
This is constel.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include <math.h>
#include "astro.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "circum.h"

/* print the constellation object p is in now as a prompt message.
constellation_msg (p, np)
int p;
Now *np;
	char buf[NC];
	char *name;
	Sky s;

	(void) body_cir (p, 0.0, np, &s);
	confnd (s.s_ra, s.s_dec, epoch == EOD ? mjd : epoch, &name);
	sprintf (buf, "In %s", name);
	f_msg (buf);


C version by Craig Counterman and Elwood Downey,
adapted from fortran version:
exerpt from accompanying doc file:

        Recently, Mr. Barry N. Rappaport of New  Mexico State University
  transcribed  the constellation  boundaries as  fixed  by the IAU  into
  machine-readable form.  These have  been  transcribed  by Dr. Nancy G.
  Roman to make it possible  to determine by  computer the constellation
  in which a position is located.

NSSDC catalog description:
 6042   AN     Catalog of Constellation Boundary Data (Delporte, E. 1930, 
               Cambridge Univ. Press)
               Comment(s): includes constellation identification software 
               (ADC 1987; see Roman, N.G. 1987, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific 
               99, 695); 23 description, 118 software, 358 data records. 
               3 files: 23x80, 118x80, 358x29 

full documentation file:


     Recently, Mr. Barry N. Rappaport of New Mexico State University trans-
cribed the constellation boundaries as fixed by the IAU into machine-readable
form.  These have been transcribed by Dr. Nancy G. Roman to make it possible to
determine by computer the constellation in which a position is located.
     Two files follow.  The first is a program, in FORTRAN77, for determining
the constellation using the data in the succeeding file.  Comments describe
the format in which the positions must be entered.  The main program is
followed by a precession subroutine.
     The final file is a list of constellation boundaries in the form Lower
Right Ascension (F8.4), Upper Right Ascension (F8.4), Lower Declination (F9.4),
three letter abbreviation for the Constellation (1X,A3).  The file contains
358, 29-byte records.
    The following is an example of the output of the program:
 RA =  9.0000 DEC =  65.0000  IS IN CONSTELLATION UMa
 RA = 23.5000 DEC = -20.0000  IS IN CONSTELLATION Aqr
 RA =  5.1200 DEC =   9.1200  IS IN CONSTELLATION Ori
 RA =  9.4555 DEC = -19.9000  IS IN CONSTELLATION Hya
 RA = 12.8888 DEC =  22.0000  IS IN CONSTELLATION Com
 RA = 15.6687 DEC = -12.1234  IS IN CONSTELLATION Lib
 RA = 19.0000 DEC = -40.0000  IS IN CONSTELLATION CrA
 RA =  6.2222 DEC = -81.1234  IS IN CONSTELLATION Men
 END OF INPUT POSITIONS AFTER: RA =   6.2222   DEC = -81.1234

