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/* molecule.c * RasMol2 Molecular Graphics * Roger Sayle, August 1995 * Version 2.6 */ #include "rasmol.h" #ifdef IBMPC #include <windows.h> #include <malloc.h> #endif #ifdef APPLEMAC #include <Types.h> #endif #ifndef sun386 #include <stdlib.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #define MOLECULE #include "molecule.h" #include "command.h" #include "abstree.h" #include "transfor.h" #include "render.h" #define HBondPool 32 #define BondPool 32 #define AtomPool 32 #define NoLadder 0x00 #define ParaLadder 0x01 #define AntiLadder 0x02 #define Cos70Deg 0.34202014332567 #define MaxHBondDist ((Long)300*300) #define MaxBondDist ((Long)475*475) #define MinBondDist ((Long)100*100) #define AbsMaxBondDist 600 #ifdef APPLEMAC #define AllocSize 256 typedef struct _AllocRef { struct _AllocRef *next; void *data[AllocSize]; int count; } AllocRef; static AllocRef *AllocList; #endif typedef struct { char name[4]; int code; } SynonymTable; #define RESSYNMAX 16 static SynonymTable ResSynonym[RESSYNMAX] = { { "ADE", 24 }, /* A : Adenosine */ { "CPR", 11 }, /* PRO : Cis-proline */ { "CSH", 17 }, /* CYS : Cystine */ { "CSM", 17 }, /* CYS : Cystine */ { "CYH", 17 }, /* CYS : Cystine */ { "CYT", 25 }, /* C : Cytosine */ { "D2O", 47 }, /* DOD : Heavy Water */ { "GUA", 26 }, /* G : Guanosine */ { "H2O", 46 }, /* HOH : Solvent */ { "SOL", 46 }, /* HOH : Solvent */ { "SUL", 48 }, /* SO4 : Sulphate */ { "THY", 27 }, /* T : Thymidine */ { "TIP", 46 }, /* HOH : Water */ { "TRY", 20 }, /* TRP : Tryptophan */ { "URI", 28 }, /* U : Uridine */ { "WAT", 46 } /* HOH : Water */ }; static Molecule __far *FreeMolecule; static HBond __far *FreeHBond; static Chain __far *FreeChain; static Group __far *FreeGroup; static Atom __far *FreeAtom; static Bond __far *FreeBond; static IntCoord __far *IntPrev; static HBond __far * __far *CurHBond; static int MemSize; /* Macros for commonly used loops */ #define ForEachAtom for(chain=Database->clist;chain;chain=chain->cnext) \ for(group=chain->glist;group;group=group->gnext) \ for(aptr=group->alist;aptr;aptr=aptr->anext) #define ForEachBond for(bptr=Database->blist;bptr;bptr=bptr->bnext) /* Forward Reference */ void DestroyDatabase(); #ifdef APPLEMAC /* External RasMac Function Declaration! */ void SetFileInfo( char*, OSType, OSType, short ); #endif static void FatalDataError(ptr) char *ptr; { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer,"Database Error: %s!",ptr); RasMolFatalExit(buffer); } void DescribeMolecule() { char buffer[40]; if( CommandActive ) WriteChar('\n'); CommandActive=False; if( *InfoMoleculeName ) { WriteString("Molecule name ....... "); WriteString(InfoMoleculeName); WriteChar('\n'); } if( *InfoClassification ) { WriteString("Classification ...... "); WriteString(InfoClassification); WriteChar('\n'); } if( Database && (MainGroupCount>1) ) { WriteString("Secondary Structure . "); if( InfoStrucSrc==SourceNone ) { WriteString("No Assignment\n"); } else if( InfoStrucSrc==SourcePDB ) { WriteString("PDB Data Records\n"); } else WriteString("Calculated\n"); } if( *InfoIdentCode ) { WriteString("Brookhaven Code ..... "); WriteString(InfoIdentCode); WriteChar('\n'); } if( InfoChainCount>1 ) { sprintf(buffer,"Number of Chains .... %d\n",InfoChainCount); WriteString(buffer); } sprintf(buffer,"Number of Groups .... %d",MainGroupCount); WriteString(buffer); if( HetaAtomCount ) { sprintf(buffer," (%d)\n",HetaGroupCount); WriteString(buffer); } else WriteChar('\n'); sprintf(buffer,"Number of Atoms ..... %ld",(long)MainAtomCount); WriteString(buffer); if( HetaAtomCount ) { sprintf(buffer," (%d)\n",HetaAtomCount); WriteString(buffer); } else WriteChar('\n'); if( InfoBondCount ) { sprintf(buffer,"Number of Bonds ..... %ld\n",(long)InfoBondCount); WriteString(buffer); } if( InfoSSBondCount != -1 ) { WriteString("Number of Bridges ... "); sprintf(buffer,"%d\n\n",InfoSSBondCount); WriteString(buffer); } if( InfoHBondCount != -1 ) { WriteString("Number of H-Bonds ... "); sprintf(buffer,"%d\n",InfoHBondCount); WriteString(buffer); } if( InfoHelixCount != -1 ) { WriteString("Number of Helices ... "); sprintf(buffer,"%d\n",InfoHelixCount); WriteString(buffer); WriteString("Number of Strands ... "); sprintf(buffer,"%d\n",InfoLadderCount); WriteString(buffer); WriteString("Number of Turns ..... "); sprintf(buffer,"%d\n",InfoTurnCount); WriteString(buffer); } } #ifdef APPLEMAC /* Avoid System Memory Leaks! */ static void RegisterAlloc( data ) void *data; { register AllocRef *ptr; if( !AllocList || (AllocList->count==AllocSize) ) { ptr = (AllocRef *)_fmalloc( sizeof(AllocRef) ); if( !ptr ) FatalDataError("Memory allocation failed"); ptr->next = AllocList; ptr->data[0] = data; ptr->count = 1; AllocList = ptr; } else AllocList->data[AllocList->count++] = data; } #else #define RegisterAlloc(x) #endif /*==================================*/ /* Group & Chain Handling Functions */ /*==================================*/ void CreateChain( ident ) int ident; { register Chain __far *prev; if( !CurMolecule ) { if( !