This is hpcdtoppm.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* hpcdtoppm (Hadmut's pcdtoppm) v0.3 * Copyright (c) 1992 by Hadmut Danisch ( * Permission to use and distribute this software and its * documentation for noncommercial use and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation. It is not allowed to sell this software in * any way. This software is not public domain. */ /* define OWN_WRITE either here or by compiler-option if you don't want to use the pbmplus-routines for writing */ #define xOWN_WRITE /* define DEBUG for some debugging informations, just remove the x from xDEBUG */ #define xDEBUG /* define MELDUNG if you want to see what is happening and what takes time, just remove the x from xMeldung */ #define xMELDUNG #include <stdio.h> #ifndef OWN_WRITE #include "ppm.h" #else /* If the own routines are used, this is the size of the buffer in bytes. You can shrink if needed. */ #define own_BUsize 50000 /* The header for the ppm-files */ #define PPM_Header "P6\n%d %d\n255\n" #endif /* ** Important: sBYTE must be a signed byte type !!! ** */ #ifndef sBYTE typedef signed char sBYTE; #endif typedef unsigned char uBYTE; typedef unsigned long dim; #define BaseW ((dim)768) #define BaseH ((dim)512) #define SECSIZE 0x800 #define SeHead 2 #define L_Head (1+SeHead) #define SeBase16 18 #define L_Base16 (1+SeBase16) #define SeBase4 72 #define L_Base4 (1+SeBase4) #define SeBase 288 #define L_Base (1+SeBase) enum ERRORS { E_NONE,E_READ,E_WRITE,E_INTERN,E_ARG,E_OPT,E_MEM,E_HUFF, E_SEQ,E_SEQ1,E_SEQ2,E_SEQ3,E_SEQ4,E_SEQ5,E_SEQ6,E_SEQ7,E_POS,E_IMP,E_OVSKIP, E_TAUTO,E_TCANT }; enum TURNS { T_NONE,T_RIGHT,T_LEFT,T_AUTO }; enum SIZES { S_UNSPEC,S_Base16,S_Base4,S_Base,S_4Base,S_16Base,S_Over }; /* Default taken when no size parameter given */ #define S_DEFAULT S_Base16 struct _implane {dim mwidth,mheight, iwidth,iheight; uBYTE *im; }; typedef struct _implane implane; #define nullplane ((implane *) 0) static enum ERRORS readplain(); static void interpolate(); static void halve(); static void ycctorgb(); static void writepicture(); static void readlpt(); static void readhqt(); static void decode(); static void clear(); static void druckeid(); static void sharpit(); static long Skip4Base(); static FILE *fin=0,*fout=0; static char *pcdname=0,*ppmname=0; static char nbuf[100]; static uBYTE sbuffer[SECSIZE]; static int do_sharp,keep_ycc; /* Using preprocessor for inline-procs */ #ifdef DEBUG static long bufpos; #define SEEK(x) { if (fseek(fin,((x) * SECSIZE),0)) error(E_READ);\ fprintf(stderr,"S-Position %x\n",ftell(fin)); } #define RPRINT {fprintf(stderr,"R-Position %x\n",ftell(fin));} #define READBUF (bufpos=ftell(fin),fread(sbuffer,sizeof(sbuffer),1,fin)) #else #define SEEK(x) { if (fseek(fin,((x) * SECSIZE),0)) error(E_READ);} #define RPRINT #define READBUF fread(sbuffer,sizeof(sbuffer),1,fin) #endif #ifdef MELDUNG #define melde(x) fprintf(stderr,x) #else #define melde(x) #endif #define EREADBUF {if(READBUF < 1) error(E_READ);} #define SKIP(n) { if (fseek(fin,(n),1)) error(E_READ);} #define SKIPr(n) { if (fseek(fin,(n),1)) return(E_READ);} #define xTRIF(x,u,o,a,b,c) ((x)<(u)? (a) : ( (x)>(o)?(c):(b) )) #define xNORM(x) x=TRIF(x,0,255,0,x,255) #define NORM(x) { if(x<0) x=0; else if (x>255) x=255;} static void error(e) enum ERRORS e; { switch(e) {case E_NONE: return; case E_IMP: fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, Not yet implemented.\n"); break; case E_READ: fprintf(stderr,"Error while reading.