static char And[] = "And: Andromeda";
static char Ant[] = "Ant: Antlia";
static char Aps[] = "Aps: Apus";
static char Aql[] = "Aql: Aquila";
static char Aqr[] = "Aqr: Aquarius";
static char Ara[] = "Ara: Ara";
static char Ari[] = "Ari: Aries";
static char Aur[] = "Aur: Auriga";
static char Boo[] = "Boo: Bootes";
static char CMa[] = "CMa: Canis Major";
static char CMi[] = "CMi: Canis Minor";
static char CVn[] = "CVn: Canes Venatici";
static char Cae[] = "Cae: Caelum";
static char Cam[] = "Cam: Camelopardalis";
static char Cap[] = "Cap: Capricornus";
static char Car[] = "Car: Carina";
static char Cas[] = "Cas: Cassiopeia";
static char Cen[] = "Cen: Centaurus";
static char Cep[] = "Cep: Cepheus";
static char Cet[] = "Cet: Cetus";
static char Cha[] = "Cha: Chamaeleon";
static char Cir[] = "Cir: Circinus";
static char Cnc[] = "Cnc: Cancer";
static char Col[] = "Col: Columba";
static char Com[] = "Com: Coma Berenices";
static char CrA[] = "CrA: Corona Australis";
static char CrB[] = "CrB: Corona Borealis";
static char Crt[] = "Crt: Crater";
static char Cru[] = "Cru: Crux";
static char Crv[] = "Crv: Corvus";
static char Cyg[] = "Cyg: Cygnus";
static char Del[] = "Del: Delphinus";
static char Dor[] = "Dor: Dorado";
static char Dra[] = "Dra: Draco";
static char Equ[] = "Equ: Equuleus";
static char Eri[] = "Eri: Eridanus";
static char For[] = "For: Fornax";
static char Gem[] = "Gem: Gemini";
static char Gru[] = "Gru: Grus";
static char Her[] = "Her: Hercules";
static char Hor[] = "Hor: Horologium";
static char Hya[] = "Hya: Hydra";
static char Hyi[] = "Hyi: Hydrus";
static char Ind[] = "Ind: Indus";
static char LMi[] = "LMi: Leo Minor";
static char Lac[] = "Lac: Lacerta";
static char Leo[] = "Leo: Leo";
static char Lep[] = "Lep: Lepus";
static char Lib[] = "Lib: Libra";
static char Lup[] = "Lup: Lupus";
static char Lyn[] = "Lyn: Lynx";
static char Lyr[] = "Lyr: Lyra";
static char Men[] = "Men: Mensa";
static char Mic[] = "Mic: Microscopium";
static char Mon[] = "Mon: Monoceros";
static char Mus[] = "Mus: Musca";
static char Nor[] = "Nor: Norma";
static char Oct[] = "Oct: Octans";
static char Oph[] = "Oph: Ophiuchus";
static char Ori[] = "Ori: Orion";
static char Pav[] = "Pav: Pavo";
static char Peg[] = "Peg: Pegasus";
static char Per[] = "Per: Perseus";
static char Phe[] = "Phe: Phoenix";
static char Pic[] = "Pic: Pictor";
static char PsA[] = "PsA: Piscis Austrinus";
static char Psc[] = "Psc: Pisces";
static char Pup[] = "Pup: Puppis";
static char Pyx[] = "Pyx: Pyxis";
static char Ret[] = "Ret: Reticulum";
static char Scl[] = "Scl: Sculptor";
static char Sco[] = "Sco: Scorpius";
static char Sct[] = "Sct: Scutum";
static char Ser[] = "Ser: Serpens";
static char Sex[] = "Sex: Sextans";
static char Sge[] = "Sge: Sagitta";
static char Sgr[] = "Sgr: Sagittarius";
static char Tau[] = "Tau: Taurus";
static char Tel[] = "Tel: Telescopium";
static char TrA[] = "TrA: Triangulum Australe";
static char Tri[] = "Tri: Triangulum";
static char Tuc[] = "Tuc: Tucana";
static char UMa[] = "UMa: Ursa Major";
static char UMi[] = "UMi: Ursa Minor";
static char Vel[] = "Vel: Vela";
static char Vir[] = "Vir: Virgo";
static char Vol[] = "Vol: Volans";
static char Vul[] = "Vul: Vulpecula";