(CurMolecule = FreeMolecule) ) { MemSize += sizeof(Molecule); CurMolecule = (Molecule __far *)_fmalloc(sizeof(Molecule)); if( !CurMolecule ) FatalDataError("Memory allocation failed"); RegisterAlloc( CurMolecule ); } else FreeMolecule = (void __far*)0; CurChain = (void __far*)0; CurMolecule->slist = (void __far*)0; CurMolecule->hlist = (void __far*)0; CurMolecule->blist = (void __far*)0; CurMolecule->clist = (void __far*)0; Database = CurMolecule; } /* Handle chain breaks! */ if( !(prev=CurChain) ) if( (prev=CurMolecule->clist) ) while( prev->cnext ) prev = prev->cnext; if( !(CurChain = FreeChain) ) { MemSize += sizeof(Chain); CurChain = (Chain __far *)_fmalloc(sizeof(Chain)); if( !CurChain ) FatalDataError("Memory allocation failed"); RegisterAlloc( CurChain ); } else FreeChain = FreeChain->cnext; if( prev ) { prev->cnext = CurChain; } else CurMolecule->clist = CurChain; CurChain->cnext = (void __far*)0; CurChain->ident = ident; CurChain->model = NMRModel; CurChain->glist = (void __far*)0; CurChain->blist = (void __far*)0; ConnectAtom = (void __far*)0; CurGroup = (void __far*)0; InfoChainCount++; } void CreateGroup( pool ) int pool; { register Group __far *ptr; register int i; if( !(ptr = FreeGroup) ) { MemSize += pool*sizeof(Group); ptr = (Group __far *)_fmalloc( pool*sizeof(Group) ); if( !ptr ) FatalDataError("Memory allocation failed"); RegisterAlloc( ptr ); for( i=1; i<pool; i++ ) { ptr->gnext = FreeGroup; FreeGroup = ptr++; } } else FreeGroup = ptr->gnext; if( CurGroup ) { ptr->gnext = CurGroup->gnext; CurGroup->gnext = ptr; } else { ptr->gnext = CurChain->glist; CurChain->glist = ptr; } CurGroup = ptr; CurAtom = (void __far*)0; ptr->alist = (void __far*)0; ptr->insert = ' '; ptr->struc = 0; ptr->flag = 0; ptr->col1 = 0; ptr->col2 = 0; } int FindResNo( ptr ) char *ptr; { register int hi,lo; register int refno; register int flag; register int mid; for( refno=0; refno<ResNo; refno++ ) if( !strncmp(Residue[refno],ptr,3) ) return( refno ); lo = 0; hi = RESSYNMAX; while( lo < hi ) { mid = (hi+lo)>>1; flag = strncmp(ResSynonym[mid].name,ptr,3); if( !flag ) return( ResSynonym[mid].code ); /* Binary Search */ if( flag<0 ) { lo = mid+1; } else hi = mid; } if( ResNo++ == MAXRES ) FatalDataError("Too many new residues"); Residue[refno][0] = *ptr++; Residue[refno][1] = *ptr++; Residue[refno][2] = *ptr; return( refno ); } void ProcessGroup( heta ) int heta; { register int serno; serno = CurGroup->serno; if( IsSolvent(CurGroup->refno) ) heta = True; if( heta ) { HetaGroupCount++; if( HMinMaxFlag ) { if( serno > MaxHetaRes ) { MaxHetaRes = serno; } else if( serno < MinHetaRes ) MinHetaRes = serno; } else MinHetaRes = MaxHetaRes = serno; } else { MainGroupCount++; if( MMinMaxFlag ) { if( serno > MaxMainRes ) { MaxMainRes = serno; } else if( serno < MinMainRes ) MinMainRes = serno; } else MinMainRes = MaxMainRes = serno; } } void CreateMolGroup() { strcpy(InfoFileName,DataFileName); CreateChain( ' ' ); CreateGroup( 1 ); CurGroup->refno = FindResNo( "MOL" ); CurGroup->serno = 1; MinMainRes = MaxMainRes = 1; MinHetaRes = MaxHetaRes = 0; MainGroupCount = 1; } /*=========================*/ /* Atom Handling Functions */ /*=========================*/ Atom __far *CreateAtom() { register Atom __far *ptr; register int i; if( !(ptr = FreeAtom) ) { MemSize += AtomPool*sizeof(Atom); ptr = (Atom __far *)_fmalloc( AtomPool*sizeof(Atom) ); if( !ptr ) FatalDataError("Memory allocation failed"); RegisterAlloc( ptr ); for( i=1; i<AtomPool; i++ ) { ptr->anext = FreeAtom; FreeAtom = ptr++; } } else FreeAtom = ptr->anext; if( CurAtom ) { ptr->anext = CurAtom->anext; CurAtom->anext = ptr; } else { ptr->anext = CurGroup->alist; CurGroup->alist = ptr; } CurAtom = ptr; SelectCount++; ptr->flag = SelectFlag | NonBondFlag; ptr->label = (void*)0; ptr->radius = 375; ptr->altl = ' '; ptr->mbox = 0; ptr->col = 0; return( ptr ); } void ProcessAtom( ptr ) Atom __far *ptr; { ptr->elemno = GetElemNumber(CurGroup,ptr); if( ptr->elemno == 1 ) { ptr->flag |= HydrogenFlag; HasHydrogen = True; } if( !IsSolvent(CurGroup->refno) ) { if( !(ptr->flag&(HydrogenFlag|HeteroFlag)) ) ptr->flag |= NormAtomFlag; } else ptr->flag |= HeteroFlag; #ifdef INVERT ptr->yorg = -ptr->yorg; #endif if( HMinMaxFlag || MMinMaxFlag ) { if( ptr->xorg < MinX ) { MinX = ptr->xorg; } else if( ptr->xorg > MaxX ) MaxX = ptr->xorg; if( ptr->yorg < MinY ) { MinY = ptr->yorg; } else if( ptr->yorg > MaxY ) MaxY = ptr->yorg; if( ptr->zorg < MinZ ) { MinZ = ptr->zorg; } else if( ptr->zorg > MaxZ ) MaxZ = ptr->zorg; } else { MinX = MaxX = ptr->xorg; MinY = MaxY = ptr->yorg; MinZ = MaxZ = ptr->zorg; } if( ptr->flag & HeteroFlag ) { if( HMinMaxFlag ) { if( ptr->temp < MinHetaTemp ) { MinHetaTemp = ptr->temp; } else if( ptr->temp > MaxHetaTemp ) MaxHetaTemp = ptr->temp; } else MinHetaTemp = MaxHetaTemp = ptr->temp; HMinMaxFlag = True; HetaAtomCount++; } else { if( MMinMaxFlag ) { if( ptr->temp < MinMainTemp ) { MinMainTemp = ptr->temp; } else if( ptr->temp > MaxMainTemp ) MaxMainTemp = ptr->temp; } else MinMainTemp = MaxMainTemp = ptr->temp; MMinMaxFlag = True; MainAtomCount++; } } Atom __far *FindGroupAtom( group, n ) Group __far *group; Byte n; { register Atom __far *ptr; for( ptr=group->alist; ptr; ptr=ptr->anext ) if( ptr->refno == n ) return( ptr ); return( (Atom __far*)0 ); } int NewAtomType( ptr ) char *ptr; { register int refno; register int i; for( refno=0; refno<ElemNo; refno++ ) if( !strncmp(ElemDesc[refno],ptr,4) ) return(refno); if( ElemNo++ == MAXELEM ) FatalDataError("Too many new atom types"); for( i=0; i<4; i++ ) ElemDesc[refno][i] = ptr[i]; return( refno ); } int SimpleAtomType( type ) char *type; { char name[4]; name[2] = name[3] = ' '; if( type[1] && (type[1]!