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#include "wstruct.h" #include "wconst.c" /* The engine code. Adapted, optimized, fixed, hassled with, and torqued by: M.L. (Loki) Demsey University of Arizona Geo Sciences Department for and help from: Dr. Denis Norton Original code, molded in FORTRAN from personal code and code from Haar, Gallagher, and Kell by James Johnson This is the commented-to-death version of the code; it is recommended that this be used only for reference and not compilation. The user realizes that this code is not supported and may be superceded at any moment. */ /* ********************************************************************** * * specs - Input unit, triple point, saturation, and option specs: * ***** it, id, ip, ih, itripl, isat, iopt, useLVS, epseqn, icrit; * * note that the returned value of isat may differ from * its input value and that icrit need not be specified * prior to invocation. * * * states - State variables: * ***** temp, pres, dens(1), dens(2); * * note that the first three of these must be specified prior * to invocation and that, in the case of saturation, vapor * density is returned in dens(1), liquid in dens(2). * * * props - Thermodynamic, transport, electrostatic, and combined * property values: * ***** A, G, S, U, H, Cv, Cp, Speed, alpha, beta, diel, visc, ***** tcond, surten, tdiff, Prndtl, visck, albe, ***** ZBorn, YBorn, QBorn, daldT, XBorn * * * error - LOGICAL argument that indicates success ("FALSE") or * failure ("TRUE") of the call, the latter value in * response to out-of-bounds specs or states variables. * ********************************************************************** */ void h2o92(specs,states,props,error) int *error,specs[10]; double states[4],props[46]; { extern void unit(),LVSeqn(),HGKeqn(),load(),LVScon(),HGKcon(); extern int valid(),crtreg(); extern double TdegUS(); double Dens[2],tempy; int useLVS; HGKcon(); LVScon(); unit(specs[0],specs[1],specs[2],specs[3],specs[4]); if (! valid(specs[0],specs[1],specs[2],specs[3],specs[4], &specs[5],specs[6],specs[7],specs[8],states[0],states[1],states[2])) { *error = 1; return; } else { *error = 0; } if ( crtreg(specs[5],specs[6],specs[0],&states[0],&states[1],&states[2])) { specs[9] = 1; useLVS = (specs[7] == 1); } else { specs[9] = useLVS = 0; } if (useLVS) { Dens[0] = states[2]; LVSeqn(&specs[5],&specs[6],specs[4],&states[0],&states[1],Dens,specs[8]); Dens[0] /= 1000.0; if (specs[5] == 1) { Dens[1] /= 1000.0; } } else { Dens[0] = states[2] / 1000.0; HGKeqn(&specs[5],specs[6],specs[4],&states[0],&states[1],Dens,specs[8]); } load(1,wpvals.wprops,props); if (specs[5] == 1) { tempy = Dens[0]; Dens[0] = Dens[1]; Dens[1] = tempy; load(2,wpvals.wpliq,props); } states[0] = TdegUS(specs[0],states[0]); states[1] *= units.fp; states[2] = Dens[0] / units.fd; if (specs[5] == 1) { states[3] = Dens[1] / units.fd; } return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** valid - Returns "TRUE" if unit and equation specifications * are valid and input state conditions fall within * the HGK equation's region of validity; * returns "FALSE" otherwise. */ int valid(it,id,ip,ih,itripl,isat,iopt,useLVS,epseqn,Temp,Pres,Dens) int it,id,ip,ih,itripl,iopt,useLVS,epseqn,*isat; double Temp,Pres,Dens; { /* note switch from usual return declarations to suit ifs */ extern int valspc(),valTD(),valTP(); extern double TdegK(); double T,D,P,Ttripl,Tcrit,Pcrit; int val; /* ensure validity of input specifications */ if (! valspc(it,id,ip,ih,itripl,*isat,iopt,useLVS,epseqn)) return 0; /* convert to degC, bars, g/cm3 */ T = TdegK(it,Temp) - 273.15; D = Dens * units.fd; P = (Pres / units.fp) * 10.0; Ttripl = tpoint.Ttripl - 273.15; Tcrit = crits.Tc - 273.15; Pcrit = crits.Pc * 10.0; if (*isat == 0) { if (iopt == 1) val = valTD(T,D,isat,epseqn); else val = valTP(T,P); } else { if (iopt == 1) val = (((T + tolers.FPTOL) >= Ttripl) && ((T - tolers.FPTOL) <= Tcrit)); else val = (((P + tolers.FPTOL) >= tpoint.Ptripl) && ((P - tolers.FPTOL) <= Pcrit)); } return val; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** valspc - Returns "TRUE" if it, id, ip, ih, itripl, isat, iopt, * useLVS, and epseqn values all define valid input; * returns "FALSE" otherwise. */ int valspc(it,id,ip,ih,itripl,isat,iopt,useLVS,epseqn) int it,id,ip,ih,itripl,isat,iopt,useLVS,epseqn; { return ((1 <= it) && (it <= 4) && (1 <= id) && (id <= 4) && (1 <= ip) && (ip <= 5) && (1 <= ih) && (ih <= 6) && (0 <= itripl) && (itripl <= 1) && (0 <= isat) && (isat <= 1) && (1 <= iopt) && (iopt <= 2) && (0 <= useLVS) && (useLVS <= 1) && (1 <= epseqn) && (epseqn <= 5)); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** valTD - Returns "TRUE" if T-D defines liquid or vapor H2O * within validity limits of the HGK equation of state; * returns "FALSE" otherwise. */ int valTD(T,D,isat,epseqn) double T,D; int *isat; int epseqn; { extern void pcorr(),denLVS(),bb(),denHGK(); extern double Pfind(),Psublm(); int val,istemp; double Tk,Tcrit,Ttripl,Dlimit,P,Ps,Dv,Dl,PMPa,Dguess,Dsublm,dPdD; if (((T - tolers.FPTOL) > HGKbnd.Ttop) || ((T + tolers.FPTOL) < HGKbnd.Tbtm) || ((D - tolers.FPTOL) > HGKbnd.Dtop) || ((D + tolers.FPTOL) < HGKbnd.Dbtm)) return 0; Tcrit = crits.Tc - 273.15; Ttripl = tpoint.Ttripl - 273.15; if (((T + tolers.FPTOL) >= Tcrit) || ((T >= liqice.TnIB30) && (D >= tpoint.Dltrip))) { Dlimit = liqice.sDIB30 * (T - liqice.TnIB30) + HGKbnd.Dtop; val = ((D - tolers.FPTOL) <= Dlimit); } else { if ((D - tolers.FPTOL) <= tpoint.Dltrip) { if (T >= Ttripl) { val = 1; Tk = T + 273.15; if (Tk < coefs1.x[0]) { RTcurr.rt = aconst.gascon * Tk; pcorr(0,Tk,&Ps,&Dl,&Dv,epseqn); } else { istemp = 1; satur.DH2O = 0.0; P = Pfind(istemp,&Tk,&satur.DH2O); denLVS(istemp,&Tk,P); Dv = satur.Dvap / 1000.0; Dl = satur.Dliq / 1000.0; } if ((D >= Dv) && (D <= Dl)) *isat = 1; } else { P = Psublm(T); PMPa = P / 10.0; Tk = T + 273.15; Dguess = PMPa / Tk / 0.4; RTcurr.rt = aconst.gascon * Tk; bb(Tk); denHGK(&Dsublm,PMPa,Dguess,Tk,&dPdD); val = ((D - tolers.FPTOL) <= Dsublm); } } else { if (D <= liqice.Dli13) { Dlimit = liqice.sDli1 * (T - liqice.Tli13) + liqice.Dli13; val = ((D + tolers.FPTOL) >= Dlimit); } else { Dlimit = liqice.sDli37 * (T - liqice.Tli13) + liqice.Dli13; val = ((D - tolers.FPTOL) <= Dlimit); } } } return val; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** valTP - Returns "TRUE" if T-P defines liquid or vapor H2O * within validity limits of the HGK equation of state; * returns "FALSE" otherwise. */ int valTP(T,P) double T,P; { int val; double Plimit,Psubl; extern double Psublm(); if (((T - tolers.FPTOL) > HGKbnd.Ttop) || ((T + tolers.FPTOL) < HGKbnd.Tbtm) || ((P - tolers.FPTOL) > HGKbnd.Ptop) || ((P + tolers.FPTOL) < HGKbnd.Pbtm)) return 0; else val = 1; if (P >= liqice.Pli13) { Plimit = liqice.sPli37 * (T - liqice.Tli13) + liqice.Pli13; val = ((P - tolers.FPTOL) <= Plimit); } else { if (P >= tpoint.Ptripl) { Plimit = liqice.sPli1 * (T - liqice.Tli13) + liqice.Pli13; val = ((P + tolers.FPTOL) >= Plimit); } else { Psubl = Psublm(T); val = ((P - tolers.FPTOL) <= Psubl); } } return val; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** Psublm - Returns Psublimation(T) computed from the * equation given by Washburn (1924): Monthly * Weather Rev., v.52, pp.488-490. */ double Psublm(Temp) double Temp; { double T,PmmHg; T = Temp + 273.1; PmmHg = pow(10.0, (-2445.5646/T + 8.2312*log10(T) - 0.01677006*T + 0.0000120514*T*T - 6.757169)); return (PmmHg * 0.00133322); /* converted from mmHg to bars */ } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** unit - Sets internal parameters according to user-specified * choice of units. Internal program units are degK(T), * and gm/cm**3(D); all other properties are computed in * dimensionless form and dimensioned at output time. * NOTE: conversion factors for j/g ---> cal/(g,mole) * (ffh [3 & 4]) are consistent with those given in * Table 1, Helgeson & Kirkham (1974a) for thermal calories, * and differ slightly with those given by Haar et al (1984) * for international calories. */ void unit(it,id,ip,ih,itripl) int it,id,ip,ih,itripl; { extern void