
This is ToyWinPPM.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <appkit/Application.h>
#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import <sys/file.h>
#import <stdio.h>
#import <stdlib.h>
#import <string.h>
#import <sys/wait.h>
#import "ToyWinPPM.h"
#import "ppm.h"
#import "strfunc.h"

static FILE *openPipe(const char **list, int *err)
	int pfd[2];
	int pid;

	/* if (*err != 0) then fork() didn't called successfully */
	*err = 0;
	if (list == NULL || access(list[0], X_OK) < 0) {
		*err = Err_FLT_EXEC;
		return NULL;	/* not executable */
	if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { /* child process */
		execv(list[0], &list[1]);
		exit(1);	/* Error */
	}else if (pid < 0) {	/* ERROR */
		*err = Err_FLT_EXEC;
		return NULL;
	return fdopen(pfd[0], "r");

@implementation ToyWinPPM

- (commonInfo *)drawToyWin:(const char *)fileName type:(int)type
	map:(unsigned char **)map err:(int *)err
	FILE *fp = NULL;
	commonInfo *cinf = NULL;
	BOOL	waitchild = NO;
	const char *ext = NULL;
	int alert;

	*err = 0;
	if (type == Type_ppm) {
		if ((fp = fopen(fileName, "r")) == NULL) {
			*err = Err_OPEN;
			return NULL;
	}else {
		fp = openPipe(execList, err);
		waitchild = (*err == 0);
		ext = (extension && *extension) ? extension : execList[1];
		free((void *)execList);
		execList = NULL;
		if (fp == NULL) {
			if (*err == 0) *err = Err_OPEN;
			if (waitchild)
				(void)wait(0);	/* openPipe() calles fork() */
			return NULL;

	if ((cinf = loadPpmHeader(fp, err)) == NULL) {
		if (waitchild)
			(void)wait(0);	/* openPipe() calles fork() */
		return NULL;

	if (!makeMapOnly)
		[self initLocateWindow:fileName
			width:cinf->width height:cinf->height];

/* Bitmap data of planes in 'map[]' is one block of memory area.
   map[0] is beginning of the area, and map[1] = map[0] + (size of plane),
   and so on. But, if the image is monochrome, map[1] is NULL.
   The area of map[0] and (commonInfo *)cinf are kept in an object of
   ToyView, and freed by it.
	alert = ppmGetImage(fp, cinf, map, ext);
	if (waitchild)
		(void)wait(0);	/* openPipe() calles fork() */
	if (alert) /* ·Ù¹ö¤Î¤ß */
		warnAlert(fileName, alert);

	if (makeMapOnly)
		return cinf;
	if ([self drawView:map info: cinf] == nil)
		*err = -1;
	return cinf;

- setExecList: (char **)list ext: (const char *)type
	/* list is free-ed by this obj */
	execList = list;
	extension = type;
	return self;


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