\n"); break; case E_WRITE: fprintf(stderr,"Error while writing.\n"); break; case E_INTERN: fprintf(stderr,"Internal error.\n"); break; case E_ARG: fprintf(stderr,"Error in Arguments !\n\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Usage: hpcdtoppm [options] pcd-file [ppm-file]\n\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Opts:\n"); fprintf(stderr," -x Overskip mode (tries to improve color quality.)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -i Give some (buggy) informations from fileheader\n"); fprintf(stderr," -s Apply simple sharpness-operator on the Luma-channel\n"); fprintf(stderr," -d Show differential picture only \n\n"); fprintf(stderr," -r Rotate clockwise for portraits\n"); fprintf(stderr," -l Rotate counter-clockwise for portraits\n"); fprintf(stderr," -a Try to find out orientation automatically.\n"); fprintf(stderr," (Experimentally, please report if it doesn't work.)\n\n"); fprintf(stderr," -ycc suppress ycc to rgb conversion \n"); fprintf(stderr," (Experimentally, doesn't have deeper sense)\n\n"); fprintf(stderr," -0 Extract thumbnails from Overview file\n"); fprintf(stderr," -1 Extract 128x192 from Image file\n"); fprintf(stderr," -2 Extract 256x384 from Image file\n"); fprintf(stderr," -3 Extract 512x768 from Image file\n"); fprintf(stderr," -4 Extract 1024x1536 from Image file\n"); fprintf(stderr," -5 Extract 2048x3072 from Image file\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); break; case E_OPT: fprintf(stderr,"These Options are not allowed together.\n");break; case E_MEM: fprintf(stderr,"Not enough memory !\n"); break; case E_HUFF: fprintf(stderr,"Error in Huffman-Code-Table\n"); break; case E_SEQ: fprintf(stderr,"Error in Huffman-Sequence\n"); break; case E_SEQ1: fprintf(stderr,"Error1 in Huffman-Sequence\n"); break; case E_SEQ2: fprintf(stderr,"Error2 in Huffman-Sequence\n"); break; case E_SEQ3: fprintf(stderr,"Error3 in Huffman-Sequence\n"); break; case E_SEQ4: fprintf(stderr,"Error4 in Huffman-Sequence\n"); break; case E_SEQ5: fprintf(stderr,"Error5 in Huffman-Sequence\n"); break; case E_SEQ6: fprintf(stderr,"Error6 in Huffman-Sequence\n"); break; case E_SEQ7: fprintf(stderr,"Error7 in Huffman-Sequence\n"); break; case E_POS: fprintf(stderr,"Error in file-position\n"); break; case E_OVSKIP: fprintf(stderr,"Can't read this resolution in overskip-mode\n"); break; case E_TAUTO: fprintf(stderr,"Can't determine the orientation in overview mode\n");break; case E_TCANT: fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, can't determine orientation for this file.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Please give orientation parameters. \n");break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unknown error %d ???\n",e);break; } if(fin) fclose(fin); if(fout && ppmname) fclose(fout); exit(9); } static void planealloc(p,width,height) implane *p; dim width,height; { p->iwidth=p->iheight=0; p->mwidth=width; p->mheight=height; p->im = ( uBYTE * ) malloc (width*height*sizeof(uBYTE)); if(!