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#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include "astro.h" #define TWOPI (2*PI) #define mod2PI(x) ((x) - (long)((x)/TWOPI)*TWOPI) /* given a modified Julian date, mjd, and a planet, p, find: * lpd0: heliocentric longitude, * psi0: heliocentric latitude, * rp0: distance from the sun to the planet, * rho0: distance from the Earth to the planet, * none corrected for light time, ie, they are the true values for the * given instant. * lam: geocentric ecliptic longitude, * bet: geocentric ecliptic latitude, * each corrected for light time, ie, they are the apparent values as * seen from the center of the Earth for the given instant. * dia: angular diameter in arcsec at 1 AU, * mag: visual magnitude when 1 AU from sun and earth at 0 phase angle. * * all angles are in radians, all distances in AU. * the mean orbital elements are found by calling pelement(), then mutual * perturbation corrections are applied as necessary. * * corrections for nutation and abberation must be made by the caller. The RA * and DEC calculated from the fully-corrected ecliptic coordinates are then * the apparent geocentric coordinates. Further corrections can be made, if * required, for atmospheric refraction and geocentric parallax although the * intrinsic error herein of about 10 arcseconds is usually the dominant * error at this stage. * TODO: combine the several intermediate expressions when get a good compiler. */ plans (mjd, p, lpd0, psi0, rp0, rho0, lam, bet, dia, mag) double mjd; int p; double *lpd0, *psi0, *rp0, *rho0, *lam, *bet, *dia, *mag; { static double plan[8][9]; static double lastmjd = -10000; double dl; /* perturbation correction for longitude */ double dr; /* " orbital radius */ double dml; /* " mean longitude */ double ds; /* " eccentricity */ double dm; /* " mean anomaly */ double da; /* " semi-major axis */ double dhl; /* " heliocentric longitude */ double lsn, rsn;/* true geocentric longitude of sun and sun-earth rad */ double mas; /* mean anomaly of the sun */ double re; /* radius of earth's orbit */ double lg; /* longitude of earth */ double map[8]; /* array of mean anomalies for each planet */ double lpd, psi, rp, rho; double ll, sll, cll; double t; double dt; int pass; int j; double s, ma; double nu, ea; double lp, om; double lo, slo, clo; double inc, y; double spsi, cpsi; double rpd; /* only need to fill in plan[] once for a given mjd */ if (mjd != lastmjd) { pelement (mjd, plan); lastmjd = mjd; } dt = 0; t = mjd/36525.; sunpos (mjd, &lsn, &rsn); masun (mjd, &mas); re = rsn; lg = lsn+PI; /* first find the true position of the planet at mjd. * then repeat a second time for a slightly different