=' ') ) { name[0] = ToUpper(type[0]); name[1] = ToUpper(type[1]); } else { name[1] = ToUpper(type[0]); name[0] = ' '; } return( NewAtomType(name) ); } int ComplexAtomType( ptr ) char *ptr; { static char name[4]; register int i; if( isdigit(ptr[1]) ) { name[1] = ToUpper(*ptr); name[2] = name[3] = ' '; name[0] = ' '; } else for( i=0; i<4; i++ ) name[i] = ToUpper(ptr[i]); /* Handle Unconventional Naming */ if( IsProtein(CurGroup->refno) ) { if( name[0]=='H' ) { name[0]=' '; name[1]='H'; } } else if( IsNucleo(CurGroup->refno) ) { if( name[3]=='\'' ) name[3] = '*'; if( (name[1]=='O') && (name[2]=='P') ) { if( !strncmp(name," OP1",4) || !strncmp(name,"1OP ",4) ) return( 8 ); if( !strncmp(name," OP2",4) || !strncmp(name,"2OP ",4) ) return( 9 ); } } return( NewAtomType(name) ); } /*===============================*/ /* Z-Matrix Conversion Functions */ /*===============================*/ #ifdef FUNCPROTO static IntCoord __far* GetInternalCoord( int ); #endif void InitInternalCoords() { IntList = (IntCoord __far*)0; IntPrev = (IntCoord __far*)0; } IntCoord __far* AllocInternalCoord() { register IntCoord __far *ptr; ptr = (IntCoord __far*)_fmalloc(sizeof(IntCoord)); if( !ptr ) FatalDataError("Memory allocation failed"); ptr->inext = (IntCoord __far*)0; if( IntPrev ) { IntPrev->inext = ptr; } else IntList = ptr; IntPrev = ptr; return( ptr ); } static IntCoord __far* GetInternalCoord( index ) int index; { register IntCoord __far *ptr; ptr = IntList; while( (index>1) && ptr->inext ) { ptr = ptr->inext; index--; } return( ptr ); } void FreeInternalCoords() { register IntCoord __far *ptr; while( (ptr = IntList) ) { IntList = ptr->inext; _ffree( ptr ); } } int ConvertInternal2Cartesian() { register IntCoord __far *ptr; register IntCoord __far *na; register IntCoord __far *nb; register IntCoord __far *nc; register double cosph,sinph,costh,sinth,coskh,sinkh; register double cosa,sina,cosd,sind; register double dist,angle,dihed; register double xpd,ypd,zpd,xqd,yqd,zqd; register double xa,ya,za,xb,yb,zb; register double rbc,xyb,yza,temp; register double xpa,ypa,zqa; register double xd,yd,zd; register int flag; /* Atom #1 */ ptr = IntList; ptr->dist = 0.0; ptr->angle = 0.0; ptr->dihed = 0.0; if( !(ptr=ptr->inext) ) return( True ); /* Atom #2 */ ptr->angle = 0.0; ptr->dihed = 0.0; if( !(ptr=ptr->inext) ) return( True ); /* Atom #3 */ dist = ptr->dist; angle = Deg2Rad*ptr->angle; cosa = cos(angle); sina = sin(angle); if( ptr->na == 1 ) { na = IntList; ptr->dist = na->dist + cosa*dist; } else /* ptr->na == 2 */ { na = IntList->inext; ptr->dist = na->dist - cosa*dist; } ptr->angle = sina*dist; ptr->dihed = 0.0; while( ptr=ptr->inext ) { dist = ptr->dist; angle = Deg2Rad*ptr->angle; dihed = Deg2Rad*ptr->dihed; /* Optimise this access?? */ na = GetInternalCoord(ptr->na); nb = GetInternalCoord(ptr->nb); nc = GetInternalCoord(ptr->nc); xb = nb->dist - na->dist; yb = nb->angle - na->angle; zb = nb->dihed - na->dihed; rbc = xb*xb + yb*yb + zb*zb; if( rbc < 0.0001 ) return( False ); rbc= 1.0/sqrt(rbc); cosa = cos(angle); sina = sin(angle); if( fabs(cosa) >= 0.999999 ) { /* Colinear */ temp = dist*rbc*cosa; ptr->dist = na->dist + temp*xb; ptr->angle = na->angle + temp*yb; ptr->dihed = na->dihed + temp*zb; } else { xa = nc->dist - na->dist; ya = nc->angle - na->angle; za = nc->dihed - na->dihed; sind = -sin(dihed); cosd = cos(dihed); xd = dist*cosa; yd = dist*sina*cosd; zd = dist*sina*sind; xyb = sqrt(xb*xb + yb*yb); if( xyb < 0.1 ) { /* Rotate about y-axis! */ temp = za; za = -xa; xa = temp; temp = zb; zb = -xb; xb = temp; xyb = sqrt(xb*xb + yb*yb); flag = True; } else flag = False; costh = xb/xyb; sinth = yb/xyb; xpa = costh*xa + sinth*ya; ypa = costh*ya - sinth*xa; sinph = zb*rbc; cosph = sqrt(1.0 - sinph*sinph); zqa = cosph*za - sinph*xpa; yza = sqrt(ypa*ypa + zqa*zqa); if( yza > 1.0E-10 ) { coskh = ypa/yza; sinkh = zqa/yza; ypd = coskh*yd - sinkh*zd; zpd = coskh*zd + sinkh*yd; } else { /* coskh = 1.0; */ /* sinkh = 0.0; */ ypd = yd; zpd = zd; } xpd = cosph*xd - sinph*zpd; zqd = cosph*zpd + sinph*xd; xqd = costh*xpd - sinth*ypd; yqd = costh*ypd + sinth*xpd; if( flag ) { /* Rotate about y-axis! */ ptr->dist = na->dist - zqd; ptr->angle = na->angle + yqd; ptr->dihed = na->dihed + xqd; } else { ptr->dist = na->dist + xqd; ptr->angle = na->angle + yqd; ptr->dihed = na->dihed + zqd; } } } return( True ); } /*=========================*/ /* Bond Handling Functions */ /*=========================*/ #ifdef FUNCPROTO Bond __far *ProcessBond( Atom __far*, Atom __far*, int ); static void CreateHydrogenBond( Atom __far*, Atom __far*, Atom __far*, Atom __far*, int, int ); #endif Bond __far *ProcessBond( src, dst, flag ) Atom __far *src, __far *dst; int flag; { register Bond __far *ptr; register int i; if( flag & (DoubBondFlag|TripBondFlag) ) DrawDoubleBonds = True; if( !