This is TwoDView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* Generated by Interface Builder */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* qsort blah blah */ #import "TwoDView.h" #import <math.h> #import <appkit/appkit.h> #import <appkit/Matrix.h> #import <appkit/Form.h> #import <appkit/nextstd.h> #import <dpsclient/wraps.h> #define NI PSnewinstance() @implementation TwoDView /* Map the square [-1 .. 1]x[-1 .. 1] to the TwoDView, leaving a margin * of 10%, and centering the origin. * * the View must already be lockFocused. */ void setUpScaling(TwoDView *self) { NXRect r; [self getBounds:&r]; PStranslate(r.size.width/2,r.size.height/2); PSscale(0.9*0.5*r.size.width,0.9*0.5*r.size.height); } /* * set the drawing attributes (except for instance mode flag). * * The code for setting line width averages the two sides of the * bounds rectangle, to avoid really nasty-looking lines when the view's * aspect ratio is not close to unity. There are probably better ways * to do this. * * the View must already be lockFocused. */ void setUpDrawing(TwoDView *self) { NXRect r; [self getBounds:&r]; self->width=([self->lineWidthSlider floatValue]*2.0)/ (r.size.width+r.size.height); if (self->width) PSsetlinewidth(self->width); else { if (NXDrawingStatus == NX_PRINTING) PSsetlinewidth(0.001); else PSsetlinewidth(0.0); }; } /* * initialize instance variables relating to the data structures. * This is broken out of * the newFrame: method because mouseDown: events and open: will * also need to initialize those quantities. * * the instance variable numPoints contains the old value that * we will be replacing. * * cases: numPoints=npoints : no alloc, but clear flags. * numPoints=0, npoints > 0 : alloc arrays, etc. * numPoints>0, npoints = 0 : clobber arrays, etc. * numPoints>0, npoints > 0 : realloc arrays, etc. * * this function does NOT put any data in the array. The caller must * do that. * * storage is not allocated for the Delaunay, Gabriel and relative neighborhood * graphs because they could be completely connected (large!) but usually * aren't. They will be allocated in the appropriate doFooGraph routines * (below). */ void initGeometryStuff(TwoDView *self,int npoints) { if (self->numPoints == npoints) { self->mstExists=self->chExists=self->vorExists= self->ggExists=self->rngExists=self->dtExists=NO; return; }; if (!self->numPoints) { /* alloc */ NX_MALLOC(self->data,float,npoints*2); NX_MALLOC(self->mst_edge,int,(npoints-1)*2); NX_MALLOC(self->ch_vertex,int,npoints); } else { if (!npoints) { /* clobber */ NX_FREE(self->data); NX_FREE(self->mst_edge); NX_FREE(self->ch_vertex); } else { NX_REALLOC(self->data,float,npoints*2); NX_REALLOC(self->mst_edge,int,(npoints-1)*2); NX_REALLOC(self->ch_vertex,int,npoints); }; }; self->numPoints=npoints; [self->numPointsForm setIntValue:self->numPoints at:0]; self->mstExists=self->chExists=self->vorExists= self->ggExists=self->rngExists=self->dtExists=NO; } /* * make some text appear in the `Status' box */ #define STATUS(s) [statusText setStringValue:s] /* * set things up. */ + newFrame:(NXRect *)frameRect { self = [[super newFrame:frameRect] allocateGState]; /* lots of focus pocus */ numPoints=0; /* this will be fixed */ operation=OP_PRIM_MST; /* agree with .nib */ autoUpdate=1; /* agree with .nib */ srandom(time(0)); [self random:0]; displayFlag = DISP_PTS_RESULTS; return self; } /* create a list of 2D points to demonstrate the algms on. * if sender is nil (zero), random: was called from initFrame. Otherwise, * the Generate button was pressed. */ - random:sender { int i,n; if (sender && numPointsForm) n = [numPointsForm intValueAt:0]; else n = 10; /* must be initializing */ initGeometryStuff(self,n); /* numPOints gets set */ for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) { X(i)=2.0*(random()&65535)/65536.0 - 1.0; Y(i)=2.0*(random()&65535)/65536.0 - 1.0; }; if (sender) { if (autoUpdate) [self animThenDisp:0]; else [self disp:0]; }; return self; } - mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent { NXPoint where = theEvent->location; NXRect r; float x,y,cx,cy; [self convertPoint:&where fromView:nil]; [self getBounds:&r]; cx=r.origin.x+0.5*r.size.width; cy=r.origin.y+0.5*r.size.height; x=(where.x - cx)/(0.5*0.9*r.size.width)+0.001; y=(where.y - cy)/(0.5*0.9*r.size.height)+0.001; if ((fabs(x) > 1.0)||(fabs(y) > 1.0)) return self; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"x %f y %f\n",x,y); #endif initGeometryStuff(self,numPoints+1); /* numPoints gets reset */ X(numPoints-1)=x; Y(numPoints-1)=y; if (autoUpdate) [self animThenDisp:0]; else [self disp:0]; return self; } - free { initGeometryStuff(self,0); [super free]; return self; } - setOperation:(Matrix *)sender { operation=[sender selectedRow]; return self; } - setAutoUpdate:(Button *)sender { autoUpdate = [sender state]; return self; } /* This method is invoked when the user bangs on the Animate/Display button. */ - animThenDisp:sender { /* erase prior drawing and display points only */ displayFlag = DISP_PTS_ONLY; [self display]; /* get ready to draw (in instance mode) */ [self lockFocus]; setUpScaling(self); NXSetColor([self->highColorWell color]); setUpDrawing(self); PSsetinstance(YES); /* do the operation (drawing in the doFoo methods is all instance drawing) */ switch(operation) { case OP_PRIM_MST: [self doPrimMST]; break; case OP_KRUSKAL_MST: [self doKruskalMST]; break; case OP_JARVIS_HULL: [self doJarvisHull]; break; case OP_GRAHAM_HULL: [self doGrahamHull]; break; case OP_VORONOI_DIAGRAM: [self doVoronoiDiagram]; break; case OP_DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION: [self doDelaunayTriangulation]; break; case OP_GABRIEL_GRAPH: [self doGabrielGraph]; break; case OP_RELATIVE_NEIGHBORHOOD_GRAPH: [self doRelativeNeighborhoodGraph]; break; } /* clear instance mode drawing and reset things*/ PSsetinstance(NO); [self unlockFocus]; /* display results */ displayFlag = DISP_PTS_RESULTS; [self disp:0]; return self; } -disp:sender { [self display]; return self; } /* Kruskal's MST algorithm (non-optimal quadratic version) */ static float *length; int ycompar(p1,p2) int *p1,*p2; { float l1=length[*p1],l2=length[*p2]; if (l1<l2) return -1; if (l1>l2) return 1; return 0; } float cost(float *p1,float *p2) /* squd Eucl distance between 2 2D points */ { float x1,x2,y1,y2; x1= p1[0]; y1=p1[1]; x2= p2[0]; y2=p2[1]; return((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); } /* XXX THIS IMPLEMENTATION IS NOT OPTIMAL XXX */ - doKruskalMST { int *group,groupindex=1; int *edge,*edgptr,*index,idx; int i; float *lptr; STATUS("sorting edges by