time based * on the position found in the first pass to account for light-travel * time. */ for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) map[j] = degrad(plan[j][0]-plan[j][2]-dt*plan[j][1]); /* set initial corrections to 0. * then modify as necessary for the planet of interest. */ dl = 0; dr = 0; dml = 0; ds = 0; dm = 0; da = 0; dhl = 0; switch (p) { case MERCURY: p_mercury (map, &dl, &dr); break; case VENUS: p_venus (t, mas, map, &dl, &dr, &dml, &dm); break; case MARS: p_mars (mas, map, &dl, &dr, &dml, &dm); break; case JUPITER: p_jupiter (t, plan[p][3], &dml, &ds, &dm, &da); break; case SATURN: p_saturn (t, plan[p][3], &dml, &ds, &dm, &da, &dhl); break; case URANUS: p_uranus (t, plan[p][3], &dl, &dr, &dml, &ds, &dm, &da, &dhl); break; case NEPTUNE: p_neptune (t, plan[p][3], &dl, &dr, &dml, &ds, &dm, &da, &dhl); break; case PLUTO: /* no perturbation theory for pluto */ break; } s = plan[p][3]+ds; ma = map[p]+dm; anomaly (ma, s, &nu, &ea); rp = (plan[p][6]+da)*(1-s*s)/(1+s*cos(nu)); lp = raddeg(nu)+plan[p][2]+raddeg(dml-dm); lp = degrad(lp); om = degrad(plan[p][5]); lo = lp-om; slo = sin(lo); clo = cos(lo); inc = degrad(plan[p][4]); rp = rp+dr; spsi = slo*sin(inc); y = slo*cos(inc); psi = asin(spsi)+dhl; spsi = sin(psi); lpd = atan(y/clo)+om+degrad(dl); if (clo<0) lpd += PI; range (&lpd, TWOPI); cpsi = cos(psi); rpd = rp*cpsi; ll = lpd-lg; rho = sqrt(re*re+rp*rp-2*re*rp*cpsi*cos(ll)); /* when we view a planet we see it in the position it occupied * dt days ago, where rho is the distance between it and earth, * in AU. use this as the new time for the next pass. */ dt = rho*5.775518e-3; if (pass == 0) { /* save heliocentric coordinates after first pass since, being * true, they are NOT to be corrected for light-travel time. */ *lpd0 = lpd; range (lpd0, TWOPI); *psi0 = psi; *rp0 = rp; *rho0 = rho; } } sll = sin(ll); cll = cos(ll); if (p < MARS) *lam = atan(-1*rpd*sll/(re-rpd*cll))+lg+PI; else *lam = atan(re*sll/(rpd-re*cll))+lpd; range (lam, TWOPI); *bet = atan(rpd*spsi*sin(*lam-lpd)/(cpsi*re*sll)); *dia = plan[p][7]; *mag = plan[p][8]; } /* set auxilliary variables used for jupiter, saturn, uranus, and neptune */ static aux_jsun (t, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) double t; double *x1, *x2, *x3, *x4, *x5, *x6; { *x1 = t/5+0.1; *x2 = mod2PI(4.14473+5.29691e1*t); *x3 = mod2PI(4.641118+2.132991e1*t); *x4 = mod2PI(4.250177+7.478172*t); *x5 = 5 * *x3 - 2 * *x2; *x6 = 2 * *x2 - 6 * *x3 + 3 * *x4; } /* find the mean anomaly of the sun at mjd. * this is the same as that used in sun() but when it was converted to C it * was not known it would be required outside that routine. * TODO: add an argument to sun() to return mas and eliminate this routine. */ static masun (mjd, mas) double mjd; double *mas; { double t, t2; double a, b; t = mjd/36525; t2 = t*t; a = 9.999736042e1*t; b = 360.