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/****************************************/ /* deep.c */ /* */ /* deep space perturbation subroutines */ /****************************************/ /***** description * * $Id: deep.c,v 1.3 1993/04/27 20:55:36 craig Exp $ * */ /***** modification history * * translated by f2c (version of 12 March 1993 7:07:21). * * $Log: deep.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 1993/04/27 20:55:36 craig * replaced the atan2 calls to matan2 calls. * * Revision 1.2 1993/04/02 18:01:25 craig * fixed time initialization in dpsec subroutine. * * Revision 1.1 1993/04/01 21:06:25 craig * Initial revision * * */ /***** include files *****/ #include <math.h> #include "satellite.h" #include "satproto.h" #include "aaproto.h" /***** global variables *****/ extern struct ELEMENT element; extern struct MCONSTANTS mcnsts; /***** local globals *****/ static double q22 = 1.7891679e-6; static double q31 = 2.1460748e-6; static double q33 = 2.2123015e-7; static double c1l = 4.7968065e-7; static double c1ss = 2.9864797e-6; static double root22 = 1.7891679e-6; static double root32 = 3.7393792e-7; static double root44 = 7.3636953e-9; static double root52 = 1.1428639e-7; static double root54 = 2.1765803e-9; static double thdt = .0043752691; static double zes = .01675; static double znl = 1.5835218e-4; static double zns = 1.19459e-5; static double zel = .0549; static double zcosis = .91744867; static double zsinis = .39785416; static double zsings = -.98088458; static double zcosgs = .1945905; static double g22 = 5.7686396; static double g32 = .95240898; static double g44 = 1.8014998; static double g52 = 1.050833; static double g54 = 4.4108898; static int iresfl, isynfl; static double atime, cc; static double e3, ee2, eq, omegaq; static double step2, stepn, stepp, savtsn; static double thgr, temp, time; static double d2201, d2211, d3210, d3222, d4410, d4422; static double d5220, d5232, d5421, d5433; static double del1, del2, del3; static double fasx2, fasx4, fasx6; static double se, se2, se3, si, si2, si3; static double sl, sl2, sl3, sl4, sh, sh2, sh3; static double sse, ssg, ssh, ssi, ssl; static double sgh, sgh2, sgh3, sgh4; static double xi2, xi3, xl2, xl3, xl4, xh2, xh3, xnq, xli, xni, xnoi; static double xgh2, xgh3, xgh4; static double xfact, xlamo, xqncl; static double ze, zn, zmol, zmos; static double zcosg, zsing, zcosi, zsini, zcosh, zsinh; static double eqsq, siniq, cosiq, rteqsq, sinomo, cosomo, bsq, omgdt; /***** local function prototypes *****/ static void doterms (void); /*****************************/ /* deep space initialization */ /*****************************/ int dpinit (double eqsq1, double siniq1, double cosiq1, double rteqsq1, double ao, double cosq2, double sinomo1, double cosomo1, double bsq1, double xlldot, double omgdt1, double xnodot, double xnodp) { /* Local variables */ double aqnv, ainv2, bfact, day, eoc, temp1, zmo; double cosq, sinq, sini2; double f220, f221, f311, f321, f322, f330; double f441, f442, f522, f523, f542, f543; double g200, g201, g211, g300, g310, g322, g410, g422; double