
This is the README for NoProblemo.0.9.N.b.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

"No Problemo" is a problems and solutions bulletin board for general use.

Problems and solutions are added, edited, renamed, and destroyed by using the "Problem Editor" and the "Solution Editor" in the main menu.

To add a problem,  click on the "Problem Editor" and choose "Add a New Problem."  A window will appear in which you can write the text of your problem.  When you are ready to save this text for everyone else to read, click on "Save Current Problem" in the "Problem Editor" submenu.  A panel will appear that allows you to specify a name for your problem.  This is the name that will appear in the "Problems and Solutions Browser."

You create a save a solution in a similar way, using the "Solution Editor" rather than the "Problem Editor".

To rename your problem or solution, first select the problem or solution to be renamed in the "Problems and Solutions Browser."  Then click on the "Rename Selection" button in either the "Problem Editor" or "Solution Editor."  A panel will appear that allows you to rename the selection.  You can rename problems or solutions you have created, but cannot rename those created by others.

To destroy a problem or solution, select the name of the problem or solution in the browser.  Then click on the "Destroy Selection" button.  You cannot destroy a problem which has solutions associated with it.  You must destory those solutions first.  Once again, you cannot destory problems or solutions created by other students.

Notice that there is a standard NeXT ruler and spell checker for use in writing your problems and solutions in the "Text" submenu.   There are several other text control tools there for you to use in formatting your problems and solutions.  Finally, there is a standard NeXT "Font" submenu.

If there are any problems with this application, DON'T HAVE A COW.  Just e-mail jsmith or call x3312 to report the problem.

May all your problems be interesting ones!

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.