
This is osaturn.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* osaturn.c							*/
/*								*/
/* Elements of the orbit of the planet Saturn			*/
/* using formulas given by Meeus.				*/
/*								*/
/* This program seems to have much larger errors than 		*/
/* the ones for the other planets.  Error of 90 arc seconds	*/
/* in R.A. and 15 arc seconds in Dec observed re 1986 tables.	*/

/***** description
 *	$Id: osaturn.c,v 1.3 1993/04/21 21:38:02 craig Exp $

/***** modification history
 *	$Log: osaturn.c,v $
 * Revision 1.3  1993/04/21  21:38:02  craig
 * Changed the path of the satellite.h include.
 * Changed ecnsts to pcnsts.
 * Revision 1.2  1993/04/21  15:28:33  craig
 * First working version.  Ran through indent and converted to ansi.
 * Added hooks for working with the satellite programs.

/***** include files *****/

#include <math.h>
#include "aaproto.h"
#include "satellite.h"

/***** global variables *****/

extern struct MCONSTANTS mcnsts;
extern struct PCONSTANTS pcnsts;

/* from oearth.c */

extern double T;

/* from manoms.c */

extern double M6;

/* from ojupiter.c */

extern double f;
extern double nu;
extern double psi;

extern double cosQ;
extern double cos2Q;
extern double cos3Q;

extern double sinQ;
extern double sin2Q;
extern double sin3Q;

extern double cosV;
extern double cos2V;

extern double sinV;
extern double sin2V;

extern double sinW;

extern double cosze;
extern double cos2ze;
extern double cos3ze;
extern double cos4ze;
extern double cos5ze;

extern double sinze;
extern double sin2ze;
extern double sin3ze;
extern double sin4ze;
extern double sin5ze;

/***** local variables *****/

static double sinpsi = 0.0;
static double cospsi = 0.0;
static double sin2psi = 0.0;
static double cos2psi = 0.0;
static double sin3psi = 0.0;
static double cos3psi = 0.0;

/***** local function prototypes */

static int asat (struct orbit * e);
static int esat (struct orbit * e);

/* osaturn */

int    osaturn (struct orbit * e, double J)
    double p, q;

    e->epoch = J;
    manoms (J);
    pjup ();

    sinpsi = sin (psi);
    cospsi = cos (psi);
    sin2psi = 2.0 * sinpsi * cospsi;
    cos2psi = cospsi * cospsi - sinpsi * sinpsi;
    sin3psi = sinpsi * cos2psi + cospsi * sin2psi;
    cos3psi = cospsi * cos2psi - sinpsi * sin2psi;
    e->M = M6;

    e->equinox = pcnsts.J2000;

    /* inclination */

    e->i = ((2e-9 * T - 5.017e-5) * T + 0.0024449) * T + 2.486204;

    /* arg perihelion */

    f = ((6.177e-6 * T + 0.00070747) * T + 0.8220515) * T + 338.571353;
    e->w = mod360 (f);

    /* ascending node */

    f = ((-1.589e-6 * T - 0.00018997) * T - 0.2599254) * T + 113.923406;
    e->W = mod360 (f);

    /* mean longitude */

    f = e->M + e->w + e->W;
    e->L = mod360 (f);

    /* eccentricity */

    e->ecc = ((0.00000000074 * T - 0.000000728) * T - 0.00034550)
	* T + 0.05589232;

    /* mean distance */

    e->a = 9.554747;

    /* perturbations in the mean longitude */

    p = ((0.016714 * nu + 0.018150) * nu - 0.814181) * sinV
	+ ((-0.004100 * nu + 0.160906) * nu - 0.010497) * cosV
	+ 0.007581 * sin2V
	- 0.007986 * sinW;

    p = p - 0.148811 * sinze
	- 0.040786 * sin2ze
	- 0.015208 * sin3ze
	- 0.006339 * sin4ze;

    f = -0.006244
	+ (0.008931 + 0.002728 * nu) * sinze
	- 0.016500 * sin2ze
	- 0.005775 * sin3ze
	+ (0.081344 + 0.003206 * nu) * cosze
	+ 0.015019 * cos2ze;

    p += f * sinQ;

    f = (0.085581 + 0.002494 * nu) * sinze
	+ (0.025328 - 0.003117 * nu) * cosze
	+ 0.014394 * cos2ze
	+ 0.006319 * cos3ze;

    p += f * cosQ;

    f = 0.006369 * sinze
	+ 0.009156 * sin2ze
	+ 0.007525 * sin3psi;

    p += f * sin2Q;

    f = -0.005236 * cosze
	- 0.007736 * cos2ze
	- 0.007528 * cos3psi;

    p += f * cos2Q;
    e->L += p;

    /* perturbations in the perihelion */

    q = ((-0.001533 * nu + 0.007186) * nu + 0.077108) * sinV
	+ ((-0.000536 * nu - 0.014766) * nu + 0.045803) * cosV
	- 0.007075 * sinze;

    f = -0.075825 * sinze
	- 0.024839 * sin2ze
	- 0.008631 * sin3ze;

    q += f * sinQ;

    f = -0.072586
	- 0.150383 * cosze
	+ 0.026897 * cos2ze
	+ 0.010053 * cos3ze;

    q += f * cosQ;

    f = -(0.013597 + 0.001719 * nu) * sinze
	+ (-0.007742 + 0.001517 * nu) * cosze
	+ (0.013586 - 0.001375 * nu) * cos2ze;

    q += f * sin2Q;

    f = (-0.013667 + 0.001239 * nu) * sinze
	+ 0.011981 * sin2ze
	+ (0.014861 + 0.001136 * nu) * cosze
	- (0.013064 + 0.001628 * nu) * cos2ze;

    q += f * cos2Q;
    e->w += q;

    f = p - q / (e->ecc);
    e->M += f;
    esat (e);
    asat (e);

    return (0);