tpset(); double fft[4] = {1.0,1.0,0.555555556,0.555555556}; double ffd[4] = {0.001,1.0,0.0180152,0.016018}; double ffvd[4] = {1.0,10.0,0.555086816,0.671968969}; double ffvk[4] = {1.0,10000.0,10000.0,10.76391042}; double ffs[4] = {1.0,100.0,100.0,3.280833}; double ffp[5] = {1.0,10.0,9.86923266716,145.038,10.1971}; double ffh[6] = {1.0,1.0,18.0152,0.23901,4.305816,0.4299226}; double ffst[4] = {1.0,1000.0,55.5086816,2.205061}; double ffcd[4] = {1.0,0.01,0.01,0.3048}; double ffch[6] = {0.001,1.0,1.0,0.23901,0.23901,0.000947244}; units.ft = fft[it-1]; units.fd = ffd[id-1]; units.fvd = ffvd[id-1]; units.fvk = ffvk[id-1]; units.fs = ffs[id-1]; units.fp = ffp[ip-1]; units.fh = ffh[ih-1]; units.fst = ffst[id-1]; units.fc = ffcd[id-1] * ffch[ih-1]; if (itripl == 1) tpset(); return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** crtreg - Returns "TRUE" if input state conditions fall within * the critical region of H2O; otherwise returns "FALSE". * T, P, D, input in user-specified units, are returned in * degK, MPa, kg/m3. */ int crtreg(isat,iopt,it,T,P,D) int isat,iopt,it; double *T,*P,*D; { int llim,ulim,val,isat1; double Pmin,Pmax,ddummy,Pstest; extern double Pfind(); *T = TdegK(it,*T); if (isat == 0) { if (iopt == 1) { *D *= units.fd * 1000.0; val = ((*T >= coefs1.x[0]) && (*T <= coefs1.x[2]) && (*D >= coefs1.x[3]) && (*D <= coefs1.x[4])); } else { *P /= units.fp; if ((*T < coefs1.x[0]) || (*T > coefs1.x[2])) val = 0; else { Pmin = coefs1.x[5] + coefs1.x[9] * (*T - coefs1.x[0]); Pmax = coefs1.x[6] + coefs1.x[10] * (*T - coefs1.x[1]); llim = (*P >= Pmin); ulim = (*P <= Pmax); if (llim && ulim) val = 1; else { if (llim && (*T <= coefs1.x[1])) { isat1 = 1; ddummy = 0.0; Pstest = Pfind(isat1,T,&ddummy); val = (*P <= Pstest); } else val = 0; } } } } else { if (iopt == 1) val = (*T >= coefs1.x[0]); else { *P /= units.fp; val = (*P >= coefs1.x[5]); } } return val; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** HGKeqn - Computes thermodynamic and transport properties of * of H2O from the equation of state given by * Haar, Gallagher, & Kell (1984). */ void HGKeqn(isat,iopt,itripl,Temp,Pres,Dens,epseqn) int *isat,iopt,itripl,epseqn; double *Temp,*Pres,Dens[2]; { int i; extern void bb(),calcv3(),thmHGK(),dimHGK(); RTcurr.rt = aconst.gascon * *Temp; HGKsat(isat,iopt,itripl,Temp,Pres,Dens,epseqn); if (*isat == 0) { bb(*Temp); calcv3(iopt,itripl,*Temp,Pres,&Dens[0],epseqn); thmHGK(Dens[0],*Temp); dimHGK(*isat,itripl,*Temp,*Pres,Dens[0],epseqn); } else { for (i=0;i < 23;i++) wpvals.wpliq[i] = wpvals.wprops[i]; dimHGK(2,itripl,*Temp,*Pres,Dens[1],epseqn); } return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** HGKsat - If isat=1, computes Psat(T) or Tsat(P) (iopt=1,2), * liquid and vapor densities, and associated * thermodynamic and transport properties. * If isat=0, checks whether T-D or T-P (iopt=1,2) * falls on or within TOL of the liquid-vapor * surface; if so, sets isat <- 1 and computes * properties. */ void HGKsat(isat,iopt,itripl,Temp,Pres,Dens,epseqn) int iopt,itripl,epseqn,*isat; double *Temp,*Pres,Dens[2]; { double dltemp,dvtemp,Ptemp; extern double mfabs(); extern void pcorr(),tcorr(); if (*isat == 1) { if (iopt == 1) pcorr(itripl,*Temp,Pres,&Dens[0],&Dens[1],epseqn); else tcorr(itripl,Temp,*Pres,&Dens[0],&Dens[1],epseqn); } else { if ((*Temp > crits.Tc) || (*Temp < tpoint.Ttripl) || ((iopt == 2) && (*Pres > crits.Pc))) return; else { pcorr(itripl,*Temp,&Ptemp,&dltemp,&dvtemp,epseqn); if (((iopt == 2) && (mfabs(*Pres-Ptemp) <= tolers.PTOL)) || ((iopt == 1) && ((mfabs(Dens[0] - dltemp) <= tolers.DTOL) || (mfabs(Dens[0] - dvtemp) <= tolers.DTOL)))) { *isat = 1; *Pres = Ptemp; Dens[0] = dltemp; Dens[1] = dvtemp; } } } return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** calcv3 - Compute the dependent state variable. */ void calcv3(iopt,itripl,Temp,Pres,Dens,epseqn) int iopt,itripl,epseqn; double Temp,*Pres,*Dens; { double ps,dll,dvv,dguess; extern void pcorr(),resid(),base(),ideal(); if (iopt == 1) { resid(Temp,*Dens); base(*Dens,Temp); ideal(Temp); *Pres = RTcurr.rt * *Dens * aconst.zb + qqqq.q; } else { if (Temp < pcorr(itripl,Temp,&ps,&dll,&dvv,epseqn); else { ps = 20000.0; dll = 0.0; } if (*Pres > ps) dguess = dll; else dguess = *Pres / Temp / 0.4; denHGK(Dens,*Pres,dguess,Temp,&fcts.dpdd); ideal(Temp); } return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** thmHGK - Computes thermodynamic functions in dimensionless * units from the HGK equation of state: Helmholtz, Gibbs, * internal energy, and enthalpy functions (ad, gd, ud, hd) are * per RT; entropy and heat capacities (sd, cvd, cpd) are per R. */ void thmHGK(d,t) double d,t; { double z; z = aconst.zb + qqqq.q/RTcurr.rt/d; fcts.dpdd = RTcurr.rt * (aconst.zb + aconst.yb * aconst.dzb) + qqqq.q5; = basef.ab + + - aconst.uref/t + aconst.sref; = + z; fcts.ud = basef.ub + resf.ur + idf.ui - aconst.uref/t; fcts.dpdt = RTcurr.rt * d * basef.dpdtb + resf.dpdtr; fcts.cvd = basef.cvb + resf.cvr + idf.cvi; fcts.cpd = fcts.cvd + t * fcts.dpdt * fcts.dpdt / (d * d * fcts.dpdd * aconst.gascon); fcts.hd = fcts.ud + z; = + + - aconst.sref; fcts.dvdt = fcts.dpdt / fcts.dpdd / d / d; fcts.cjtt = 1.0 / d - t * fcts.dvdt; fcts.cjth = -fcts.cjtt / fcts.cpd / aconst.gascon; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** bb - Computes molecular parameters b, the "excluded volume" * (eq A.3), and B, the second virial coefficient (eq A.4), * in cm3/g (b1,b2) and their first and second derivatives * with respect to temperature (b1t,b1tt,b2t,b2tt). */ void bb(t) double t; { double v[10]; int i; v[0] = 1.0; for (i=1; i < 10; i++) v[i] = v[i-1] * / t; ellcon.b1 = bconst.bp[0] + bconst.bp[1] * log(1.0 / v[1]); ellcon.b2 =[0]; ellcon.b1t = bconst.bp[1] * v[1] /; ellcon.b2t = ellcon.b1tt = ellcon.b2tt = 0.0; for (i=2; i < 10; i++) { ellcon.b1 += bconst.bp[i] * v[i-1]; ellcon.b2 +=[i] * v[i-1]; ellcon.b1t -= (i-1) * bconst.bp[i] * v[i-1] / t; ellcon.b2t -= (i-1) *[i] * v[i-1] / t; ellcon.b1tt += bconst.bp[i] * (i-1) * (i-1) * v[i-1] / t / t; ellcon.b2tt +=[i] * (i-1) * (i-1) * v[i-1] / t / t; } ellcon.b1tt -= ellcon.b1t / t; ellcon.b2tt -= ellcon.b2t / t; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** base - Computes Abase, Gbase, Sbase, Ubase, Hbase, Cvbase * -- all per RT (dimensionless) -- as well as Pbase & dP/dT * -- both per (DRT) -- for the base function (ab, gb, sb, ub, * hb, cvb, pb, dpdtb). See Haar, Gallagher & Kell (1979), eq(1). */ void base(d,t) double d,t; { double x,z0,dz0,bb2tt; aconst.yb = 0.25 * ellcon.b1 * d; x = 1.0 - aconst.yb; z0 = (1.0 + ellcon.g1 * aconst.yb + ellcon.g2 * aconst.yb * aconst.yb) / (x * x * x); aconst.zb = z0 + 4.0 * aconst.yb * (ellcon.b2/ellcon.b1 -; dz0 = (ellcon.g1 + 2.0 * ellcon.g2 * aconst.yb) / (x * x * x) + 3.0 * (1.0 + ellcon.g1 * aconst.yb + ellcon.g2 * aconst.yb * aconst.yb) / (x * x * x * x); aconst.dzb = dz0 + 4.0 * (ellcon.b2/ellcon.b1 -; basef.pb = aconst.zb; basef.ab = - log(x) - (ellcon.g2 - 1.0)/x + 28.16666667/x/x + 4.0*aconst.yb* (ellcon.b2 /ellcon.b1 - + 15.166666667 +log(d*t*aconst.gascon/0.101325); = basef.ab + aconst.zb; basef.ub = -t * ellcon.b1t * (aconst.zb - 1.0 - d * ellcon.b2)/ellcon.b1 - d*t*ellcon.b2t; = basef.ub - basef.ab; basef.hb = aconst.zb + basef.ub; bb2tt = t * t * ellcon.b2tt; basef.cvb = 2.0 * basef.ub + (z0 - 1.0)*(((t*ellcon.b1t/ellcon.b1)* (t*ellcon.b1t/ellcon.b1)) - t*t*ellcon.b1tt/ellcon.b1) - d*(bb2tt -* ellcon.b1tt*t*t) - (t*ellcon.b1t/ellcon.b1)*(t*ellcon.b1t/ ellcon.b1)*aconst.yb*dz0; basef.dpdtb = basef.pb/t + d*(aconst.dzb*ellcon.b1t/4.0 + ellcon.b2t - ellcon.b2 /ellcon.b1 *ellcon.b1t); return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** resid - Computes residual contributions to pressure (q), the * Helmloltz function (ar) , dP/dD (q5), the Gibbs function * (gr), entropy (sr), internal energy (ur), enthalpy (hr), * isochoric heat capacity (cvr), and dP/dT. The first 36 * terms of the residual function represent a global * least-squares fit to experimental data outside the * critical region, terms 37-39 affect only the immediate * vicinity of the critical point, and the last