struct cdata {
    double l_ra, u_ra, l_dec;
    char *cons;
} con_data[] = {
    {0.0000, 24.0000, 88.0000, UMi},
    {8.0000, 14.5000, 86.5000, UMi},
    {21.0000, 23.0000, 86.1667, UMi},
    {18.0000, 21.0000, 86.0000, UMi},
    {0.0000, 8.0000, 85.0000, Cep},
    {9.1667, 10.6667, 82.0000, Cam},
    {0.0000, 5.0000, 80.0000, Cep},
    {10.6667, 14.5000, 80.0000, Cam},
    {17.5000, 18.0000, 80.0000, UMi},
    {20.1667, 21.0000, 80.0000, Dra},
    {0.0000, 3.5083, 77.0000, Cep},
    {11.5000, 13.5833, 77.0000, Cam},
    {16.5333, 17.5000, 75.0000, UMi},
    {20.1667, 20.6667, 75.0000, Cep},
    {7.9667, 9.1667, 73.5000, Cam},
    {9.1667, 11.3333, 73.5000, Dra},
    {13.0000, 16.5333, 70.0000, UMi},
    {3.1000, 3.4167, 68.0000, Cas},
    {20.4167, 20.6667, 67.0000, Dra},
    {11.3333, 12.0000, 66.5000, Dra},
    {0.0000, 0.3333, 66.0000, Cep},
    {14.0000, 15.6667, 66.0000, UMi},
    {23.5833, 24.0000, 66.0000, Cep},
    {12.0000, 13.5000, 64.0000, Dra},
    {13.5000, 14.4167, 63.0000, Dra},
    {23.1667, 23.5833, 63.0000, Cep},
    {6.1000, 7.0000, 62.0000, Cam},
    {20.0000, 20.4167, 61.5000, Dra},
    {20.5367, 20.6000, 60.9167, Cep},
    {7.0000, 7.9667, 60.0000, Cam},
    {7.9667, 8.4167, 60.0000, UMa},
    {19.7667, 20.0000, 59.5000, Dra},
    {20.0000, 20.5367, 59.5000, Cep},
    {22.8667, 23.1667, 59.0833, Cep},
    {0.0000, 2.4333, 58.5000, Cas},
    {19.4167, 19.7667, 58.0000, Dra},
    {1.7000, 1.9083, 57.5000, Cas},
    {2.4333, 3.1000, 57.0000, Cas},
    {3.1000, 3.1667, 57.0000, Cam},
    {22.3167, 22.8667, 56.2500, Cep},
    {5.0000, 6.1000, 56.0000, Cam},
    {14.0333, 14.4167, 55.5000, UMa},
    {14.4167, 19.4167, 55.5000, Dra},
    {3.1667, 3.3333, 55.0000, Cam},
    {22.1333, 22.3167, 55.0000, Cep},
    {20.6000, 21.9667, 54.8333, Cep},
    {0.0000, 1.7000, 54.0000, Cas},
    {6.1000, 6.5000, 54.0000, Lyn},
    {12.0833, 13.5000, 53.0000, UMa},
    {15.2500, 15.7500, 53.0000, Dra},
    {21.9667, 22.1333, 52.7500, Cep},
    {3.3333, 5.0000, 52.5000, Cam},
    {22.8667, 23.3333, 52.5000, Cas},
    {15.7500, 17.0000, 51.5000, Dra},
    {2.0417, 2.5167, 50.5000, Per},
    {17.0000, 18.2333, 50.5000, Dra},
    {0.0000, 1.3667, 50.0000, Cas},
    {1.3667, 1.6667, 50.0000, Per},
    {6.5000, 6.8000, 50.0000, Lyn},
    {23.3333, 24.0000, 50.0000, Cas},
    {13.5000, 14.0333, 48.5000, UMa},
    {0.0000, 1.1167, 48.0000, Cas},
    {23.5833, 24.0000, 48.0000, Cas},
    {18.1750, 18.2333, 47.5000, Her},
    {18.2333, 19.0833, 47.5000, Dra},
    {19.0833, 19.1667, 47.5000, Cyg},
    {1.6667, 2.0417, 47.0000, Per},
    {8.4167, 9.1667, 47.0000, UMa},
    {0.1667, 0.8667, 46.0000, Cas},
    {12.0000, 12.0833, 45.0000, UMa},
    {6.8000, 7.3667, 44.5000, Lyn},
    {21.9083, 21.9667, 44.0000, Cyg},
    {21.8750, 21.9083, 43.7500, Cyg},
    {19.1667, 19.4000, 43.5000, Cyg},
    {9.1667, 10.1667, 42.0000, UMa},
