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/****************************************/ /* driver.c */ /* */ /* origional satellite epherimus driver */ /****************************************/ /***** description * * $Id: driver.c,v 1.6 1993/05/12 18:58:51 craig Exp $ * */ /***** modification history * * translated by f2c (version of 12 March 1993 7:07:21). * * $Log: driver.c,v $ * Revision 1.6 1993/05/12 18:58:51 craig * Changed the orbit calculation section to use the new satreduce * subroutine and the new do_orbit routine. * * Revision 1.5 1993/04/30 18:31:36 craig * Moved the rdelement () routine to rsat.c. * * Revision 1.4 1993/04/28 17:15:14 craig * changed printed time to UT. * * Revision 1.3 1993/04/27 17:09:50 craig * This version of the driver returns the Topocentric coords and the * velocity of the satellite along with the Topocentric coords of the * sun. * * Revision 1.2 1993/04/26 19:27:16 craig * first working version that was integrated with the almanac software. * * Revision 1.1 1993/04/02 18:02:04 craig * Initial revision * * */ /***** include files *****/ #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include "satellite.h" #include "satproto.h" #include "aaproto.h" /***** global variables *****/ FILE *elefile; struct star fstar; struct ELEMENT element; /* from cnstinit.c */ extern int prtflg; extern FILE *outfile; extern double JD; extern double UT; extern struct PCONSTANTS pcnsts; extern struct MCONSTANTS mcnsts; /************************************************/ /* DRIVER 3 NOV 80 */ /* */ /* WGS-72 PHYSICAL AND GEOPOTENTIAL CONSTANTS */ /* CK2= .5*J2*AE**2 CK4=-.375*J4*AE**4 */ /************************************************/ int main (void) { /***** Local variables *****/ int iept, iflag, ideep; char fname[32]; double delo, delt, del1, temp; double a1, xnodp, ao; double oalt, oaz, ora, odec; double nalt, naz, nra, ndec; double N, D, x; double JDTIME, JDSTART, JDSTOP; /***** initialize constants *****/ prtflg = 0; cnstinit (); if (kinit () == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "Unable to find a ./.site.ini or a "); fprintf (stderr, "~/.site.ini site initialization file.\n"); exit (-1); } /***** initialize inputs *****/ iept = 2; strcpy (fname, "ntest.tle"); delt = 5.; outfile = stdout; /***** select ephemeris type and output times *****/ getint ("Ephemeris type: [1-5] ", &iept); getstring ("Element file name: ", fname, 32); /*** open the element file ***/ elefile = fopen (fname, "r"); if (elefile == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Error in opening element file: %s\n", fname); return (-1); } /* read the element file */ if (rdelement () != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "read element bombed \n"); exit (-1); } printf ("Output file name: ( stdout ) ? "); if (strlen (gets (fname))) { /*** open the output file ***/ outfile = fopen (fname, "w"); if (outfile == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Error in opening output file: %s\n", fname); exit (-1); } } /* printf ("\n ephemeris epoch %.7f\n\n", element.epoch); */ printf ("\nEnter start time: \n\n"); JDSTART = getdate (); JDSTART += gethms (); update (stdout); /* printf ("\n Julian day %.7f\n\n", JD); */ printf ("\nEnter end time: \n\n"); JDSTOP = getdate (); JDSTOP += gethms (); getdouble ("\nTime increment: (minutes) ", &delt); ideep = 0; /***** INPUT CHECK FOR PERIOD VS EPHEMERIS SELECTED *****/ /***** PERIOD GE 225 MINUTES IS DEEP SPACE *****/ a1 = pow (pcnsts.xke / element.xno, mcnsts.tothrd); temp = pcnsts.ck2 * 1.5 * (cos (element.xincl) * cos (element.xincl) * 3. - 1.) / pow (1. - element.eo * element.eo, 1.5); del1 = temp / (a1 * a1); ao = a1 * (1. - del1 * (mcnsts.tothrd * .5 + del1 * (del1 * 134. / 81. + 1.))); delo = temp / (ao * ao); xnodp = element.xno / (delo + 1.); if (mcnsts.twopi / xnodp / pcnsts.xmnpda >= .15625) { ideep = 1; } iflag = 1; if (ideep == 1 && (iept == 1 || iept == 2 || iept == 4)) { fprintf (stderr, "A deep space ephemeris should be used.\n"); exit (-1); } if (ideep == 0 && (iept == 3 || iept == 5)) { fprintf (stderr, "A near earth ephemeris should be used.\n"); exit (-1); } /***** do the ephemeris *****/ JDTIME = JDSTART; while (JDTIME <= JDSTOP) { /* update the time */ JD = JDTIME; do_orbit (iflag, iept); satreduce (&oalt, &oaz, &ora, &odec); if (oalt > 0.) { /* find the rate at which ra and dec are changing */ JD = JDTIME + delt / pcnsts.xmnpda; do_orbit (iflag, iept); satreduce (&nalt, &naz, &nra, &ndec); JD = JDTIME; update (outfile); x = mcnsts.ra2de / delt; N = nra - ora; if (N > mcnsts.pi) { N -= mcnsts.twopi; } else if ( N < -mcnsts.pi) { N += mcnsts.twopi; } N = x * N; D = x * (ndec - odec); fprintf (outfile, "\n"); jtocal (outfile, UT); fprintf (outfile, "\t%s Position: \n",; fprintf (outfile, "\t\tAltitude %.3f deg Azimuth %.3f deg\n", oalt, oaz); fprintf (outfile, "\t\tR.A."); hms (outfile, ora); fprintf (outfile, " Dec."); dms (outfile, odec); fprintf (outfile, "\n"); fprintf (outfile, "\t\tdRA/dt %.2f deg/min, dDec/dt %.2f deg/min\n", N, D ); fprintf (outfile, "\n"); } JDTIME += delt / pcnsts.xmnpda; } if (strlen (fname)) { /*** close the output file ***/ fclose (outfile); } /*** close the element file ***/ fclose (elefile); exit (0); }
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