term (40) * contributes only in the high pressure, low temperature * region. */ void resid(t,d) double t,d; { int i,k,l,km,zz; double dadt,e,q10,q20,v,dfdt,d2f,dpt,q2a,ddz,del,ex1,dex,tex; double att,tx,tau,ex2,qm,qp,fct,q5t,qr[11],qt[10]; qr[0] = qqqq.q5 = qqqq.q = = dadt = resf.cvr = resf.dpdtr = 0.0; e = exp(-aconst.aa * d); qr[1] = q10 = d * d * e; q20 = 1.0 - e; v = / t; qt[0] = t /; for (i=1;i<10;i++) { qr[i+1] = qr[i] * q20; qt[i] = qt[i-1] * v; } for (i=0;i<nconst.n;i++) { k = nconst.ii[i] + 1; l = nconst.jj[i]; zz = k; if (k == 1) qp = nconst.g[i] * aconst.aa * qr[1] * qt[l]; else qp = nconst.g[i] * aconst.aa * qr[k] * qt[l]; qqqq.q += qp; qqqq.q5 += aconst.aa*(2.0/d - aconst.aa*(1.0 - e*(k-1)/q20))*qp; += nconst.g[i] * qr[k+1] * qt[l] / q10 / zz / RTcurr.rt; dfdt = pow(q20,(double) k) * (1-l) * qt[l+1] / / k; d2f = l * dfdt; dpt = dfdt * q10 * aconst.aa * k / q20; dadt += nconst.g[i] * dfdt; resf.dpdtr += nconst.g[i] * dpt; resf.cvr += nconst.g[i] * d2f / aconst.gascon; } qp = q2a = 0.0; for (i=36;i<40;i++) { if (nconst.g[i] != 0.0) { k = nconst.ii[i]; km = nconst.jj[i]; ddz = addcon.adz[i-36]; del = d / ddz - 1.0; if (mfabs(del) < 0.0000000001) del = 0.0000000001; ex1 = -addcon.aad[i-36] * pow(del,(double) k); if (ex1 < tolers.EXPTOL) dex = 0.0; else dex = exp(ex1) * pow(del,(double) km); att = addcon.aat[i-36]; tx = addcon.atz[i-36]; tau = t / tx - 1.0; ex2 = -att * tau * tau; if (ex2 < tolers.EXPTOL) tex = 0.0; else tex = exp(ex2); q10 = dex * tex; qm = km / del - k * addcon.aad[i-36] * pow(del,(double) (k-1)); fct = qm * d * d * q10 / ddz; q5t = fct * (2.0 / d + qm / ddz) - (d / ddz) * (d / ddz) * q10 * (km / del / del + k*(k-1)*addcon.aad[i-36] * pow(del,(double) (k-2))); qqqq.q5 += q5t * nconst.g[i]; qp += nconst.g[i] * fct; dadt -= 2.0 * nconst.g[i] * att * tau * q10 / tx; resf.dpdtr -= 2.0 * nconst.g[i] * att * tau * fct / tx; q2a += t * nconst.g[i] * (4.0 * att * ex2 + 2.0 * att) * q10 / tx / tx; += q10 * nconst.g[i] / RTcurr.rt; } } = -dadt / aconst.gascon; resf.ur = +; resf.cvr += q2a / aconst.gascon; qqqq.q += qp; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** ideal - Computes thermodynamic properties for H2O in the * ideal gas state using equations given by Woolley (1979). */ void ideal(t) double t; { double tt,tl,emult; double c[18]={19.730271018,20.9662681977,-.483429455355, 6.05743189245,22.56023885,-9.87532442,-4.3135538513,.458155781,-.047754901883,.0041238460633,-.00027929052852,.000014481695261,-.00000056473658748,.000000016200446,-.0000000003303822796,.00000000000451916067368,-.0000000000000370734122708,.000000000000000137546068238}; int i; tt = t / 100.0; tl = log(tt); = -(c[0]/tt + c[1]) * tl; idf.hi = (c[1] + c[0]*(1 - tl)/tt); idf.cpi = c[1] - c[0]/tt; for (i=2;i<18;i++) { emult = pow(tt,(double)(i-5)); -= c[i] * emult; idf.hi += c[i] * (i-5) * emult; idf.cpi += c[i] * (i-5) * (i-4) * emult; } = - 1; idf.ui = idf.hi - 1; idf.cvi = idf.cpi - 1; = idf.ui -; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** dalHGK - Computes/returns (d(alpha)/dt)p(d,t,alpha) * for the Haar et al. (1983) equation of state. */ double dalHGK(d,t,alpha) double d,t,alpha; { double k,l,km,lm,kp,lp,x; double dydtp,dbdd,db2dd,db2ddt,db2dtp,db3ddt,db3dtt,drdd,dr2dd,dr2ddt; double e1,e2,tzt,dr2dtp,dr3ddt,dr3dtt,xtzt,ai,bi,di,ti,tau,del,ex1,dex; double ex2,tex,ex12,qm,xdell,xdelk; extern double mfabs(); int i; /* evaluate derivatives for the base function */ aconst.yb = 0.25 * ellcon.b1 * d; x = 1.0 - aconst.yb; dydtp = (d/4.0)*(ellcon.b1t - ellcon.b1*alpha); dbdd = aconst.gascon*t* ((ellcon.b1/4.0/x) * (1.0 - (ellcon.g2-1.0)/x + (ellcon.g1+ellcon.g2+1.0)/x/x) + ellcon.b2 - ellcon.b1* + 1.0/d); db2dd = aconst.gascon*t* ((ellcon.b1*ellcon.b1/16.0/x/x) * (1.0 - 2.0*(ellcon.g2-1.0)/x + 3.0 * (ellcon.g1+ellcon.g2+1.0)/x/x) - 1.0/d/d); db2ddt = aconst.gascon*t * ((ellcon.b1t/4.0/x/x) * (1.0 - (ellcon.g2-1.0)*(1.0+aconst.yb)/x + (ellcon.g1+ellcon.g2+1.0) * (1.0+2.0*aconst.yb)/x/x) + ellcon.b2t -*ellcon.b1t) + dbdd/t; db2dtp = dbdd/t + aconst.gascon*t* ( (ellcon.b1*dydtp/4.0/x/x/x) * (1.0 - ellcon.g2 + 2.0 * (ellcon.g1+ellcon.g2+1.0)/x) + ((x*ellcon.b1t + ellcon.b1*dydtp)/4.0/x/x) * (1.0 - (ellcon.g2-1.0)/x + (ellcon.g1+ellcon.g2+1.0) /x/x) + ellcon.b2t -*ellcon.b1t + alpha/d ); db3ddt = db2dd/t + aconst.gascon*t * ( (ellcon.b1*ellcon.b1*dydtp/8.0/x/x/x/x) * (1.0 - ellcon.g2 + 3.0 * (ellcon.g1+ellcon.g2+1.0)/x) + (ellcon.b1*(x*ellcon.b1t + ellcon.b1*dydtp)/8.0/x/x/x) * (1.0 - 2.0*(ellcon.g2-1.0)/x + 3.0 * (ellcon.g1+ellcon.g2+1.0)/x/x) - 2.0*alpha/d/d ); db3dtt = (db2ddt - dbdd/t)/t + aconst.gascon*t* ((ellcon.b1t*dydtp/2.0/x/x/x/x) * (1.0 - ellcon.g2 + (ellcon.g1+ellcon.g2+1.0)*(2.0+aconst.yb)/x) + ((x*ellcon.b1tt + 2.0*ellcon.b1t*dydtp)/4.0/x/x/x) * (1.0 - (ellcon.g2-1.0) *(1+aconst.yb)/x + (ellcon.g1+ellcon.g2+1.0)*(1.0+2.0*aconst.yb)/x/x) + ellcon.b2tt -*ellcon.b1tt ) + (t*db2dtp - dbdd)/t/t; /* evaluate derivatives for the residual function */ e1 = exp(-aconst.aa * d); e2 = 1.0 - e1; tzt = / t; drdd = dr2dd = dr2ddt = dr2dtp = dr3ddt = dr3dtt = 0.0; for (i=0;i<nconst.n;i++) { k = (double)(nconst.ii[i]) + 1.0; l = (double)(nconst.jj[i]) - 1.0; km = k - 1.0; lm = l - 1.0; kp = k + 1.0; lp = l + 1.0; xtzt = pow(tzt,l); drdd += nconst.g[i] * xtzt*pow(e2,km)*e1; dr2dd += nconst.g[i] * e1*xtzt*pow(e2,km) * (km*e1/e2 - 1.0); dr2ddt -= nconst.g[i]*e1*l*pow(e2,km)*pow(tzt,lp)/; dr2dtp += nconst.g[i]*e1*pow(e2,km)*xtzt * ( d*alpha - l/t - km*e1*d * alpha/e2 ); dr3ddt += nconst.g[i]*( km*d*alpha*e1*e1*xtzt* pow(e2,k-3.0) + e1* xtzt * pow(e2,km)* (km*e1/e2 - 1.0) * (d*alpha - l/t - km*d*alpha*e1/e2) ); dr3dtt += nconst.g[i]*l*e1*pow(e2,km)*pow(tzt,lp)/ *( lp/t + d*alpha * km*e1/e2 - d*alpha ); } for (i=36;i<40;i++) { k = (double)(nconst.ii[i]); l = (double)(nconst.jj[i]); km = k - 1.0; lm = l - 1.0; kp = k + 1.0; lp = l + 1.0; ai = addcon.aad[i-36]; bi = addcon.aat[i-36]; di = addcon.adz[i-36]; ti = addcon.atz[i-36]; tau = t/ti - 1.0; del = d/di - 1.0; if (mfabs(del) < 0.0000000001) del = 0.0000000001; ex1 = -ai * pow(del,k); if (ex1 < tolers.EXPTOL) dex = 0.0; else dex = exp(ex1); ex2 = -bi * tau * tau; if (ex2 <= tolers.EXPTOL) tex = 0.0; else tex = exp(ex2); ex12 = dex * tex; qm = l/del - k*ai*pow(del,km); xdell = pow(del,l); xdelk = pow(del,k); drdd += nconst.g[i]*xdell*ex12/di*qm; dr2dd += nconst.g[i]*xdell*ex12/di/di * (qm*qm - l/di/di - ai*k*km* pow(del,k-2.0)); dr2ddt -= nconst.g[i]*2.0*bi*tau*ex12*xdell/ti/di*qm; dr2dtp += nconst.g[i]/di*( d*alpha*xdell*ex12/di/del/del * (l + ai*k*km *xdelk) + qm * ( ex12 * ( xdell* (k*ai*d*alpha*pow(del,km)/di - 2.0*bi*tau/ti) - l*d*alpha*pow(del,lm)/di))); dr3ddt += nconst.g[i]/di/di*( xdell*ex12* (2.0*qm*(l*d*alpha/di/del/del + ai*k*km*d*alpha*pow(del,k-2.0)/di) - 2.0*l*d*alpha/di/del/del/del + ai*k*km* (k-2.0)*pow(del,k-3.0)*d*alpha/di) + (qm*qm - l/del/del - ai*k*km* pow(del,k-2.0)) *(ex12*xdell*( ai*k*pow(del,k-1.0)*d*alpha/di - 2.0*bi*tau/ti ) - ex12*l*pow(del,l-1.0)*d*alpha/di)); dr3dtt -= 2.0*nconst.g[i]*bi/ti/di * ( tau*xdell*ex12*d* alpha/del/del / di * (l + ai*k*km*pow(del,k)) + qm*( xdell*ex12*( ai*k*d*alpha*tau*pow(del,km) /di + (1.0 - 2.0*bi*tau*tau)/ti - tau*l*d*alpha/di/del ))); } return ((db3dtt + dr3dtt)*(2.0*(dbdd + drdd) + d*(db2dd + dr2dd)) - (db2ddt + dr2ddt)*(2.0*(db2dtp + dr2dtp) + d*(db3ddt + dr3ddt) - d*alpha*(db2dd + dr2dd))) / (2.0*(dbdd + drdd) + d*(db2dd + dr2dd)) / (2.0*(dbdd + drdd) + d*(db2dd + dr2dd)); /* returns (d(alpha)/dT)P */ } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** denHGK - Computes density (d in g/cm3) and dP/dD (dPdd) as * f(p(MPa),t(degK)) from an initial density guess (dguess). */ void denHGK(d,p,dguess,t,dpdd) double *d,*dpdd,p,dguess,t; { int i,except1; double pp,dpdx,x,dp; extern double mfabs(); i = 0; *d = dguess; do { i++; except1 = 0; if (*d <= 0.0) *d = 0.00000001; if (*d > 1.9) *d = 1.9; resid(t,*d); base(*d,t); pp = RTcurr.rt * (*d) * basef.pb + qqqq.q; *dpdd = RTcurr.rt * (aconst.zb + aconst.yb * aconst.dzb) + qqqq.q5; /* if dpdd < 0 assume d in 2-phase region and adjust accordingly */ if (*dpdd <= 0.0) { except1 = 1; if (dguess >= 0.2967) *d *= 1.02; else *d *= 0.98; } if ((i <= 10) && except1) { ; } else { dpdx = *dpdd * 1.1; if (dpdx < 0.1) dpdx = 0.1; dp = mfabs(1.0 - pp/p); if ((dp < 0.00000001) || ((dguess > 0.3) && (dp < 0.0000001)) || ((dguess > 0.7) && (dp < 0.000001))) return; x = (p - pp) / dpdx; if (mfabs(x) > 0.1) x *= 0.1 / mfabs(x); *d += x; if (*d <= 0.0) *d = 0.00000001; } } while (i <= 30); return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** PsHGK - Returns an approximation to Psaturation(T) that agrees * to within 0.02% of that predicted by the HGK surface * for temperatures up to within roughly a degree of * the critical point. */ double PsHGK(t) double t; { double a[8] = {-7.8889166,2.5514255,-6.716169,33.239495,-105.38479,174.35319, -148.39348,48.631602}; double val,v,w,pl,b,q; extern double mfabs(); int i; if (t <= 314.0) { pl = 6.3573118 - 8858.843 / t + 607.56335 * pow(t,-0.6); val = 0.1 * exp(pl); } else { v = t / 647.25; w = mfabs(1.0 - v); b = 0.0; for (i=0;i<8;i++) b += a[i] * pow(w,(((double) i) + 2.0) / 2.0); q = b / v; val = 22.093 * exp(q); } return val; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** TsHGK - Returns Tsaturation(P). */ double TsHGK(p) double p; { double val,pl,tg,pp,dp; extern double PsHGK(),TdsdT(),mfabs(); int k,okay; val = 0.0; if (p > 22.05) return val; k = 0; pl = 2.302585 + log(p); tg = 372.83 + pl * (27.7589 + pl * (2.3819 + pl * (0.24834 + pl*0.0193855))); okay = 0; while (!okay) { if (tg < 273.15) tg = 273.15; if (tg > 674.0) tg = 674.0; if (k >= 8) { val = tg; okay = 1; } else { k++; pp = PsHGK(tg); dp = TdPsdT(tg); if (mfabs(1.0 - pp/p) < 0.00001) { val = tg; okay = 1; } else tg *= (1.0 + (p - pp)/dp); } } return val; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** TdPsdT - Returns T*(dPsat/dT). */ double TdPsdT(t) double t; { double a[8] = {-7.8889166,2.5514255,-6.716169,33.239495,-105.38479,174.35319, -148.39348,48.631602}; double v,w,b,c,y,q; int i; v = t / 647.25; w = 1.0 - v; b = c = 0.0; for (i=0;i<8;i++) { y = a[i] * pow(w,(((double) i) + 2.0) / 2.0); c += y/w*(0.5 - 0.5*(i+1) - 1.0/v); b += y; } q = b / v; return 22.093 * exp(q) * c; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** corr - Computes liquid and vapor densities (dliq & dvap) * and (Gl-Gv)/RT (delg) for T-P conditions on or * near the saturation surface. */ void corr(itripl,t,p,dl,dv,delg,epseqn) int itripl,epseqn; double t,p,*dl,*dv,*delg; { double dguess,gl,gv,dpdd; extern void denHGK(),thmHGK(),dimHGK(),ideal(),bb(); bb(t); dguess = *dl; if (*dl <= 0.0) dguess = 1.11 - 0.0004 * t; denHGK(dl,p,dguess,t,&dpdd); ideal(t); thmHGK(*dl,t); /* save liquid properties */ dimHGK(1,itripl,t,p,*dl,epseqn); gl =; dguess = *dv; if (*dv <= 0.0) dguess = p / RTcurr.rt; denHGK(dv,p,dguess,t,&dpdd); if (*dv < 0.0000005) *dv = 0.0000005; ideal(t); thmHGK(*dv,t); /* *** vapor properties will be available *** in COMMON /fcts/ (dimensionless) after *** pcorr's final call of corr (delg < 10d-4) */ gv =; *delg = gl - gv; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** pcorr - Computes Psaturation(T) (p) and liquid and vapor * densities (dl & dv) from refinement of an initial * approximation (PsHGK(t)) in accord with Gl = Gv. */ void pcorr(itripl,t,p,dl,dv,epseqn) int itripl,epseqn; double t,*p,*dl,*dv; { double dp,delg; extern double PsHGK(),mfabs(); extern void corr(); int okay; *p = PsHGK(t); *dl = *dv = 0.0; okay = 0; while (! okay) { corr(itripl,t,*p,dl,dv,&delg,epseqn); dp = delg * aconst.gascon * t / (1.0/(*dv) - 1.0/(*dl)); *p += dp; if (mfabs(delg) <= 0.0001) okay = 1; } return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** tcorr - Computes Tsaturation(P) (t) and liquid and vapor * densities (dl & dv) from refinement of an initial * approximation (TsHGK(p)) in accord with Gl = Gv. */ void tcorr(itripl,t,p,dl,dv,epseqn) int itripl,epseqn; double *t,p,*dl,*dv; { double dp,delg; extern double TsHGK(),TdPsdT(),mfabs(); extern void corr(); int okay; *t = TsHGK(p); if (*t == 0.0) return; *dl = *dv = 0.0; okay = 0; while (!okay) { RTcurr.rt = *t * aconst.gascon; corr(itripl,*t,p,dl,dv,&delg,epseqn); dp = delg * aconst.gascon * (*t) / (1.0/(*dv) - 1.0/(*dl)); *t *= (1.0 - dp/TdPsdT(*t)); if (mfabs(delg) <= 0.0001) okay = 1; } return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** LVSeqn - Computes thermodynamic and transport properties of * critical region H2O (369.85-419.85 degC, * 0.20-0.42 gm/cm3) from the fundamental equation given * by Levelt Sengers, et al (1983): J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data, * V.12, No.1, pp.1-28. */ void LVSeqn(isat,iopt,itripl,T,P,Dens,epseqn) int *isat,*iopt,itripl,epseqn; double *T,*P,Dens[2]; { extern void LVSsat(),thmLVS(),dimLVS(),denLVS(),cpswrap(); double dl,dv,cdens; int cpoint,okay,ioptsv = 0; cpoint = okay = 0; satur.DH2O = Dens[0]; while (!okay) { LVSsat(*iopt,isat,T,P,&satur.DH2O); if ((*isat != 0) || (*iopt != 1)) denLVS(*isat,T,*P); if (*isat == 0) Dens[0] = satur.DH2O; else { Dens[0] = satur.Dliq; Dens[1] = satur.Dvap; } if (*isat == 0) { thmLVS(*isat,*T,param.r1,param.th1); dimLVS(*isat,itripl,param.th1,*T,(*P*10.0),&dl,&dv,wpvals.wprops, epseqn); if (cpoint) { cpswrap(); Dens[0] = Dens[1] = cdens; *isat = 1; *iopt = ioptsv; } okay = 1; } else { param.th1 = -1.0; thmLVS(*isat,*T,param.r1,param.th1); dimLVS(*isat,itripl,param.th1,*T,(*P*10.0),&dl,&dv,wpvals.wprops, epseqn); param.th1 = 1.0; thmLVS(*isat,*T,param.r1,param.th1); dimLVS(*isat,itripl,param.th1,*T,(*P*10.0),&dl,&dv,wpvals.wprops, epseqn); if (dl == dv) { cpoint = 1; cdens = dl; *T = 647.0670000003; *P = 22.0460000008; ioptsv = *iopt; *iopt = 2; *isat = 0; } else okay = 1; } } return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** cpswrap - Load critical point A, G, U, H, S, Vs, Di, ZB, * albe values from wpliq into wprops and * approximations to critical Cv, Cp, alpha, beta, * visc, tcond, Prndtl, tdiff, visck, YB, QB, XB, * daldT, st values from wprops into wpliq. */ void cpswrap() { wpvals.wprops[0] = wpvals.wpliq[0]; wpvals.wprops[1] = wpvals.wpliq[1]; wpvals.wprops[2] = wpvals.wpliq[2]; wpvals.wprops[3] = wpvals.wpliq[3]; wpvals.wprops[4] = wpvals.wpliq[4]; wpvals.wprops[10] = wpvals.wpliq[10]; wpvals.wprops[18] = wpvals.wpliq[18]; wpvals.wprops[13] = wpvals.wpliq[13]; wpvals.wpliq[5] = wpvals.wprops[5]; wpvals.wpliq[6] = wpvals.wprops[6]; wpvals.wpliq[8] = wpvals.wprops[8]; wpvals.wpliq[9] = wpvals.wprops[9]; wpvals.wpliq[19] = wpvals.wprops[19]; wpvals.wpliq[20] = wpvals.wprops[20]; wpvals.wpliq[22] = wpvals.wprops[22]; wpvals.wpliq[12] = wpvals.wprops[12]; wpvals.wpliq[14] = wpvals.wprops[14]; wpvals.wpliq[15] = wpvals.wprops[15]; wpvals.wpliq[21] = wpvals.wprops[21]; wpvals.wpliq[17] = wpvals.wprops[17]; wpvals.wprops[7] = wpvals.wpliq[7] = 42.9352766443498 * units.fs; wpvals.wprops[11] = wpvals.wpliq[11] = wpvals.wprops[16] = wpvals.wpliq[16] = 1000000.0; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** LVSsat - If isat=1, computes Psat(T) or Tsat(P) (iopt=1,2). * If isat=0, checks whether T-D or T-P (iopt=1,2) * falls on or within TOL of the liq-vap surface; if so, * isat <- 1 and T <- Tsat. */ void LVSsat(iopt,isat,T,P,D) int iopt,*isat; double *T,*P,*D; { double ERRTOL = 0.000000000001,TCTOL = 0.01,Tsat; extern double mfabs(),TsLVS(),Pfind(); extern void backup(),restor(); if (*isat == 1) { if (iopt == 1) *P = Pfind(*isat,T,D); *T = TsLVS(*isat,*P); } else { if (iopt == 1) *P = Pfind(*isat,T,D); if ((*P - ERRTOL) > crits.Pc) return; else { backup(); Tsat = TsLVS(*isat,*P); if (mfabs(Tsat-(*T)) < TCTOL) { *T = Tsat; *isat = 1; } else restor(); } } return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** denLVS - Calculates DH2O(T,P) or Dvap,Dliq(T,P) from the * Levelt Sengers, et al (1983) critical region * equation of state. */ void denLVS(isat,T,P) int isat; double *T,P; { double s[2],sd[2],Pnext,Pdif,delD,Tw,dTw,rho1,rho2; extern double Pfind(),mfabs(); extern void ss(); int i; if (isat == 0) { satur.DH2O = crits.rhoc; for (i=0;i<20;i++) { Pnext = Pfind(isat,T,&satur.DH2O); Pdif = Pnext - P; if (satur.iphase == 2) { if (mfabs(Pdif) <= 