g520, g533, g521, g532; double xno2, xmao, xpidot; static double c, ctem, gam, preep, stem, xnodce; static double zx, zy; static double zcosil, zsinil, zsinhl, zcoshl, zcosgl, zsingl; eqsq = eqsq1; siniq = siniq1; cosiq = cosiq1; rteqsq = rteqsq1; sinomo = sinomo1; cosomo = cosomo1; bsq = bsq1; omgdt = omgdt1; thgr = thetag (element.epoch); eq = element.eo; xnq = xnodp; aqnv = 1. / ao; xqncl = element.xincl; xmao = element.xmo; xpidot = omgdt + xnodot; sinq = sin (element.xnodeo); cosq = cos (element.xnodeo); omegaq = element.omegao; /* INITIALIZE LUNAR SOLAR TERMS */ day = element.ds50 + 18261.5; if (day != preep) { preep = day; xnodce = 4.523602 - day * 9.2422029e-4; stem = sin (xnodce); ctem = cos (xnodce); zcosil = .91375164 - ctem * .03568096; zsinil = sqrt (1. - zcosil * zcosil); zsinhl = stem * .089683511 / zsinil; zcoshl = sqrt (1. - zsinhl * zsinhl); c = day * .2299715 + 4.7199672; gam = day * .001944368 + 5.8351514; zmol = fmod2p (c - gam); zx = stem * .39785416 / zsinil; zy = zcoshl * ctem + zsinhl * .91744867 * stem; zx = matan2 (zx, zy); zx = gam + zx - xnodce; zcosgl = cos (zx); zsingl = sin (zx); zmos = day * .017201977 + 6.2565837; zmos = fmod2p (zmos); } /* DO SOLAR TERMS */ savtsn = 1.e20; zcosg = zcosgs; zsing = zsings; zcosi = zcosis; zsini = zsinis; zcosh = cosq; zsinh = sinq; cc = c1ss; zn = zns; ze = zes; zmo = zmos; xnoi = 1. / xnq; doterms (); /* DO LUNAR TERMS */ sse = se; ssi = si; ssl = sl; ssh = sh / siniq; ssg = sgh - cosiq * ssh; se2 = ee2; si2 = xi2; sl2 = xl2; sgh2 = xgh2; sh2 = xh2; se3 = e3; si3 = xi3; sl3 = xl3; sgh3 = xgh3; sh3 = xh3; sl4 = xl4; sgh4 = xgh4; zcosg = zcosgl; zsing = zsingl; zcosi = zcosil; zsini = zsinil; zcosh = zcoshl * cosq + zsinhl * sinq; zsinh = sinq * zcoshl - cosq * zsinhl; zn = znl; cc = c1l; ze = zel; zmo = zmol; doterms (); sse += se; ssi += si; ssl += sl; ssg = ssg + sgh - cosiq / siniq * sh; ssh += sh / siniq; iresfl = 0; isynfl = 0; if (xnq < .0052359877 && xnq > .0034906585) { /* SYNCHRONOUS RESONANCE TERMS INITIALIZATION */ iresfl = 1; isynfl = 1; g200 = eqsq * (eqsq * .8125 - 2.5) + 1.; g310 = eqsq * 2. + 1.; g300 = eqsq * (eqsq * 6.60937 - 6.) + 1.; f220 = (cosiq + 1.) * .75 * (cosiq + 1.); f311 = siniq * .9375 * siniq * (cosiq * 3. + 1.) - (cosiq + 1.) * .75; f330 = cosiq + 1.; f330 = f330 * 1.875 * f330 * f330; del1 = xnq * 3. * xnq * aqnv * aqnv; del2 = del1 * 2. * f220 * g200 * q22; del3 = del1 * 3. * f330 * g300 * q33 * aqnv; del1 = del1 * f311 * g310 * q31 * aqnv; fasx2 = .13130908; fasx4 = 2.8843198; fasx6 = .37448087; xlamo = xmao + element.xnodeo + element.omegao - thgr; bfact = xlldot + xpidot - thdt; bfact = bfact + ssl + ssg + ssh; } else { /* GEOPOTENTIAL RESONANCE INITIALIZATION FOR 12 HOUR ORBITS */ if (xnq < .00826 || xnq > .00924 || eq < .5) { return (0); } iresfl = 1; eoc = eq * eqsq; g201 = -.306 - (eq - .64) * .44; if (eq > .65) { g211 = eq * 331.819 - 72.099 - eqsq * 508.738 + eoc * 266.724; g310 = eq * 1582.851 - 346.844 - eqsq * 2415.925 + eoc * 1246.113; g322 = eq * 1554.908 - 342.585 - eqsq * 2366.899 + eoc * 1215.972; g410 = eq * 4758.686 - 1052.797 - eqsq * 7193.992 + eoc * 3651.957; g422 = eq * 16178.11 - 3581.69 - eqsq * 24462.77 + eoc * 12422.52; if (eq > .715) { g520 = eq * 29936.92 - 5149.66 - eqsq * 54087.36 + eoc * 31324.56; } else { g520 = 1464.74 - eq * 4664.75 + eqsq * 3763.64; } } else { g211 = 3.616 - eq * 13.247 + eqsq * 16.29; g310 = eq * 117.39 - 19.302 - eqsq * 228.419 + eoc * 156.591; g322 = eq * 109.7927 - 18.9068 - eqsq * 214.6334 + eoc * 146.5816; g410 = eq * 242.694 - 41.122 - eqsq * 471.094 + eoc * 313.953; g422 = eq * 841.88 - 146.407 - eqsq * 1629.014 + eoc * 1083.435; g520 = eq * 3017.977 - 532.114 - eqsq * 5740. + eoc * 3708.276; } if (eq < .7) { g533 = eq * 4988.61 - 919.2277 - eqsq * 9064.77 + eoc * 5542.21; g521 = eq * 4568.6173 - 822.71072 - eqsq * 8491.4146 + eoc * 5337.524; g532 = eq * 4690.25 - 853.666 - eqsq * 8624.77 + eoc * 5341.4; } else { g533 = eq * 161616.52 - 37995.78 - eqsq * 229838.2 + eoc * 109377.94; g521 = eq * 218913.95 - 51752.104 - eqsq * 309468.16 + eoc * 146349.42; g532 = eq * 170470.89 - 40023.88 - eqsq * 242699.48 + eoc * 115605.82; } sini2 = siniq * siniq; f220 = (cosiq * 2. + 1. + cosq2) * .75; f221 = sini2 * 1.5; f321 = siniq * 1.875 * (1. - cosiq * 2. - cosq2 * 3.); f322 = siniq * -1.875 * (cosiq * 2. + 1. - cosq2 * 3.); f441 = sini2 * 35. * f220; f442 = sini2 * 39.375 * sini2; f522 = siniq * 9.84375 * (sini2 * (1. - cosiq * 2. - cosq2 * 5.) + (cosiq * 4. - 2. + cosq2 * 6.) * 1. / 3.); f523 = siniq * (sini2 * 4.92187512 * (-2. - cosiq * 4. + cosq2 * 10.) + (cosiq * 2. + 1. - cosq2 * 3.) * 6.56250012); f542 = siniq * 29.53125 * (2. - cosiq * 8. + cosq2 * (cosiq * 8. - 12. + cosq2 * 10.)); f543 = siniq * 29.53125 * (-2. - cosiq * 8. + cosq2 * (cosiq * 8. + 12. - cosq2 * 10.)); xno2 = xnq * xnq; ainv2 = aqnv * aqnv; temp1 = xno2 * 3. * ainv2; temp = temp1 * root22; d2201 = temp * f220 * g201; d2211 = temp * f221 * g211; temp1 *= aqnv; temp = temp1 * root32; d3210 = temp * f321 * g310; d3222 = temp * f322 * g322; temp1 *= aqnv; temp = temp1 * 2. * root44; d4410 = temp * f441 * g410; d4422 = temp * f442 * g422; temp1 *= aqnv; temp = temp1 * root52; d5220 = temp * f522 * g520; d5232 = temp * f523 * g532; temp = temp1 * 2. * root54; d5421 = temp * f542 * g521; d5433 = temp * f543 * g533; xlamo = xmao + element.xnodeo + element.xnodeo - thgr - thgr; bfact = xlldot + xnodot + xnodot - thdt - thdt; bfact = bfact + ssl + ssh + ssh; } /* INITIALIZE INTEGRATOR */ xfact = bfact - xnq; xli = xlamo; xni = xnq; atime = 0.; stepp = 720.; stepn = -720.; step2 = 259200.; return (0); } /****************************************/ /* deep space secular update subroutine */ /****************************************/ int dpsec (double *xll, double *omgasm, double *xnodes, double *em, double *xinc, double *xn, double tsince) { /* Local variables */ int iret = 0, iretn = 1; double xomi, x2omi, xnddt, xndot, xldot, xl, x2li; static double delt, ft; time = tsince; *xll += ssl * time; *omgasm += ssg * time; *xnodes += ssh * time; *em = element.eo + sse * time; *xinc = element.xincl + ssi * time; if (*xinc < 0.) { *xinc = -(*xinc); *xnodes += mcnsts.pi; *omgasm -= mcnsts.pi; } if (iresfl == 