length"); NX_MALLOC(edge,int,numPoints*(numPoints-1)); edgptr=edge; NX_MALLOC(length,float,numPoints*(numPoints-1)/2); lptr=length; /* fill in edge endpoint and length arrays */ for(i=0;i<numPoints-1;i++) { int j; char buf[80]; sprintf(buf,"point %d",i); STATUS(buf); for(j=i+1;j<numPoints;j++) { *edgptr++ = i; *edgptr++ = j; *lptr++ = cost(XY(i),XY(j)); }; }; STATUS("qsorting"); NX_MALLOC(index,int,numPoints*(numPoints-1)/2); for(i=0;i<numPoints*(numPoints-1)/2;i++) index[i]=i; /* sort edges */ qsort(index,numPoints*(numPoints-1)/2,sizeof(int),ycompar); NX_MALLOC(group,int,numPoints); bzero(group,numPoints*sizeof(int)); /* Algorithm: FOR i = 1 to n-1 Add (to the tree) the shortest edge that does not form a circuit in the tree. ROF */ idx=0; for(i=0;i<numPoints-1;i++) { char flag=FALSE; char buf[80]; sprintf(buf,"adding edge %d",i); STATUS(buf); while (!flag) { /* look for an edge */ int j; int v1=edge[index[idx]*2],g1=group[v1]; int v2=edge[index[idx++]*2+1],g2=group[v2]; NI; [self drawEdge:X(v1):Y(v1):X(v2):Y(v2)]; NXPing(); if ((!g1&&!g2)||(g1!=g2)) { flag=TRUE; mst_edge[i*2]=v1; mst_edge[i*2+1]=v2; if (g1&&!g2) group[v2]=g1; else if(g2&&!g1) group[v1]=g2; else if (!g1 && !g2) group[v1]=group[v2]=groupindex++; else /* relabel all g2's to g1 */ for(j=0;j<numPoints;j++) if (group[j]==g2) group[j]=g1; }; }; }; NX_FREE(group); NX_FREE(index); NX_FREE(length); NX_FREE(edge); mstExists=YES; STATUS("idle"); return self; } #define SIGNEDAREA(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) (x1*y2+x3*y1+x2*y3-x3*y2-x1*y3-x2*y1) - doJarvisHull { /* Jarvis' march for planar convex hull - From Preparata and Shamos */ float ymax= -3.0e30,ymin=3.0e30,y,best_x,best_y,candidate_x,candidate_y; float current_x,current_y,a; int i; int nh; int current_index=0,best_index=0; int min_index=0,max_index=0; char *used; /* 0. set up storage for indices */ NX_MALLOC(used,char,numPoints); /* 1. find min & max in y-coordinate */ STATUS("finding Ymin vertex"); for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) { y= Y(i); if (y<ymin) { ymin=y; min_index=i; }; if (y>ymax) { ymax=y; max_index=i; }; }; nh = 1; ch_vertex[0]=min_index; /* first hull vertex */ current_index=min_index; for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) used[i]=FALSE; /* 2. Jarvis' march - min to max */ STATUS("Jarvis' march: min to max"); while (current_index!=max_index) { used[current_index]=TRUE; current_x= X(current_index); current_y= Y(current_index); best_x= current_x; best_y= current_y; for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) if (!used[i]) { candidate_x= X(i); candidate_y= Y(i); NI; [self drawEdge:X(current_index):Y(current_index):X(i):Y(i)]; NXPing(); a=SIGNEDAREA(current_x,current_y,candidate_x,candidate_y, best_x,best_y); if (a>=0.0) { best_index=i; best_x=candidate_x; best_y=candidate_y;}; }; ch_vertex[nh++] = current_index = best_index; }; /* 3. Jarvis' march - max to min */ used[min_index]=FALSE; STATUS("Jarvis' march: max to min"); while (current_index!