    {10.1667, 10.7833, 40.0000, UMa},
    {15.4333, 15.7500, 40.0000, Boo},
    {15.7500, 16.3333, 40.0000, Her},
    {9.2500, 9.5833, 39.7500, Lyn},
    {0.0000, 2.5167, 36.7500, And},
    {2.5167, 2.5667, 36.7500, Per},
    {19.3583, 19.4000, 36.5000, Lyr},
    {4.5000, 4.6917, 36.0000, Per},
    {21.7333, 21.8750, 36.0000, Cyg},
    {21.8750, 22.0000, 36.0000, Lac},
    {6.5333, 7.3667, 35.5000, Aur},
    {7.3667, 7.7500, 35.5000, Lyn},
    {0.0000, 2.0000, 35.0000, And},
    {22.0000, 22.8167, 35.0000, Lac},
    {22.8167, 22.8667, 34.5000, Lac},
    {22.8667, 23.5000, 34.5000, And},
    {2.5667, 2.7167, 34.0000, Per},
    {10.7833, 11.0000, 34.0000, UMa},
    {12.0000, 12.3333, 34.0000, CVn},
    {7.7500, 9.2500, 33.5000, Lyn},
    {9.2500, 9.8833, 33.5000, LMi},
    {0.7167, 1.4083, 33.0000, And},
    {15.1833, 15.4333, 33.0000, Boo},
    {23.5000, 23.7500, 32.0833, And},
    {12.3333, 13.2500, 32.0000, CVn},
    {23.7500, 24.0000, 31.3333, And},
    {13.9583, 14.0333, 30.7500, CVn},
    {2.4167, 2.7167, 30.6667, Tri},
    {2.7167, 4.5000, 30.6667, Per},
    {4.5000, 4.7500, 30.0000, Aur},
    {18.1750, 19.3583, 30.0000, Lyr},
    {11.0000, 12.0000, 29.0000, UMa},
    {19.6667, 20.9167, 29.0000, Cyg},
    {4.7500, 5.8833, 28.5000, Aur},
    {9.8833, 10.5000, 28.5000, LMi},
    {13.2500, 13.9583, 28.5000, CVn},
    {0.0000, 0.0667, 28.0000, And},
    {1.4083, 1.6667, 28.0000, Tri},
    {5.8833, 6.5333, 28.0000, Aur},
    {7.8833, 8.0000, 28.0000, Gem},
    {20.9167, 21.7333, 28.0000, Cyg},
    {19.2583, 19.6667, 27.5000, Cyg},
    {1.9167, 2.4167, 27.2500, Tri},
    {16.1667, 16.3333, 27.0000, CrB},
    {15.0833, 15.1833, 26.0000, Boo},
    {15.1833, 16.1667, 26.0000, CrB},
    {18.3667, 18.8667, 26.0000, Lyr},
    {10.7500, 11.0000, 25.5000, LMi},
    {18.8667, 19.2583, 25.5000, Lyr},
    {1.6667, 1.9167, 25.0000, Tri},
    {0.7167, 0.8500, 23.7500, Psc},
    {10.5000, 10.7500, 23.5000, LMi},
    {21.2500, 21.4167, 23.5000, Vul},
    {5.7000, 5.8833, 22.8333, Tau},
    {0.0667, 0.1417, 22.0000, And},
    {15.9167, 16.0333, 22.0000, Ser},
    {5.8833, 6.2167, 21.5000, Gem},
    {19.8333, 20.2500, 21.2500, Vul},
    {18.8667, 19.2500, 21.0833, Vul},
    {0.1417, 0.8500, 21.0000, And},
    {20.2500, 20.5667, 20.5000, Vul},
    {7.8083, 7.8833, 20.0000, Gem},
    {20.5667, 21.2500, 19.5000, Vul},
    {19.2500, 19.8333, 19.1667, Vul},
    {3.2833, 3.3667, 19.0000, Ari},
    {18.8667, 19.0000, 18.5000, Sge},
    {5.7000, 5.7667, 18.0000, Ori},
    {6.2167, 6.3083, 17.5000, Gem},
    {19.0000, 19.8333, 16.1667, Sge},
    {4.9667, 5.3333, 16.0000, Tau},
    {15.9167, 16.0833, 16.0000, Her},
    {19.8333, 20.2500, 15.7500, Sge},
    {4.6167, 4.9667, 15.5000, Tau},
    {5.3333, 5.6000, 15.5000, Tau},
    {12.8333, 13.5000, 15.0000, Com},
    {17.2500, 18.2500, 14.3333, Her},
    {11.8667, 12.8333, 14.0000, Com},