(ptr = FreeBond) ) { MemSize += BondPool*sizeof(Bond); ptr = (Bond __far *)_fmalloc( BondPool*sizeof(Bond) ); if( !ptr ) FatalDataError("Memory allocation failed"); RegisterAlloc( ptr ); for( i=1; i<BondPool; i++ ) { ptr->bnext = FreeBond; FreeBond = ptr++; } } else FreeBond = ptr->bnext; ptr->flag = flag | SelectFlag; ptr->srcatom = src; ptr->dstatom = dst; ptr->radius = 0; ptr->col = 0; return( ptr ); } static void CreateHydrogenBond( srcCA, dstCA, src, dst, energy, offset ) Atom __far *srcCA, __far *dstCA; Atom __far *src, __far *dst; int energy, offset; { register HBond __far *ptr; register int i,flag; if( !(ptr = FreeHBond) ) { MemSize += HBondPool*sizeof(HBond); ptr = (HBond __far *)_fmalloc( HBondPool*sizeof(HBond) ); if( !ptr ) FatalDataError("Memory allocation failed"); RegisterAlloc( ptr ); for( i=1; i<HBondPool; i++ ) { ptr->hnext = FreeHBond; FreeHBond = ptr++; } } else FreeHBond = ptr->hnext; if( (offset>=-128) && (offset<127) ) { ptr->offset = (Char)offset; } else ptr->offset = 0; flag = ZoneBoth? src->flag&dst->flag : src->flag|dst->flag; ptr->flag = flag & SelectFlag; ptr->src = src; ptr->dst = dst; ptr->srcCA = srcCA; ptr->dstCA = dstCA; ptr->energy = energy; ptr->col = 0; *CurHBond = ptr; ptr->hnext = (void __far*)0; CurHBond = &ptr->hnext; InfoHBondCount++; } void CreateBond( src, dst, flag ) int src, dst, flag; { register Chain __far *chain; register Group __far *group; register Atom __far *aptr; register Atom __far *sptr; register Atom __far *dptr; register Bond __far *bptr; register int done; if( src == dst ) return; sptr = (void __far*)0; dptr = (void __far*)0; done = False; for( chain=Database->clist; chain && !done; chain=chain->cnext ) for( group=chain->glist; group && !done; group=group->gnext ) for( aptr=group->alist; aptr; aptr=aptr->anext ) { if( aptr->serno == src ) { sptr = aptr; if( dptr ) { done = True; break; } } else if( aptr->serno == dst ) { dptr = aptr; if( sptr ) { done = True; break; } } } /* Both found! */ if( done ) { if( flag ) { /* Reset Non-bonded flags! */ sptr->flag &= ~NonBondFlag; dptr->flag &= ~NonBondFlag; bptr = ProcessBond( sptr, dptr, flag ); bptr->bnext = CurMolecule->blist; CurMolecule->blist = bptr; InfoBondCount++; } else /* Hydrogen Bond! */ { if( InfoHBondCount<0 ) { CurHBond = &CurMolecule->hlist; InfoHBondCount = 0; } CreateHydrogenBond( NULL, NULL, sptr, dptr, 0, 0 ); } } } void CreateBondOrder( src, dst ) int src, dst; { register Bond __far *bptr; register int bs,bd; ForEachBond { bs = bptr->srcatom->serno; bd = bptr->dstatom->serno; if( ((bs==src)&&(bd==dst)) || ((bs==dst)&&(bd==src)) ) { DrawDoubleBonds = True; if( bptr->flag & NormBondFlag ) { /* Convert Single to Double */ bptr->flag &= ~(NormBondFlag); bptr->flag |= DoubBondFlag; } else if( bptr->flag & DoubBondFlag ) { /* Convert Double to Triple */ bptr->flag &= ~(DoubBondFlag); bptr->flag |= TripBondFlag; } return; } } CreateBond( src, dst, NormBondFlag ); } static void TestBonded( sptr, dptr, flag ) Atom __far *sptr, __far *dptr; int flag; { register Bond __far *bptr; register Long dx, dy, dz; register Long max, dist; if( flag ) { /* Sum of covalent radii with 0.56A tolerance */ dist = Element[sptr->elemno].covalrad + Element[dptr->elemno].covalrad + 140; max = dist*dist; } else { /* Fast Bio-Macromolecule Bonding Calculation */ if( (sptr->flag|dptr->flag) & HydrogenFlag ) { max = MaxHBondDist; } else max = MaxBondDist; } dx = sptr->xorg-dptr->xorg; if( (dist=dx*dx)>max ) return; dy = sptr->yorg-dptr->yorg; if( (dist+=dy*dy)>max ) return; dz = sptr->zorg-dptr->zorg; if( (dist+=dz*dz)>max ) return; if( dist > MinBondDist ) { /* Reset Non-bonded flags! */ sptr->flag &= ~NonBondFlag; dptr->flag &= ~NonBondFlag; bptr = ProcessBond(sptr,dptr,NormBondFlag); bptr->bnext = CurMolecule->blist; CurMolecule->blist = bptr; InfoBondCount++; } } static void ReclaimHBonds( ptr ) HBond __far *ptr; { register HBond __far *temp; if( (temp = ptr) ) { while( temp->hnext ) temp=temp->hnext; temp->hnext = FreeHBond; FreeHBond = ptr; } } static void ReclaimBonds( ptr ) Bond __far *ptr; { register Bond __far *temp; if( (temp = ptr) ) { while( temp->bnext ) temp=temp->bnext; temp->bnext = FreeBond; FreeBond = ptr; } } void CreateMoleculeBonds( info, flag ) int info, flag; { register int i, x, y, z; register Long tx, ty, tz; register Long mx, my, mz; register Long dx, dy, dz; register int lx, ly, lz, hx, hy, hz; register Atom __far *aptr, __far *dptr; register Chain __far *chain; register Group __far *group; char buffer[40]; if( !Database ) return; dx = (MaxX-MinX)+1; dy = (MaxY-MinY)+1; dz = (MaxZ-MinZ)+1; InfoBondCount = 0; ReclaimBonds( CurMolecule->blist ); CurMolecule->blist = (void __far*)0; ResetVoxelData(); for( chain=Database->clist; chain; chain=chain->cnext ) { ResetVoxelData(); for( group=chain->glist; group; group=group->gnext ) for( aptr=group->alist; aptr; aptr=aptr->anext ) { /* Initially non-bonded! */ aptr->flag |= NonBondFlag; mx = aptr->xorg-MinX; my = aptr->yorg-MinY; mz = aptr->zorg-MinZ; tx = mx-AbsMaxBondDist; ty = my-AbsMaxBondDist; tz = mz-AbsMaxBondDist; lx = (tx>0)? (int)((VOXORDER*tx)/dx) : 0; ly = (ty>0)? (int)((VOXORDER*ty)/dy) : 0; lz = (tz>0)? (int)((VOXORDER*tz)/dz) : 0; tx = mx+AbsMaxBondDist; ty = my+AbsMaxBondDist; tz = mz+AbsMaxBondDist; hx = (tx<dx)? (int)((VOXORDER*tx)/dx) : VOXORDER-1; hy = (ty<dy)? (int)((VOXORDER*ty)/dy) : VOXORDER-1; hz = (tz<dz)? (int)((VOXORDER*tz)/dz) : VOXORDER-1; for( x=lx; x<=hx; x++ ) { i = VOXORDER2*x + VOXORDER*ly; for( y=ly; y<=hy; y++ ) { for( z=lz; z<=hz; z++ ) if( (dptr = (Atom __far*)HashTable[i+z]) ) do { TestBonded(aptr,dptr,flag); } while( (dptr = dptr->next) ); i += VOXORDER; } } x = (int)((VOXORDER*mx)/dx); y = (int)((VOXORDER*my)/dy); z = (int)((VOXORDER*mz)/dz); i = VOXORDER2*x + VOXORDER*y + z; aptr->next = (Atom __far*)HashTable[i]; HashTable[i] = (void __far*)aptr; } VoxelsClean = False; } if( info ) { if( CommandActive ) WriteChar('\n'); CommandActive=False; sprintf(buffer,"Number of Bonds ..... %ld\n\n",(long)InfoBondCount); WriteString(buffer); } } /*===============================*/ /* Disulphide bridging functions */ /*===============================*/ #ifdef FUNCPROTO static Atom __far *FindCysSulphur( Group __far* ); #endif static Atom __far *FindCysSulphur( group ) Group __far *group; { register Atom __far *ptr; register char *elem; for( ptr=group->alist; ptr; ptr=ptr->anext ) { elem = ElemDesc[ptr->refno]; if( (elem[1]=='S') && (elem[0]==' ') ) return( ptr ); } return( (Atom __far*)0 ); } static void TestDisulphideBridge( group1, group2, cys1 ) Group __far *group1, __far *group2; Atom __far *cys1; { register HBond __far *ptr; register Atom __far *cys2; register int dx, dy, dz; register Long max,dist; if( !(cys2=FindCysSulphur(group2)) ) return; max = (Long)750*750; dx = (int)(cys1->xorg-cys2->xorg); if( (dist=(Long)dx*dx)>max ) return; dy = (int)(cys1->yorg-cys2->yorg); if( (dist+=(Long)dy*dy)>max ) return; dz = (int)(cys1->zorg-cys2->zorg); if( (dist+=(Long)dz*dz)>max ) return; if( !(ptr = FreeHBond) ) { MemSize += sizeof(HBond); ptr = (HBond __far*)_fmalloc(sizeof(HBond)); if( !ptr ) FatalDataError("Memory allocation failed"); RegisterAlloc( ptr ); } else FreeHBond = ptr->hnext; ptr->dst = cys1; if( !(ptr->dstCA=FindGroupAtom(group1,1)) ) ptr->dstCA = cys1; ptr->src = cys2; if( !(ptr->srcCA=FindGroupAtom(group2,1)) ) ptr->srcCA = cys2; ptr->offset = 0; ptr->energy = 0; ptr->flag = 0; ptr->col = 0; ptr->hnext = CurMolecule->slist; CurMolecule->slist = ptr; group1->flag |= CystineFlag; group2->flag |= CystineFlag; InfoSSBondCount++; } void FindDisulphideBridges() { register Chain __far *chn1; register Chain __far *chn2; register Group __far *group1; register Group __far *group2; register Atom __far *cys; char buffer[40]; if( !Database ) return; ReclaimHBonds( CurMolecule->slist ); InfoSSBondCount = 0; for(chn1=Database->clist;chn1;chn1=chn1->cnext) for(group1=chn1->glist;group1;group1=group1->gnext) if( IsCysteine(group1->refno) && (cys=FindCysSulphur(group1)) ) { for(group2=group1->gnext;group2;group2=group2->gnext) if( IsCysteine(group2->refno) ) TestDisulphideBridge(group1,group2,cys); for(chn2=chn1->cnext;chn2;chn2=chn2->cnext) for(group2=chn2->glist;group2;group2=group2->gnext) if( IsCysteine(group2->refno) ) TestDisulphideBridge(group1,group2,cys); } if( FileDepth == -1 ) { if( CommandActive ) WriteChar('\n'); CommandActive=False; sprintf(buffer,"Number of Bridges ... %d\n\n",InfoSSBondCount); WriteString(buffer); } } /*=========================================*/ /* Kabsch & Sander Structure Determination */ /*=========================================*/ #ifdef FUNCPROTO static int CalculateBondEnergy( Group __far* ); static void CalcProteinHBonds( Chain __far* ); static void CalcNucleicHBonds( Chain __far* ); static int IsHBonded( Atom __far*, Atom __far*, HBond __far* ); static void TestLadder( Chain __far* ); #endif /* Coupling constant for Electrostatic Energy */ /* QConst = -332 * 0.42 * 0.2 * 1000.0 [*250.0] */ #define QConst (-6972000.0) #define MaxHDist ((Long)2250*2250) #define MinHDist ((Long)125*125) /* Protein Donor Atom Coordinates */ static int hxorg,hyorg,hzorg; static int nxorg,nyorg,nzorg; static Atom __far *best1CA; static Atom __far *best2CA; static Atom __far *best1; static Atom __far *best2; static Atom __far *optr; static int res1,res2; static int off1,off2; static int CalculateBondEnergy( group ) Group __far *group; { register double dho,dhc; register double dnc,dno; register Atom __far *cptr; register Long dx,dy,dz; register Long dist; register int result; if( !(cptr=FindGroupAtom(group,2)) ) return(0); if( !(optr=FindGroupAtom(group,3)) ) return(0); dx = hxorg-optr->xorg; dy = hyorg-optr->yorg; dz = hzorg-optr->zorg; dist = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz; if( dist < MinHDist ) return( -9900 ); dho = sqrt((double)dist); dx = hxorg-cptr->xorg; dy = hyorg-cptr->yorg; dz = hzorg-cptr->zorg; dist = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz; if( dist < MinHDist ) return( -9900 ); dhc = sqrt((double)dist); dx = nxorg-cptr->xorg; dy = nyorg-cptr->yorg; dz = nzorg-cptr->zorg; dist = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz; if( dist < MinHDist ) return( -9900 ); dnc = sqrt((double)dist); dx = nxorg-optr->xorg; dy = nyorg-optr->yorg; dz = nzorg-optr->zorg; dist = dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz; if( dist < MinHDist ) return( -9900 ); dno = sqrt((double)dist); result = (int)(QConst/dho - QConst/dhc + QConst/dnc - QConst/dno); if( result<-9900 ) { return( -9900 ); } else if( result>-500 ) return( 0 ); return( result ); } static void CalcProteinHBonds( chn1 ) Chain __far *chn1; { register int energy, offset; register Chain __far *chn2; register Group __far *group1; register Group __far *group2; register Atom __far *ca1; register Atom __far *ca2; register Atom __far *pc1; register Atom __far *po1; register Atom __far *n1; register int pos1,pos2; register int dx,dy,dz; register double dco; register Long dist; pos1 = 0; pc1 = po1 = (void __far*)0; for(group1=chn1->glist;group1;group1=group1->gnext) { pos1++; if( pc1 && po1 ) { dx = (int)(pc1->xorg - po1->xorg); dy = (int)(pc1->yorg - po1->yorg); dz = (int)(pc1->zorg - po1->zorg); } else { pc1 = FindGroupAtom(group1,2); po1 = FindGroupAtom(group1,3); continue; } pc1 = FindGroupAtom(group1,2); po1 = FindGroupAtom(group1,3); if( !IsAmino(group1->refno) || IsProline(group1->refno) ) continue; if( !(ca1=FindGroupAtom(group1,1)) ) continue; if( !(n1=FindGroupAtom(group1,0)) ) continue; dist = (Long)dx*dx + (Long)dy*dy + (Long)dz*dz; dco = sqrt( (double)dist )/250.0; nxorg = (int)n1->xorg; hxorg = nxorg + (int)(dx/dco); nyorg = (int)n1->yorg; hyorg = nyorg + (int)(dy/dco); nzorg = (int)n1->zorg; hzorg = nzorg + (int)(dz/dco); res1 = res2 = 0; /* Only Hydrogen Bond within a single chain! */ /* for(chn2=Database->clist;chn2;chn2=chn2->cnext) */ chn2 = chn1; { /* Only consider non-empty peptide chains! */ /* if( !chn2->glist || !IsProtein(chn2->glist->refno) ) */ /* continue; */ pos2 = 0; for(group2=chn2->glist;group2;group2=group2->gnext) { pos2++; if( (group2==group1) || (group2->gnext==group1) ) continue; if( !IsAmino(group2->refno) ) continue; if( !(ca2=FindGroupAtom(group2,1)) ) continue; dx = (int)(ca1->xorg-ca2->xorg); if( (dist=(Long)dx*dx) > MaxHDist ) continue; dy = (int)(ca1->yorg-ca2->yorg); if( (dist+=(Long)dy*dy) > MaxHDist ) continue; dz = (int)(ca1->zorg-ca2->zorg); if( (dist+=(Long)dz*dz) > MaxHDist ) continue; if( (energy = CalculateBondEnergy(group2)) ) { if( chn1 == chn2 ) { offset = pos1 - pos2; } else offset = 0; if( energy<res1 ) { best2CA = best1CA; best1CA = ca2; best2 = best1; best1 = optr; res2 = res1; res1 = energy; off2 = off1; off1 = offset; } else if( energy<res2 ) { best2CA = ca2; best2 = optr; res2 = energy; off2 = offset; } } } /* group2 */ } /* chn2 */ if( res1 ) { if( res2 ) CreateHydrogenBond(ca1,best2CA,n1,best2,res2,off2); CreateHydrogenBond(ca1,best1CA,n1,best1,res1,off1); } } } static void CalcNucleicHBonds( chn1 ) Chain __far *chn1; { register Chain __far *chn2; register Group __far *group1; register Group __far *group2; register Group __far *best; register Atom __far *ca1; register Atom __far *ca2; register Atom __far *n1; register Long max,dist; register int dx,dy,dz; register int refno; for(group1=chn1->glist;group1;group1=group1->gnext) { if( !IsPurine(group1->refno) ) continue; /* Find N1 of Purine Group */ if( !(n1=FindGroupAtom(group1,21)) ) continue; /* Maximum N1-N3 distance 5A */ refno = NucleicCompl(group1->refno); max = (Long)1250*1250; best = (void __far*)0; for(chn2=Database->clist;chn2;chn2=chn2->cnext) { /* Only consider non-empty nucleic acid chains! */ if( (chn1==chn2) || !chn2->glist || !IsDNA(chn2->glist->refno) ) continue; for(group2=chn2->glist;group2;group2=group2->gnext) if( group2->refno == (Byte)refno ) { /* Find N3 of Pyramidine Group */ if( !(ca1=FindGroupAtom(group2,23)) ) continue; dx = (int)(ca1->xorg - n1->xorg); if( (dist=(Long)dx*dx) >= max ) continue; dy = (int)(ca1->yorg - n1->yorg); if( (dist+=(Long)dy*dy) >= max ) continue; dz = (int)(ca1->zorg - n1->zorg); if( (dist+=(Long)dz*dz) >= max ) continue; best1 = ca1; best = group2; max = dist; } } if( best ) { /* Find the sugar phosphorous atoms */ ca1 = FindGroupAtom( group1, 7 ); ca2 = FindGroupAtom( best, 7 ); CreateHydrogenBond( ca1, ca2, n1, best1, 0, 0 ); if( IsGuanine(group1->refno) ) { /* Guanine-Cytosine */ if( (ca1=FindGroupAtom(group1,22)) && /* G.N2 */ (ca2=FindGroupAtom(best,26)) ) /* C.O2 */ CreateHydrogenBond( (void __far*)0, (void __far*)0, ca1, ca2, 0, 0 ); if( (ca1=FindGroupAtom(group1,28)) && /* G.O6 */ (ca2=FindGroupAtom(best,24)) ) /* C.N4 */ CreateHydrogenBond( (void __far*)0, (void __far*)0, ca1, ca2, 0, 0 ); } else /* Adenine-Thymine */ if( (ca1=FindGroupAtom(group1,25)) && /* A.N6 */ (ca2=FindGroupAtom(best,27)) ) /* T.O4 */ CreateHydrogenBond( (void __far*)0, (void __far*)0, ca1, ca2, 0, 0 ); } } } void CalcHydrogenBonds() { register Chain __far *chn1; char buffer[40]; if( !Database ) return; ReclaimHBonds( CurMolecule->hlist ); CurMolecule->hlist = (void __far*)0; CurHBond = &CurMolecule->hlist; InfoHBondCount = 0; if( MainAtomCount > 10000 ) { if( CommandActive ) WriteChar('\n'); WriteString("Please wait... "); CommandActive=True; } for(chn1=Database->clist; chn1; chn1=chn1->cnext) if( chn1->glist ) { if( IsProtein(chn1->glist->refno) ) { CalcProteinHBonds(chn1); } else if( IsDNA(chn1->glist->refno) ) CalcNucleicHBonds(chn1); } if( FileDepth == -1 ) { if( CommandActive ) WriteChar('\n'); CommandActive=False; sprintf(buffer,"Number of H-Bonds ... %d\n",InfoHBondCount); WriteString(buffer); } } static