
This is BBImageAnimator.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* BBImageAnimator.m				 
 * This produces some nice Animatoins. Switching the images inside a
 * button object.
 * For interface-info see the header file. The comments in this file mostly
 * cover only the real implementation details.
 * Written by: 		Thomas Engel
 * Created:    		28.10.1993 (Copyleft)
 * Last modified: 	07.05.1994

#import "BBImageAnimator.h"

// Here is a little C-Funktion. We need this one for timed entry handling.

void handler( DPSTimedEntry teNumber, double now, void *userData )
	id animator = (id)userData;
	[animator switchToNextFrame];

@implementation BBImageAnimator

- setDelegate:anObject
	delegate = anObject;
	return self;

- setTargetButton:aButton
	targetButton = aButton;
	return self;

- setBounceSettingField:aTextField;
	bounceSettingField = aTextField;
	bounceAnimation = [bounceSettingField intValue];
	return self;

- setFrameCountSettingField:aTextField;
	frameCountSettingField = aTextField;
	frameCount = [frameCountSettingField intValue];
	return self;	

- setSpeedSettingField:aTextField;
	speedSettingField = aTextField;
	frameDelay = 1 / [speedSettingField doubleValue];
	return self;

- startAnimation:sender
	// First check if the settings are useful. If not do nothing!
	// Create a timed entry and set all default values. Even the frame
	// numbers are 1....frameCount we set it to 0. This is because the
	// switch method does the counting and switching and at the moment
	// we are not showing any image...just the basic number 0. OK ?

	if( !targetButton ||
	    !sourceImageMatrix ||
		frameCount < 1 ||
		frameDelay < 0.0001 ||
		frameDelay > 20 ) return self;

	currentFrame = 0;
	bouncing = NO;
	animateTE = DPSAddTimedEntry( frameDelay, (DPSTimedEntryProc)handler,
								  self, NX_BASETHRESHOLD );
	return self;

- stopAnimation
	// We only remove the timed entry. This object will not restore the
	// original icon!
	if( animateTE )
		DPSRemoveTimedEntry( animateTE );
		animateTE = 0;
		if( [delegate respondsTo:@selector(animationDidStop:)] )
			[delegate animationDidStop:self];
	return self;

- switchToNextFrame
	BOOL	lastFrame = NO;
	id		sourceButton;
	// Whats the new frame ? Or did we already show the last one ?
	// First calculate the next logical image and then check for end of anim.
	if( bouncing )
	else 	currentFrame++;
	if( currentFrame > frameCount )
		if( bounceAnimation )
			bouncing = YES;
			currentFrame = frameCount-1;
		else lastFrame = YES;

	if( currentFrame < 1 ) lastFrame = YES; 
	// If there is a image to show...lets try it:
	if( !lastFrame )
		sourceButton = [sourceImageMatrix findCellWithTag:currentFrame];
		if( sourceButton )	
			[targetButton setImage:[sourceButton image]];
	// Seems like we did show the last image during the last timed entry.
	// So stop right now. With this delayed stop we ensure that the last image
	// of our animation is also displayed for at least frameDelay seconds.
	else [self stopAnimation];
	return self;


 * History: 07.05.94 Changed some names .
 *			19.01.94 Removed the [image display] call because not needed.
 * Bugs: - Not really

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.