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/************************/ /* sdp8.c */ /* */ /* sdp8 orbital model */ /************************/ /***** description * * $Id: sdp8.c,v 1.3 1993/04/28 17:09:14 craig Exp $ * */ /***** modification history * * translated by f2c (version of 12 March 1993 7:07:21). * * $Log: sdp8.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 1993/04/28 17:09:14 craig * changed atan2 call to matan2 call. * * Revision 1.2 1993/04/21 19:50:33 craig * changed approximation to psi term to real number. * changed ecnsts to pcnsts * * Revision 1.1 1993/04/02 18:04:25 craig * Initial revision * * */ /***** include files *****/ #include <math.h> #include "satellite.h" #include "satproto.h" #include "aaproto.h" /***** global variables *****/ extern struct ELEMENT element; extern struct PCONSTANTS pcnsts; extern struct MCONSTANTS mcnsts; /******************/ /* SDP8 14 NOV 80 */ /******************/ int sdp8 (int *iflag, double tsince) { /* Initialized data */ static double rho = .15696615; /* Local variables */ double alpha2, aodp, aovr, axnm, aynm, beta, beta2m, betao, betao2; double cape, cs2f2g, csf, cslamb, del1, delo, diwc; double ecosf, eeta, eosq, eta, eta2; double omgasm, pardt1, pardt2, pardt4, pom2, psim2, rdot, rvdot; double sn2f2g, snf, sni2du, snlamb, temp, theta4, tsi; double xinc, xlamb, xmam, xmamdf, xndtn, xnodes; double b, r; double am, ao, di, dr, em, fm, pm, po, rm, xn; double a1, b1, b2, b3, c0, c1, c4, c5, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5; double g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g10, g13, g14, ux, uy, uz; double vx, vy, vz, y4, y5, z1, z7; double zc2, zc5; double csfg, snfg, cos2g, sini2; double cose, sine, cosg, sing, cosos, sinos; register int i; static double a3cof, edot, omgdt, theta2, tthmun, unmth2, unm5th; static double xgdt1, xhdt1, xlldot, xmdt1, xndt, xnodp, xnodot; static double cosi, sini, cosio2, sinio2; if (*iflag != 0) { /* RECOVER ORIGINAL MEAN MOTION (XNODP) AND SEMIMAJOR AXIS (AODP) */ /* FROM INPUT ELEMENTS --------- CALCULATE BALLISTIC COEFFICIENT */ /* (B TERM) FROM INPUT B* DRAG TERM */ a1 = pow (pcnsts.xke / element.xno, mcnsts.tothrd); cosi = cos (element.xincl); theta2 = cosi * cosi; tthmun = theta2 * 3. - 1.; eosq = element.eo * element.eo; betao2 = 1. - eosq; betao = sqrt (betao2); del1 = pcnsts.ck2 * 1.5 * tthmun / (a1 * a1 * betao * betao2); ao = a1 * (1. - del1 * (mcnsts.tothrd * .5 + del1 * (del1 * 134. / 81. + 1.))); delo = pcnsts.ck2 * 1.5 * tthmun / (ao * ao * betao * betao2); aodp = ao / (1. - delo); xnodp = element.xno / (delo + 1.); b = element.bstar * 2. / rho; /* INITIALIZATION */ po = aodp * betao2; pom2 = 1. / (po * po); sini = sin (element.xincl); sing = sin (element.omegao); cosg = cos (element.omegao); temp = element.xincl * .5; sinio2 = sin (temp); cosio2 = cos (temp); theta4 = theta2 * theta2; unm5th = 1. - theta2 * 5.; unmth2 = 1. - theta2; a3cof = -pcnsts.xj3 / pcnsts.ck2 * pow (, 3.); pardt1 = pcnsts.ck2 * 3. * pom2 * xnodp; pardt2 = pardt1 * pcnsts.ck2 * pom2; pardt4 = pcnsts.ck4 * 1.25 * pom2 * pom2 * xnodp; xmdt1 = pardt1 * .5 * betao * tthmun; xgdt1 = pardt1 * -.5 * unm5th; xhdt1 = -pardt1 * cosi; xlldot = xnodp + xmdt1 + pardt2 * .0625 * betao * (13. - theta2 * 78. + theta4 * 137.); omgdt = xgdt1 + pardt2 * .0625 * (7. - theta2 * 114. + theta4 * 395.) + pardt4 * (3. - theta2 * 36. + theta4 * 49.); xnodot = xhdt1 + (pardt2 * .5 * (4. - theta2 * 19.) + pardt4 * 2. * (3. - theta2 * 7.)) * cosi; tsi = 1. / (po - pcnsts.s); eta = element.eo * pcnsts.s * tsi; eta2 = eta * eta; psim2 = sqrt (1. - eta2); psim2 = 1. / psim2 / psim2; alpha2 = eosq + 1.; eeta = element.eo * eta; cos2g = cosg * cosg * 2. - 1.; d5 = tsi * psim2; d1 = d5 / po; d2 = eta2 * (eta2 * 4.5 + 36.) + 12.; d3 = eta2 * (eta2 * 2.5 + 15.); d4 = eta * (eta2 * 3.75 + 5.); b1 = pcnsts.ck2 * tthmun; b2 = -pcnsts.ck2 * unmth2; b3 = a3cof * sini; c0 = b * .5 * rho * pcnsts.qoms2t * xnodp * aodp * pow (tsi, 4.) * pow (psim2, 3.5) / sqrt (alpha2); c1 = xnodp * 1.5 * alpha2 * alpha2 * c0; c4 = d1 * d3 * b2; c5 = d5 * d4 * b3; xndt = c1 * ((eta2 * (eosq * 34. + 3.) + 2. + eeta * 5. * (eta2 + 4.) + eosq * 8.5) + d1 * d2 * b1 + c4 * cos2g + c5 * sing); xndtn = xndt / xnodp; edot = -mcnsts.tothrd * xndtn * (1. - element.eo); *iflag = 0; dpinit (eosq, sini, cosi, betao, aodp, theta2, sing, cosg, betao2, xlldot, omgdt, xnodot, xnodp); } /* UPDATE FOR SECULAR GRAVITY AND ATMOSPHERIC DRAG */ z1 = xndt * .5 * tsince * tsince; z7 = mcnsts.tothrd * 3.5 * z1 / xnodp; xmamdf = element.xmo + xlldot * tsince; omgasm = element.omegao + omgdt * tsince + z7 * xgdt1; xnodes = element.xnodeo + xnodot * tsince + z7 * xhdt1; xn = xnodp; dpsec (&xmamdf, &omgasm, &xnodes, &em, &xinc, &xn, tsince); xn += xndt * tsince; em += edot * tsince; xmam = xmamdf + z1 + z7 * xmdt1; dpper (&em, &xinc, &omgasm, &xnodes, &xmam); xmam = fmod2p (xmam); /* SOLVE KEPLERS EQUATION */ zc2 = xmam + em * sin (xmam) * (em * cos (xmam) + 1.); for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { sine = sin (zc2); cose = cos (zc2); zc5 = 1. / (1. - em * cose); cape = (xmam + em * sine - zc2) * zc5 + zc2; if (fabs (cape - zc2) <= mcnsts.e6a) { break; } zc2 = cape; } /* SHORT PERIOD PRELIMINARY QUANTITIES */ am = pow (pcnsts.xke / xn, mcnsts.tothrd); beta2m = 1. - em * em; sinos = sin (omgasm); cosos = cos (omgasm); axnm = em * cosos; aynm = em * sinos; pm = am * beta2m; g1 = 1. / pm; g2 = pcnsts.ck2 * .5 * g1; g3 = g2 * g1; beta = sqrt (beta2m); g4 = a3cof * .25 * sini; g5 = a3cof * .25 * g1; snf = beta * sine * zc5; csf = (cose - em) * zc5; fm = matan2 (snf, csf); snfg = snf * cosos + csf * sinos; csfg = csf * cosos - snf * sinos; sn2f2g = snfg * 2. * csfg; cs2f2g = csfg * csfg * 2. - 1.; ecosf = em * csf; g10 = fm - xmam + em * snf; rm = pm / (ecosf + 1.); aovr = am / rm; g13 = xn * aovr; g14 = -g13 * aovr; dr = g2 * (unmth2 * cs2f2g - tthmun * 3.) - g4 * snfg; diwc = g3 * 3. * sini * cs2f2g - g5 * aynm; di = diwc * cosi; sini2 = sin (xinc * .5); /* UPDATE FOR SHORT PERIOD PERIODICS */ sni2du = sinio2 * (g3 * ((1. - theta2 * 7.) * .5 * sn2f2g - unm5th * 3. * g10) - g5 * sini * csfg * (ecosf + 2.)) - g5 * .5 * theta2 * axnm / cosio2; xlamb = fm + omgasm + xnodes + g3 * ((cosi * 6. + 1. - theta2 * 7.) * .5 * sn2f2g - (unm5th + cosi * 2.) * 3. * g10) + g5 * sini * (cosi * axnm / (cosi + 1.) - (ecosf + 2.) * csfg); y4 = sini2 * snfg + csfg * sni2du + snfg * .5 * cosio2 * di; y5 = sini2 * csfg - snfg * sni2du + csfg * .5 * cosio2 * di; r = rm + dr; rdot = xn * am * em * snf / beta + g14 * (g2 * 2. * unmth2 * sn2f2g + g4 * csfg); rvdot = xn * am * am * beta / rm + g14 * dr + am * g13 * sini * diwc; /* ORIENTATION VECTORS */ snlamb = sin (xlamb); cslamb = cos (xlamb); temp = (y5 * snlamb - y4 * cslamb) * 2.; ux = y4 * temp + cslamb; vx = y5 * temp - snlamb; temp = (y5 * cslamb + y4 * snlamb) * 2.; uy = -y4 * temp + snlamb; vy = -y5 * temp + cslamb; temp = sqrt (1. - y4 * y4 - y5 * y5) * 2.; uz = y4 * temp; vz = y5 * temp; /* POSITION AND VELOCITY */ element.x = r * ux; element.y = r * uy; element.z = r * uz; element.xdot = rdot * ux + rvdot * vx; element.ydot = rdot * uy + rvdot * vy; element.zdot = rdot * uz + rvdot * vz; return 0; }
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