    {7.5000, 7.8083, 13.5000, Gem},
    {16.7500, 17.2500, 12.8333, Her},
    {0.0000, 0.1417, 12.5000, Peg},
    {5.6000, 5.7667, 12.5000, Tau},
    {7.0000, 7.5000, 12.5000, Gem},
    {21.1167, 21.3333, 12.5000, Peg},
    {6.3083, 6.9333, 12.0000, Gem},
    {18.2500, 18.8667, 12.0000, Her},
    {20.8750, 21.0500, 11.8333, Del},
    {21.0500, 21.1167, 11.8333, Peg},
    {11.5167, 11.8667, 11.0000, Leo},
    {6.2417, 6.3083, 10.0000, Ori},
    {6.9333, 7.0000, 10.0000, Gem},
    {7.8083, 7.9250, 10.0000, Cnc},
    {23.8333, 24.0000, 10.0000, Peg},
    {1.6667, 3.2833,  9.9167, Ari},
    {20.1417, 20.3000,  8.5000, Del},
    {13.5000, 15.0833,  8.0000, Boo},
    {22.7500, 23.8333,  7.5000, Peg},
    {7.9250, 9.2500,  7.0000, Cnc},
    {9.2500, 10.7500,  7.0000, Leo},
    {18.2500, 18.6622,  6.2500, Oph},
    {18.6622, 18.8667,  6.2500, Aql},
    {20.8333, 20.8750,  6.0000, Del},
    {7.0000, 7.0167,  5.5000, CMi},
    {18.2500, 18.4250,  4.5000, Ser},
    {16.0833, 16.7500,  4.0000, Her},
    {18.2500, 18.4250,  3.0000, Oph},
    {21.4667, 21.6667,  2.7500, Peg},
    {0.0000, 2.0000,  2.0000, Psc},
    {18.5833, 18.8667,  2.0000, Ser},
    {20.3000, 20.8333,  2.0000, Del},
    {20.8333, 21.3333,  2.0000, Equ},
    {21.3333, 21.4667,  2.0000, Peg},
    {22.0000, 22.7500,  2.0000, Peg},
    {21.6667, 22.0000,  1.7500, Peg},
    {7.0167, 7.2000,  1.5000, CMi},
    {3.5833, 4.6167,  0.0000, Tau},
    {4.6167, 4.6667,  0.0000, Ori},
    {7.2000, 8.0833,  0.0000, CMi},
    {14.6667, 15.0833,  0.0000, Vir},
    {17.8333, 18.2500,  0.0000, Oph},
    {2.6500, 3.2833, -1.7500, Cet},
    {3.2833, 3.5833, -1.7500, Tau},
    {15.0833, 16.2667, -3.2500, Ser},
    {4.6667, 5.0833, -4.0000, Ori},
    {5.8333, 6.2417, -4.0000, Ori},
    {17.8333, 17.9667, -4.0000, Ser},
    {18.2500, 18.5833, -4.0000, Ser},
    {18.5833, 18.8667, -4.0000, Aql},
    {22.7500, 23.8333, -4.0000, Psc},
    {10.7500, 11.5167, -6.0000, Leo},
    {11.5167, 11.8333, -6.0000, Vir},
    {0.0000, 0.3333, -7.0000, Psc},
    {23.8333, 24.0000, -7.0000, Psc},
    {14.2500, 14.6667, -8.0000, Vir},
    {15.9167, 16.2667, -8.0000, Oph},
    {20.0000, 20.5333, -9.0000, Aql},
    {21.3333, 21.8667, -9.0000, Aqr},
    {17.1667, 17.9667, -10.0000, Oph},
    {5.8333, 8.0833, -11.0000, Mon},
    {4.9167, 5.0833, -11.0000, Eri},
    {5.0833, 5.8333, -11.0000, Ori},
    {8.0833, 8.3667, -11.0000, Hya},
    {9.5833, 10.7500, -11.0000, Sex},
    {11.8333, 12.8333, -11.0000, Vir},
    {17.5833, 17.6667, -11.6667, Oph},
    {18.8667, 20.0000, -12.0333, Aql},
    {4.8333, 4.9167, -14.5000, Eri},
    {20.5333, 21.3333, -15.0000, Aqr},
    {17.1667, 18.2500, -16.0000, Ser},
    {18.2500, 18.8667, -16.0000, Sct},
    {8.3667, 8.5833, -17.0000, Hya},
    {16.2667, 16.3750, -18.2500, Oph},
    {8.5833, 9.0833, -19.0000, Hya},
    {10.7500, 10.8333, -19.0000, Crt},
    {16.2667, 16.3750, -19.2500, Oph},