=min_index) { used[current_index]=TRUE; current_x= X(current_index); current_y= Y(current_index); best_x=current_x; best_y=current_y; for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) if (!used[i]) { candidate_x= X(i); candidate_y= Y(i); NI; [self drawEdge:X(current_index):Y(current_index):candidate_x:candidate_y]; NXPing(); a=SIGNEDAREA(current_x,current_y,candidate_x,candidate_y, best_x,best_y); if (a>=0.0) { best_index=i; best_x=candidate_x; best_y=candidate_y;}; }; ch_vertex[nh++] = current_index = best_index; }; nch_vertices=nh; NX_FREE(used); chExists=YES; STATUS("idle"); return self; } /* Graham-hull utils */ #define QUAD(x,y) ((x<0) ? ((y<0)?3:2) : ((y<0)?4:1)) /* the following two declarations are nasty. They are also the * easient way to solve a problem using qsort(). In the Jarvis * routine, the vertices are sorted by polar angle wrto the centroid * as origin. However, I want to sort an array of indices to the * data rather than the data itself (for efficiency, etc.) Since I need * access to the data by name, and the data is an instance variable, I * need to pass self to the plain-C routines and get the actual data by * following self. */ static float mx,my; /* used in xcompar and doJarvisHull */ static TwoDView *myself; #define XX(i) myself->data[i*2] #define YY(i) myself->data[i*2+1] int xcompar(int *pp1,int *pp2) /*used in Graham scan to sort pts by polar angle*/ { int p1,p2,q1,q2; float x1,x2,y1,y2,a; p1= *pp1; p2= *pp2; x1= XX(p1)-mx; y1= YY(p1)-my; x2= XX(p2)-mx; y2= YY(p2)-my; /* cute li'l optimization. If we can sort by quadrant, do it. */ q1=QUAD(x1,y1); q2=QUAD(x2,y2); if (q1<q2) return(-1); if (q2<q1) return(1); /* if we get here, p1 & p2 are in same quadrant. shucks. */ a=SIGNEDAREA(0.0,0.0,x2,y2,x1,y1); if (a<0.0) return(-1); if (a==0.0) return(0); return(1); } /* be safe. */ #undef XX #undef YY - doGrahamHull { /* Graham's scan for planar convex hull. From Preparata and Shamos */ int i,mindex=0,start,prev,current,next,nnext; int t1,t2,t3; float a,minx,xx; int *pointers; int nh; NXSetColor([highColorWell color]); /* THIS IS GROSS. */ myself = self; NX_MALLOC(pointers,int,numPoints); nh=numPoints; /* find point in hull interior (centroid will do)*/ STATUS("finding interior point"); mx=0.0; my=0.0; minx=999; for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) { mx += X(i); my += Y(i); }; mx /= numPoints; my /= numPoints; for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) { xx= X(i); if (xx<minx) { minx=xx; mindex=i;}; }; STATUS("sorting points by polar angle"); /* sort points by polar angle and distance */ for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) pointers[i]=i; qsort((void *)pointers,(size_t)numPoints,sizeof(int),xcompar); /* find min-X vertex (guaranteed to be on CH) */ for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) if (pointers[i]==mindex) break; start=current=i; /* point i is a hull vertex. */ /* set up pointers in linked list */ prev=(current==0)?nh-1:current-1; next=(current==nh-1)?0:current+1; nnext=(next==nh-1)?0:next+1; /* loop over all points */ STATUS("Performing Graham's scan"); while(pointers[next]!=pointers[start]) { if (nh==3) break; /* triangle is ALWAYS a convex polygon */ t1= pointers[current]; t2= pointers[next]; t3= pointers[nnext]; NI; [self drawEdge:X(current):Y(current):X(next):Y(next)]; [self drawEdge:X(current):Y(current):X(nnext):Y(nnext)]; [self drawEdge:X(nnext):Y(nnext):X(next):Y(next)]; NXPing(); a=SIGNEDAREA(X(t1),Y(t1),X(t2),Y(t2),X(t3),Y(t3)); if (a<0.0) { /* delete next vertex */ for(i=next+1;i<nh;i++) pointers[i-1]= pointers[i]; nh--; if (start>=next) start--; if (current>=next) current--; if (current != start) { /* back up one vertex in list */ current --; if (current<0) current += nh; prev=(current==0)?nh-1:current-1; next=(current==nh-1)?0:current+1; nnext=(next==nh-1)?0:next+1; } else { /* do not back up if current vertex is starting vertex. */ prev=(current==0)?nh-1:current-1; next=(current==nh-1)?0:current+1; nnext=(next==nh-1)?0:next+1; }; } else { /* move forward in linked list */ prev=current; current=next; next=(next==nh-1)?0:next+1; nnext=(next==nh-1)?0:next+1; }; }; for(i=0;i<nh;i++) ch_vertex[i]=pointers[i]; nch_vertices=nh; NX_FREE(pointers); chExists=YES; return self; } - doPrimMST { /* Prim's quadratic MST algorithm - from Horowitz & Sahni */ int *near; int i,j=0,k=0,l=0; float mincost,x,xmin; NX_MALLOC(near,int,numPoints); bzero(near,numPoints*sizeof(int)); mincost=10000000000.0; /* find shortest edge (O(n^2 time)) */ STATUS("finding shortest edge"); for(i=0;i<numPoints-1;i++) { char buf[80]; sprintf(buf,"point %d",i); STATUS(buf); for(j=i+1;j<numPoints;j++) { x=cost(XY(i),XY(j)); NI; [self drawEdge:X(i):Y(i):X(j):Y(j)]; NXPing(); if (x<mincost) { mincost=x; k=i; l=j; }; }; }; /* (k,l) is the first edge in the MST */ mst_edge[0]=k; mst_edge[1]=l; NI; [self drawEdge:X(k):Y(k):X(l):Y(l)]; /* set up initial nearest-neighbor array for k and l */ for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) if (cost(XY(i),XY(l))<cost(XY(i),XY(k))) near[i]=l; else near[i]=k; near[k]= near[l]= -1; /* add the remaining n-2 edges */ for(i=1;i<numPoints-1;i++) { char buf[80]; sprintf(buf,"adding edge %d",i); STATUS(buf); xmin=100000000000.0; for(k=0;k<numPoints;k++) if (near[k]!= -1) { x=cost(XY(k),XY(near[k])); if (x<xmin) { xmin=x; j=k;}; }; mst_edge[i*2] = j; mst_edge[i*2+1]= near[j]; NI; [self drawEdge:X(j):Y(j):X(near[j]):Y(near[j])]; mincost += xmin; near[j]= -1; for(k=0;k<numPoints;k++) if (near[k]!= -1) if (cost(XY(k),XY(near[k])) > cost(XY(k),XY(j))) near[k]=j; }; NX_FREE(near); NXPing(); mstExists=YES; STATUS("idle"); return self; } - erase { NXRect r; [[self getBounds:&r] lockFocus]; NXSetColor([bgColorWell color]); NXRectFill(&r); [self unlockFocus]; return self; } - drawDT /* focus must already be locked */ { int i; for(i=0;i<ndt_edge;i++) { int i1=dt_edge[i*2],i2=dt_edge[i*2+1]; char buf[80]; sprintf(buf,"DT edge %d",i); STATUS(buf); [self drawEdge:X(i1):Y(i1):X(i2):Y(i2)]; }; return self; } - drawGG /* focus must already be locked */ { int i; for(i=0;i<ngg_edge;i++) { int i1=gg_edge[i*2],i2=gg_edge[i*2+1]; char buf[80]; sprintf(buf,"GG edge %d",i); STATUS(buf); [self drawEdge:X(i1):Y(i1):X(i2):Y(i2)]; }; return self; } - drawRNG /* focus must already be locked */ { int i; for(i=0;i<nrng_edge;i++) { int i1=rng_edge[i*2],i2=rng_edge[i*2+1]; char buf[80]; sprintf(buf,"RNG edge %d",i); STATUS(buf); [self drawEdge:X(i1):Y(i1):X(i2):Y(i2)]; }; return self; } - drawSelf:(NXRect *)rects:(int)rectCount { int i; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"drawSelf (%d points)\n",numPoints); #endif STATUS("redisplaying"); NXSetColor([bgColorWell color]); NXRectFill(&rects[0]); setUpScaling(self); setUpDrawing(self); NXSetColor([self->fgColorWell color]); for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"%d: %f %f\n",i,X(i),Y(i)); #endif PSnewpath(); PSarc(X(i),Y(i),width,0.0,360.0); PSfill(); }; NXPing(); /* draw