int IsHBonded( src, dst, ptr ) Atom __far *src, __far *dst; HBond __far *ptr; { while( ptr && (ptr->srcCA==src) ) if( ptr->dstCA == dst ) { return( True ); } else ptr=ptr->hnext; return( False ); } static void FindAlphaHelix( pitch, flag ) int pitch, flag; { register HBond __far *hbond; register Chain __far *chain; register Group __far *group; register Group __far *first; register Group __far *ptr; register Atom __far *srcCA; register Atom __far *dstCA; register int res,dist,prev; /* Protein chains only! */ hbond = Database->hlist; for( chain=Database->clist; chain; chain=chain->cnext ) if( (first=chain->glist) && IsProtein(first->refno) ) { prev = False; dist = 0; for( group=chain->glist; hbond && group; group=group->gnext ) { if( IsAmino(group->refno) && (srcCA=FindGroupAtom(group,1)) ) { if( dist==pitch ) { res = False; dstCA=FindGroupAtom(first,1); while( hbond && hbond->srcCA == srcCA ) { if( hbond->dstCA==dstCA ) res=True; hbond = hbond->hnext; } if( res ) { if( prev ) { if( !(first->struc&HelixFlag) ) InfoHelixCount++; ptr = first; do { ptr->struc |= flag; ptr = ptr->gnext; } while( ptr != group ); } else prev = True; } else prev = False; } else while( hbond && hbond->srcCA==srcCA ) hbond = hbond->hnext; } else prev = False; if( group->struc&HelixFlag ) { first = group; prev = False; dist = 1; } else if( dist==pitch ) { first = first->gnext; } else dist++; } } else if( first && IsNucleo(first->refno) ) while( hbond && !IsAminoBackbone(hbond->src->refno) ) hbond = hbond->hnext; } static Atom __far *cprevi, __far *ccurri, __far *cnexti; static HBond __far *hcurri, __far *hnexti; static Group __far *curri, __far *nexti; static void TestLadder( chain ) Chain __far *chain; { register Atom __far *cprevj, __far *ccurrj, __far *cnextj; register HBond __far *hcurrj, __far *hnextj; register Group __far *currj, __far *nextj; register int count, result, found; /* Already part of atleast one ladder */ found = curri->flag & SheetFlag; nextj = nexti->gnext; hnextj = hnexti; while( hnextj && hnextj->srcCA==cnexti ) hnextj = hnextj->hnext; while( True ) { if( nextj ) if( IsProtein(chain->glist->refno) ) { count = 1; do { cnextj = FindGroupAtom(nextj,1); if( count == 3 ) { if( IsHBonded(cnexti,ccurrj,hnexti) && IsHBonded(ccurrj,cprevi,hcurrj) ) { result = ParaLadder; } else if( IsHBonded(cnextj,ccurri,hnextj) && IsHBonded(ccurri,cprevj,hcurri) ) { result = ParaLadder; } else if( IsHBonded(cnexti,cprevj,hnexti) && IsHBonded(cnextj,cprevi,hnextj) ) { result = AntiLadder; } else if( IsHBonded(ccurrj,ccurri,hcurrj) && IsHBonded(ccurri,ccurrj,hcurri) ) { result = AntiLadder; } else result = NoLadder; if( result ) { curri->struc |= SheetFlag; currj->struc |= SheetFlag; if( found ) return; found = True; } } else count++; cprevj = ccurrj; ccurrj = cnextj; currj = nextj; hcurrj = hnextj; while( hnextj && hnextj->srcCA==cnextj ) hnextj = hnextj->hnext; } while( (nextj = nextj->gnext) ); } else if( IsNucleo(chain->glist->refno) ) while( hnextj && !IsAminoBackbone(hnextj->src->refno) ) hnextj = hnextj->hnext; if( (chain = chain->cnext) ) { nextj = chain->glist; } else return; } } static void FindBetaSheets() { register Chain __far *chain; register int ladder; register int count; hnexti = Database->hlist; for( chain=Database->clist; chain; chain=chain->cnext ) if( (nexti = chain->glist) ) if( IsProtein(nexti->refno) ) { count = 1; ladder = False; do { cnexti = FindGroupAtom(nexti,1); if( count == 3 ) { TestLadder( chain ); if( curri->struc & SheetFlag ) { if( !ladder ) { InfoLadderCount++; ladder = True; } } else ladder = False; } else count++; cprevi = ccurri; ccurri = cnexti; curri = nexti; hcurri = hnexti; while( hnexti && hnexti->srcCA==cnexti ) hnexti = hnexti->hnext; } while( (nexti = nexti->gnext) ); } else if( IsNucleo(nexti->refno) ) while( hnexti && !IsAminoBackbone(hnexti->src->refno) ) hnexti = hnexti->hnext; } static void FindTurnStructure() { static Atom __far *aptr[5]; register Chain __far *chain; register Group __far *group; register Group __far *prev; register Atom __far *ptr; register Long ux,uy,uz,mu; register Long vx,vy,vz,mv; register int i,found,len; register Real CosKappa; for( chain=Database->clist; chain; chain=chain->cnext ) if( chain->glist && IsProtein(chain->glist->refno) ) { len = 0; found = False; for( group=chain->glist; group; group=group->gnext ) { ptr = FindGroupAtom(group,1); if( ptr && (ptr->flag&BreakFlag) ) { found = False; len = 0; } else if( len==5 ) { for( i=0; i<4; i++ ) aptr[i] = aptr[i+1]; len = 4; } else if( len==2 ) prev = group; aptr[len++] = ptr; if( len==5 ) { if( !