(p->im)) error(E_MEM); } void main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; #define ASKIP { argc--; argv ++;} {int bildnr; char *opt; dim w,h; long cd_offset,cd_offhelp; int do_info,do_diff,do_overskip; enum TURNS turn=T_NONE; enum SIZES size=S_UNSPEC; enum ERRORS eret; implane Luma, Chroma1,Chroma2; do_info=do_diff=do_overskip=do_sharp=keep_ycc=0; ASKIP; while((argc>0) && **argv=='-') { opt= (*argv)+1; ASKIP; if(!strcmp(opt,"r")) {if (turn == T_NONE) turn=T_RIGHT; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if(!strcmp(opt,"l")) {if (turn == T_NONE) turn=T_LEFT; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if(!strcmp(opt,"a")) {if (turn == T_NONE) turn=T_AUTO; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if(!strcmp(opt,"i")) { if (!do_info) do_info=1; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if(!strcmp(opt,"d")) { if (!do_diff) do_diff=1; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if(!strcmp(opt,"s")) { if (!do_sharp) do_sharp=1; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if(!strcmp(opt,"x")) { if (!do_overskip) do_overskip=1; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if(!strcmp(opt,"ycc")) { if (!keep_ycc) keep_ycc=1; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if((!strcmp(opt,"Base/16")) || (!strcmp(opt,"1")) || (!strcmp(opt,"128x192"))) { if (size == S_UNSPEC) size = S_Base16; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if((!strcmp(opt,"Base/4" )) || (!strcmp(opt,"2")) || (!strcmp(opt,"256x384"))) { if (size == S_UNSPEC) size = S_Base4; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if((!strcmp(opt,"Base" )) || (!strcmp(opt,"3")) || (!strcmp(opt,"512x768"))) { if (size == S_UNSPEC) size = S_Base; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if((!strcmp(opt,"4Base" )) || (!strcmp(opt,"4")) || (!strcmp(opt,"1024x1536"))) { if (size == S_UNSPEC) size = S_4Base; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if((!strcmp(opt,"16Base" )) || (!strcmp(opt,"5")) || (!strcmp(opt,"2048x3072"))) { if (size == S_UNSPEC) size = S_16Base; else error(E_ARG); continue; } if((!strcmp(opt,"Overview" )) || (!strcmp(opt,"0")) || (!strcmp(opt,"O"))) { if (size == S_UNSPEC) size = S_Over; else error(E_ARG); continue; } fprintf(stderr,"Unknown option: -%s\n",opt); error(E_ARG); } if(size==S_UNSPEC) size=S_DEFAULT; if(argc<1) error(E_ARG); pcdname= *argv; ASKIP; if(argc>0) {ppmname= *argv; ASKIP; } if(argc>0) error(E_ARG); if((size==S_Over) && (!ppmname)) error(E_ARG); if(do_info && (size==S_Over)) error(E_OPT); if(do_overskip && do_diff) error(E_OPT); if(do_diff && (size != S_4Base) && (size != S_16Base)) error(E_OPT); if(do_overskip && (size != S_Base16) && (size != S_Base4) && (size != S_Base) && (size != S_4Base) ) error(E_OVSKIP); if((turn==T_AUTO)&&(size==S_Over)) error(E_TAUTO); if(!(fin=fopen(pcdname,"r"))) error(E_READ); if(do_info || (turn==T_AUTO)) { SEEK(1); EREADBUF; } if(turn==T_AUTO) { switch(sbuffer[0xe02 & 0x7ff]&0x03) {case 0x00: turn=T_NONE; break; case 0x01: turn=T_LEFT; break; case 0x03: turn=T_RIGHT; break; default: error(E_TCANT); } } if(do_info) druckeid(); switch(size) { case S_Base16: w=BaseW/4; h=BaseH/4; planealloc(&Luma ,w,h); planealloc(&Chroma1,w,h); planealloc(&Chroma2,w,h); if(!do_overskip) { SEEK(L_Head+1); error(readplain(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2)); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma2); } else { SEEK(L_Head+1); error(readplain(w,h,&Luma,nullplane,nullplane)); SEEK(L_Head+L_Base16+1); error(readplain(2*w,2*h,nullplane,&Chroma1,&Chroma2)); } ycctorgb(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2); /* Now Luma holds red, Chroma1 hold green, Chroma2 holds blue */ if(!ppmname) fout=stdout; else {if (!