selected data structure */ if (displayFlag != DISP_PTS_ONLY) { switch(operation) { case OP_PRIM_MST: case OP_KRUSKAL_MST: if (mstExists) { for(i=0;i<numPoints-1;i++) { int i1=mst_edge[i*2], i2=mst_edge[i*2+1]; PSnewpath(); PSmoveto(X(i1),Y(i1)); PSlineto(X(i2),Y(i2)); PSstroke(); NXPing(); }; break; }; case OP_JARVIS_HULL: case OP_GRAHAM_HULL: if (chExists) { PSnewpath(); PSmoveto(X(ch_vertex[0]),Y(ch_vertex[0])); for(i=1;i<nch_vertices;i++) PSlineto(X(ch_vertex[i]),Y(ch_vertex[i])); PSclosepath(); PSstroke(); NXPing(); break; }; case OP_VORONOI_DIAGRAM: if (vorExists) { float *foo; NX_MALLOC(foo,float,numPoints*2); for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) { int nv,j; if ((nv=find_vregion(i,foo)) == -1) { NXRunAlertPanel("Voronoi","find_vregion (%d) failed", NULL,NULL,NULL,i); break; }; PSnewpath(); PSmoveto(foo[0],foo[1]); for(j=1;j<nv;j++) PSlineto(foo[j*2],foo[j*2+1]); PSclosepath(); PSstroke(); NXPing(); }; NX_FREE(foo); break; }; case OP_DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION: if (vorExists) [self drawDT]; break; case OP_GABRIEL_GRAPH: if (ggExists) [self drawGG]; break; case OP_RELATIVE_NEIGHBORHOOD_GRAPH: if (rngExists) [self drawRNG]; break; }; }; NXPing(); STATUS("idle"); return self; } /* draw an edge with given endpoints */ -drawEdge:(float)x1:(float)y1:(float)x2:(float)y2 { /*assumes focus is locked already and attributes (color, width) already set*/ PSnewpath(); PSmoveto(x1,y1); PSlineto(x2,y2); PSstroke(); return self; } - doVoronoiDiagram { NXRect r; float xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; STATUS("Finding Voronoi diagram"); [self getBounds:&r]; xmin=-1.01; xmax=1.01; ymin=-1.01; ymax=1.01; if (load_vsites(numPoints,data,xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax)) { NXRunAlertPanel("Voronoi","load_vsites failed",NULL,NULL,NULL); vorExists=NO; return self; }; vorExists=YES; return self; } static void checkedge(TwoDView *s,int i1,int i2) { int i; int ii1=MIN(i1,i2),ii2=MAX(i1,i2); for(i=0;i<s->ndt_edge;i++) if ((s->dt_edge[i*2]==ii1)&&(s->dt_edge[i*2+1]==ii2)) return; s->dt_edge[s->ndt_edge*2]=ii1; s->dt_edge[s->ndt_edge*2+1]=ii2; s->ndt_edge++; } - doDelaunayTriangulation { int ndt,i; TRI *tris; [self doVoronoiDiagram]; /* cheat! */ STATUS("building Delaunay triangulation data structures"); /* from list of triangles, obtain minimal list of edged (toss dups) */ if ((ndt=find_dtriangles(&tris)) == -1) { NXRunAlertPanel("Delaunay","find_dtriangles() failed", NULL,NULL,NULL); return self; }; NX_MALLOC(dt_edge,int,2*3*ndt); ndt_edge=0; for(i=0;i<ndt;i++) { int p1=tris[i].v1->pid; int p2=tris[i].v2->pid; int p3=tris[i].v3->pid; checkedge(self,p1,p2); checkedge(self,p1,p3); checkedge(self,p2,p3); }; dtExists=YES; #ifdef DEBUG for(i=0;i<ndt_edge;i++) fprintf(stderr,"%d: %d %d\n",i,dt_edge[i*2],dt_edge[i*2+1]); #endif return self; } - doGabrielGraph { int i; if (!dtExists)[self doDelaunayTriangulation]; /* we need to see the Delaunay graph while we're animating */ NXSetColor([fgColorWell color]); PSsetinstance(NO); [[[self drawDT] window] flushWindow]; NXSetColor([highColorWell color]); PSsetinstance(YES); ngg_edge=ndt_edge; NX_MALLOC(gg_edge,int,2*ngg_edge); bcopy(dt_edge,gg_edge,2*ngg_edge*sizeof(int)); /*for each DT edge, check circle of influence */ for(i=0;i<ngg_edge;i++) { int i1=gg_edge[i*2], i2=gg_edge[i*2+1]; int j; float x1=X(i1),y1=Y(i1); float x2=X(i2),y2=Y(i2); float cx=(x1+x2)/2,cy=(y1+y2)/2,r=0.5*sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2)); char buf[80]; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"edge %d (%d %d)\n",i,i1,i2); fprintf(stderr,"(%f %f) -> (%f %f)\n",x1,y2,x2,y2); fprintf(stderr,"center %f %f rad %f\n",cx,cy,r); #endif sprintf(buf,"considering Delaunay edge %d",i); STATUS(buf); NI; PSnewpath(); PSarc(cx,cy,r,0.0,360.0); PSstroke(); NXPing(); /* check to see if any other vertex in within the circle of influence. if so, remove the edge from the GG */ for(j=0;j<numPoints;j++) { if ((j!=i1)&&(j!=i2)) { float x=X(j),y=Y(j),d=(x-cx)*(x-cx)+(y-cy)*(y-cy)-r*r; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"checking %d (%f %f) d %g\n",j,x,y,d); #endif if (d<0.0) { /* clobber edge */ int k; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"die.\n"); #endif for(k=i;k<ngg_edge-1;k++) { gg_edge[k*2]=gg_edge[(k+1)*2]; gg_edge[k*2+1]=gg_edge[(k+1)*2+1]; }; ngg_edge--; /* highlight the dead edge */ PSsetinstance(NO); PSnewpath(); PSmoveto(x1,y1); PSlineto(x2,y2); PSstroke(); PSsetinstance(YES); i--; break; }; }; }; }; NX_REALLOC(gg_edge,int,2*ngg_edge); ggExists=YES; return self; } - doRelativeNeighborhoodGraph { int i; if (!dtExists)[self doDelaunayTriangulation]; /* we need to see the Delaunay graph while we're animating */ PSsetinstance(NO); NXSetColor([fgColorWell color]); [[[self drawDT] window] flushWindow]; NXSetColor([highColorWell color]); PSsetinstance(YES); nrng_edge=ndt_edge; NX_MALLOC(rng_edge,int,2*nrng_edge); bcopy(dt_edge,rng_edge,2*nrng_edge*sizeof(int)); /*for each DT edge, check lune of influence */ for(i=0;i<nrng_edge;i++) { int i1=rng_edge[i*2], i2=rng_edge[i*2+1]; int j; float x1=X(i1),y1=Y(i1); float x2=X(i2),y2=Y(i2); float r2=(x1-x2)*(x1-x2)+(y1-y2)*(y1-y2); float r=sqrt(r2); char buf[80]; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"edge %d (%d %d)\n",i,i1,i2); fprintf(stderr,"(%f %f) -> (%f %f)\n",x1,y2,x2,y2); fprintf(stderr,"rad^2 %f\n",r2); #endif sprintf(buf,"considering Delaunay edge %d",i); STATUS(buf); NI; PSnewpath(); PSarc(x1,y1,r,0.0,360.0); PSmoveto(x2,y2); /* eliminate annoying connector */ PSarc(x2,y2,r,0.0,360.0); PSstroke(); NXPing(); /* check to see if any other vertex in within the lune of influence. if so, remove the edge from the RNG */ for(j=0;j<numPoints;j++) { if ((j!=i1)&&(j!=i2)) { float x=X(j),y=Y(j); float d1=(x-x1)*(x-x1)+(y-y1)*(y-y1)-r*r; float d2=(x-x2)*(x-x2)+(y-y2)*(y-y2)-r*r; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"checking %d (%f %f) d1 %g d2 %g\n",j,x,y,d1,d2); #endif if ((d1<0.0)&&(d2<0.0)) { /* clobber edge */ int k; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"die.\n"); #endif for(k=i;k<nrng_edge-1;k++) { rng_edge[k*2]=rng_edge[(k+1)*2]; rng_edge[k*2+1]=rng_edge[(k+1)*2+1]; }; nrng_edge--; /* highlight the dead edge */ PSsetinstance(NO); PSnewpath(); PSmoveto(x1,y1); PSlineto(x2,y2); PSstroke(); PSsetinstance(YES); i--; break; }; }; }; }; NX_REALLOC(rng_edge,int,2*nrng_edge); rngExists=YES; return self; } - saveTIFF:sender { NXRect r; id bm=[NXBitmapImageRep alloc]; id sp=[SavePanel new]; NXStream *stream; int fd; [self lockFocus]; [self getBounds:&r]; [bm initData:NULL