
This is BBRegionShape.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* BBRegionShape.h				 
 * This object is the backbone of each region shape. It maintains a list of 
 * shapes that have to be drawn to represent the region according the the
 * regions graphics settings.
 * For more interface-info see the header file. More in depth information
 * can be found in the source-code.
 * Written by: 		Thomas Engel
 * Created:    		10.03.1994 (Copyleft)
 * Last modified: 	07.05.1994

#import "BBRegionShape.h"
#import "BBAtomShape.h"
#import "BBBondShape.h"
#import "BBRegion.h"
#import "BBRenderingStyle.h"

@implementation BBRegionShape

- initFrom:aRegion asPartOf:aMolecule;
	self = [super init];
	if( !self ) return self;

	// OK. We really are an object...here we go with our init.
	ourRegion = aRegion;
	ourMolecule = aMolecule;
	subshapeList = [List new];
	[self setRenderingStyle:[ourRegion drawingStyle]];
	[self update];
	return self;

- regionClass
	// Here we will return the region class we want to use for handling the
	// data.
	// Any manager from the outisde should take care of this info an switch the 
	// regions if needed.
	return [BBRegion class];

- renderSelf:(N3DCamera *)theCamera
	// We will ask our renderingStyle to perform all needed settings.
	// It will execute the RenderMan code.
	[style executeRiCommands];
	return self;

- renderSelfAsBox:(N3DCamera *)theCamera
	// Just set the right color for the box !

	RtColor	color;

 	NXConvertColorToRGB( [ourRegion color],
						&color[0], &color[1], &color[2] );
	RiColor( color );	
	return [super renderSelfAsBox:theCamera];

- setRenderingStyle:aStyle
	style = aStyle;
	[style applySettingsTo:self];
	return self;

- update
	// With this method that will create a the new subshapes. These subshapes
	// are created according to the regions settings.
	// The last step will group all those shapes to this regionShape.
	// Every position is in molecule coordinates!
	int	i;
	descendant = nil;
	[subshapeList freeObjects];
	selectionColor = NX_COLORWHITE;
	// Lets fill our subshapeList with everything we own. 
	[self addSubshapesTo:subshapeList];
	// Now that the subshapeList is filled with all the needed objects
	// will group them all to us.
	for( i=0; i<[subshapeList count]; i++ )
		[[subshapeList objectAt:i] group:self];

	// Now that our hierarchie is set we will apply all the settings our style
	// asks us to.
//	[style applySettingsTo:self];	<< should check this !!!
	return self;

- addSubshapesTo:aList
	return self;

- region
	return ourRegion;

- (NXColor)selectionColor
	return selectionColor;

- (float)atomRadius:sender
	return 0.4;

- (float)bondRadius:sender
	return 0.1;


 * History: 23.05.94 Made it a kind of abstract class.
 *			07.05.94 Changed the init method and changed everything to allow
 *					 the use of BB..classes.
 *			27.03.94 Does use the regions drawingstyle by default.
 *			10.03.94 Extracted from the nomral Region.
 * Bugs: - Could add region class check to our init method!

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.