
This is PhotoWinProcs.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

   This creates the window that displays an individual Photo image.
   It is also the delegate for that window.

#import "PhotoWinProcs.h"
#import "ImageView.h"

@implementation PhotoWinProcs

- (enum _NXWindowDepth)getDepthOfNewWindows
    return depthOfNewWindows;

- setDepthOfNewWindows:(enum _NXWindowDepth)windowDepth
    depthOfNewWindows = windowDepth;
    return self;

- displayImage:(id)theImage withName:(char *)imName atResolution:(int)imRes
    Window	 *win;
    int		pixHigh, pixWide;
    NXRect   imRect = {{10.0, 10.0}, {0.0, 0.0}};
    pixHigh = [theImage pixelsHigh];
    pixWide = [theImage pixelsWide];
    [theImage getSize:&imRect.size];	// for reference purposes

    if ( imRes >= 72 ) {
	/* turn image into the requested resolution */
	imRect.size.width  = ( pixWide * 72.0) / (float)imRes;
	imRect.size.height = ( pixHigh * 72.0) / (float)imRes;
	[theImage setSize:&imRect.size];

    win = [[Window alloc] initContent:&imRect
		defer: YES];
    [win setDelegate:self];
    [win setTitleAsFilename:imName];

    /* we have to set the depth here, or cut & paste operations may not
       keep all the desired information (particularly if running this
       on a greyscale station).
    [win setDepthLimit:depthOfNewWindows];
    [win setContentView:[[ImageView alloc] initForImage:theImage :&imRect]];
    [win makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];

    return self;

- windowWillClose:sender
    id		imageID;
//    NXBitmapImageRep  *imageBitmap;
    u_char	*rgb[5];
    /*  have to free up the image that the window is displaying,
        and due to the way we got the bitmap for that image, the
	RGB data planes have to be found and freed too */
    imageID = [[sender contentView] image];
    /* the following should be done via a call to freeDataPlanes in
       photoCD_Rdr, but at the moment it isn't... */
    if ( [imageID isPlanar] ) {
	/* a rather sleezy way to distinguish between images that
	   were read in and images which were cut/pasted in...  */
	[imageID getDataPlanes:rgb];
	if ( rgb[0] ) free( rgb[0] );
	if ( rgb[1] ) free( rgb[1] );
	if ( rgb[2] ) free( rgb[2] );
    [imageID free];
    return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.