This is the README for Abscissa.2.1.4.NIHS.b.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]
README for: Abscissa 2.1 a 2D Plot and Fit Program Abscissa is a 2D Plot and Fit program which is designed for scientific daily work. It offers: - ASCII import and export - EPS export - fast reading and plotting - plotting in many styles - linear and logarithmic axes - text and graphic - x,y error bars - 4 interpolation methods - user entered functions f(x) - flexible functions (parameters, user data) - numerical derivation, integration - data manipulation with functions - parameter fitting with a Least Square Method - fit of function with several independent coordinates (Rn->R) - API: an interface to control Abscissa by external programs New in Version 2.1 - floating (axis coordinates placed) text objects - undo for data altering actions - some new API functions - some new formula features New in Version 2.0 - a new formula interpreter - API interface to control Abscissa by external programs New in Version 1.9 - tool box for mouse modes - arrow at end of axis New in Version 1.8 - symbol size defineable by data column - sorting data - drag & drop of files - NextStep Help System New in Version 1.7 - a data view window - a startup layout file - panel positions saved in layout files New in Version 1.6 - new curve panel for better handling of many curves - moveable x and y axis New in Version 1.5 - a second x- and y-axis with independent range is available. new in 1.4 compared to 1.1 : - layout-files to save most attributes of a plot - unlimited number of curves - unlimited numbers of windows - modify x-values of curves - simultaneous change of attributes of many curve - parameters can be fixed for fitting - Markers to recall parameters (designed for spectroscopy) - search all local maxima/minima of a curve Author: Rödiger Bröhl TU-Berlin Institut för Strahlungs und Kernphysik Hardenbergstr. 36 10623 Berlin Germany e-mail: Abscissa is Shareware. If you use Abscissa regularly please remit DM 50 or $ 35. Commercial distribution is forbidden. There is no warranty for Abscissa.
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