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/************************************************/ /* ouranus.c */ /* */ /* Orbital elements and perturbations for the */ /* planet Uranus using formulas given by Meeus */ /************************************************/ /***** description * * $Log: ouranus.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 1993/04/21 21:40:02 craig * Changed the path for the satellite.h include. * Changed ecnsts to pcnsts. * * Revision 1.2 1993/04/21 15:29:13 craig * First working version. Ran through indent and converted to ansi. * Added hooks for working with the satellite programs. * * */ /***** modification history * * $Log: ouranus.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 1993/04/21 21:40:02 craig * Changed the path for the satellite.h include. * Changed ecnsts to pcnsts. * * Revision 1.2 1993/04/21 15:29:13 craig * First working version. Ran through indent and converted to ansi. * Added hooks for working with the satellite programs. * * */ /***** include files *****/ #include <math.h> #include "aaproto.h" #include "satellite.h" /***** global variables *****/ extern struct MCONSTANTS mcnsts; extern struct PCONSTANTS pcnsts; /* from oearth.c */ extern double T; /* from ojupiter.c */ extern double f; extern double P; extern double Q; extern double S; extern double nu; extern double ze; extern double sinW; /* from oneptune.c */ extern double G; extern double H; extern double th; extern double eta; extern double cos1H; extern double cos2H; extern double sin1H; extern double sin2H; extern double costh; extern double cos2th; extern double sinth; extern double sin2th; /***** local global variables *****/ static double M7; static double sineta = 0.0; static double coseta = 0.0; static double sinS = 0.0; static double cosS = 0.0; static double sin2S = 0.0; static double cos2S = 0.0; /***********/ /* ouranus */ /***********/ int ouranus (struct orbit * e, double J) { double p, q; e->epoch = J; manoms (J); pjup (); f = (0.000079 * T + 428.37911) * T + 72.64878; f = mod360 (f); e->M = f; M7 = f; e->a = 19.21814; e->ecc = (0.000000077 * T - 0.00002658) * T + 0.0463444; e->equinox = pcnsts.J2000; e->i = ((1.23e-7 * T - 2.7e-7) * T - 0.0017660) * T + 0.774950; f = ((1.3904e-5 * T - 0.00049812) * T + 0.0337219) * T + 99.021587; e->w = mod360 (f); f = ((-1.4536e-5 * T + 0.00042674) * T + 0.0545828) * T + 73.923501; e->W = mod360 (f); f = e->M + e->w + e->W; e->L = mod360 (f); G = 83.76922 + 218.4901 * T; G = mod360 (G) * mcnsts.de2ra; H = modtp (2.0 * G - S); ze = modtp (S - P); eta = modtp (S - Q); th = modtp (G - S); sin1H = sin (H); cos1H = cos (H); sin2H = 2.0 * sin1H * cos1H; cos2H = cos1H * cos1H - sin1H * sin1H; sinth = sin (th); costh = cos (th); sin2th = 2.0 * sinth * costh; cos2th = costh * costh - sinth * sinth; sineta = sin (eta); coseta = cos (eta); sinS = sin (S); cosS = cos (S); sin2S = 2.0 * sinS * cosS; cos2S = cosS * cosS - sinS * sinS; /* perturbations in mean longitude */ p = (0.864319 - 0.001583 * nu) * sin1H; p += (0.082222 - 0.006833 * nu) * cos1H; p += 0.036017 * sin2H - 0.003019 * cos2H + 0.008122 * sinW; e->L += p; /* perturbations in the perihelion */ q = 0.120303 * sin1H + 0.006197 * sin2H; q = q + (0.019472 - 0.000947 * nu) * cos1H; e->w += q; e->M = M7 + p - q / (e->ecc); /* correction to the orbital eccentricity */ q = (-0.0003349 + 0.0000163 * nu) * sin1H; q = q + 0.0020981 * cos1H + 0.0001311 * cos2H; e->ecc += q; /* perturbation in the semimajor axis */ e->a -= 0.003825 * cos1H; return (0); } /************************************************/ /* curanus */ /* */ /* Applied after solving Kepler's equation */ /************************************************/ int curanus (struct orbit * e) { double q; /* correction to the true longitude */ q = (0.010122 - 0.000988 * nu) * sin (S + eta); q += ((-0.001910 * nu + 0.002031) * nu - 0.038581) * cos (S + eta); f = (0.000868 * nu - 0.001038) * nu + 0.034964; q += f * cos (2.0 * S + eta); q += 0.005594 * sin (S + 3.0 * th); q = q - 0.014808 * sin (ze) - 0.005794 * sineta + 0.002347 * coseta + 0.009872 * sinth + 0.008803 * sin2th; q -= 0.004308 * sin (3 * th); e->L += q * mcnsts.de2ra; /* correction to the heliocentric latitude */ f = 0.000458 * sineta - 0.000642 * coseta - 0.000517 * cos (4.0 * th); q = f * sin (S); f = -(0.000347 * sineta + 0.000853 * coseta + 0.000517 * sin (4.0 * eta)); q += f * cosS; q += 0.000403 * (cos2th * sin2S + sin2th * cos2S); e->plat = q * mcnsts.de2ra; /* correction to the radius vector */ q = -0.025948 + 0.004985 * cos (ze) - 0.001230 * cosS + 0.003354 * coseta; f = 0.005795 * cosS - 0.001165 * sinS + 0.001388 * cos2S; q += f * sineta; f = 0.001351 * cosS + 0.005702 * sinS + 0.001388 * sin2S; q += f * coseta; q += 0.000904 * cos2th; q += 0.000894 * (costh - cos (3.0 * th)); e->r += q; return (0); }
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