(prev->struc&(HelixFlag|SheetFlag)) && aptr[0] && aptr[2] && aptr[4] ) { ux = aptr[2]->xorg - aptr[0]->xorg; uy = aptr[2]->yorg - aptr[0]->yorg; uz = aptr[2]->zorg - aptr[0]->zorg; vx = aptr[4]->xorg - aptr[2]->xorg; vy = aptr[4]->yorg - aptr[2]->yorg; vz = aptr[4]->zorg - aptr[2]->zorg; mu = ux*ux + uy*uy + uz*uz; mv = vx*vx + vz*vz + vy*vy; if( mu && mv ) { CosKappa = (Real)(ux*vx + uy*vy + uz*vz); CosKappa /= sqrt( (Real)mu*mv ); if( CosKappa<Cos70Deg ) { if( !found ) InfoTurnCount++; prev->struc |= TurnFlag; } } } found = prev->struc&TurnFlag; prev = prev->gnext; } /* len==5 */ } } } static void FindBetaTurns() { static Atom __far *aptr[4]; register Chain __far *chain; register Group __far *group; register Group __far *prev; register Group __far *next; register Atom __far *ptr; register Long dx,dy,dz; register int found,len; register int flag; for( chain=Database->clist; chain; chain=chain->cnext ) if( chain->glist && IsProtein(chain->glist->refno) ) { prev = chain->glist; len = 0; found = False; for( next=chain->glist; next; next=next->gnext ) { ptr = FindGroupAtom(next,1); if( ptr && (ptr->flag&BreakFlag) ) { found = False; prev = next; len = 0; } else if( len==4 ) { aptr[0] = aptr[1]; aptr[1] = aptr[2]; aptr[2] = aptr[3]; aptr[3] = ptr; } else aptr[len++] = ptr; if( len==4 ) { flag = False; if( aptr[0] && aptr[3] ) { dx = aptr[3]->xorg - aptr[0]->xorg; dy = aptr[3]->yorg - aptr[0]->yorg; dz = aptr[3]->zorg - aptr[0]->zorg; if( dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz < (Long)1750*1750 ) { group = prev; while( group!=next->gnext ) { if( !(group->struc&(HelixFlag|SheetFlag)) ) { group->struc |= TurnFlag; flag = True; } group = group->gnext; } if( !found && flag ) InfoTurnCount++; } } prev = prev->gnext; found = flag; } /* len==4 */ } } } void DetermineStructure( flag ) int flag; { register Chain __far *chain; register Group __far *group; char buffer[40]; if( !Database ) return; if( InfoHBondCount<0 ) CalcHydrogenBonds(); if( InfoHelixCount>=0 ) for( chain=Database->clist; chain; chain=chain->cnext ) for( group=chain->glist; group; group=group->gnext ) group->struc = 0; InfoStrucSrc = SourceCalc; InfoLadderCount = 0; InfoHelixCount = 0; InfoTurnCount = 0; if( InfoHBondCount ) { FindAlphaHelix(4,Helix4Flag); FindBetaSheets(); FindAlphaHelix(3,Helix3Flag); FindAlphaHelix(5,Helix5Flag); if( !flag ) { FindTurnStructure(); } else FindBetaTurns(); } if( FileDepth == -1 ) { if( CommandActive ) WriteChar('\n'); CommandActive=False; sprintf(buffer,"Number of Helices ... %d\n",InfoHelixCount); WriteString(buffer); sprintf(buffer,"Number of Strands ... %d\n",InfoLadderCount); WriteString(buffer); sprintf(buffer,"Number of Turns ..... %d\n",InfoTurnCount); WriteString(buffer); } } void RenumberMolecule( start ) int start; { register Chain __far *chain; register Group __far *group; register int hinit, minit; register int resno; if( !Database ) return; hinit = minit = False; for( chain=Database->clist; chain; chain=chain->cnext ) { resno = start; for( group=chain->glist; group; group=group->gnext ) { if( group->alist->flag & HeteroFlag ) { if( hinit ) { if( resno > MaxHetaRes ) { MaxHetaRes = resno; } else if( resno < MinHetaRes ) MinHetaRes = resno; } else MinHetaRes = MaxHetaRes = resno; hinit = True; } else { if( minit ) { if( resno > MaxMainRes ) { MaxMainRes = resno; } else if( resno < MinMainRes ) MinMainRes = resno; } else MinMainRes = MaxMainRes = resno; minit = True; } group->serno = resno++; } } } /*===============================*/ /* Molecule Database Maintenance */ /*===============================*/ static void ReclaimAtoms( ptr ) Atom __far *ptr; { register Atom __far *temp; if( (temp = ptr) ) { while( temp->anext ) temp=temp->anext; temp->anext = FreeAtom; FreeAtom = ptr; } } static void ResetDatabase() { Database = CurMolecule = (void __far*)0; MainGroupCount = HetaGroupCount = 0; InfoChainCount = HetaAtomCount = 0; MainAtomCount = InfoBondCount = 0; SelectCount = 0; InfoStrucSrc = SourceNone; InfoSSBondCount = InfoHBondCount = -1; InfoHelixCount = InfoLadderCount = -1; InfoTurnCount = -1; CurGroup = (void __far*)0; CurChain = (void __far*)0; CurAtom = (void __far*)0; MinX = MinY = MinZ = 0; MaxX = MaxY = MaxZ = 0; MinMainTemp = MaxMainTemp = 0; MinHetaTemp = MaxHetaTemp = 0; MinMainRes = MaxMainRes = 0; MinHetaRes = MaxHetaRes = 0; *InfoMoleculeName = 0; *InfoClassification = 0; *InfoIdentCode = 0; *InfoSpaceGroup = 0; *InfoFileName = 0; VoxelsClean = False; HMinMaxFlag = False; MMinMaxFlag = False; HasHydrogen = False; ElemNo = MINELEM; ResNo = MINRES; MaskCount = 0; NMRModel = 0; } void DestroyDatabase() { register void __far *temp; register Group __far *gptr; if( Database ) { ReclaimHBonds( Database->slist ); ReclaimHBonds( Database->hlist ); ReclaimBonds( Database->blist ); while( Database->clist ) { ReclaimBonds(Database->clist->blist); if( (gptr = Database->clist->glist) ) { ReclaimAtoms(gptr->alist); while( gptr->gnext ) { gptr = gptr->gnext; ReclaimAtoms(gptr->alist); } gptr->gnext = FreeGroup; FreeGroup = Database->clist->glist; } temp = Database->clist->cnext; Database->clist->cnext = FreeChain; FreeChain = Database->clist; Database->clist = temp; } FreeMolecule = Database; Database = (void __far*)0; } ResetDatabase(); } void PurgeDatabase() { #ifdef APPLEMAC register AllocRef *ptr; register AllocRef *tmp; register int i; /* Avoid Memory Leaks */ for( ptr=AllocList; ptr; ptr=tmp ) { for( i=0; i<ptr->count; i++ ) _ffree( ptr->data[i] ); tmp = ptr->next; _ffree( ptr ); } #endif } void InitialiseDatabase() { FreeMolecule = (void __far*)0; FreeHBond = (void __far*)0; FreeChain = (void __far*)0; FreeGroup = (void __far*)0; FreeAtom = (void __far*)0; FreeBond = (void __far*)0; #ifdef APPLEMAC AllocList = (void*)0; #endif ResetDatabase(); }
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by