
This is ChaosPlot.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <appkit/View.h>

@interface ChaosPlot:View
	id titleField;
	id xMaxField;
	id xMinField;
	id xLabelField;
	id yMaxField;
	id yMinField;
	id yLabelField;
	id cPlotStorage;

- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)r :(int)c;
- plotPoint:(float)x :(float)y;
- plotDelayedPoint;
- labelPlot:(char *)title Titlefont:titlefont 
	Xmax:(char *)xmax  Xlabel:(char *)xlabel  Xmin:(char *)xmin
	Ymax:(char *)ymax  Ylabel:(char *)ylabel  Ymin:(char *)ymin
- setUp;


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