*(a-(long)a); *mas = degrad (3.5847583e2-(1.5e-4+3.3e-6*t)*t2+b); } /* perturbations for mercury */ static p_mercury (map, dl, dr) double map[]; double *dl, *dr; { *dl = 2.04e-3*cos(5*map[2-1]-2*map[1-1]+2.1328e-1)+ 1.03e-3*cos(2*map[2-1]-map[1-1]-2.8046)+ 9.1e-4*cos(2*map[3]-map[1-1]-6.4582e-1)+ 7.8e-4*cos(5*map[2-1]-3*map[1-1]+1.7692e-1); *dr = 7.525e-6*cos(2*map[3]-map[1-1]+9.25251e-1)+ 6.802e-6*cos(5*map[2-1]-3*map[1-1]-4.53642)+ 5.457e-6*cos(2*map[2-1]-2*map[1-1]-1.24246)+ 3.569e-6*cos(5*map[2-1]-map[1-1]-1.35699); } /* ....venus */ static p_venus (t, mas, map, dl, dr, dml, dm) double t, mas, map[]; double *dl, *dr, *dml, *dm; { *dml = degrad (7.7e-4*sin(4.1406+t*2.6227)); *dm = *dml; *dl = 3.13e-3*cos(2*mas-2*map[2-1]-2.587)+ 1.98e-3*cos(3*mas-3*map[2-1]+4.4768e-2)+ 1.36e-3*cos(mas-map[2-1]-2.0788)+ 9.6e-4*cos(3*mas-2*map[2-1]-2.3721)+ 8.2e-4*cos(map[3]-map[2-1]-3.6318); *dr = 2.2501e-5*cos(2*mas-2*map[2-1]-1.01592)+ 1.9045e-5*cos(3*mas-3*map[2-1]+1.61577)+ 6.887e-6*cos(map[3]-map[2-1]-2.06106)+ 5.172e-6*cos(mas-map[2-1]-5.08065e-1)+ 3.62e-6*cos(5*mas-4*map[2-1]-1.81877)+ 3.283e-6*cos(4*mas-4*map[2-1]+1.10851)+ 3.074e-6*cos(2*map[3]-2*map[2-1]-9.62846e-1); } /* ....mars */ static p_mars (mas, map, dl, dr, dml, dm) double mas, map[]; double *dl, *dr, *dml, *dm; { double a; a = 3*map[3]-8*map[2]+4*mas; *dml = degrad (-1*(1.133e-2*sin(a)+9.33e-3*cos(a))); *dm = *dml; *dl = 7.05e-3*cos(map[3]-map[2]-8.5448e-1)+ 6.07e-3*cos(2*map[3]-map[2]-3.2873)+ 4.45e-3*cos(2*map[3]-2*map[2]-3.3492)+ 3.88e-3*cos(mas-2*map[2]+3.5771e-1)+ 2.38e-3*cos(mas-map[2]+6.1256e-1)+ 2.04e-3*cos(2*mas-3*map[2]+2.7688)+ 1.77e-3*cos(3*map[2]-map[2-1]-1.0053)+ 1.36e-3*cos(2*mas-4*map[2]+2.6894)+ 1.04e-3*cos(map[3]+3.0749e-1); *dr = 5.3227e-5*cos(map[3]-map[2]+7.17864e-1)+ 5.0989e-5*cos(2*map[3]-2*map[2]-1.77997)+ 3.8278e-5*cos(2*map[3]-map[2]-1.71617)+ 1.5996e-5*cos(mas-map[2]-9.69618e-1)+ 1.4764e-5*cos(2*mas-3*map[2]+1.19768)+ 8.966e-6*cos(map[3]-2*map[2]+7.61225e-1); *dr += 7.914e-6*cos(3*map[3]-2*map[2]-2.43887)+ 7.004e-6*cos(2*map[3]-3*map[2]-1.79573)+ 6.62e-6*cos(mas-2*map[2]+1.97575)+ 4.93e-6*cos(3*map[3]-3*map[2]-1.33069)+ 4.693e-6*cos(3*mas-5*map[2]+3.32665)+ 4.571e-6*cos(2*mas-4*map[2]+4.27086)+ 4.409e-6*cos(3*map[3]-map[2]-2.02158); } /* ....jupiter */ static p_jupiter (t, s, dml, ds, dm, da) double t, s; double *dml, *ds, *dm, *da; { double dp; double x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7; double sx3, cx3, s2x3, c2x3; double sx5, cx5, s2x5; double sx6; double sx7, cx7, s2x7, c2x7, s3x7, c3x7, s4x7, c4x7, c5x7; aux_jsun (t, &x1, &x2, &x3, &x4, &x5, &x6); x7 = x3-x2; sx3 = sin(x3); cx3 = cos(x3); s2x3 = sin(2*x3); c2x3 = cos(2*x3); sx5 = sin(x5); cx5 = cos(x5); s2x5 = sin(2*x5); sx6 = sin(x6); sx7 = sin(x7); cx7 = cos(x7); s2x7 = sin(2*x7); c2x7 = cos(2*x7); s3x7 = sin(3*x7); c3x7 = cos(3*x7); s4x7 = sin(4*x7); c4x7 = cos(4*x7); c5x7 = cos(5*x7); *dml = (3.31364e-1-(1.0281e-2+4.692e-3*x1)*x1)*sx5+ (3.228e-3-(6.4436e-2-2.075e-3*x1)*x1)*cx5- (3.083e-3+(2.75e-4-4.89e-4*x1)*x1)*s2x5+ 2.472e-3*sx6+1.3619e-2*sx7+1.8472e-2*s2x7+6.717e-3*s3x7+ 2.775e-3*s4x7+6.417e-3*s2x7*sx3+ (7.275e-3-1.253e-3*x1)*sx7*sx3+ 2.439e-3*s3x7*sx3-(3.5681e-2+1.208e-3*x1)*sx7*cx3; *dml += -3.767e-3*c2x7*sx3-(3.3839e-2+1.125e-3*x1)*cx7*sx3- 4.261e-3*s2x7*cx3+ (1.161e-3*x1-6.333e-3)*cx7*cx3+ 2.178e-3*cx3-6.675e-3*c2x7*cx3-2.664e-3*c3x7*cx3- 2.572e-3*sx7*s2x3-3.567e-3*s2x7*s2x3+2.094e-3*cx7*c2x3+ 3.342e-3*c2x7*c2x3; *dml = degrad(*dml); *ds = (3606+(130-43*x1)*x1)*sx5+(1289-580*x1)*cx5-6764*sx7*sx3- 1110*s2x7*sx3-224*s3x7*sx3-204*sx3+(1284+116*x1)*cx7*sx3+ 188*c2x7*sx3+(1460+130*x1)*sx7*cx3+224*s2x7*cx3-817*cx3+ 6074*cx3*cx7+992*c2x7*cx3+ 508*c3x7*cx3+230*c4x7*cx3+108*c5x7*cx3; *ds += -(956+73*x1)*sx7*s2x3+448*s2x7*s2x3+137*s3x7*s2x3+ (108*x1-997)*cx7*s2x3+480*c2x7*s2x3+148*c3x7*s2x3+ (99*x1-956)*sx7*c2x3+490*s2x7*c2x3+ 158*s3x7*c2x3+179*c2x3+(1024+75*x1)*cx7*c2x3- 437*c2x7*c2x3-132*c3x7*c2x3; *ds *= 1e-7; dp = (7.192e-3-3.147e-3*x1)*sx5-4.344e-3*sx3+ (x1*(1.97e-4*x1-6.75e-4)-2.0428e-2)*cx5+ 3.4036e-2*cx7*sx3+(7.269e-3+6.72e-4*x1)*sx7*sx3+ 5.614e-3*c2x7*sx3+2.964e-3*c3x7*sx3+3.7761e-2*sx7*cx3+ 6.158e-3*s2x7*cx3- 6.603e-3*cx7*cx3-5.356e-3*sx7*s2x3+2.722e-3*s2x7*s2x3+ 4.483e-3*cx7*s2x3-2.642e-3*c2x7*s2x3+4.403e-3*sx7*c2x3- 2.536e-3*s2x7*c2x3+5.547e-3*cx7*c2x3-2.689e-3*c2x7*c2x3; *dm = *dml-(degrad(dp)/s); *da = 205*cx7-263*cx5+693*c2x7+312*c3x7+147*c4x7+299*sx7*sx3+ 181*c2x7*sx3+204*s2x7*cx3+111*s3x7*cx3-337*cx7*cx3- 111*c2x7*cx3; *da *= 1e-6; } /* ....saturn */ static p_saturn (t, s, dml, ds, dm, da, dhl) double t, s; double *dml, *ds, *dm, *da, *dhl; { double dp; double x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8; double sx3, cx3, s2x3, c2x3, s3x3, c3x3, s4x3, c4x3; double sx5, cx5, s2x5, c2x5; double sx6; double sx7, cx7, s2x7, c2x7, s3x7, c3x7, s4x7, c4x7, c5x7, s5x7; double s2x8, c2x8, s3x8, c3x8; aux_jsun (t, &x1, &x2, &x3, &x4, &x5, &x6); x7 = x3-x2; sx3 = sin(x3); cx3 = cos(x3); s2x3 = sin(2*x3); c2x3 = cos(2*x3); sx5 = sin(x5); cx5 = cos(x5); s2x5 = sin(2*x5); sx6 = sin(x6); sx7 = sin(x7); cx7 = cos(x7); s2x7 = sin(2*x7); c2x7 = cos(2*x7); s3x7 = sin(3*x7); c3x7 = cos(3*x7); s4x7 = sin(4*x7); c4x7 = cos(4*x7); c5x7 = cos(5*x7); s3x3 = sin(3*x3); c3x3 = cos(3*x3); s4x3 = sin(4*x3); c4x3 = cos(4*x3); c2x5 = cos(2*x5); s5x7 = sin(5*x7); x8 = x4-x3; s2x8 = sin(2*x8); c2x8 = cos(2*x8); s3x8 = sin(3*x8); c3x8 = cos(3*x8); *dml = 7.581e-3*s2x5-7.986e-3*sx6-1.48811e-1*sx7-4.0786e-2*s2x7- (8.14181e-1-(1.815e-2-1.6714e-2*x1)*x1)*sx5- (1.0497e-2-(1.60906e-1-4.1e-3*x1)*x1)*cx5-1.5208e-2*s3x7- 6.339e-3*s4x7-6.244e-3*sx3-1.65e-2*s2x7*sx3+ (8.931e-3+2.728e-3*x1)*sx7*sx3-5.775e-3*s3x7*sx3+ (8.1344e-2+3.206e-3*x1)*cx7*sx3+1.5019e-2*c2x7*sx3; *dml += (8.5581e-2+2.494e-3*x1)*sx7*cx3+1.4394e-2*c2x7*cx3+ (2.5328e-2-3.117e-3*x1)*cx7*cx3+ 6.319e-3*c3x7*cx3+6.369e-3*sx7*s2x3+9.156e-3*s2x7*s2x3+ 7.525e-3*s3x8*s2x3-5.236e-3*cx7*c2x3-7.736e-3*c2x7*c2x3- 7.528e-3*c3x8*c2x3; *dml = degrad(*dml); *ds = (-7927+(2548+91*x1)*x1)*sx5+(13381+(1226-253*x1)*x1)*cx5+ (248-121*x1)*s2x5-(305+91*x1)*c2x5+412*s2x7+12415*sx3+ (390-617*x1)*sx7*sx3+(165-204*x1)*s2x7*sx3+26599*cx7*sx3- 4687*c2x7*sx3-1870*c3x7*sx3-821*c4x7*sx3- 377*c5x7*sx3+497*c2x8*sx3+(163-611*x1)*cx3; *ds += -12696*sx7*cx3-4200*s2x7*cx3-1503*s3x7*cx3-619*s4x7*cx3- 268*s5x7*cx3-(282+1306*x1)*cx7*cx3+(-86+230*x1)*c2x7*cx3+ 461*s2x8*cx3-350*s2x3+(2211-286*x1)*sx7*s2x3- 2208*s2x7*s2x3-568*s3x7*s2x3-346*s4x7*s2x3- (2780+222*x1)*cx7*s2x3+(2022+263*x1)*c2x7*s2x3+248*c3x7*s2x3+ 242*s3x8*s2x3+467*c3x8*s2x3-490*c2x3-(2842+279*x1)*sx7*c2x3; *ds += (128+226*x1)*s2x7*c2x3+224*s3x7*c2x3+ (-1594+282*x1)*cx7*c2x3+(2162-207*x1)*c2x7*c2x3+ 561*c3x7*c2x3+343*c4x7*c2x3+469*s3x8*c2x3-242*c3x8*c2x3- 205*sx7*s3x3+262*s3x7*s3x3+208*cx7*c3x3-271*c3x7*c3x3- 382*c3x7*s4x3-376*s3x7*c4x3; *ds *= 1e-7; dp = (7.7108e-2+(7.186e-3-1.533e-3*x1)*x1)*sx5-7.075e-3*sx7+ (4.5803e-2-(1.4766e-2+5.36e-4*x1)*x1)*cx5-7.2586e-2*cx3- 7.5825e-2*sx7*sx3-2.4839e-2*s2x7*sx3-8.631e-3*s3x7*sx3- 1.50383e-1*cx7*cx3+2.6897e-2*c2x7*cx3+1.0053e-2*c3x7*cx3- (1.3597e-2+1.719e-3*x1)*sx7*s2x3+1.1981e-2*s2x7*c2x3; dp += -(7.742e-3-1.517e-3*x1)*cx7*s2x3+ (1.3586e-2-1.375e-3*x1)*c2x7*c2x3- (1.3667e-2-1.239e-3*x1)*sx7*c2x3+ (1.4861e-2+1.136e-3*x1)*cx7*c2x3- (1.3064e-2+1.628e-3*x1)*c2x7*c2x3; *dm = *dml-(degrad(dp)/s); *da = 572*sx5-1590*s2x7*cx3+2933*cx5-647*s3x7*cx3+33629*cx7- 344*s4x7*cx3-3081*c2x7+2885*cx7*cx3-1423*c3x7+ (2172+102*x1)*c2x7*cx3-671*c4x7+296*c3x7*cx3-320*c5x7- 267*s2x7*s2x3+1098*sx3-778*cx7*s2x3-2812*sx7*sx3; *da += 495*c2x7*s2x3+688*s2x7*sx3+250*c3x7*s2x3-393*s3x7*sx3- 856*sx7*c2x3-228*s4x7*sx3+441*s2x7*c2x3+2138*cx7*sx3+ 296*c2x7*c2x3-999*c2x7*sx3+211*c3x7*c2x3-642*c3x7*sx3- 427*sx7*s3x3-325*c4x7*sx3+398*s3x7*s3x3-890*cx3+ 344*cx7*c3x3+2206*sx7*cx3-427*c3x7*c3x3; *da *= 1e-6; *dhl = 7.47e-4*cx7*sx3+1.069e-3*cx7*cx3+2.108e-3*s2x7*s2x3+ 1.261e-3*c2x7*s2x3+1.236e-3*s2x7*c2x3-2.075e-3*c2x7*c2x3; *dhl = degrad(*dhl); } /* ....uranus */ static p_uranus (t, s, dl, dr, dml, ds, dm, da, dhl) double t, s; double *dl, *dr, *dml, *ds, *dm, *da, *dhl; { double dp; double x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6; double x8, x9, x10, x11, x12; double sx4, cx4, s2x4, c2x4; double sx9, cx9, s2x9, c2x9; double sx11, cx11; aux_jsun (t, &x1, &x2, &x3, &x4, &x5, &x6); x8 = mod2PI(1.46205+3.81337*t); x9 = 2*x8-x4; sx9 = sin(x9); cx9 = cos(x9); s2x9 = sin(2*x9); c2x9 = cos(2*x9); x10 = x4-x2; x11 = x4-x3; x12 = x8-x4; *dml = (8.64319e-1-1.583e-3*x1)*sx9+(8.2222e-2-6.833e-3*x1)*cx9+ 3.6017e-2*s2x9-3.019e-3*c2x9+8.122e-3*sin(x6); *dml = degrad(*dml); dp = 1.20303e-1*sx9+6.197e-3*s2x9+(1.9472e-2-9.47e-4*x1)*cx9; *dm = *dml-(degrad(dp)/s); *ds = (163*x1-3349)*sx9+20981*cx9+1311*c2x9; *ds *= 1e-7; *da = -3.825e-3*cx9; *dl = (1.0122e-2-9.88e-4*x1)*sin(x4+x11)+ (-3.8581e-2+(2.031e-3-1.91e-3*x1)*x1)*cos(x4+x11)+ (3.4964e-2-(1.038e-3-8.68e-4*x1)*x1)*cos(2*x4+x11)+ 5.594e-3*sin(x4+3*x12)-1.4808e-2*sin(x10)- 5.794e-3*sin(x11)+2.347e-3*cos(x11)+9.872e-3*sin(x12)+ 8.803e-3*sin(2*x12)-4.308e-3*sin(3*x12); sx11 = sin(x11); cx11 = cos(x11); sx4 = sin(x4); cx4 = cos(x4); s2x4 = sin(2*x4); c2x4 = cos(2*x4); *dhl = (4.58e-4*sx11-6.42e-4*cx11-5.17e-4*cos(4*x12))*sx4- (3.47e-4*sx11+8.53e-4*cx11+5.17e-4*sin(4*x11))*cx4+ 4.03e-4*(cos(2*x12)*s2x4+sin(2*x12)*c2x4); *dhl = degrad(*dhl); *dr = -25948+4985*cos(x10)-1230*cx4+3354*cos(x11)+904*cos(2*x12)+ 894*(cos(x12)-cos(3*x12))+(5795*cx4-1165*sx4+1388*c2x4)*sx11+ (1351*cx4+5702*sx4+1388*s2x4)*cos(x11); *dr *= 1e-6; } /* ....neptune */ static p_neptune (t, s, dl, dr, dml, ds, dm, da, dhl) double t, s; double *dl, *dr, *dml, *ds, *dm, *da, *dhl; { double dp; double x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6; double x8, x9, x10, x11, x12; double sx8, cx8; double sx9, cx9, s2x9, c2x9; double s2x12, c2x12; aux_jsun (t, &x1, &x2, &x3, &x4, &x5, &x6); x8 = mod2PI(1.46205+3.81337*t); x9 = 2*x8-x4; sx9 = sin(x9); cx9 = cos(x9); s2x9 = sin(2*x9); c2x9 = cos(2*x9); x10 = x8-x2; x11 = x8-x3; x12 = x8-x4; *dml = (1.089e-3*x1-5.89833e-1)*sx9+(4.658e-3*x1-5.6094e-2)*cx9- 2.4286e-2*s2x9; *dml = degrad(*dml); dp = 2.4039e-2*sx9-2.5303e-2*cx9+6.206e-3*s2x9-5.992e-3*c2x9; *dm = *dml-(degrad(dp)/s); *ds = 4389*sx9+1129*s2x9+4262*cx9+1089*c2x9; *ds *= 1e-7; *da = 8189*cx9-817*sx9+781*c2x9; *da *= 1e-6; s2x12 = sin(2*x12); c2x12 = cos(2*x12); sx8 = sin(x8); cx8 = cos(x8); *dl = -9.556e-3*sin(x10)-5.178e-3*sin(x11)+2.572e-3*s2x12- 2.972e-3*c2x12*sx8-2.833e-3*s2x12*cx8; *dhl = 3.36e-4*c2x12*sx8+3.64e-4*s2x12*cx8; *dhl = degrad(*dhl); *dr = -40596+4992*cos(x10)+2744*cos(x11)+2044*cos(x12)+1051*c2x12; *dr *= 1e-6; }
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