
This is cal_mjd.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "astro.h"

/* given a date in months, mn, days, dy, years, yr,
 * return the modified Julian date (number of days elapsed since 1900 jan 0.5),
 * *mjd.
cal_mjd (mn, dy, yr, mjd)
int mn, yr;
double dy;
double *mjd;
	int b, d, m, y;
	long c;

	m = mn;
	y = (yr < 0) ? yr + 1 : yr;
	if (mn < 3) {
	    m += 12;
	    y -= 1;

	if (yr < 1582 || yr == 1582 && (mn < 10 || mn == 10 && dy < 15)) 
	    b = 0;
	else {
	    int a;
	    a = y/100;
	    b = 2 - a + a/4;

	if (y < 0)
	    c = (long)((365.25*y) - 0.75) - 694025L;
	    c = (long)(365.25*y) - 694025L;

	d = 30.6001*(m+1);

	*mjd = b + c + d + dy - 0.5;

/* given the modified Julian date (number of days elapsed since 1900 jan 0.5,),
 * mjd, return the calendar date in months, *mn, days, *dy, and years, *yr.
mjd_cal (mjd, mn, dy, yr)
double mjd;
int *mn, *yr;
double *dy;
	double d, f;
	double i, a, b, ce, g;

	d = mjd + 0.5;
	i = floor(d);
	f = d-i;
	if (f == 1) {
	    f = 0;
	    i += 1;

	if (i > -115860.0) {
	    a = floor((i/36524.25)+.9983573)+14;
	    i += 1 + a - floor(a/4.0);

	b = floor((i/365.25)+.802601);
	ce = i - floor((365.25*b)+.750001)+416;
	g = floor(ce/30.6001);
	*mn = g - 1;
	*dy = ce - floor(30.6001*g)+f;
	*yr = b + 1899;

	if (g > 13.5)
	    *mn = g - 13;
	if (*mn < 2.5)
	    *yr = b + 1900;
	if (*yr < 1)
	    *yr -= 1;

/* given an mjd, set *dow to 0..6 according to which dayof the week it falls
 * on (0=sunday) or set it to -1 if can't figure it out.
mjd_dow (mjd, dow)
double mjd;
int *dow;
	/* cal_mjd() uses Gregorian dates on or after Oct 15, 1582.
	 * (Pope Gregory XIII dropped 10 days, Oct 5..14, and improved the leap-
	 * year algorithm). however, Great Britian and the colonies did not
	 * adopt it until Sept 14, 1752 (they dropped 11 days, Sept 3-13,
	 * due to additional accumulated error). leap years before 1752 thus
	 * can not easily be accounted for from the cal_mjd() number...
	if (mjd < -53798.5) {
	    /* pre sept 14, 1752 too hard to correct */
	    *dow = -1;
	*dow = ((long)floor(mjd-.5) + 1) % 7;/* 1/1/1900 (mjd 0.5) is a Monday*/
	if (*dow < 0)
	    *dow += 7;

/* given a mjd, return the the number of days in the month.  */
mjd_dpm (mjd, ndays)
double mjd;
int *ndays;
	static short dpm[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
	int m, y;
	double d;

	mjd_cal (mjd, &m, &d, &y);
	*ndays = (m==2 && ((y%4==0 && y%100!=0)||y%400==0)) ? 29 : dpm[m-1];

/* given a mjd, return the year as a double. */
mjd_year (mjd, yr)
double mjd;
double *yr;
	int m, y;
	double d;
	double e0, e1;	/* mjd of start of this year, start of next year */

	mjd_cal (mjd, &m, &d, &y);
	if (y == -1) y = -2;
	cal_mjd (1, 1.0, y, &e0);
	cal_mjd (1, 1.0, y+1, &e1);
	*yr = y + (mjd - e0)/(e1 - e0);

/* given a decimal year, return mjd */
year_mjd (y, mjd)
double y;
double *mjd;
	double e0, e1;	/* mjd of start of this year, start of next year */
	int yf = floor (y);
	if (yf == -1) yf = -2;

	cal_mjd (1, 1.0, yf, &e0);
	cal_mjd (1, 1.0, yf+1, &e1);
	*mjd = e0 + (y - yf)*(e1-e0);

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