(fout=fopen(ppmname,"w"))) error(E_WRITE); } writepicture(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2,turn); break; case S_Base4: w=BaseW/2; h=BaseH/2; planealloc(&Luma ,w,h); planealloc(&Chroma1,w,h); planealloc(&Chroma2,w,h); if(!do_overskip) { SEEK(L_Head+L_Base16+1); error(readplain(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2)); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma2); } else { SEEK(L_Head+L_Base16+1); error(readplain(w,h,&Luma,nullplane,nullplane)); SEEK(L_Head+L_Base16+L_Base4+1); error(readplain(2*w,2*h,nullplane,&Chroma1,&Chroma2)); } ycctorgb(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2); /* Now Luma holds red, Chroma1 hold green, Chroma2 holds blue */ if(!ppmname) fout=stdout; else {if (!(fout=fopen(ppmname,"w"))) error(E_WRITE); } writepicture(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2,turn); break; case S_Base: w=BaseW; h=BaseH; if(!do_overskip) { planealloc(&Luma ,w,h); planealloc(&Chroma1,w,h); planealloc(&Chroma2,w,h); SEEK(L_Head+L_Base16+L_Base4+1); error(readplain(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2)); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma2); } else { planealloc(&Luma , w, h); planealloc(&Chroma1,2*w,2*h); planealloc(&Chroma2,2*w,2*h); SEEK(L_Head+L_Base16+L_Base4+1); error(readplain(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2)); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma2); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma2); cd_offset=Skip4Base(); SEEK(cd_offset+10); EREADBUF; cd_offhelp=(((long)sbuffer[2])<<8)|sbuffer[3]; SEEK(cd_offset+12); readhqt(w,h,3); SEEK(cd_offset+cd_offhelp); decode(4*w,4*h,nullplane,&Chroma1,&Chroma2,1); halve(&Chroma1); halve(&Chroma2); } ycctorgb(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2); /* Now Luma holds red, Chroma1 hold green, Chroma2 holds blue */ if(!ppmname) fout=stdout; else {if (!(fout=fopen(ppmname,"w"))) error(E_WRITE); } writepicture(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2,turn); break; case S_4Base: w=BaseW*2; h=BaseH*2; planealloc(&Luma,w,h); planealloc(&Chroma1,w,h); planealloc(&Chroma2,w,h); if(!do_overskip) {SEEK(L_Head+L_Base16+L_Base4+1); error(readplain(w/2,h/2,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2)); interpolate(&Luma); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma2); interpolate(&Chroma2); if(do_diff) {clear(&Luma,128);clear(&Chroma1,156);clear(&Chroma2,137);} cd_offset = L_Head + L_Base16 + L_Base4 + L_Base ; SEEK(cd_offset + 4); readhqt(w,h,1); SEEK(cd_offset + 5); decode(w,h,&Luma,nullplane,nullplane,0); } else {SEEK(L_Head+L_Base16+L_Base4+1); error(readplain(w/2,h/2,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2)); interpolate(&Luma); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma2); interpolate(&Chroma2); cd_offset = L_Head + L_Base16 + L_Base4 + L_Base ; SEEK(cd_offset + 4); readhqt(w,h,1); SEEK(cd_offset + 5); decode(w,h,&Luma,nullplane,nullplane,0); cd_offset=ftell(fin);if(cd_offset % SECSIZE) error(E_POS);cd_offset/=SECSIZE; SEEK(cd_offset+10); EREADBUF; cd_offhelp=(((long)sbuffer[2])<<8)|sbuffer[3]; SEEK(cd_offset+12); readhqt(w,h,3); SEEK(cd_offset+cd_offhelp); decode(2*w,2*h,nullplane,&Chroma1,&Chroma2,1); } ycctorgb(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2); /* Now Luma holds red, Chroma1 hold green, Chroma2 holds blue */ if(!ppmname) fout=stdout; else {if (!