    {15.6667, 15.9167, -20.0000, Lib},
    {12.5833, 12.8333, -22.0000, Crv},
    {12.8333, 14.2500, -22.0000, Vir},
    {9.0833, 9.7500, -24.0000, Hya},
    {1.6667, 2.6500, -24.3833, Cet},
    {2.6500, 3.7500, -24.3833, Eri},
    {10.8333, 11.8333, -24.5000, Crt},
    {11.8333, 12.5833, -24.5000, Crv},
    {14.2500, 14.9167, -24.5000, Lib},
    {16.2667, 16.7500, -24.5833, Oph},
    {0.0000, 1.6667, -25.5000, Cet},
    {21.3333, 21.8667, -25.5000, Cap},
    {21.8667, 23.8333, -25.5000, Aqr},
    {23.8333, 24.0000, -25.5000, Cet},
    {9.7500, 10.2500, -26.5000, Hya},
    {4.7000, 4.8333, -27.2500, Eri},
    {4.8333, 6.1167, -27.2500, Lep},
    {20.0000, 21.3333, -28.0000, Cap},
    {10.2500, 10.5833, -29.1667, Hya},
    {12.5833, 14.9167, -29.5000, Hya},
    {14.9167, 15.6667, -29.5000, Lib},
    {15.6667, 16.0000, -29.5000, Sco},
    {4.5833, 4.7000, -30.0000, Eri},
    {16.7500, 17.6000, -30.0000, Oph},
    {17.6000, 17.8333, -30.0000, Sgr},
    {10.5833, 10.8333, -31.1667, Hya},
    {6.1167, 7.3667, -33.0000, CMa},
    {12.2500, 12.5833, -33.0000, Hya},
    {10.8333, 12.2500, -35.0000, Hya},
    {3.5000, 3.7500, -36.0000, For},
    {8.3667, 9.3667, -36.7500, Pyx},
    {4.2667, 4.5833, -37.0000, Eri},
    {17.8333, 19.1667, -37.0000, Sgr},
    {21.3333, 23.0000, -37.0000, PsA},
    {23.0000, 23.3333, -37.0000, Scl},
    {3.0000, 3.5000, -39.5833, For},
    {9.3667, 11.0000, -39.7500, Ant},
    {0.0000, 1.6667, -40.0000, Scl},
    {1.6667, 3.0000, -40.0000, For},
    {3.8667, 4.2667, -40.0000, Eri},
    {23.3333, 24.0000, -40.0000, Scl},
    {14.1667, 14.9167, -42.0000, Cen},
    {15.6667, 16.0000, -42.0000, Lup},
    {16.0000, 16.4208, -42.0000, Sco},
    {4.8333, 5.0000, -43.0000, Cae},
    {5.0000, 6.5833, -43.0000, Col},
    {8.0000, 8.3667, -43.0000, Pup},
    {3.4167, 3.8667, -44.0000, Eri},
    {16.4208, 17.8333, -45.5000, Sco},
    {17.8333, 19.1667, -45.5000, CrA},
    {19.1667, 20.3333, -45.5000, Sgr},
    {20.3333, 21.3333, -45.5000, Mic},
    {3.0000, 3.4167, -46.0000, Eri},
    {4.5000, 4.8333, -46.5000, Cae},
    {15.3333, 15.6667, -48.0000, Lup},
    {0.0000, 2.3333, -48.1667, Phe},
    {2.6667, 3.0000, -49.0000, Eri},
    {4.0833, 4.2667, -49.0000, Hor},
    {4.2667, 4.5000, -49.0000, Cae},
    {21.3333, 22.0000, -50.0000, Gru},
    {6.0000, 8.0000, -50.7500, Pup},
    {8.0000, 8.1667, -50.7500, Vel},
    {2.4167, 2.6667, -51.0000, Eri},
    {3.8333, 4.0833, -51.0000, Hor},
    {0.0000, 1.8333, -51.5000, Phe},
    {6.0000, 6.1667, -52.5000, Car},
    {8.1667, 8.4500, -53.0000, Vel},
    {3.5000, 3.8333, -53.1667, Hor},
    {3.8333, 4.0000, -53.1667, Dor},
    {0.0000, 1.5833, -53.5000, Phe},
    {2.1667, 2.4167, -54.0000, Eri},
    {4.5000, 5.0000, -54.0000, Pic},
    {15.0500, 15.3333, -54.0000, Lup},
    {8.4500, 8.8333, -54.5000, Vel},
    {6.1667, 6.5000, -55.0000, Car},
