This is altmenus.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* routines for managing the alternative bottom half menus. * planet-specific menus are in their own files. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include "astro.h" #include "circum.h" #include "screen.h" static int altmenu = F_MNU1; /* which alternate menu is up; one of F_MNUi */ static int alt2_stdhzn; /* whether to use STDHZN (aot ADPHZN) horizon algthm */ static int alt3_geoc; /* whether to use geocentric (aot topocentric) vantage*/ /* table of screen rows given a body #define from astro/h or screen.h */ static short bodyrow[NOBJ] = { R_MERCURY, R_VENUS, R_MARS, R_JUPITER, R_SATURN, R_URANUS, R_NEPTUNE, R_PLUTO, R_SUN, R_MOON, R_OBJX, R_OBJY }; /* table of screen cols for third menu format, given body #define ... */ static short bodycol[NOBJ] = { C_MERCURY, C_VENUS, C_MARS, C_JUPITER, C_SATURN, C_URANUS, C_NEPTUNE, C_PLUTO, C_SUN, C_MOON, C_OBJX, C_OBJY }; /* initialize altmenu; used by main from cracking the ephem startup file. */ altmenu_init (n) int n; { altmenu = n; } /* let op decide which alternate menu should be up, * including any menu-specific setup they might require. * return 0 if things changed to require updating the alt menu; else -1. */ altmenu_setup() { static char *flds[5] = { "Data", "(Rise/Set", "", "(Separations" }; int newmenu = altmenu, newhzn = alt2_stdhzn, newgeoc = alt3_geoc; int new; int fn = altmenu == F_MNU3 ? 3 : altmenu == F_MNU2 ? 1 : 0; ask: flds[2]= newhzn ? "Standard hzn)" : "Adaptive hzn)"; flds[4]= newgeoc? "Geocentric)" : "Topocentric)"; switch (popup (flds, fn, 5)) { case 0: newmenu = F_MNU1; break; case 1: newmenu = F_MNU2; break; case 2: newhzn ^= 1; fn = 2; goto ask; case 3: newmenu = F_MNU3; break; case 4: newgeoc ^= 1; fn = 4; goto ask; default: return (-1); } new = 0; if (newmenu != altmenu) { altmenu = newmenu; new++; } if (newhzn != alt2_stdhzn) { alt2_stdhzn = newhzn; if (newmenu == F_MNU2) new++; } if (newgeoc != alt3_geoc) { alt3_geoc = newgeoc; if (newmenu == F_MNU3) new++; } return (new ? 0 : -1); } /* erase the info for the given planet */ alt_nobody (p) int p; { f_eol (bodyrow[p], C_RA); } alt_body (b, force, np) int b; /* which body, ala astro.h and screen.h defines */ int force; /* if !0 then draw for sure, else just if changed since last */ Now *np; { switch (altmenu) { case F_MNU1: alt1_body (b, force, np); break; case F_MNU2: alt2_body (b, force, np); break; case F_MNU3: alt3_body (b, force, np); break; } } /* draw the labels for the current alternate menu format */ alt_labels () { switch (altmenu) { case F_MNU1: alt1_labels (); break; case F_MNU2: alt2_labels (); break; case F_MNU3: alt3_labels (); break; case F_MNUJ: altj_labels (); break; } } alt_erase () { int i; for (i = R_PLANTAB; i <= NR; i++) f_eol (i, 1); f_string (R_ALTM, C_ALTMV, " "); } alt_menumask() { return (altmenu); } /* handy function to return the next planet in the order in which they are * displayed in the lower half of the screen. * input is a given planet, return is the next planet. * if input is not legal, then first planet is returned; when input is the * last planet, then -1 is returned. * typical usage is something like: * for (p = nxtbody(-1); p != -1; p = nxtbody(p)) */ nxtbody(p) int p; { static short nxtpl[NOBJ] = { VENUS, MARS, JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO, OBJX, MOON, MERCURY, OBJY, -1 }; if (p < MERCURY || p >= NOBJ) return (SUN); else return (nxtpl[p]); } alt_plnames() { f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_OBJ, "OCX"); f_string (R_SUN, C_OBJ, "Su"); f_string (R_MOON, C_OBJ, "Mo"); f_string (R_MERCURY, C_OBJ, "Me"); f_string (R_VENUS, C_OBJ, "Ve"); f_string (R_MARS, C_OBJ, "Ma"); f_string (R_JUPITER, C_OBJ, "Ju"); f_string (R_SATURN, C_OBJ, "Sa"); f_string (R_URANUS, C_OBJ, "Ur"); f_string (R_NEPTUNE, C_OBJ, "Ne"); f_string (R_PLUTO, C_OBJ, "Pl"); f_string (R_OBJX, C_OBJ, "X"); f_string (R_OBJY, C_OBJ, "Y"); } static alt1_labels() { f_string (R_ALTM, C_ALTMV, " Planet Data"); alt_plnames(); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_RA+2, "R.A."); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_DEC+2,"Dec"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_AZ+2, "Az"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_ALT+2,"Alt"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_HLONG,"H Long"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_HLAT, "H Lat"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_EDIST,"Ea Dst"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_SDIST,"Sn Dst"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_ELONG,"Elong"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_SIZE, "Size"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_MAG, "VMag"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_PHASE,"Phs"); } static alt2_labels() { f_string (R_ALTM, C_ALTMV, "Rise/Set Info"); alt_plnames(); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_RISETM-2, "Rise Time"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_RISEAZ, "Rise Az"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_TRANSTM-2, "Trans Time"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_TRANSALT-1, "Trans Alt"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_SETTM-1, "Set Time"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_SETAZ, "Set Az"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_TUP-1, "Hours Up"); } static alt3_labels() { f_string (R_ALTM, C_ALTMV, " Separations"); alt_plnames(); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_SUN, " Sun"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_MOON, "Moon"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_MERCURY, "Merc"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_VENUS, "Venus"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_MARS, "Mars"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_JUPITER, " Jup"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_SATURN, " Sat"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_URANUS, "Uranus"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_NEPTUNE, " Nep"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_PLUTO, "Pluto"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_OBJX, " X"); f_string (R_PLANTAB, C_OBJY, " Y"); } /* print body info in first menu format */ static alt1_body (p, force, np) int p; /* which body, as in astro.h/screen.h defines */ int force; /* whether to print for sure or only if things have changed */ Now *np; { Sky sky; double as = plot_ison() || srch_ison() ? 0.0 : 60.0; int row = bodyrow[p]; if (body_cir (p, as, np, &sky) || force) { f_ra (row, C_RA, sky.s_ra); f_angle (row, C_DEC, sky.s_dec); if (sky.s_hlong != NOHELIO) { f_angle (row, C_HLONG, sky.s_hlong); if (p != SUN) f_angle (row, C_HLAT, sky.s_hlat); } if (p == MOON) { /* distance is on km, show in miles */ f_double (R_MOON, C_EDIST, "%6.0f", sky.s_edist/1.609344); } else if (sky.s_edist > 0.0) { /* show distance in au */ f_double (row, C_EDIST,(sky.s_edist>=10.0)?"%6.3f":"%6.4f", sky.s_edist); } if (sky.s_sdist > 0.0) f_double (row, C_SDIST, (sky.s_sdist>=9.99995)?"%6.3f":"%6.4f", sky.s_sdist); if (p != SUN) f_double (row, C_ELONG, "%6.1f", sky.s_elong); f_double (row, C_SIZE, sky.s_size >= 99.95 ?"