(fout=fopen(ppmname,"w"))) error(E_WRITE); } writepicture(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2,turn); break; case S_16Base: w=BaseW*4; h=BaseH*4; planealloc(&Luma,w,h); planealloc(&Chroma1,w,h); planealloc(&Chroma2,w,h); SEEK(L_Head+L_Base16+L_Base4+1); error(readplain(w/4,h/4,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2)); interpolate(&Luma); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma2); interpolate(&Chroma2); cd_offset = L_Head + L_Base16 + L_Base4 + L_Base ; SEEK(cd_offset + 4); readhqt(w/2,h/2,1); SEEK(cd_offset + 5); decode(w/2,h/2,&Luma,nullplane,nullplane,0); interpolate(&Luma); if(do_diff) {clear(&Luma,128);clear(&Chroma1,156);clear(&Chroma2,137);} cd_offset=ftell(fin);if(cd_offset % SECSIZE) error(E_POS);cd_offset/=SECSIZE; SEEK(cd_offset+12); readhqt(w,h,3); SEEK(cd_offset+14); decode(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2,0); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma2); ycctorgb(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2); /* Now Luma holds red, Chroma1 hold green, Chroma2 holds blue */ if(!ppmname) fout=stdout; else {if (!(fout=fopen(ppmname,"w"))) error(E_WRITE); } writepicture(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2,turn); break; case S_Over: w=BaseW/4; h=BaseH/4; planealloc(&Luma ,w,h); planealloc(&Chroma1,w,h); planealloc(&Chroma2,w,h); for(bildnr=0;!feof(fin);bildnr++) { SEEK(5+SeBase16*bildnr); eret=readplain(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2); if(eret==E_READ) break; error(eret); interpolate(&Chroma1); interpolate(&Chroma2); ycctorgb(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2); /* Now Luma holds red, Chroma1 hold green, Chroma2 holds blue */ sprintf(nbuf,"%s%04d",ppmname,bildnr+1); if (!(fout=fopen(nbuf,"w"))) error(E_WRITE); writepicture(w,h,&Luma,&Chroma1,&Chroma2,turn); } break; default: error(E_INTERN); } exit(0); } #undef ASKIP static enum ERRORS readplain(w,h,l,c1,c2) dim w,h; implane *l,*c1,*c2; {dim i; uBYTE *pl=0,*pc1=0,*pc2=0; melde("readplain\n"); if(l) { if ((l->mwidth<w) || (l->mheight<h) || (!l->im)) error(E_INTERN); l->iwidth=w; l->iheight=h; pl=l->im; } if(c1) { if ((c1->mwidth<w/2) || (c1->mheight<h/2) || (!c1->im)) error(E_INTERN); c1->iwidth=w/2; c1->iheight=h/2; pc1=c1->im; } if(c2) { if ((c2->mwidth<w/2) || (c2->mheight<h/2) || (!c2->im)) error(E_INTERN); c2->iwidth=w/2; c2->iheight=h/2; pc2=c2->im; } for(i=0;i<h/2;i++) { if(pl) { if(fread(pl,w,1,fin)<1) return(E_READ); pl+= l->mwidth; if(fread(pl,w,1,fin)<1) return(E_READ); pl+= l->mwidth; } else SKIPr(2*w); if(pc1) { if(fread(pc1,w/2,1,fin)<1) return(E_READ); pc1+= c1->mwidth; } else SKIPr(w/2); if(pc2) { if(fread(pc2,w/2,1,fin)<1) return(E_READ); pc2+= c2->mwidth; } else SKIPr(w/2); } RPRINT; return E_NONE; } static void interpolate(p) implane *p; {dim w,h,x,y,yi; uBYTE *optr,*nptr,*uptr; melde("interpolate\n"); if ((!p) || (!p->im)) error(E_INTERN); w=p->iwidth; h=p->iheight; if(p->mwidth < 2*w ) error(E_INTERN); if(p->mheight < 2*h ) error(E_INTERN); p->iwidth=2*w; p->iheight=2*h; for(y=0;y<h;y++) {yi=h-1-y; optr=p->im+ yi*p->mwidth + (w-1); nptr=p->im+2*yi*p->mwidth + (2*w - 2); nptr[0]=nptr[1]=optr[0]; for(x=1;x<w;x++) { optr--; nptr-=2; nptr[0]=optr[0]; nptr[1]=(((int)optr[0])+((int)optr[1])+1)>>1; } } for(y=0;y<h-1;y++) {optr=p->im + 2*y*p->mwidth; nptr=optr+p->mwidth; uptr=nptr+p->mwidth; for(x=0;x<w-1;x++) { nptr[0]=(((int)optr[0])+((int)uptr[0])+1)>>1; nptr[1]=(((int)optr[0])+((int)optr[2])+((int)uptr[0])+((int)uptr[2])+2)>>2; nptr+=2; optr+=2; uptr+=2; } *(nptr++)=(((int)*(optr++))+((int)*(uptr++))+1)>>1; *(nptr++)=(((int)*(optr++))+((int)*(uptr++))+1)>>1; } optr=p->im + (2*h-2)*p->mwidth; nptr=p->im + (2*h-1)*p->mwidth; for(x=0;x<w;x++) { *(nptr++) = *(optr++); *(nptr++) = *(optr++); } } static void halve(p) implane *p; {dim w,h,x,y; uBYTE *optr,*nptr; melde("halve\n"); if ((!p) || (!p->im)) error(E_INTERN); w=p->iwidth/=2; h=p->iheight/=2; for(y=0;y<h;y++) { nptr=(p->im) + y*(p->mwidth); optr=(p->im) + 2*y*(p->mwidth); for(x=0;x<w;x++,nptr++,optr+=2) { *nptr = *optr; } } } #define BitShift 12 static void ycctorgb(w,h,l,c1,c2) dim w,h; implane *l,*c1,*c2; {dim x,y; uBYTE *pl,*pc1,*pc2; long red,green,blue,i; long L; static int init=0; static long XL[256],XC1[256],XC2[256],XC1g[256],XC2g[256]; melde("ycctorgb\n"); if((!l ) || ( l->iwidth != w ) || ( l->iheight != h) || (! l->im)) error(E_INTERN); if((!c1) || (c1->iwidth != w ) || (c1->iheight != h) || (!c1->im)) error(E_INTERN); if((!c2) || (c2->iwidth != w ) || (c2->iheight != h) || (!c2->im)) error(E_INTERN); if(do_sharp) sharpit(l); if(keep_ycc) return; if(!init) {init=1; for(i=0;i<256;i++) { XL[i]= 5564 * i + 2048; XC1[i]= 9085 * i - 1417185; XC2[i]= 7461 * i - 1022138; XC1g[i]= 274934 - 1762 * i; XC2g[i]= 520268 - 3798 * i; } } for(y=0;y<h;y++) { pl = l->im + y * l->mwidth; pc1= c1->im + y * c1->mwidth; pc2= c2->im + y * c2->mwidth; for(x=0;x<w;x++) { L = XL[*pl]; red =(L + XC2[*pc2] )>>BitShift; green=(L + XC1g[*pc1] + XC2g[*pc2] )>>BitShift; blue =(L + XC1[*pc1] )>>BitShift; NORM(red); NORM(green); NORM(blue); *(pl++ )=red; *(pc1++)=green; *(pc2++)=blue; } } } #undef BitShift static void writepicture(w,h,r,g,b,t) dim w,h; implane *r,*g,*b; enum TURNS t; {dim x,y; register uBYTE *pr,*pg,*pb; #ifndef OWN_WRITE pixel *pixrow; register pixel* pP; #else static uBYTE BUF[own_BUsize],*BUptr; int BUcount; #define BUinit {BUcount=0;BUptr=BUF;} #define BUflush {fwrite(BUF,BUcount*3,1,fout);BUinit; } #define BUwrite(r,g,b) {if(BUcount>=own_BUsize/3) BUflush; *BUptr++ = r ; *BUptr++ = g ; *BUptr++ = b ; BUcount++;} #endif melde("writepicture\n"); if((!r) || (r->iwidth != w ) || (r->iheight != h) || (!r->im)) error(E_INTERN); if((!g) || (g->iwidth != w ) || (g->iheight != h) || (!g->im)) error(E_INTERN); if((!b) || (b->iwidth != w ) || (b->iheight != h) || (!b->im)) error(E_INTERN); switch (t) { case T_NONE: #ifndef OWN_WRITE ppm_writeppminit(fout,w,h,(pixval) 255, 0); pixrow = ppm_allocrow( w ); for(y=0;y<h;y++) { pr= r->im + y * r->mwidth; pg= g->im + y * g->mwidth; pb= b->im + y * b->mwidth; for(pP= pixrow,x=0;x<w;x++) { PPM_ASSIGN(*pP,((int)*pr),((int)*pg),((int)*pb)); pP++; pr++; pg++; pb++; } ppm_writeppmrow( fout, pixrow, w, (pixval) 255, 0 ); } pm_close(fout); #else fprintf(fout,PPM_Header,w,h); BUinit; for(y=0;y<h;y++) { pr= r->im + y * r->mwidth; pg= g->im + y * g->mwidth; pb= b->im + y * b->mwidth; for(x=0;x<w;x++) BUwrite(*pr++,*pg++,*pb++); } BUflush; if(ppmname) fclose(fout); #endif break; case T_RIGHT: #ifndef OWN_WRITE ppm_writeppminit(fout,h,w,(pixval) 255, 0); pixrow = ppm_allocrow( h ); for(y=0;y<w;y++) { pr= r->im + r->mwidth * ( r->iheight - 1) + y; pg= g->im + g->mwidth * ( g->iheight - 1) + y; pb= b->im + b->mwidth * ( b->iheight - 1) + y; for(pP= pixrow,x=0;x<h;x++) { PPM_ASSIGN(*pP,((int)*pr),((int)*pg),((int)*pb)); pP++; pr-= r->mwidth; pg-= g->mwidth; pb-= b->mwidth; } ppm_writeppmrow( fout, pixrow, h, (pixval) 255, 0 ); } pm_close(fout); #else fprintf(fout,PPM_Header,h,w); BUinit; for(y=0;y<w;y++) { pr= r->im + r->mwidth * ( r->iheight - 1) + y; pg= g->im + g->mwidth * ( g->iheight - 1) + y; pb= b->im + b->mwidth * ( b->iheight - 