fromRect:&r]; [self unlockFocus]; [sp setRequiredFileType:"tiff"]; if (![sp runModal]) return self; fd=open([sp filename],O_CREAT|O_RDWR,0644); /*[sp free]; screaming death! screaming death! don't do this! */ stream = NXOpenFile(fd,NX_READWRITE); if (!stream) { NXRunAlertPanel("TIFF","NXOpenFile failed",NULL,NULL,NULL); perror("NXOpenFile"); [bm free]; close(fd); return self; }; STATUS("saving image as TIFF"); [bm writeTIFF:stream usingCompression:NX_TIFF_COMPRESSION_LZW]; [bm free]; NXClose(stream); close(fd); STATUS("idle"); return self; } - saveData:sender { id sp=[SavePanel new]; FILE *fp; int i; [sp setRequiredFileType:"2Ddata"]; if (![sp runModal]) return self; fp=fopen([sp filename],"w"); /*[sp free];*/ if (!fp) { NXRunAlertPanel("Data","Couldn't open file",NULL,NULL,NULL); return self; }; STATUS("saving data"); fprintf(fp,"%d\n",numPoints); for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) fprintf(fp,"%g %g\n",X(i),Y(i)); fclose(fp); STATUS("idle"); return self; } - openData:sender { id op=[OpenPanel new]; const char *const types[] = { "2Ddata" , NULL}; FILE *fp; int i; [op setRequiredFileType:"2Ddata"]; [op runModalForDirectory:"." file:"" types:types]; chdir([op directory]); if (![op filenames]) { /*[op free];*/ return self; }; fp=fopen(*[op filenames],"r"); /*[op free];*/ if (!fp) { NXRunAlertPanel("Open","Couldn't open file",NULL,NULL,NULL); return self; }; STATUS("reading data"); fscanf(fp,"%d ",&numPoints); initGeometryStuff(self,numPoints); for(i=0;i<numPoints;i++) { fscanf(fp,"%f %f ",&X(i),&Y(i)); }; fclose(fp); [self disp:0]; STATUS("idle"); return self; } - close:sender { initGeometryStuff(self,0); [self erase]; return self; } -lineWidthChanged:sender { char buf[80]; sprintf(buf,"Line width: %6.3f\n",[sender floatValue]); [lineWidthText setStringValue:buf]; /* could redraw self here */ if (autoUpdate) [self display]; return self; } -setFgColorWell:sender { fgColorWell = sender; [sender setColor:NXConvertGrayToColor(0.0)]; return self; } -setBgColorWell:sender { bgColorWell = sender; [sender setColor:NXConvertGrayToColor(1.0)]; return self; } -setHighColorWell:sender { highColorWell = sender; [sender setColor:NXConvertGrayToColor(0.666)]; return self; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse { return YES; } - copy:sender { id pb=[Pasteboard new]; NXStream *stream; char *d; int length,maxLength; STATUS("copying image to clipboard"); [pb declareTypes:&NXPostScriptPboard num:1 owner:self]; stream=NXOpenMemory(NULL,0,NX_WRITEONLY); [self copyPSCodeInside:NULL to:stream]; NXGetMemoryBuffer(stream,&d,&length,&maxLength); [pb writeType:NXPostScriptPboard data:d length:length]; NXCloseMemory(stream,NX_FREEBUFFER); [pb free]; STATUS("idle"); return self; } - saveEPS:sender { NXStream *stream; id sp = [SavePanel new]; int fd; [sp setRequiredFileType:"eps"]; if (![sp runModal]) return self; fprintf(stderr,"filename %s\n",[sp filename]); fd=open([sp filename],O_CREAT|O_WRONLY,0644); /*[sp free];*/ stream = NXOpenFile(fd,NX_WRITEONLY); if (!stream) { NXRunAlertPanel("EPS","NXOpenFile failed",NULL,NULL,NULL); perror("NXOpenFile"); return self; }; STATUS("saving image as EPS"); [self copyPSCodeInside:NULL to:stream]; NXClose(stream); close(fd); STATUS("idle"); return self; } @end
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by