
This is Complex.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

	This file is part of 

	'FractalView' - A Fractal Calculation Program for NeXTStep 3.x

		Peter Merz 
		Kaerntner Str. 9a 
		57223 Kreuztal - GERMANY

	Copyright (C) 1995 Peter Merz


	License to freely use and distribute this software is hereby granted,
 	by the author, subject to the condition that this copyright notice,
  	remains intact.  The author retains the exclusive right to publish,
	derivative works based on this work, including, but not limited to, 
  	revised versions of this work.


#ifndef _Complex_h

#pragma interface

#define _Complex_h

#include <math.h>

class Complex

  		double	re, im;


		Complex();					/* Constructor */
		Complex(const Complex& y);	/* Constructor */
		Complex(double r, double i=0);	/* Constructor */
		~Complex();					/* Destructor */

  		double		real() const;		/* Selector */
  		double		imag() const;		/* Selector */

		Complex&	operator =  (const Complex& y);

		Complex&         operator += (const Complex& y);
		Complex&         operator += (double y);
		Complex&         operator -= (const Complex& y);
		Complex&         operator -= (double y);
		Complex&         operator *= (const Complex& y);
		Complex&         operator *= (double y);
		Complex&         operator /= (const Complex& y); 
		Complex&         operator /= (double y); 

		void             	error(const char* msg) const;

		friend Complex  operator - (const Complex& x);

		friend Complex  operator + (const Complex& x, const Complex& y);
		friend Complex  operator + (const Complex& x, double y);
		friend Complex  operator + (double x, const Complex& y);
		friend Complex  operator - (const Complex& x, const Complex& y);
		friend Complex  operator - (const Complex& x, double y);
		friend Complex  operator - (double x, const Complex& y);
		friend Complex  operator * (const Complex& x, const Complex& y);
		friend Complex  operator * (const Complex& x, double y);
		friend Complex  operator * (double x, const Complex& y);
		friend Complex   operator /  (const Complex& x, const Complex& y);
		friend Complex   operator /  (const Complex& x, double y);
		friend Complex   operator /  (double   x, const Complex& y);
		friend int  operator == (const Complex& x, const Complex& y);
		friend int  operator == (const Complex& x, double y);
		friend int  operator != (const Complex& x, const Complex& y);
		friend int  operator != (const Complex& x, double y);

		friend Complex  conj(const Complex& x);
		friend double  real(const Complex& x);
		friend double  imag(const Complex& x);
		friend double  abs(const Complex& x);
		friend double  norm(const Complex& x);
		friend double  arg(const Complex& x);
		friend Complex  polar(double r, double t = 0.0);

		friend Complex   cos(const Complex& x);
		friend Complex   sin(const Complex& x);
		friend Complex   tan(const Complex& x);
		friend Complex   cosh(const Complex& x);
		friend Complex   sinh(const Complex& x);

		friend Complex   exp(const Complex& x);
		friend Complex   log(const Complex& x);

		friend Complex   pow(const Complex& x, int p);
		friend Complex   pow(const Complex& x, const Complex& p);
		friend Complex   pow(const Complex& x, double y);
		friend Complex   sqrt(const Complex& x);


inline double  Complex::real() const { return re; }
inline double  Complex::imag() const { return im; }

inline Complex::Complex() {}
inline Complex::Complex(const Complex& y) :re(y.re), im(y.im) {}
inline Complex::Complex(double r, double i) :re(r), im(i) {}

inline Complex::~Complex() {}

inline Complex&  Complex::operator =  (const Complex& y) { re = y.re; im = y.im; return *this; } 
inline Complex&  Complex::operator += (const Complex& y) { re += y.re;  im += y.im; return *this; }
inline Complex&  Complex::operator += (double y) { re += y; return *this; }
inline Complex&  Complex::operator -= (const Complex& y) { re -= y.re;  im -= y.im; return *this; }
inline Complex&  Complex::operator -= (double y) { re -= y; return *this; }

inline Complex&  Complex::operator *= (const Complex& y)
	double r = re * y.re - im * y.im;
	im = re * y.im + im * y.re; 
	re = r; 
	return *this; 

inline Complex&  Complex::operator *= (double y) {  re *=  y; im *=  y; return *this; }

inline int  operator == (const Complex& x, const Complex& y) { return x.re == y.re && x.im == y.im; }
inline int  operator == (const Complex& x, double y) { return x.im == 0.0 && x.re == y; }
inline int  operator != (const Complex& x, const Complex& y) { return x.re != y.re || x.im != y.im; }
inline int  operator != (const Complex& x, double y) { return x.im != 0.0 || x.re != y;}
inline Complex  operator - (const Complex& x) { return Complex(-x.re, -x.im); }
inline Complex  conj(const Complex& x) { return Complex(x.re, -x.im); }

inline Complex  operator + (const Complex& x, const Complex& y)
	{ return Complex(x.re + y.re, x.im + y.im); }

inline Complex  operator + (const Complex& x, double y) { return Complex(x.re + y, x.im); }
inline Complex  operator + (double x, const Complex& y) { return Complex(x + y.re, y.im); }

inline Complex  operator - (const Complex& x, const Complex& y) 
	{ return Complex(x.re - y.re, x.im - y.im);}

inline Complex  operator - (const Complex& x, double y) { return Complex(x.re - y, x.im); }
inline Complex  operator - (double x, const Complex& y) { return Complex(x - y.re, -y.im); }

inline Complex  operator * (const Complex& x, const Complex& y)
	{ return Complex(x.re * y.re - x.im * y.im, x.re * y.im + x.im * y.re); }

inline Complex  operator * (const Complex& x, double y) { return Complex(x.re * y, x.im * y); }
inline Complex  operator * (double x, const Complex& y) { return Complex(x * y.re, x * y.im); }

inline double  real(const Complex& x)		{ return x.re; }
inline double  imag(const Complex& x)	{ return x.im; }
inline double  abs(const Complex& x)		{ return hypot(x.re, x.im); }
inline double  norm(const Complex& x)	{ return (x.re*x.re + x.im*x.im); }
inline double  arg(const Complex& x)		{ return atan2(x.im, x.re); }
inline Complex  polar(double r, double t)	{ return Complex(r * cos(t), r * sin(t)); }


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.