1) + y; for(x=0;x<h;x++) {BUwrite(*pr,*pg,*pb); pr-= r->mwidth; pg-= g->mwidth; pb-= b->mwidth; } } BUflush; if(ppmname) fclose(fout); #endif break; case T_LEFT: #ifndef OWN_WRITE ppm_writeppminit(fout,h,w,(pixval) 255, 0); pixrow = ppm_allocrow( h ); for(y=0;y<w;y++) { pr= r->im + r->iwidth - 1 - y; pg= g->im + g->iwidth - 1 - y; pb= b->im + b->iwidth - 1 - y; for(pP= pixrow,x=0;x<h;x++) { PPM_ASSIGN(*pP,((int)*pr),((int)*pg),((int)*pb)); pP++; pr+= r->mwidth; pg+= g->mwidth; pb+= b->mwidth; } ppm_writeppmrow( fout, pixrow, h, (pixval) 255, 0 ); } pm_close(fout); #else fprintf(fout,PPM_Header,h,w); BUinit; for(y=0;y<w;y++) { pr= r->im + r->iwidth - 1 - y; pg= g->im + g->iwidth - 1 - y; pb= b->im + b->iwidth - 1 - y; for(x=0;x<h;x++) {BUwrite(*pr,*pg,*pb); pr+= r->mwidth; pg+= g->mwidth; pb+= b->mwidth; } } BUflush; if(ppmname) fclose(fout); #endif break; default: error(E_INTERN); } } struct ph1 {char id1[8]; uBYTE ww1[14]; char id2[20]; char id3[4*16+4]; short ww2; char id4[20]; uBYTE ww3[2*16+1]; char id5[4*16]; uBYTE idx[11*16]; } ; static void druckeid() {int i; struct ph1 *d; char ss[100]; d=(struct ph1 *)sbuffer; #define dr(feld,kennung) \ strncpy(ss,feld,sizeof(feld));\ ss[sizeof(feld)]=0;\ fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s \n",kennung,ss); #define db(feld) fprintf(stderr,"--%d\n",sizeof(feld)); for(i=0;i<sizeof(feld);i+=2) \ fprintf(stderr,"%4d %6d\n",i,(signed int)((((unsigned int)feld[i])<<8)|feld[i+1]));\ fprintf(stderr,"\n"); dr(d->id1,"Id1") dr(d->id2,"Id2") dr(d->id3,"Id3") dr(d->id4,"Id4") dr(d->id5,"Id5") /* db(d->ww1) db(d->ww3) db(d->idx) */ #undef dr #undef db } struct pcdword { uBYTE high,low; }; static int lpt[1024]; static void readlpt(w,h) dim w,h; {int i; struct pcdword *ptr; EREADBUF; ptr = (struct pcdword *)sbuffer; for(i=0;i<h/4;i++,ptr++) {lpt[i] = ((int)ptr->high)<<8 | ptr->low ; } } struct pcdquad { uBYTE len,highseq,lowseq,key;}; struct pcdhqt { uBYTE entries; struct pcdquad entry[256];}; struct myhqt { unsigned long seq,mask,len; uBYTE key; }; #define E ((unsigned long) 1) static void readhqtsub(source,ziel,anzahl) struct pcdhqt *source; struct myhqt *ziel; int *anzahl; {int i; struct pcdquad *sub; struct myhqt *help; *anzahl=(source->entries)+1; for(i=0;i<*anzahl;i++) {sub = (struct pcdquad *)(((uBYTE *)source)+1+i*sizeof(*sub)); help=ziel+i; help->seq = (((unsigned long) sub->highseq) << 24) |(((unsigned long) sub->lowseq) << 16); help->len = ((unsigned long) sub->len) +1; help->key = sub->key; #ifdef DEBUGhuff fprintf(stderr," Anz: %d A1: %08x A2: %08x X:%02x %02x %02x %02x Seq: %08x Laenge: %d %d\n", *anzahl,sbuffer,sub,((uBYTE *)sub)[0],((uBYTE *)sub)[1],((uBYTE *)sub)[2],((uBYTE *)sub)[3], help->seq,help->len,sizeof(uBYTE)); #endif if(help->len > 16) error(E_HUFF); help->mask = ~ ( (E << (32-help->len)) -1); } #ifdef DEBUG for(i=0;i<*anzahl;i++) {help=ziel+i; fprintf(stderr,"H: %3d %08lx & %08lx (%2d) = %02x = %5d %8x\n", i, help->seq,help->mask,help->len,help->key,(signed char)help->key, help->seq & (~help->mask)); } #endif } #undef E static struct myhqt myhuff0[256],myhuff1[256],myhuff2[256]; static int myhufflen0=0,myhufflen1=0,myhufflen2=0; static void readhqt(w,h,n) dim w,h; int n; { uBYTE *ptr; melde("readhqt\n"); EREADBUF; ptr = sbuffer; readhqtsub((struct pcdhqt *)ptr,myhuff0,&myhufflen0); if(n<2) return; ptr+= 1 + 4* myhufflen0; readhqtsub((struct pcdhqt *)ptr,myhuff1,&myhufflen1); if(n<3) return; ptr+= 1 + 4* myhufflen1; readhqtsub((struct pcdhqt *)ptr,myhuff2,&myhufflen2); } static void