
This is eq_ecl.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "astro.h"

#define	EQtoECL	1
#define	ECLtoEQ	(-1)

/* given the modified Julian date, mjd, and an equitorial ra and dec, each in
 * radians, find the corresponding geocentric ecliptic latitude, *lat, and
 * longititude, *lng, also each in radians.
 * correction for the effect on the angle of the obliquity due to nutation is
 * included.
eq_ecl (mjd, ra, dec, lat, lng)
double mjd, ra, dec;
double *lat, *lng;
	ecleq_aux (EQtoECL, mjd, ra, dec, lng, lat);

/* given the modified Julian date, mjd, and a geocentric ecliptic latitude,
 * *lat, and longititude, *lng, each in radians, find the corresponding
 * equitorial ra and dec, also each in radians.
 * correction for the effect on the angle of the obliquity due to nutation is
 * included.
ecl_eq (mjd, lat, lng, ra, dec)
double mjd, lat, lng;
double *ra, *dec;
	ecleq_aux (ECLtoEQ, mjd, lng, lat, ra, dec);

ecleq_aux (sw, mjd, x, y, p, q)
int sw;			/* +1 for eq to ecliptic, -1 for vv. */
double mjd, x, y;	/* sw==1: x==ra, y==dec.  sw==-1: x==lng, y==lat. */
double *p, *q;		/* sw==1: p==lng, q==lat. sw==-1: p==ra, q==dec. */
	static double lastmjd = -10000;	/* last mjd calculated */
	static double seps, ceps;	/* sin and cos of mean obliquity */
	double sx, cx, sy, cy, ty;

	if (mjd != lastmjd) {
	    double eps;
	    double deps, dpsi;
	    obliquity (mjd, &eps);		/* mean obliquity for date */
	    nutation (mjd, &deps, &dpsi);
	    eps += deps;
    	    seps = sin(eps);
	    ceps = cos(eps);
	    lastmjd = mjd;

	sy = sin(y);
	cy = cos(y);				/* always non-negative */
        if (fabs(cy)<1e-20) cy = 1e-20;		/* insure > 0 */
        ty = sy/cy;
	cx = cos(x);
	sx = sin(x);
        *q = asin((sy*ceps)-(cy*seps*sx*sw));
        *p = atan(((sx*ceps)+(ty*seps*sw))/cx);
        if (cx<0) *p += PI;		/* account for atan quad ambiguity */
	range (p, 2*PI);

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