/* esat */

static int esat (struct orbit * e)
    double sin4Q, cos4Q;
    double q;

    /* perturbations in the eccentricity */

    q = ((0.0000091 * nu + 0.0002548) * nu - 0.0007927) * sinV;
    q += ((-0.0000253 * nu + 0.0001226) * nu + 0.0013381) * cosV;
    q += (-0.0000121 * nu + 0.0000248) * sin2V;
    q -= (0.0000091 * nu + 0.0000305) * cos2V;
    q += 0.0000412 * sin2ze;

    f = 0.0012415
	+ (0.0000390 - 0.0000617 * nu) * sinze
	+ (0.0000165 - 0.0000204 * nu) * sin2ze;

    f = f + 0.0026599 * cosze
	- 0.0004687 * cos2ze
	- 0.0001870 * cos3ze
	- 0.0000821 * cos4ze
	- 0.0000377 * cos5ze;

    f = f + 0.0000497 * cos2psi;
    q += f * sinQ;

    f = 0.0000163 - 0.0000611 * nu
	- 0.0012696 * sinze
	- 0.0004200 * sin2ze
	- 0.0001503 * sin3ze
	- 0.0000619 * sin4ze
	- 0.0000268 * sin5ze;

    f = f - (0.0000282 + 0.0001306 * nu) * cosze
	+ (-0.0000086 + 0.0000230 * nu) * cos2ze;

    f = f + 0.0000461 * sin2psi;
    q += f * cosQ;

    f = -0.0000350
	+ (0.0002211 - 0.0000286 * nu) * sinze
	- 0.0002208 * sin2ze
	- 0.0000568 * sin3ze
	- 0.0000346 * sin4ze;

    f = f - (0.0002780 + 0.0000222 * nu) * cosze
	+ (0.0002022 + 0.0000263 * nu) * cos2ze
	+ 0.0000248 * cos3ze
	+ 0.0000242 * sin3psi
	+ 0.0000467 * cos3psi;

    q += f * sin2Q;

    f = -0.0000490
	- (0.0002842 + 0.0000279 * nu) * sinze
	+ (0.0000128 + 0.0000226 * nu) * sin2ze;

    f = f + 0.0000224 * sin3ze
	+ (-0.0001594 + 0.0000282 * nu) * cosze
	+ (0.0002162 - 0.0000207 * nu) * cos2ze;

    f = f + 0.0000561 * cos3ze
	+ 0.0000343 * cos4ze
	+ 0.0000469 * sin3psi
	- 0.0000242 * cos3psi;

    q += f * cos2Q;

    f = -0.0000205 * sinze + 0.0000262 * sin3ze;

    q += f * sin3Q;

    f = 0.0000208 * cosze - 0.0000271 * cos3ze;

    q += f * cos3Q;

    sin4Q = 2.0 * sin2Q * cos2Q;
    cos4Q = cos2Q * cos2Q - sin2Q * sin2Q;

    q = q - 0.0000382 * cos3ze * sin4Q - 0.0000376 * sin3ze * cos4Q;

    e->ecc += q;

    return (0);

/* asat */

static int asat (struct orbit * e)
    double q;

    /* perturbations in the semimajor axis */

    q = 0.000572 * nu * sinV
	+ 0.002933 * cosV
	+ 0.033629 * cosze
	- 0.003081 * cos2ze
	- 0.001423 * cos3ze
	- 0.000671 * cos4ze
	- 0.000320 * cos5ze;

    f = 0.001098
	- 0.002812 * sinze
	+ 0.000688 * sin2ze
	- 0.000393 * sin3ze
	- 0.000228 * sin4ze
	+ 0.002138 * cosze
	- 0.000999 * cos2ze
	- 0.000642 * cos3ze
	- 0.000325 * cos4ze;

    q += f * sinQ;

    f = -0.000890
	+ 0.002206 * sinze
	- 0.001590 * sin2ze
	- 0.000647 * sin3ze
	- 0.000344 * sin4ze
	+ 0.002885 * cosze
	+ (0.002172 + 0.000102 * nu) * cos2ze
	+ 0.000296 * cos3ze;

    q += f * cosQ;

    f = -0.000267 * sin2ze
	- 0.000778 * cosze
	+ 0.000495 * cos2ze
	+ 0.000250 * cos3ze;

    q += f * sin2Q;

    f = -0.000856 * sinze
	+ 0.000441 * sin2ze
	+ 0.000296 * cos2ze
	+ 0.000211 * cos3ze;

    q += f * cos2Q;

    f = -0.000427 * sinze + 0.000398 * sin3ze;

    q += f * sin3Q;

    f = 0.000344 * cosze - 0.000427 * cos3ze;

    q += f * cos3Q;
    e->a += q;

    return (0);

/* csaturn					*/
/*						*/
/* Corrections to the position to be applied	*/
/* after solving Kepler's equation		*/

int    csaturn (struct orbit * e)
    double p;

    /* perturbations to the heliocentric latitude */

    f = 0.000747 * sinQ + 0.001069 * cosQ;
    p = f * cosze;
    f = 0.002108 * sin2ze + 0.001261 * cos2ze;
    p = p + f * sin2Q;
    f = 0.001236 * sin2ze - 0.002075 * cos2ze;
    p = p + f * cos2Q;
    e->plat = p * mcnsts.de2ra;

    return (0);

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.