decode(w,h,f,f1,f2,autosync) dim w,h; implane *f,*f1,*f2; int autosync; {int i,htlen,sum; unsigned long sreg,maxwidth; unsigned int inh,n,zeile,segment,ident; struct myhqt *htptr,*hp; uBYTE *nptr; uBYTE *lptr; melde("decode\n"); #define nextbuf { nptr=sbuffer; EREADBUF; } #define checkbuf { if (nptr >= sbuffer + sizeof(sbuffer)) nextbuf; } #define shiftout(n){ sreg<<=n; inh-=n; \ while (inh<=24) \ {checkbuf; \ sreg |= ((unsigned long)(*(nptr++)))<<(24-inh);\ inh+=8;\ }\ } #define issync ((sreg & 0xffffff00) == 0xfffffe00) #define seeksync { while (!issync) shiftout(1);} if( f && ((! f->im) || ( f->iheight < h ) || (f->iwidth<w ))) error(E_INTERN); if( f1 && ((!f1->im) || (f1->iheight < h/2) || (f1->iwidth<w/2))) error(E_INTERN); if( f2 && ((!f2->im) || (f2->iheight < h/2) || (f2->iwidth<w/2))) error(E_INTERN); htlen=sreg=maxwidth=0; htptr=0; nextbuf; inh=32; lptr=0; shiftout(16); shiftout(16); if(autosync) seeksync; n=0; for(;;) { if (issync) {shiftout(24); ident=sreg>>16; shiftout(16); zeile=(ident>>1) & 0x1fff; segment=ident>>14; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Ident %4x Zeile: %6d Segment %3d Pixels bisher: %5d Position: %8lx\n", ident,zeile,segment,n,bufpos); #endif if(lptr && (n!=maxwidth)) error(E_SEQ1); n=0; if(zeile==h) {RPRINT; return; } if(zeile >h) error(E_SEQ2); switch(segment) { case 0: if((!f) && autosync) {seeksync; break;} if(!f) error(E_SEQ7); lptr=f->im + zeile*f->mwidth; maxwidth=f->iwidth; htlen=myhufflen0; htptr=myhuff0; break; case 2: if((!f1) && autosync) {seeksync; break;} if(!f1) error(E_SEQ7); lptr=f1->im + (zeile>>1)*f1->mwidth; maxwidth=f1->iwidth; htlen=myhufflen1; htptr=myhuff1; break; case 3: if((!f2) && autosync) {seeksync; break;} if(!f2) error(E_SEQ7); lptr=f2->im + (zeile>>1)*f2->mwidth; maxwidth=f2->iwidth; htlen=myhufflen2; htptr=myhuff2; break; default:error(E_SEQ3); } } else { /* if((!lptr) || (n>maxwidth)) error(E_SEQ4);*/ if(!lptr) error(E_SEQ6); if(n>maxwidth) error(E_SEQ4); for(i=0,hp=htptr;(i<htlen) && ((sreg & hp->mask)!= hp->seq); i++,hp++); if(i>=htlen) error(E_SEQ5); sum=((int)(*lptr)) + ((sBYTE)hp->key); NORM(sum); *(lptr++) = sum; n++; shiftout(hp->len); } } #undef nextbuf #undef checkbuf #undef shiftout #undef issync #undef seeksync } static void clear(l,n) implane *l; int n; { dim x,y; uBYTE *ptr; ptr=l->im; for (x=0;x<l->mwidth;x++) for (y=0; y<l->mheight;y++) *(ptr++)=n; } #define slen 3072 static void sharpit(l) implane *l; {int x,y,h,w,mw,akk; uBYTE f1[slen],f2[slen],*old,*akt,*ptr,*work,*help,*optr; if((!l) || (!l->im)) error(E_INTERN); if(l->iwidth > slen) error(E_INTERN); old=f1; akt=f2; h=l->iheight; w=l->iwidth; mw=l->mwidth; for(y=1;y<h-1;y++) { ptr=l->im+ y*mw; optr=ptr-mw; work=akt; *(work++)= *(ptr++); for(x=1;x<w-1;x++) { akk = 5*((int)ptr[0])- ((int)ptr[1]) - ((int)ptr[-1]) - ((int)ptr[mw]) - ((int)ptr[-mw]); NORM(akk); *(work++)=akk; ptr++; } *(work++)= *(ptr++); if(y>1) bcopy(old,optr,w); help=old;old=akt;akt=help; } akt=optr+mw; for(x=0;x<w;x++) *(akt++) = *(old++); } #undef slen static int testbegin() {int i,j; for(i=j=0;i<32;i++) if(sbuffer[i]==0xff) j++; return (j>30); } static long Skip4Base() {long cd_offset,cd_offhelp; cd_offset = L_Head + L_Base16 + L_Base4 + L_Base ; SEEK(cd_offset+3); EREADBUF; cd_offhelp=(((long)sbuffer[510])<<8)|sbuffer[511] + 1; cd_offset+=cd_offhelp; SEEK(cd_offset); EREADBUF; while(!testbegin()) {cd_offset++; EREADBUF; } return cd_offset; }
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