0.0) return; if (Pdif < 0.0) satur.DH2O = coefs1.x[4]; else satur.DH2O = coefs1.x[3]; } else { delD = -Pdif/deri2.dPdD; satur.DH2O += delD; if (satur.DH2O < coefs1.x[3]) satur.DH2O = coefs1.x[3]; if (satur.DH2O > coefs1.x[4]) satur.DH2O = coefs1.x[4]; if (mfabs(delD/satur.DH2O) < 0.000001) return; } } } else { Tw = -crits.Tc / *T; dTw = 1.0 + Tw; ss(param.r1,param.th1,s,sd); rho1 = 1.0 + coefs1.q[8]*dTw + coefs1.a[0] * (s[0] + s[1]); rho2 = coefs1.a[6]*pow(param.r1,coefs1.a[5]) + coefs1.a[11]* pow(param.r1,coefs1.q[15]); satur.Dvap = crits.rhoc * (rho1 - rho2); satur.Dliq = crits.rhoc * (rho1 + rho2); } return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** TsLVS - Returns saturation T(P) */ double TsLVS(isat,P) int isat; double P; { double val,D,Pnext,dT; extern double Pfind(),mfabs(); int i; val = crits.Tc - 1.0; D = crits.rhoc; for (i=0;i<20;i++) { Pnext = Pfind(isat,&val,&D); dT = (Pnext - P) / deri2.dPdT; val -= dT; if (val > crits.Tc) val = crits.Tc; else { if (mfabs(dT/val) < 0.00000001) return val; } } return val; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** Pfind - Returns P(T,D). Computes (dP/dD)T when invoked by SUB * Dfind (isat=0) and (dP/dT)D when invoked by SUB TsLVS * (isat=1). Also computes 1st & 2nd partial derivatives * the singular part of the potential (Delta P tilde) that * are used in SUB thmLVS. */ double Pfind(isat,T,D) int isat; double *T,*D; { double sd[2],val,tee,rho,tt1,tt2,Pw0,dPw0,da4,dPw; double Uw,dPdTcd,dPwdTw,rho1,rhodi,Cvcoex,err,Pwmu; extern double mfabs(); extern void aux(),conver(),ss(); /* EQUIV CRAP */ deriv.xk[0] = coefs1.a[6]; deriv.xk[1] = coefs1.a[11]; if (mfabs(*T-crits.Tc) < tolers.FPTOL) *T = crits.Tc; tee = (*T - crits.Tc) / crits.Tc; deriv.Tw = -crits.Tc / (*T); deriv.dTw = 1.0 + deriv.Tw; if (isat == 0) { rho = *D / crits.rhoc; conver(rho,tee,&deriv.amu,¶m.th1,¶m.r1,&rho1,deriv.s,&rhodi,&err); } else { param.th1 = = -1.0; param.r1 = abc2.r = deriv.dTw/(1.0 - coefs1.a[8]); ss(param.r1,param.th1,deriv.s,sd); rho = param.th1 * (coefs1.a[6]*pow(param.r1,coefs1.a[5]) + coefs1.a[11]*pow(param.r1, coefs1.q[15])) + coefs1.a[0]*(deriv.s[0] + deriv.s[1]); rho += 1.0 + coefs1.q[8]*deriv.dTw; deriv.amu = 0.0; *D = rho * crits.rhoc; } tt1 = param.th1 * param.th1; tt2 = tt1 * tt1; Pw0 = 1.0 + deriv.dTw * (coefs1.a[4] + deriv.dTw*(coefs1.a[3] + deriv.dTw* coefs1.a[1])); if (isat == 0) Pwmu = deriv.amu*rhodi; else Pwmu = 0.0; deriv.p0th = coefs1.q[10] + coefs1.q[11]*tt1 + coefs1.q[12]*tt2; deriv.p1th = coefs1.q[17] + coefs1.q[18]*tt1 + coefs1.q[19]*tt2; dPw0 = coefs1.a[6]* deriv.p0th*pow(param.r1,2.0-coefs1.q[9]); da4 = coefs1.a[11] * deriv.p1th * pow(param.r1,2.0-coefs1.q[14]); dPw = coefs1.a[9]*(dPw0+da4); deriv.Pw = Pw0 + Pwmu + dPw; val = deriv.Pw * crits.Pcon * (*T); if (mfabs(param.th1) < 1.0) satur.iphase = 1; else { satur.iphase = 2; deriv.dP0dT = coefs1.a[4] + deriv.dTw*(2.0*coefs1.a[3] + 3.0* coefs1.a[1]*deriv.dTw); deriv.dM0dT = coefs1.a[13] + deriv.dTw*(2.0*coefs1.a[14] + 3.0* coefs1.a[15]*deriv.dTw); Uw = deriv.dP0dT - rho*deriv.dM0dT + coefs1.q[8]*deriv.amu + deriv.s[0] + deriv.s[1]; dPdTcd = Uw + rho*deriv.dM0dT; dPwdTw = deriv.Pw - deriv.Tw*dPdTcd; deri2.dPdT = crits.Pcon * dPwdTw; } aux(param.r1,param.th1,&deriv.d2PdT2,&deriv.d2PdMT,&deriv.d2PdM2,coefs1.a[9], deriv.xk,sd,&Cvcoex); if (satur.iphase == 1) deri2.dPdD = crits.dPcon * (*D) * (*T) / deriv.d2PdM2; return val; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** aux - Calculates some second derivatives of the * anomalous part of the equation of state. */ void aux(r1,th1,d2PdT2,d2PdMT,d2PdM2,aa,xk,sd,Cvcoex) double r1,th1,*d2PdT2,*d2PdMT,*d2PdM2,aa,xk[2],sd[2],*Cvcoex; { double s[2],w[2],y[2],z[2],coex[2],deli,ww,yy,zz,gamma,tt1,ter,g; double alhi,beti,gami,a1,a2,a4,f1; int i; deli = ww = yy = zz = *Cvcoex = 0.0; s[0] = coefs1.a[16] + coefs1.a[17]*th1*th1; s[1] = coefs1.a[18] + coefs1.a[19]*th1*th1; sd[0] = 2.0 * th1 * coefs1.a[17]; sd[1] = 2.0 * th1 * coefs1.a[19]; gamma = coefs1.a[5] * (coefs1.a[10] - 1.0); tt1 = th1 * th1; ter = 2.0 * coefs1.a[5] * coefs1.a[10] - 1.0; g = (1.0 + (coefs1.a[8] * ter - 3.0) * tt1 - coefs1.a[8] * (ter - 2.0) * tt1 * tt1); for (i=0;i<2;i++) { alhi = coefs1.q[9] - deli; beti = coefs1.a[5] + deli; gami = gamma - deli; if (r1 != 0.0) { w[i] = (1.0 - alhi)*(1.0-3.0*tt1)*s[i]-coefs1.a[5]*coefs1.a[10] * (1.0-tt1)*th1*(sd[i]); w[i] = (w[i] * pow(r1,-alhi)) * xk[i]/g; ww += w[i]; y[i] = beti*(1.0 - 3.0*tt1)*th1 - coefs1.a[5]*coefs1.a[10]*(1.0 - tt1)*th1; y[i] = (y[i] * pow(r1,beti-1.0)) * xk[i] / g; yy += y[i]; z[i] = 1.0-coefs1.a[8]*(1.0-(2.0*beti))*tt1; z[i] = (z[i] * pow(r1,-gami)) * xk[i] / g; zz += z[i]; a1 = (coefs1.a[5]*(coefs1.a[10]-3.0)-3.0*deli-coefs1.a[8]*alhi*gami)/ (2.0*coefs1.a[8]*coefs1.a[8]*(2.0- alhi)*(1.0-alhi)*alhi); a2 = -(1 +((coefs1.a[5]*(coefs1.a[10]-3.0)-3.0*deli-coefs1.a[8]*alhi* ter)/(2.0*coefs1.a[8]*(1.0 - alhi)*alhi))); a4 = 1.0 + ((ter - 2.0)/(2.0*alhi)); f1 = a1 + a2 + a4; coex[i]=((2.0-alhi)*(1.0-alhi)*pow(r1,-alhi)*f1*xk[i]); *Cvcoex += coex[i]; } deli = 0.5; } *d2PdT2 = aa * ww; *d2PdMT = yy + aa * coefs1.a[0] * ww; *d2PdM2 = zz/aa + 2.0 * coefs1.a[0] * yy + coefs1.a[0] * coefs1.a[0] * aa * ww; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** conver - Transforms T,D to parametric variables r,theta * according to the revised and scaled equations. */ void conver(rho,Tee,amu,th1,r1,rho1s,s1,rhodi,error1) double rho,Tee,*amu,*th1,*r1,*rho1s,s1[2],*rhodi,*error1; { double sd[2],Tstar,dtstin,rhodit,drho,rho1co,twofaz,y1,den1,tt,rhoweg; double den12,den2,slope,hold,error2,rho1s2; extern void ss(),rtheta(); extern double mfabs(),copysign(); int i; Tstar = Tee + 1.0; dtstin = 1.0 - (1.0 / Tstar); *r1 = dtstin; if (dtstin <= 0.0) { *r1 = dtstin / (1.0 - coefs1.a[8]); *th1 = 1.0; } else *th1 = 0.0; ss(*r1,*th1,s1,sd); *rhodi = 1.0 + coefs1.q[8] * dtstin; rhodit = *rhodi + coefs1.a[0] * s1[0] + coefs1.a[0] * s1[1]; drho = rho - rhodit; *amu = 0.0; if (dtstin <= 0.0) { rho1co = coefs1.a[6] * pow(*r1,coefs1.a[5]) + coefs1.a[11] * pow(*r1,coefs1.q[15]); twofaz = rho1co; if (mfabs(drho) <= twofaz) { *rho1s = copysign(rho1co,drho) + coefs1.a[0] * s1[0]; *th1 = copysign(1.0,drho); *error1 = 1.0; abc2.r = *r1; = *th1; return; } } if (drho == 0.0) { *th1 = 0.0; *r1 = dtstin; *rho1s = coefs1.a[0] * s1[0]; } /* rule for first pass */ y1 = dtstin; den1 = rho - rhodit; rtheta(r1,th1,den1,y1); tt = *th1 * *th1; *amu = coefs1.a[9] * pow(*r1,coefs1.a[5]*coefs1.a[10]) * *th1 * (1.0 - tt); y1 = dtstin + coefs1.a[0] * *amu; ss(*r1,*th1,s1,sd); rhoweg = coefs1.a[11] * pow(*r1,coefs1.q[15]) * *th1 + coefs1.a[0] * s1[1]; *rho1s = den1 + coefs1.a[0] * s1[0] + rhoweg; *error1 = rho - *rhodi - *rho1s; abc2.r = *r1; = *th1; if (mfabs(*error1) < 0.00001) return; /* rule for second pass */ den12 = rho - *rhodi - coefs1.a[0] * s1[0] + rhoweg; if (den12 == den1) den12 = den1 - 0.000001; rtheta(r1,th1,den12,y1); tt = *th1 * *th1; *amu = coefs1.a[9] * pow(*r1,coefs1.a[5]*coefs1.a[10]) * *th1 * (1.0 - tt); y1 = dtstin + coefs1.a[0] * *amu; ss(*r1,*th1,s1,sd); rhoweg = coefs1.a[11] * pow(*r1,coefs1.q[15]) * *th1 + coefs1.a[0] * s1[1]; rho1s2 = den12 + coefs1.a[0] * s1[0] + rhoweg; error2 = rho - *rhodi - rho1s2; if (mfabs(error2) < 0.00001) { abc2.r = *r1; = *th1; *error1 = error2; *rho1s = rho1s2; return; } /* rule for nth pass */ den2 = den12; for (i=0;i<10;i++) { slope = (error2 - *error1)/(den2-den1); hold = den2; den2 = den1 - (*error1/slope); rtheta(r1,th1,den2,y1); tt = *th1 * *th1; *amu = coefs1.a[9] * pow(*r1,(coefs1.a[5]*coefs1.a[10])) * *th1 * (1.0 - tt); y1 = dtstin + coefs1.a[0] * *amu; ss(*r1,*th1,s1,sd); rhoweg = coefs1.a[11] * pow(*r1,coefs1.q[15]) * *th1 + coefs1.a[0] * s1[1]; *rho1s = den2 + coefs1.a[0] * s1[0] + rhoweg; *error1 = error2; error2 = rho - *rhodi - rho1s2; abc2.r = *r1; = *th1; if (mfabs(error2) < 0.000001) return; } return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** rtheta - Fits data for 1.0 < theta < 1.000001. * Solves: * rho = em*theta*(r**beta) * Tee = r*(1.0d0-besq*theta*theta) * * Routine given by Moldover (1978): Jour. Res. NBS, v. 84, n. 