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/* precess.c					*/
/*						*/
/* Precession of the equinox and ecliptic	*/
/* from epoch Julian date J to or from J2000.0	*/
/*						*/
/* Program by Steve Moshier.			*/

/***** description
 *	$Id: precess.c,v 1.3 1993/04/21 21:43:02 craig Exp $
 * IAU Coefficients are from:
 * J. H. Lieske, T. Lederle, W. Fricke, and B. Morando,
 * "Expressions for the Precession Quantities Based upon the IAU
 * (1976) System of Astronomical Constants,"  Astronomy and
 * Astrophysics 58, 1-16 (1977).
 * Newer formulas that cover a much longer time span are from:
 * J. Laskar, "Secular terms of classical planetary theories
 * using the results of general theory," Astronomy and Astrophysics
 * 157, 59070 (1986).
 * See also:
 * P. Bretagnon and G. Francou, "Planetary theories in rectangular
 * and spherical variables. VSOP87 solutions," Astronomy and
 * Astrophysics 202, 309-315 (1988).
 * Laskar's expansions are said by Bretagnon and Francou
 * to have "a precision of about 1" over 10000 years before
 * and after J2000.0 in so far as the precession constants p^0_A
 * and epsilon^0_A are perfectly known."
 * Bretagnon and Francou's expansions for the node and inclination
 * of the ecliptic were derived from Laskar's data but were truncated
 * after the term in T**6. I have recomputed these expansions from
 * Laskar's data, retaining powers up to T**10 in the result.
 * The following table indicates the differences between the result
 * of the IAU formula and Laskar's formula using four different test
 * vectors, checking at J2000 plus and minus the indicated number
 * of years.
 *   Years       Arc
 * from J2000  Seconds
 * ----------  -------
 *        0	  0
 *      100	.006
 *      200     .006
 *      500     .015
 *     1000     .28
 *     2000    6.4
 *     3000   38.
 *    10000 9400.

/***** modification history
 *	$Log: precess.c,v $
 * Revision 1.3  1993/04/21  21:43:02  craig
 * Changed the path of the satellite.h include.
 * Changed ecnsts to pcnsts.
 * Revision 1.2  1993/04/21  15:32:40  craig
 * First working version.  Ran through indent and coverted to ansi.
 * Added hooks for working with the satellite programs.

/***** include files *****/

#include <math.h>
#include "aaproto.h"
#include "satellite.h"

/***** global variables *****/

extern struct MCONSTANTS mcnsts;
extern struct PCONSTANTS pcnsts;

/* from epsiln.c */

extern double coseps, sineps;

/***** local global variables *****/

/* Precession coefficients taken from Laskar's paper: */

static double pAcof[] = {
    -8.66e-10, -4.759e-8, 2.424e-7, 1.3095e-5, 1.7451e-4, -1.8055e-3,
-0.235316, 0.07732, 111.1971, 50290.966};

/* Node and inclination of the earth's orbit computed from
 * Laskar's data as done in Bretagnon and Francou's paper:

static double nodecof[] = {
    6.6402e-16, -2.69151e-15, -1.547021e-12, 7.521313e-12, 6.3190131e-10,
    -3.48388152e-9, -1.813065896e-7, 2.75036225e-8, 7.4394531426e-5,
-0.042078604317, 3.052112654975};

static double inclcof[] = {
    1.2147e-16, 7.3759e-17, -8.26287e-14, 2.503410e-13, 2.4650839e-11,
    -5.4000441e-11, 1.32115526e-9, -5.998737027e-7, -1.6242797091e-5,
0.002278495537, 0.0};

/* precess							*/
/*								*/
/* Subroutine arguments:					*/
/*								*/
/* R = rectangular equatorial coordinate vector to be precessed.*/
/*     The result is written back into the input vector.	*/
/* J = Julian date						*/
/* direction =							*/
/*      Precess from J to J2000: direction = 1			*/
/*      Precess from J2000 to J: direction = -1			*/
/* Note that if you want to precess from J1 to J2, you would	*/
/* first go from J1 to J2000, then call the program again	*/
/* to go from J2000 to J2.					*/

int    precess (double *R, double J, int direction)
    int    i;
    double sinth, costh, sinZ, cosZ, sinz, cosz;
    double A, B, T, Z, z, TH, pA, W;
    double x[3];
    double *p;

    if (J == pcnsts.J2000)
	return (0);

