should be followed directly by a call to endChange. You should not need to override this method.

See also:  ± endChange, ± saveBeforeChange, ± startChangeIn:, ± isActive (Application)

- startChangeIn:aView

This method is identical to the startChange method, except that startChangeIn: may successfully locate a ChangeManager even if the application is not the active application, which startChange will not. In order to find a ChangeManager startChangeIn: must be passed aView in which the change is occurring, which it will use to find the beginning of the responder chain. You should not need to override this method.

See also:  ± endChange, ± saveBeforeChange, ± startChange, ± isActive (Application)

- (BOOL)subsumeChange:change

This method is called by the ChangeManager to offer the receiver (which is the last completed Change) the opportunity to subsume the next Change about to be performed by the application. Override this method when you want to coalesce a series of similar Changes into one large Change. For example, a series of cursor movements could be collapsed into a single Change. The first Change created by cursor movement would subsume all cursor Changes following it directly. The ChangeManager only calls this method on completed Changes.

Most subclasses of Change will not need to use this method. You should never need to call this method directly, although you may occasionally want to override it. Your implementation should return YES if you wish to signal that change should be subsumed. In this case, change will be disabled and will be freed as soon as it receives an endChange message. Note that the current change is expected to be able to undo any changes in state that occur before change receives the endChange message. You should return NO when change cannot be subsumed by the current change. When this happens, the ChangeManager will send the receiver a finishChange message and then record change as an independent change The default implementation always returns NO.

See also:  ± disable, ± incorporateChange:

- undoChange

This method tells the receiving Change to restore the state information first saved when saveBeforeChange was called. This information should be sufficient to restore the state of the application to the way it was before the change took place. This method may either be called to undo the Change after the first time the Change was made, or after a Change has been redone. You should not need to call this method directly. When overriding this method you should end your method with ªreturn [super undoChange]º.

See also:  ± redoChange, ± saveBeforeChange

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