    {11.8333, 12.8333, -55.0000, Cen},
    {14.1667, 15.0500, -55.0000, Lup},
    {15.0500, 15.3333, -55.0000, Nor},
    {4.0000, 4.3333, -56.5000, Dor},
    {8.8333, 11.0000, -56.5000, Vel},
    {11.0000, 11.2500, -56.5000, Cen},
    {17.5000, 18.0000, -57.0000, Ara},
    {18.0000, 20.3333, -57.0000, Tel},
    {22.0000, 23.3333, -57.0000, Gru},
    {3.2000, 3.5000, -57.5000, Hor},
    {5.0000, 5.5000, -57.5000, Pic},
    {6.5000, 6.8333, -58.0000, Car},
    {0.0000, 1.3333, -58.5000, Phe},
    {1.3333, 2.1667, -58.5000, Eri},
    {23.3333, 24.0000, -58.5000, Phe},
    {4.3333, 4.5833, -59.0000, Dor},
    {15.3333, 16.4208, -60.0000, Nor},
    {20.3333, 21.3333, -60.0000, Ind},
    {5.5000, 6.0000, -61.0000, Pic},
    {15.1667, 15.3333, -61.0000, Cir},
    {16.4208, 16.5833, -61.0000, Ara},
    {14.9167, 15.1667, -63.5833, Cir},
    {16.5833, 16.7500, -63.5833, Ara},
    {6.0000, 6.8333, -64.0000, Pic},
    {6.8333, 9.0333, -64.0000, Car},
    {11.2500, 11.8333, -64.0000, Cen},
    {11.8333, 12.8333, -64.0000, Cru},
    {12.8333, 14.5333, -64.0000, Cen},
    {13.5000, 13.6667, -65.0000, Cir},
    {16.7500, 16.8333, -65.0000, Ara},
    {2.1667, 3.2000, -67.5000, Hor},
    {3.2000, 4.5833, -67.5000, Ret},
    {14.7500, 14.9167, -67.5000, Cir},
    {16.8333, 17.5000, -67.5000, Ara},
    {17.5000, 18.0000, -67.5000, Pav},
    {22.0000, 23.3333, -67.5000, Tuc},
    {4.5833, 6.5833, -70.0000, Dor},
    {13.6667, 14.7500, -70.0000, Cir},
    {14.7500, 17.0000, -70.0000, TrA},
    {0.0000, 1.3333, -75.0000, Tuc},
    {3.5000, 4.5833, -75.0000, Hyi},
    {6.5833, 9.0333, -75.0000, Vol},
    {9.0333, 11.2500, -75.0000, Car},
    {11.2500, 13.6667, -75.0000, Mus},
    {18.0000, 21.3333, -75.0000, Pav},
    {21.3333, 23.3333, -75.0000, Ind},
    {23.3333, 24.0000, -75.0000, Tuc},
    {0.7500, 1.3333, -76.0000, Tuc},
    {0.0000, 3.5000, -82.5000, Hyi},
    {7.6667, 13.6667, -82.5000, Cha},
    {13.6667, 18.0000, -82.5000, Aps},
    {3.5000, 7.6667, -85.0000, Men},
    {0.0000, 24.0000, -90.0000, Oct},
    {0.0000, 24.0000, -90.0000, ""}

/* given ra and dec (in rads) precessed to epoch e (an mjd)
 * point *name to a string naming the constellation at that location.
confnd(r, d, e, name)
double r, d, e;
char **name;
	double ra1875, de1875, mjd1875;
	int i;

	cal_mjd (1, 1.0, 1875, &mjd1875);
	precess (e, mjd1875, &r, &d);
	/* find constellation such that the declination entered is higher than
	 * the lower boundary of the constellation when the upper and lower
	 * right ascensions for the constellation bound the entered right
	 * ascension
	i = 0;
	ra1875 = radhr (r);
	de1875 = raddeg (d);
	while ((con_data[i].l_dec > de1875 || con_data[i].u_ra <= ra1875
		     || con_data[i].l_ra > ra1875) && con_data[i].cons[0])

	*name = con_data[i].cons[0] ? con_data[i].cons : "<No constellation?!>";

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.