%4.0f":"%4.1f", sky.s_size); f_double (row, C_MAG, sky.s_mag <= -9.95 ? "%4.0f" : "%4.1f", sky.s_mag); if (sky.s_sdist > 0.0) { /* some terminals scroll when write a char in low-right corner. * TODO: is there a nicer way to handle this maybe? */ int col = row == NR ? C_PHASE - 1 : C_PHASE; /* would just do this if Turbo-C 2.0 "%?.0f" worked: * f_double (row, col, "%3.0f", sky.s_phase); */ f_int (row, col, "%3d", sky.s_phase); } } f_angle (row, C_AZ, sky.s_az); f_angle (row, C_ALT, sky.s_alt); } /* print body info in the second menu format */ static alt2_body (p, force, np) int p; /* which body, as in astro.h/screen.h defines */ int force; /* whether to print for sure or only if things have changed */ Now *np; { double ltr, lts, ltt, azr, azs, altt; int row = bodyrow[p]; int status; double tmp; int today_tup = 0; /* always recalc OBJX and Y since we don't know it's the same object */ if (!riset_cir (p, np, p==OBJX || p==OBJY, alt2_stdhzn?STDHZN:ADPHZN, <r, <s, <t, &azr, &azs, &altt, &status) && !force) return; alt_nobody (p); if (status & RS_ERROR) { /* can not find where body is! */ f_string (row, C_RISETM, "?Error?"); return; } if (status & RS_CIRCUMPOLAR) { /* body is up all day */ f_string (row, C_RISETM, "Circumpolar"); if (status & RS_NOTRANS) f_string (row, C_TRANSTM, "No transit"); else { f_mtime (row, C_TRANSTM, ltt); if (status & RS_2TRANS) f_char (row, C_TRANSTM+5, '+'); f_angle (row, C_TRANSALT, altt); } f_string (row, C_TUP, "24:00"); /*f_mtime() changes to 0:00 */ return; } if (status & RS_NEVERUP) { /* body never up at all today */ f_string (row, C_RISETM, "Never up"); f_mtime (row, C_TUP, 0.0); return; } if (status & RS_NORISE) { /* object does not rise as such today */ f_string (row, C_RISETM, "Never rises"); ltr = 0.0; /* for TUP */ today_tup = 1; } else { f_mtime (row, C_RISETM, ltr); if (status & RS_2RISES) { /* object rises more than once today */ f_char (row, C_RISETM+5, '+'); } f_angle (row, C_RISEAZ, azr); } if (status & RS_NOTRANS) f_string (row, C_TRANSTM, "No transit"); else { f_mtime (row, C_TRANSTM, ltt); if (status & RS_2TRANS) f_char (row, C_TRANSTM+5, '+'); f_angle (row, C_TRANSALT, altt); } if (status & RS_NOSET) { /* object does not set as such today */ f_string (row, C_SETTM, "Never sets"); lts = 24.0; /* for TUP */ today_tup = 1; } else { f_mtime (row, C_SETTM, lts); if (status & RS_2SETS) f_char (row, C_SETTM+5, '+'); f_angle (row, C_SETAZ, azs); } tmp = lts - ltr; if (tmp < 0) tmp = 24.0 + tmp; f_mtime (row, C_TUP, tmp); if (today_tup) f_char (row, C_TUP+5, '+'); } /* print body info in third menu format. this may be either the geocentric * or topocentric angular separation between object p and each of the others. * the latter, of course, includes effects of refraction and so can change * quite rapidly near the time of each planets rise or set. * for now, we don't save old values so we always redo everything and ignore * the "force" argument. this isn't that bad since body_cir() has memory and * will avoid most computations as we hit them again in the lower triangle. * we are limited to only 5 columns per object. to make it fit, we display * degrees:minutes if less than 100 degrees, otherwise just whole degrees. */ /*ARGSUSED*/ static alt3_body (p, force, np) int p; /* which body, as in astro.h/screen.h defines */ int force; /* whether to print for sure or only if things have changed */ Now *np; { int row = bodyrow[p]; Sky skyp, skyq; double spy, cpy, px, *qx, *qy; int wantx = obj_ison(OBJX); int wanty = obj_ison(OBJY); double as = plot_ison() || srch_ison() ? 0.0 : 60.0; int q; (void) body_cir (p, as, np, &skyp); if (alt3_geoc) { /* use ra for "x", dec for "y". */ spy = sin (skyp.s_dec); cpy = cos (skyp.s_dec); px = skyp.s_ra; qx = &skyq.s_ra; qy = &skyq.s_dec; } else { /* use azimuth for "x", altitude for "y". */ spy = sin (skyp.s_alt); cpy = cos (skyp.s_alt); px = skyp.s_az; qx = &skyq.s_az; qy = &skyq.s_alt; } for (q = nxtbody(-1); q != -1; q = nxtbody(q)) if (q != p && (q != OBJX || wantx) && (q != OBJY || wanty)) { double sep, dsep; (void) body_cir (q, as, np, &skyq); sep = acos(spy*sin(*qy) + cpy*cos(*qy)*cos(px-*qx)); dsep = raddeg(sep); if (dsep >= (100.0 - 1.0/60.0/2.0)) f_int (row, bodycol[q], "%5d:", dsep); else f_angle (row, bodycol[q], sep); } }
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