4, * p. 329 - 334. From Loki: Moldover's code used extensive goto-ing; I * rewrote this using boolean checks and do-whiles */ void rtheta(r,theta,rho,Tee) double *r,*theta,rho,Tee; { int do600,do496,i; extern double copysign(),mfabs(); double bee,z,c,z2,z3,dz,absrho; do600 = do496 = 0; if ((coefs1.a[6] <= 0.0) || (coefs1.a[8] <= 1.0) || ((absrho=mfabs(rho)) < 0.000000000001)) { if (mfabs(Tee) >= 0.000000000001) do600 = 1; } else { bee = sqrt(coefs1.a[8]); if (mfabs(Tee) < 0.000000000001) { *theta = copysign(1.0,rho)/bee; *r = pow(rho/(coefs1.a[6]*(*theta)),1.0/coefs1.a[5]); return; } if (Tee < 0.0) { z = 1.0 - (1.0 - bee) * Tee / (1.0 - coefs1.a[8]) * pow(coefs1.a[6]/absrho ,1.0/coefs1.a[5]); } else { z = pow(1.0+Tee*pow(coefs1.a[6]/bee/absrho,1.0/coefs1.a[5]), -coefs1.a[5]); } if (z > (1.00234 * bee)) { do496 = do600 = 1; } else { c = -rho * bee/coefs1.a[6]/pow(mfabs(Tee),coefs1.a[5]); z = copysign(z,rho); for (i=0;i<16;i++) { z2 = z * z; z3 = 1.0 - z2; dz = z3 * (z + c * pow(mfabs(z3), coefs1.a[5]))/(z3 + 2.0 * coefs1.a[5] * z2); z -= dz; if (mfabs(dz/z) < 0.000000000001) { *theta = z/bee; *r = mfabs(Tee/(1.0 - z*z)); return; } } } } if (!do600) { if (mfabs(*theta) > 1.0001) *theta /= mfabs(*theta); return; } if ((Tee < 0.0) || do496) { *theta = copysign(1.0,rho); *r = mfabs(Tee/(1.0- coefs1.a[8])); return; } *theta = 0.000000000001; *r = Tee; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** ss - Computes terms of the summation that defines dPotl/dT * and the 1st derivative of the theta (s) square polynomial. */ void ss(r,th,s,sd) double r,th,s[2],sd[2]; { double sx[2],tt; tt = th * th; sx[0] = coefs1.a[16] + coefs1.a[17] * tt; sd[0] = 2.0 * coefs1.a[17] * th; sx[1] = coefs1.a[18] + coefs1.a[19] * tt; sd[1] = 2.0 * coefs1.a[19] * th; s[0] = sx[0] * coefs1.a[9] * coefs1.a[6] * pow(r,1.0-coefs1.q[9]); s[1] = sx[1] * coefs1.a[9] * coefs1.a[11] * pow(r,1.0-coefs1.q[14]); abc1.dPdM = pow(r,coefs1.a[5])*coefs1.a[6]*th + coefs1.a[0]* pow(r,1.0-coefs1.q[9])*coefs1.a[9]*coefs1.a[6]*sx[0] + pow(r,coefs1.q[15]) *coefs1.a[11]*th + coefs1.a[0]*pow(r,1.0-coefs1.q[14])*coefs1.a[9]* coefs1.a[11]*sx[1]; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** thmLVS - Calculates thermodynamic and transport properties * of critical region H2O using the Levelt Sengers, et al * (1983) equation of state. */ void thmLVS(isat,T,r1,th1) int isat; double T,r1,th1; { double sd[2],d2P0dT,d2M0dT,rho,Uw,dPdT2,dPwdTw,dPdTal,CviTw2; double Cvw,Cpw,Hw,Sw,Scond,Cvcoex; extern void aux(),ss(); d2P0dT = 2.0*coefs1.a[3] + 6.0*coefs1.a[1]*deriv.dTw; d2M0dT = 2.0*coefs1.a[14] + 6.0*coefs1.a[15]*deriv.dTw; deriv.dP0dT = coefs1.a[4] + deriv.dTw*(2.0*coefs1.a[3] + 3.0*coefs1.a[1]* deriv.dTw); deriv.dM0dT = coefs1.a[13] + deriv.dTw*(2.0*coefs1.a[14] + 3.0*coefs1.a[15]* deriv.dTw); if (isat == 0) { rho = satur.DH2O / crits.rhoc; Uw = deriv.dP0dT - rho*deriv.dM0dT + coefs1.q[8]*deriv.amu + deriv.s[0] + deriv.s[1]; } else { rho = th1 * (coefs1.a[6] * pow(r1,coefs1.a[5]) + coefs1.a[11] * pow(r1,coefs1.q[15])) + coefs1.a[0]*(deriv.s[0]+deriv.s[1]); rho += 1.0 + coefs1.q[8]*deriv.dTw; Uw = deriv.dP0dT - rho*deriv.dM0dT + coefs1.q[8] * deriv.amu + deriv.s[0] + deriv.s[1]; satur.DH2O = rho * crits.rhoc; dPdT2 = deriv.Pw - deriv.Tw*(Uw + rho*deriv.dM0dT); therm.heat = 1000.0*T*(crits.Pcon*dPdT2)*(1.0/satur.Dvap - 1.0/satur.Dliq); ss(r1,th1,deriv.s,sd); aux(r1,th1,&deriv.d2PdT2,&deriv.d2PdMT,&deriv.d2PdM2,coefs1.a[9], deriv.xk,sd,&Cvcoex); if (r1 != 0.0) deri2.dPdD = crits.dPcon * satur.DH2O * T / deriv.d2PdM2; } if (r1 != 0.0) { abc3.dPdTcd = deriv.dP0dT + coefs1.q[8]*(deriv.amu - rho/deriv.d2PdM2) + deriv.s[0] + deriv.s[1] - deriv.d2PdMT*rho/deriv.d2PdM2; dPwdTw = deriv.Pw - deriv.Tw*abc3.dPdTcd; dPdTal = crits.Pcon * dPwdTw; CviTw2 = d2P0dT - rho*d2M0dT + deriv.d2PdT2 - (coefs1.q[8]+deriv.d2PdMT)* (coefs1.q[8] + deriv.d2PdMT)/deriv.d2PdM2; Cvw = CviTw2 * deriv.Tw * deriv.Tw; Cpw = Cvw + deriv.d2PdM2*dPwdTw*dPwdTw / (rho*rho); therm.betaw = 1.0 / (satur.DH2O*deri2.dPdD); therm.alphw = therm.betaw * dPdTal; therm.Speed = 1000.0 * sqrt(Cpw/Cvw*deri2.dPdD); } else { Cvw = Cpw = therm.betaw = therm.alphw = 1.0; therm.Speed = 0.0; } Hw = deriv.Pw - deriv.Tw*Uw; Sw = Hw - rho*(deriv.amu+coefs1.a[12]+deriv.dTw*(coefs1.a[13]+deriv.dTw* (coefs1.a[14]+deriv.dTw*coefs1.a[15]))); Scond = crits.Scon / satur.DH2O; therm.U = Uw * crits.Ucon / satur.DH2O; therm.H = Hw * Scond * T; therm.Entrop = Sw * Scond; therm.AE = therm.U - T * therm.Entrop; therm.GE = therm.H - T * therm.Entrop; therm.Cv = Cvw * Scond; therm.Cp = Cpw * Scond; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** dalLVS - Computes/returns (d(alpha)/dt)p(D,T,alpha) * for the Levelt Sengers et al. (1983) * equation of state. Note that D (kg/m**3), * T (degK), P (MPa), alpha (degK**-1). */ double dalLVS(D,T,P,alpha) double D,T,P,alpha; { double dsdT[2],sp[2],dspdT[2],k[2],calpha[2],cbeta[2],delT,b1,b2; double cgamma[2],u[2],v[2],w[2],dudT[2],dvdT[2],dwdT[2],ar1,a01,ar2,a02; double amult,d0dT,drdT,q,dqdT,dP0dTT,ddelMT,dPdTT,dPdMMT,dPdMTT,dPPTT,pterm; extern double mfabs(); int i; if (abc2.r == 0.0) return 1000000.0; k[0] = coefs1.a[6]; k[1] = coefs1.a[11]; calpha[0] = coefs1.q[9]; calpha[1] = coefs1.q[14]; cbeta[0] = coefs1.a[5]; cbeta[1] = coefs1.q[15]; cgamma[0] = cbeta[0] * (coefs1.a[10] - 1.0); cgamma[1] = cgamma[0] - coefs1.q[13]; delT = (T - crits.Tc) / T; deriv.s[0] = coefs1.a[16] + coefs1.a[17] * *; deriv.s[1] = coefs1.a[18] + coefs1.a[19] * *; sp[0] = 2.0 * coefs1.a[17] *; sp[1] = 2.0 * coefs1.a[19] *; /* ********************************************************************* *** *** Compute drdT and d0dT from solution of the linear system *** *** ax = b *** *** d(dPdM)/dT = -D/Dc*alpha - P11*Tc/T**2 = ar1*drdT + a01*d0dT = b1 *** d(delT)/dT = Tc/T**2 = ar2*drdT + a02*d0dT = b2 *** */ b1 = -D / crits.rhoc * alpha - coefs1.q[8]*crits.Tc/T/T; b2 = crits.Tc / (T * T); ar1 = a01 = 0.0; for (i=0;i<2;i++) { ar1 += k[i]*(cbeta[i]**pow(abc2.r,cbeta[i]-1.0) + coefs1.a[9]*coefs1.a[0]*(1.0 - calpha[i])* pow(abc2.r,-calpha[i])* deriv.s[i]); a01 += k[i]*(pow(abc2.r,cbeta[i]) + coefs1.a[9]*coefs1.a[0]*sp[i]*pow(abc2.r,1.0 - calpha[i])); } ar2 = 1.0 - coefs1.a[8]** - coefs1.a[9]*coefs1.a[0]*cbeta[0]*coefs1.a[10]*(** *pow(abc2.r,(cbeta[0]*coefs1.a[10] - 1.0)); a02 = 3.0*coefs1.a[9]*coefs1.a[0]***pow(abc2.r,cbeta[0]*coefs1.a[10]) - 2.0*coefs1.a[8]*abc2.r* - coefs1.a[9]*coefs1.a[0]*pow(abc2.r,cbeta[0] * coefs1.a[10]); /* ********************************************************************* *** solve the linear system with simplistic GE w/ partial pivoting ********************************************************************* */ if (mfabs(ar1) > mfabs(ar2)) { amult = -ar2 / ar1; d0dT = (b2 + amult*b1) / (a02 + amult*a01); drdT = (b1 - a01*d0dT) / ar1; } else { amult = -ar1 / ar2; d0dT = (b1 + amult*b2) / (a01 + amult*a02); drdT = (b2 - a02*d0dT) / ar2; } /* ********************************************************************* *** *** Compute theta polynomials and their tempertaure derivatives *** */ dspdT[0] = 2.0*coefs1.a[17]*d0dT; dspdT[1] = 2.0*coefs1.a[19]*d0dT; dsdT[0] = dspdT[0]*; dsdT[1] = dspdT[1]*; q = 1.0 + (coefs1.a[8]*(2.0*cbeta[0]*coefs1.a[10]-1.0)-3.0)** - coefs1.a[8]*(2.0*cbeta[0]*coefs1.a[10] - 3.0)****; dqdT = 2.0*(coefs1.a[8]*(2.0*cbeta[0]*coefs1.a[10]-1.0)-3.0)**d0dT - 4.0*coefs1.a[8]*(2.0*cbeta[0]* coefs1.a[10] -3.0)****d0dT; for (i=0;i<2;i++) { u[i] = (1.0-coefs1.a[8]*(1.0-2.0*cbeta[i])**; dudT[i] = (-2.0*coefs1.a[8]*(1.0-2.0*cbeta[i])**d0dT - u[i]*dqdT)/q; v[i]= ((cbeta[i]-cbeta[0]*coefs1.a[10])*[0]*coefs1.a[10]-3.0*cbeta[i])***; dvdT[i] = ((cbeta[i]-cbeta[0]*coefs1.a[10])*d0dT+3.0*(cbeta[0]*coefs1.a[10]-3.0*cbeta[i])***d0dT - v[i]*dqdT) / q; w[i] = ((1.0 - calpha[i])*(1.0-3.0***deriv.s[i] - cbeta[0]*coefs1.a[10]*(*** sp[i]) / q; dwdT[i] = ((1.0-calpha[i])*((1.0-3.0***dsdT[i]-6.0**deriv.s[i]*d0dT)-cbeta[0] *coefs1.a[10]*((***dspdT[i] + sp[i]*(d0dT - 3.0***d0dT)) - w[i]*dqdT) / q; } /* ********************************************************************* *** *** Compute dP0dTT, ddelMT, dPdTT, dPdMMT, dPdMTT, dPPTT *** */ dP0dTT = crits.Tc/(T*T) * (2.0*coefs1.a[3] + 6.0*coefs1.a[1]*delT); ddelMT = coefs1.a[9]*pow(abc2.r,cbeta[0]*coefs1.a[10])*(cbeta[0]*coefs1.a[10]**(**drdT + (1.0-3.0***d0dT); dPdTT = dPdMMT = dPdMTT = 0.0; for (i=0;i<2;i++) { dPdTT += coefs1.a[9]*k[i] * (pow(abc2.r,1.0-calpha[i])*dsdT[i] + deriv.s[i]*(1.0 - calpha[i])*pow(abc2.r,-calpha[i])*drdT); dPdMMT += k[i] * ((pow(abc2.r,-cgamma[i])*dudT[i] - u[i]*cgamma[i]*pow(abc2.r, -1.0-cgamma[i])*drdT) / coefs1.a[9] + 2.0*coefs1.a[0]*(pow(abc2.r,cbeta[i]-1.0)*dvdT[i] + v[i]*(cbeta[i] - 1.0)*pow(abc2.r,cbeta[i]-2.0)*drdT) + coefs1.a[9]*coefs1.a[0]*coefs1.a[0]*(pow(abc2.r,-calpha[i])*dwdT[i] - calpha[i]*w[i] *pow(abc2.r,-1.0-calpha[i])*drdT)); dPdMTT += k[i] * (pow(abc2.r,cbeta[i]-1.0)*dvdT[i] +v[i]*(cbeta[i] - 1.0)* pow(abc2.r,cbeta[i]-2.0)*drdT + coefs1.a[9]*coefs1.a[0]*(pow(abc2.r,-calpha[i])*dwdT[i] - calpha[i]*pow(abc2.r,-1.0 - calpha[i])*drdT*w[i])); } dPPTT = dP0dTT + dPdTT + coefs1.q[8]*ddelMT - D/crits.rhoc*dPdMTT/deriv.d2PdM2 +(coefs1.q[8] + deriv.d2PdMT)*(D/crits.rhoc*alpha/deriv.d2PdM2+D/crits.rhoc*dPdMMT /(deriv.d2PdM2*deriv.d2PdM2)); pterm = P/crits.Pc + abc3.dPdTcd; /* return (d(alpha)/dT)P */ return (crits.Tc*crits.rhoc*crits.rhoc/(D*D*T*T) * (-2.0/T*deriv.d2PdM2*pterm + 2.0*alpha*deriv.d2PdM2*pterm + pterm*dPdMMT +deriv.d2PdM2*dPPTT)); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** backup - Save Pfind COMMON values during saturation check. */ void backup() { store.isav1 = satur.iphase; store.sav2 = param.r1; store.sav3 = param.th1; store.sav4 = deriv.amu; store.sav5 = deriv.s[0]; store.sav6 = deriv.s[1]; store.sav7 = deriv.Pw; store.sav8 = deriv.Tw; store.sav9 = deriv.dTw; store.sav10 = deriv.dM0dT; store.sav11 = deriv.dP0dT; store.sav12 = deriv.d2PdM2; store.sav13 = deriv.d2PdMT; store.sav14 = deriv.d2PdT2; store.sav15 = deriv.p0th; store.sav16 = deriv.p1th; store.sav17 = deriv.xk[0]; store.sav18 = deriv.xk[1]; store.sav19 = deri2.dPdD; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** restor - Restore Pfind COMMON values after saturation check. */ void restor() { satur.iphase = store.isav1; param.r1 = store.sav2; param.th1 = store.sav3; deriv.amu = store.sav4; deriv.s[0] = store.sav5; deriv.s[1] = store.sav6; deriv.Pw = store.sav7; deriv.Tw = store.sav8; deriv.dTw = store.sav9; deriv.dM0dT = store.sav10; deriv.dP0dT = store.sav11; deriv.d2PdM2 = store.sav12; deriv.d2PdMT = store.sav13; deriv.d2PdT2 = store.sav14; deriv.p0th = store.sav15; deriv.p1th = store.sav16; deriv.xk[0] = store.sav17; deriv.xk[1] = store.sav18; deri2.dPdD = store.sav19; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** load - Load thermodynamic and transport property values from * ptemp into props. */ void load(phase,ptemp,props) int phase; double ptemp[23],props[46]; /* The indexing system was switched over from a two-dimensional array to a one-dimensional array. */ { int i,key[46] = {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39,41,43,45,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46}; for (i=0;i<23;i++) props[key[(phase-1)*23 + i] - 1] = ptemp[i]; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** tpset - Dimension triple point U, S, H, A, G values (in J/g from * Table 2, Helgeson & Kirkham, 1974a) into user-specified units. */ void tpset() { double Utr= -15766.0,Str= 3.5144,Htr= -15971.0,Atr= -12870.0,Gtr= -13073.0; tpoint.Utripl = Utr*units.fh; tpoint.Stripl = Str*units.fh; tpoint.Htripl = Htr*units.fh; tpoint.Atripl = Atr*units.fh; tpoint.Gtripl = Gtr*units.fh; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** triple - Convert U, S, H, A, G values computed with reference to * zero triple point properties (Haar et al., 1984; * Levelt Sengers et al., 1983) into values referenced to * triple point properties given by Helgeson and Kirkham, 1974a. */ void triple(T,wpzero) double T,wpzero[23]; { int A=0,G=1,S=2,U=3,H=4; double TS; wpzero[S] += tpoint.Stripl; TS = T * wpzero[S] - tpoint.Ttripl*tpoint.Stripl; wpzero[G] = wpzero[H] - TS + tpoint.Gtripl; wpzero[A] = wpzero[U] - TS + tpoint.Atripl; wpzero[H] += tpoint.Htripl; wpzero[U] += tpoint.Utripl; return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** TdegK - Returns input temperature t converted from * user-specified units to degK. */ double TdegK(it,t) int it; double t; { switch (it) { case 1 : return t; case 2 : return t + 273.15; case 3 : return t / 1.8; default: return (t+459.67)/1.8; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** TdegUS - Returns input temperature t converted * from degK to user-specified units. */ double TdegUS(it,t) int it; double t; { switch (it) { case 1 : return t; case 2 : return t - 273.15; case 3 : return t * 1.8; default: return t * 1.8 - 459.67; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** dimHGK - Dimensions thermodynamic and transport property values * computed from the HGK equation of state per user-specified * choice of units. */ void dimHGK(isat,itripl,t,p,d,epseqn) int isat,itripl,epseqn; double t,p,d; { double pbars,dkgm3,betaPa,betab,CpJKkg; extern double viscos(),thcond(),surten(),dalHGK(),mfabs(); extern void Born92(),triple(); int aw=0,gw=1,sw=2,uw=3,hw=4,cvw=5,cpw=6,vsw=7,alw=8,bew=9,diw=10,viw=11,tcw=12, stw=13,tdw=14,Prw=15,vikw=16,albew=17,ZBw=18,YBw=19,QBw=20,dalwdT=21,XBw=22; wpvals.wprops[aw] =*RTcurr.rt*units.fh; wpvals.wprops[gw] =*RTcurr.rt*units.fh; wpvals.wprops[sw] =*aconst.gascon*units.fh*units.ft; wpvals.wprops[uw] = fcts.ud*RTcurr.rt*units.fh; wpvals.wprops[hw] = fcts.hd*RTcurr.rt*units.fh; wpvals.wprops[cvw] = fcts.cvd*aconst.gascon*units.fh*units.ft; wpvals.wprops[cpw] = fcts.cpd*aconst.gascon*units.fh*units.ft; wpvals.wprops[vsw] = sqrt(mfabs(fcts.cpd*fcts.dpdd*1000.0/fcts.cvd)) * units.fs; wpvals.wprops[bew] = 1.0/(d*fcts.dpdd*units.fp); wpvals.wprops[alw] = d * fcts.dvdt; wpvals.wprops[dalwdT] = dalHGK(d,t,wpvals.wprops[alw]); pbars = p*10.0; dkgm3 = d * 1000.0; betaPa = wpvals.wprops[bew]*units.fp / 1000000.0; betab = wpvals.wprops[bew]*units.fp / 10.0; CpJKkg = wpvals.wprops[cpw]/units.fh/units.ft * 1000.0; wpvals.wprops[viw] = viscos(t,pbars,dkgm3,betaPa) * units.fvd; wpvals.wprops[tcw] = thcond(t,pbars,dkgm3,wpvals.wprops[alw],betaPa) * units.fc * units.ft; if ((isat == 0) || (isat == 2)) wpvals.wprops[stw] = 0.0; else wpvals.wprops[stw] = surten(t) * units.fst; Born92(t,pbars,(dkgm3/1000.0),betab,wpvals.wprops[alw],wpvals.wprops[dalwdT],&wpvals.wprops[diw],&wpvals.wprops[ZBw],&wpvals.wprops[QBw],&wpvals.wprops[YBw],&wpvals.wprops[XBw],epseqn); wpvals.wprops[tdw] = wpvals.wprops[tcw]/units.fc/units.ft / (dkgm3 * CpJKkg) * units.fvk; if (wpvals.wprops[tcw] != 0.0) wpvals.wprops[Prw] = wpvals.wprops[viw]/units.fvd * CpJKkg / (wpvals.wprops[tcw]/units.fc/units.ft); else wpvals.wprops[Prw] = 0.0; wpvals.wprops[vikw] = wpvals.wprops[viw]/ units.fvd / dkgm3 * units.fvk; wpvals.wprops[albew] = wpvals.wprops[alw] / wpvals.wprops[bew]; if (itripl == 1) triple(t,wpvals.wprops); return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** dimLVS - Dimension critical region properties per user-specs * and load into tprops. */ void dimLVS(isat,itripl,theta,T,Pbars,dl,dv,tprops,epseqn) int isat,itripl,epseqn; double theta,T,Pbars,*dl,*dv,tprops[23]; { double CpJKkg,betaPa,betab,dkgm3; extern double mfabs(),dalLVS(),visoc(),thcond(),surten(); extern void triple(),Born92(); int aw=0,gw=1,sw=2,uw=3,hw=4,cvw=5,cpw=6,vsw=7,alw=8,bew=9,diw=10,viw=11,tcw=12,stw=13,tdw=14,Prw=15,vikw=16,albew=17,ZBw=18,YBw=19,QBw=20,dalwdT=21,XBw=22; if (isat == 1) { *dv = satur.Dvap; *dl = satur.Dliq; } tprops[aw] = therm.AE * units.fh; tprops[gw] = therm.GE * units.fh; tprops[sw] = therm.Entrop * units.fh * units.ft; tprops[uw] = therm.U * units.fh; tprops[hw] = therm.H * units.fh; tprops[cvw] = therm.Cv * units.fh * units.ft; tprops[cpw] = therm.Cp * units.fh * units.ft; tprops[vsw] = therm.Speed * units.fs; tprops[bew] = therm.betaw / units.fp; tprops[alw] = therm.alphw; = theta; tprops[dalwdT] = dalLVS(satur.DH2O,T,Pbars/10.0,tprops[alw]); CpJKkg = therm.Cp * 1000.0; betaPa = therm.betaw / 1000000.0; betab = therm.betaw / 10.0; if (mfabs(theta) != 