
This is refract.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "astro.h"

/* correct the true altitude, ta, for refraction to the apparent altitude, aa,
 * each in radians, given the local atmospheric pressure, pr, in mbars, and
 * the temperature, tr, in degrees C.
refract (pr, tr, ta, aa)
double pr, tr;
double ta;
double *aa;
	double r;	/* refraction correction*/

        if (ta >= degrad(15.)) {
	    /* model for altitudes at least 15 degrees above horizon */
            r = 7.888888e-5*pr/((273+tr)*tan(ta));
	} else if (ta > degrad(-5.)) {
	    /* hairier model for altitudes at least -5 and below 15 degrees */
	    double a, b, tadeg = raddeg(ta);
	    a = ((2e-5*tadeg+1.96e-2)*tadeg+1.594e-1)*pr;
	    b = (273+tr)*((8.45e-2*tadeg+5.05e-1)*tadeg+1);
	    r = degrad(a/b);
	} else {
	    /* do nothing if more than 5 degrees below horizon.
	    r = 0;

	*aa  =  ta + r;

/* correct the apparent altitude, aa, for refraction to the true altitude, ta,
 * each in radians, given the local atmospheric pressure, pr, in mbars, and
 * the temperature, tr, in degrees C.
unrefract (pr, tr, aa, ta)
double pr, tr;
double aa;
double *ta;
	double err;
	double appar;
	double true;

	/* iterative solution: search for the true that refracts to the
	 *   given apparent.
	 * since refract() is discontinuous at -5 degrees, there is a range
	 *   of apparent altitudes between about -4.5 and -5 degrees that are
	 *   not invertable (the graph of ap vs. true has a vertical step at
	 *   true = -5). thus, the iteration just oscillates if it gets into
	 *   this region. if this happens the iteration is forced to abort.
	 *   of course, this makes unrefract() discontinuous too.
	true = aa;
	do {
	    refract (pr, tr, true, &appar);
	    err = appar - aa;
	    true -= err;
	} while (fabs(err) >= 1e-6 && true > degrad(-5));

	*ta = true;

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