
This is the README for Traveler.1.2.NI.b.gnutar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

                               STAR TRAVELER                  
	            Relativistic Star Travel Simulator
	     	           James Kent Blackburn

                                Version 1.20
                    This is a "FAT" release of Traveler
                          Built using NeXTStep 3.2

	Star Traveler is a simulator for space travel to the stars. It
incorporates all the equations of special relativity to accurately account 
for the behavior of clocks and rulers  that one would encounter on a voyage 
to the stars. 
	One particularly useful academic application of this program is as a 
demonstration of the famous "Twin Paradox" from introductory special relativity 
	The traveler in the simulation can control velocity and acceleration 
parameter for a journey to a nearby star and back to Earth where a comparison 
of the time lapse experienced by the traveler can be made with that on Earth. 
So, Einstein was right.
	Presently star systems can be generated randomly within the field of 
view. As an added bonus I have included actual positions of stars in the 
general direction of two constellations; Orion, and Ursa Minor. More may be 
added in a later version. 

Getting Started:
	To begin, the traveler should select a destination under the 
Constellation Menu. The current version only supports the constellations 
Orion and Ursa Minor. Hooks for future constellations are in the code for 
when the data becomes available. There is also a random selection under the 
Constellation Menu for generating a hypothetical star field. Using the slider 
controls under the field of view, determine what Acceleration and Terminal 
Speed  are to be used during the voyage. Next determine the Time per Frame  
to be used in updating the star field of view. These controls can be 
dynamically adjusted during the journey. Now all the traveler need do is 
press the Engage button and set back and enjoy the ride. The present velocity 
and distance traveled from Earth as view on Earth are presented in the 
Velocity: and Distance: boxes At some point the traveler  will want to return 
to Earth. This most easily accomplished by pressing the small "+" button next 
the the Acceleration. This determines the direction of the acceleration from 
the Star Drive engines. Upon returning to Earth the traveler experiences an 
abrupt stop from any speed to a complete rest. The traveler can then compare 
the time lapse on Earth  in the Earth Time: box to that which he has 
experienced in the Proper Time: box. To reset all the parameters select Go to 
Earth in the menu. Now the traveler can pick a new destination and live a very 
long and prosperous relativistically enhanced live.

Getting The Source Code:
	If  you like Star Traveler and use it often, please make a small 
contribution to the cause. This will motivate me to continue development, 
add new features like extended star effects, red and blue wavelength shifts. 
I am making the Objective-C source code and all the PB/IB components available 
on 3.5 inch floppies. To receive a copy please send your name and address 
along with a certified check for $25 dollars for handling. I will send you 
the latest version of the source code and add you to an announcement list 
for future versions. You are free to use and or modify the source code to 
your hearts content. However, commercial distrubution is forbidden. There is 
no warranty or user support for Star Traveler. Comments are welcome.


	James Kent Blackburn
	14027 Vista Drive, #191-B
	Laurel, MD 20707-5889

	Internet: kent@kentaurus.gsfc.nasa.gov

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.