1.0) { dkgm3 = satur.DH2O; tprops[stw] = 0.0; } else { if (theta < 0.0) { dkgm3 = satur.Dvap; tprops[stw] = 0.0; } else { dkgm3 = satur.Dliq; tprops[stw] = surten(T) * units.fst; } } Born92(T,Pbars,(dkgm3/1000.0),betab,tprops[alw],tprops[dalwdT],&tprops[diw], &tprops[ZBw],&tprops[QBw],&tprops[YBw],&tprops[XBw],epseqn); tprops[viw] = viscos(T,Pbars,dkgm3,betaPa) * units.fvd; tprops[tcw] = thcond(T,Pbars,dkgm3,tprops[alw],betaPa) * units.fc * units.ft; tprops[tdw] = tprops[tcw]/units.fc/units.ft / (dkgm3 * CpJKkg) * units.fvk; tprops[Prw] = tprops[viw]/units.fvd * CpJKkg / (tprops[tcw]/units.fc/units.ft); tprops[vikw] = tprops[viw]/units.fvd / dkgm3 * units.fvk; tprops[albew] = tprops[alw] / tprops[bew]; if (itripl == 1) triple(T,tprops); return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** viscos - Returns dynamic viscosity of H2O in kg/m*s (= Pa*s) * if Tk, Pbars falls within the validity region (specified * by the initial IF statement) of the Watson et al. (1980) * equation; otherwise returns zero. See equations 3.1-2 and * 4.1-5 and Tables 1, 6, and 8 from Sengers and * Kamgar-Parsi (1984). */ double viscos(Tk,Pbars,Dkgm3,betaPa) double Tk,Pbars,Dkgm3,betaPa; { double a[4] = {0.0181583,0.0177624,0.0105287,-0.0036744}; double b[42]= {0.5132047, 0.3205656, 0.0,0.0, -0.7782567, 0.1885447, 0.2151778, 0.7317883, 1.2410440, 1.4767830, 0.0,0.0, -0.2818107, -1.0707860, -1.2631840, 0.0, 0.0,0.0,0.1778064, 0.4605040, 0.2340379, -0.4924179, 0.0,0.0, -0.0417661, 0.0,0.0,0.1600435, 0.0,0.0,0.0, -0.01578386, 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,-0.003629481,0.0,0.0}; double tol = 0.01,TdegC,T,D,sum,u0,u1,xt,u2; int i,j; TdegC = Tk - 273.15; if ((Pbars > (5000.0+tol)) || ((Pbars > (3500.0+tol)) && (TdegC > (150.0+tol))) || ((Pbars > (3000.0+tol)) && (TdegC > (600.0+tol))) || (TdegC > (900.0+tol))) return 0.0; T = Tk / 647.27; D = Dkgm3 / 317.763; sum = 0.0; for (i=0;i<4;i++) sum += a[i]/pow(T,(double) i); u0 = 0.000001 * sqrt(T) / sum; sum = 0.0; for (i=0;i<6;i++) for (j=0;j<7;j++) sum += b[j*6+i] * pow((1.0/T-1),(double) i) * pow((D-1),(double) j); u1 = exp(D*sum); if ((0.997 <= T) && (T <= 1.0082) && (0.755 <= D) && (D <= 1.2900)) { xt = 22115000.0 / (100973.324169) * betaPa * Dkgm3 * Dkgm3; if (xt < 22.0) u2 = 1.0; else u2 = 0.922 * pow(xt,0.0263); } else u2 = 1.0; return u0*u1*u2; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** thcond - Returns thermal conductivity of H2O in J/m*deg*s (=W/m*deg) * if Tk, Pbars falls within the validity region (specified * by the initial IF statement) of the Sengers et al. (1984) * equation; returns zero otherwise. See equations 3.2-14 * and tables 2-5 and I.5-6 from the above reference. */ double thcond(Tk,Pbars,Dkgm3,alph,betaPa) double Tk,Pbars,Dkgm3,alph,betaPa; { int i,j; double T,D,sum,L0,L1,L2,TdegC,u0,u1,xt,dPdT; double aL[4] = { 2.02223,14.11166,5.25597,-2.0187 }; double au[4] = { .0181583,.0177624,.0105287,-.0036744 }; double bL[30] = { 1.329304600, -0.404524370, 0.244094900, 0.018660751, -0.129610680, 0.044809953, 1.701836300, -2.215684500, 1.651105700, -0.767360020, 0.372833440, -0.112031600, 5.224615800, -10.12411100, 4.987468700, -0.272976940, -0.430833930, 0.133338490, 8.712767500, -9.500061100, 4.378660600, -0.917837820, 0.0, 0.0, -1.852599900, 0.934046900, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; double bu[30] = { 0.5019380, 0.2356220, -0.2746370, 0.1458310, -0.0270448, 0.1628880, 0.7893930, -0.7435390, 0.2631290, -0.0253093, -0.1303560, 0.6736650, -0.9594560, 0.3472470, -0.0267758, 0.9079190, 1.2075520, -0.6873430, 0.2134860, -0.0822904, -0.5511190, 0.0670665, -0.4970890, 0.1007540, 0.0602253, 0.1465430, -0.0843370, 0.1952860, -0.0329320, -0.0202595}; double tol = .01; TdegC = Tk - 273.15; if ((Pbars > (4000.0+tol)) || ((Pbars > (2000.0+tol)) && (TdegC > (125.0+tol))) || ((Pbars > (1500.0+tol)) && (TdegC > (400.0+tol))) || (TdegC > (800.0+tol))) return 0.0; T = Tk / 647.27; D = Dkgm3 / 317.763; sum = 0.0; for (i=0;i<4;i++) sum += aL[i]/pow(T,(double) i); L0 = sqrt(T) / sum; sum = 0.0; for (i=0;i<5;i++) for (j=0;j<6;j++) sum += bL[i*6+j] * pow((1.0/T-1),(double) i) * pow((D-1),(double) j); L1 = exp(D*sum); sum = 0.0; for (i=0;i<4;i++) sum += au[i]/pow(T,(double) i); u0 = 0.000001 * sqrt(T) / sum; sum = 0.0; for (i=0;i<6;i++) for (j=0;j<5;j++) sum += bu[i*5+j] * pow((1.0/T-1),(double) i) * pow((D-1),(double) j); u1 = exp(D*sum); xt = 22115000.0 / (100973.324169) * betaPa * Dkgm3 * Dkgm3; dPdT = (647.27/22115000.0) * alph/betaPa; L2 = 0.000000037711 / (u0*u1) * T*T/(D*D) * dPdT * dPdT * pow(xt,0.4678) * sqrt(D) * exp(-18.66*(T-1)*(T-1) - pow((D-1),4.0)); return L0*L1+L2; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** surten - Returns the surface tension of vapor-saturated liquid * H2O in MPa*cm (converted from N/m) as computed from * the Vargaftik et al. (1983) equation. See equations * 10.1-2, Kestin et al. (1984); compare also equation * C.5 and table 11, Haar et al. (1984). */ double surten(Tsatur) double Tsatur; { double Tnorm; if ((Tsatur < 273.16) || (Tsatur > 647.067)) return 0.0; if (Tsatur >= (647.067-0.0000000001)) Tnorm = 0.0; else Tnorm = (0.999686 - Tsatur/647.27) / 0.999686; return 0.2358*pow(Tnorm,1.256)*(1.0 - 0.625*Tnorm); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** Born92 - Computes the Z, Q, Y, and X Born functions at TK, Pbars. *** epseqn = 4 ...... use Johnson-Norton (1991) equation */ void Born92(TK,Pbars,dgcm3,betab,alphaK,daldT,eps,Z,Q,Y,X,epseqn) int epseqn; double TK,Pbars,dgcm3,betab,alphaK,daldT,*eps,*Z,*Q,*Y,*X; { double TdegC,dedP,dedT,d2edT2; extern void JN91(),epsBrn(); *eps = *Z = *Y = *Q = *X = 0.0; TdegC = TK - 273.15; if ((TdegC > (1000.0+0.001)) || (Pbars > (5000.0+0.001))) return; if (epseqn == 4) { JN91(TK,dgcm3,betab,alphaK,daldT,eps,&dedP,&dedT,&d2edT2); epsBrn(*eps,dedP,dedT,d2edT2,Z,Q,Y,X); return; } /* more axed code per .f */ return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** JN91 - Compute (eps, dedP, dedT, d2edT2)(T,D) using equations *** given by Johnson and Norton (1991); fit parameters *** regressed from least squares fit to dielectric data *** consistent with the HK74 equation and low temperatures, *** and with the Pitz83 equation at high temperatures. *** *** Units: T ............... K *** D ............... g/cm**3 *** beta, dedP ...... bar**(-1) *** alpha, dedT ..... K**(-1) *** daldT, d2edT2 ... K**(-2) */ void JN91(T,D,beta,alpha,daldT,eps,dedP,dedT,d2edT2) double T,D,beta,alpha,daldT,*eps,*dedP,*dedT,*d2edT2; { /*OK OK*/ int i; double Tn,T2,T3,Tr2; double c[5],dcdT[5],dc2dTT[5]; double Tref = 298.15; double a[10] = { 14.70333593,212.8462733,-115.4445173,19.55210915, -83.30347980,32.13240048,-6.694098645,-37.86202045,68.87359646, -27.29401652 }; Tn = T / Tref; T2 = T * T; T3 = T2 * T; Tr2 = Tref * Tref; c[0] = 1.0; dcdT[0] = dc2dTT[0] = 0.0; c[1] = a[0]/Tn; dcdT[1] = -a[0]*Tref/T2; dc2dTT[1] = 2.0*a[0]*Tref/T3; c[2] = a[1]/Tn + a[2] + a[3]*Tn; dcdT[2] = -a[1]*Tref/T2 + a[3]/Tref; dc2dTT[2] = 2.0*a[1]*Tref/T3; c[3] = a[4]/Tn + a[5]*Tn + a[6]*Tn*Tn; dcdT[3] = -a[4]*Tref/T2 + a[5]/Tref + 2.0*a[6]*T/Tr2; dc2dTT[3] = 2.0*a[4]*Tref/T3 + 2.0*a[6]/(Tref*Tref); c[4] = a[7]/(Tn*Tn) + a[8]/Tn + a[9]; dcdT[4] = -2.0*a[7]*Tr2/T3 - a[8]*Tref/T2; dc2dTT[4] = 6.0*a[7]*Tr2/(T2*T2) + 2.0*a[8]*Tref/T3; *eps = *dedP = *dedT = *d2edT2 = 0.0; for (i=0;i<5;i++) *eps += c[i]*pow(D,(double) i); for (i=0;i<5;i++) *dedP += i*c[i]*pow(D,(double) i); *dedP *= beta; for (i=0;i<5;i++) *dedT += pow(D,(double) i)*(dcdT[i] - i*alpha*c[i]); for (i=0;i<5;i++) *d2edT2 += pow(D,(double) i)*(dc2dTT[i] - i*(alpha*dcdT[i] + c[i]*daldT) - i*alpha* (dcdT[i] - i*alpha*c[i])); return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *** epsBrn - Compute the Z, Q, Y, and X Born functions from their *** eps, dedP, dedT, and d2edT2 counterparts. */ void epsBrn(eps,dedP,dedT,d2edT2,Z,Q,Y,X) double eps,dedP,dedT,d2edT2,*Z,*Q,*Y,*X; { *Z = -1.0/eps; *Q = 1.0/(eps*eps) * dedP; *Y = 1.0/(eps*eps) * dedT; *X = 1.0/(eps*eps) * d2edT2 - 2.0*eps * (*Y) * (*Y); return; }
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