0) { return 0; } for (;;) { if (iret == 0) { if (atime == 0. || (time >= 0. && atime < 0.) || (time < 0. && atime >= 0.)) { /* EPOCH RESTART */ if (time < 0.) { delt = stepn; } else { delt = stepp; } atime = 0.; xni = xnq; xli = xlamo; } else { if (fabs (time) >= fabs (atime)) { if (time > 0.) { delt = stepp; } else { delt = stepn; } } else { if (time < 0.) { delt = stepp; } else { delt = stepn; } /* goto L150; */ } } } if (fabs (time - atime) < stepp) { ft = time - atime; iretn = 0; } else { iret = 1; } /* DOT TERMS CALCULATED */ /* L150: */ if (isynfl != 0) { xndot = del1 * sin (xli - fasx2) + del2 * sin ((xli - fasx4) * 2.) + del3 * sin ((xli - fasx6) * 3.); xnddt = del1 * cos (xli - fasx2) + del2 * 2. * cos ((xli - fasx4) * 2.) + del3 * 3. * cos ((xli - fasx6) * 3.); } else { xomi = omegaq + omgdt * atime; x2omi = xomi + xomi; x2li = xli + xli; xndot = d2201 * sin (x2omi + xli - g22) + d2211 * sin (xli - g22) + d3210 * sin (xomi + xli - g32) + d3222 * sin (-xomi + xli - g32) + d4410 * sin (x2omi + x2li - g44) + d4422 * sin (x2li - g44) + d5220 * sin (xomi + xli - g52) + d5232 * sin (-xomi + xli - g52) + d5421 * sin (xomi + x2li - g54) + d5433 * sin (-( double) xomi + x2li - g54); xnddt = d2201 * cos (x2omi + xli - g22) + d2211 * cos (xli - g22) + d3210 * cos (xomi + xli - g32) + d3222 * cos (-xomi + xli - g32) + d5220 * cos (xomi + xli - g52) + d5232 * cos (-xomi + xli - g52) + (d4410 * cos (x2omi + x2li - g44) + d4422 * cos ( x2li - g44) + d5421 * cos (xomi + x2li - g54) + d5433 * cos (-( double) xomi + x2li - g54)) * 2.; } xldot = xni + xfact; xnddt *= xldot; if (iretn == 0) { break; } /* INTEGRATOR */ xli = xli + xldot * delt + xndot * step2; xni = xni + xndot * delt + xnddt * step2; atime += delt; } *xn = xni + xndot * ft + xnddt * ft * ft * .5; xl = xli + xldot * ft + xndot * ft * ft * .5; temp = -(*xnodes) + thgr + time * thdt; *xll = xl - *omgasm + temp; if (isynfl == 0) { *xll = xl + temp + temp; } return 0; } /***********************************************/ /* deep space periodics application subroutine */ /***********************************************/ int dpper (double *em, double *xinc, double *omgasm, double *xnodes, double *xll) { /* Local variables */ double alfdp, betdp; double dalf, dbet, dls; double cosok, cosis, sinis, sinok; double ph, pgh, xls; static double f2, f3; static double pinc, pe, pl; static double sghl, sghs, sel, shl, sil, ses, sll, shs, sis, sls; static double sinzf, zf, zm; sinis = sin (*xinc); cosis = cos (*xinc); if (fabs (savtsn - time) >= 30.) { savtsn = time; zm = zmos + zns * time; zf = zm + zes * 2. * sin (zm); sinzf = sin (zf); f2 = sinzf * .5 * sinzf - .25; f3 = sinzf * -.5 * cos (zf); ses = se2 * f2 + se3 * f3; sis = si2 * f2 + si3 * f3; sls = sl2 * f2 + sl3 * f3 + sl4 * sinzf; sghs = sgh2 * f2 + sgh3 * f3 + sgh4 * sinzf; shs = sh2 * f2 + sh3 * f3; zm = zmol + znl * time; zf = zm + zel * 2. * sin (zm); sinzf = sin (zf); f2 = sinzf * .5 * sinzf - .25; f3 = sinzf * -.5 * cos (zf); sel = ee2 * f2 + e3 * f3; sil = xi2 * f2 + xi3 * f3; sll = xl2 * f2 + xl3 * f3 + xl4 * sinzf; sghl = xgh2 * f2 + xgh3 * f3 + xgh4 * sinzf; shl = xh2 * f2 + xh3 * f3; pe = ses + sel; pinc = sis + sil; pl = sls + sll; } pgh = sghs + sghl; ph = shs + shl; *xinc += pinc; *em += pe; if (xqncl < .2) { /* APPLY PERIODICS WITH LYDDANE MODIFICATION */ sinok = sin (*xnodes); cosok = cos (*xnodes); alfdp = sinis * sinok; betdp = sinis * cosok; dalf = ph * cosok + pinc * cosis * sinok; dbet = -ph * sinok + pinc * cosis * cosok; alfdp += dalf; betdp += dbet; xls = *xll + *omgasm + cosis * *xnodes; dls = pl + pgh - pinc * *xnodes * sinis; xls += dls; *xnodes = matan2 (alfdp, betdp); *xll += pl; *omgasm = xls - *xll - cos (*xinc) * *xnodes; } else { /* APPLY PERIODICS DIRECTLY */ ph /= siniq; pgh -= cosiq * ph; *omgasm += pgh; *xnodes += ph; *xll += pl; } return 0; } /* doterms --- calculate lunar and solar terms */ static void doterms (void) { /* local variables */ double a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10; double s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7; double x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8; double z1, z2, z3, z11, z12, z13, z21, z22, z23, z31, z32, z33; a1 = zcosg * zcosh + zsing * zcosi * zsinh; a3 = -zsing * zcosh + zcosg * zcosi * zsinh; a7 = -zcosg * zsinh + zsing * zcosi * zcosh; a8 = zsing * zsini; a9 = zsing * zsinh + zcosg * zcosi * zcosh; a10 = zcosg * zsini; a2 = cosiq * a7 + siniq * a8; a4 = cosiq * a9 + siniq * a10; a5 = -(siniq) * a7 + cosiq * a8; a6 = -(siniq) * a9 + cosiq * a10; x1 = a1 * cosomo + a2 * sinomo; x2 = a3 * cosomo + a4 * sinomo; x3 = -a1 * sinomo + a2 * cosomo; x4 = -a3 * sinomo + a4 * cosomo; x5 = a5 * sinomo; x6 = a6 * sinomo; x7 = a5 * cosomo; x8 = a6 * cosomo; z31 = x1 * 12. * x1 - x3 * 3. * x3; z32 = x1 * 24. * x2 - x3 * 6. * x4; z33 = x2 * 12. * x2 - x4 * 3. * x4; z1 = (a1 * a1 + a2 * a2) * 3. + z31 * eqsq; z2 = (a1 * a3 + a2 * a4) * 6. + z32 * eqsq; z3 = (a3 * a3 + a4 * a4) * 3. + z33 * eqsq; z11 = a1 * -6. * a5 + eqsq * (x1 * -24. * x7 - x3 * 6. * x5); z12 = (a1 * a6 + a3 * a5) * -6. + eqsq * ((x2 * x7 + x1 * x8) * -24. - (x3 * x6 + x4 * x5) * 6.); z13 = a3 * -6. * a6 + eqsq * (x2 * -24. * x8 - x4 * 6. * x6); z21 = a2 * 6. * a5 + eqsq * (x1 * 24. * x5 - x3 * 6. * x7); z22 = (a4 * a5 + a2 * a6) * 6. + eqsq * ((x2 * x5 + x1 * x6) * 24. - (x4 * x7 + x3 * x8) * 6.); z23 = a4 * 6. * a6 + eqsq * (x2 * 24. * x6 - x4 * 6. * x8); z1 = z1 + z1 + bsq * z31; z2 = z2 + z2 + bsq * z32; z3 = z3 + z3 + bsq * z33; s3 = cc * xnoi; s2 = s3 * -.5 / rteqsq; s4 = s3 * rteqsq; s1 = eq * -15. * s4; s5 = x1 * x3 + x2 * x4; s6 = x2 * x3 + x1 * x4; s7 = x2 * x4 - x1 * x3; se = s1 * zn * s5; si = s2 * zn * (z11 + z13); sl = -zn * s3 * (z1 + z3 - 14. - eqsq * 6.); sgh = s4 * zn * (z31 + z33 - 6.); sh = -zn * s2 * (z21 + z23); if (xqncl < .052359877) { sh = 0.; } ee2 = s1 * 2. * s6; e3 = s1 * 2. * s7; xi2 = s2 * 2. * z12; xi3 = s2 * 2. * (z13 - z11); xl2 = s3 * -2. * z2; xl3 = s3 * -2. * (z3 - z1); xl4 = s3 * -2. * (-21. - eqsq * 9.) * ze; xgh2 = s4 * 2. * z32; xgh3 = s4 * 2. * (z33 - z31); xgh4 = s4 * -18. * ze; xh2 = s2 * -2. * z22; xh3 = s2 * -2. * (z23 - z21); return; }
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