    /* Each precession angle is specified by a polynomial in T = Julian
       centuries from J2000.0.  See AA page B18. */

    T = (J - pcnsts.J2000) / pcnsts.dapcen;

    if (fabs (T) > 2.0)
	goto laskar;

    Z = ((0.017998 * T + 0.30188) * T + 2306.2181) * T * mcnsts.sec2ra;
    z = ((0.018203 * T + 1.09468) * T + 2306.2181) * T * mcnsts.sec2ra;
    TH = ((-0.041833 * T - 0.42665) * T + 2004.3109) * T * mcnsts.sec2ra;

    sinth = sin (TH);
    costh = cos (TH);
    sinZ = sin (Z);
    cosZ = cos (Z);
    sinz = sin (z);
    cosz = cos (z);
    A = cosZ * costh;
    B = sinZ * costh;

    if (direction < 0)
	/* From J2000.0 to J */

	x[0] = (A * cosz - sinZ * sinz) * R[0]
	    - (B * cosz + cosZ * sinz) * R[1]
	    - sinth * cosz * R[2];

	x[1] = (A * sinz + sinZ * cosz) * R[0]
	    - (B * sinz - cosZ * cosz) * R[1]
	    - sinth * sinz * R[2];

	x[2] = cosZ * sinth * R[0]
	    - sinZ * sinth * R[1]
	    + costh * R[2];
	/* From J to J2000.0 */

	x[0] = (A * cosz - sinZ * sinz) * R[0]
	    + (A * sinz + sinZ * cosz) * R[1]
	    + cosZ * sinth * R[2];

	x[1] = -(B * cosz + cosZ * sinz) * R[0]
	    - (B * sinz - cosZ * cosz) * R[1]
	    - sinZ * sinth * R[2];

	x[2] = -sinth * cosz * R[0]
	    - sinth * sinz * R[1]
	    + costh * R[2];

    goto done;


    /* Implementation by elementary rotations using Laskar's expansions.
       First rotate about the x axis from the initial equator to the
       ecliptic. (The input is equatorial.) */

    if (direction == 1)
	epsiln (J);			/* To J2000 */
	epsiln (pcnsts.J2000);		/* From J2000 */

    x[0] = R[0];
    z = coseps * R[1] + sineps * R[2];
    x[2] = -sineps * R[1] + coseps * R[2];
    x[1] = z;

    /* Precession in longitude */

    T /= 10.0;				/* thousands of years */
    p = pAcof;
    pA = *p++;

    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
	pA = pA * T + *p++;

    pA *= mcnsts.sec2ra * T;

    /* Node of the moving ecliptic on the J2000 ecliptic. */

    p = nodecof;
    W = *p++;

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
	W = W * T + *p++;

    /* Rotate about z axis to the node. */

    if (direction == 1)
	z = W + pA;
	z = W;

    B = cos (z);
    A = sin (z);
    z = B * x[0] + A * x[1];
    x[1] = -A * x[0] + B * x[1];
    x[0] = z;

    /* Rotate about new x axis by the inclination of the moving ecliptic
       on the J2000 ecliptic. */

    p = inclcof;
    z = *p++;

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
	z = z * T + *p++;

    if (direction == 1)
	z = -z;

    B = cos (z);
    A = sin (z);
    z = B * x[1] + A * x[2];
    x[2] = -A * x[1] + B * x[2];
    x[1] = z;

    /* Rotate about new z axis back from the node. */

    if (direction == 1)
	z = -W;
	z = -W - pA;

    B = cos (z);
    A = sin (z);
    z = B * x[0] + A * x[1];
    x[1] = -A * x[0] + B * x[1];
    x[0] = z;

    /* Rotate about x axis to final equator. */

    if (direction == 1)
	epsiln (pcnsts.J2000);
	epsiln (J);

    z = coseps * x[1] - sineps * x[2];
    x[2] = sineps * x[1] + coseps * x[2];
    x[1] = z;


    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	R[i] = x[i];

    return (0);

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.