This is ToyWinDraw.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
#import <dpsclient/wraps.h> /* for PSxxx functions */ #import <appkit/Control.h> #import <appkit/TextField.h> #import <appkit/ScrollView.h> #import <appkit/tiff.h> /* NXImageBitmap */ #import <appkit/graphics.h> #import <appkit/appkit.h> #import <stdio.h> #import <stdlib.h> #import <string.h> #import "ToyWin.h" #import "ToyView.h" #import "TVController.h" #import "strfunc.h" @implementation ToyWin (Drawing) - drawView:(unsigned char **)map info:(commonInfo *)cinf { ToyView *view; id tmp; [scView setHorizScrollerRequired: YES]; [scView setVertScrollerRequired: YES]; [scView setBorderType: NX_NOBORDER]; tmp = [[ToyView alloc] setCommText: commentText]; if ((view = [tmp initDataPlanes:map info:cinf]) == nil) { [tmp free]; return nil; } if ((tmp = [scView setDocView: view]) != nil) [tmp free]; [scView setCopyOnScroll: YES]; [self scrollProperly]; [thiswindow display]; [thiswindow makeKeyAndOrderFront: self]; [commentText setStringValue: cinf->memo]; NXPing(); return self; } - (int)drawFromFile:(const char *)fileName or:(NXStream *)stream { id tmp, view; commonInfo *cinf; [scView setHorizScrollerRequired: YES]; [scView setVertScrollerRequired: YES]; [scView setBorderType: NX_NOBORDER]; tmp = [[ToyView alloc] setCommText: commentText]; view = stream ? [tmp initFromStream: stream] : [tmp initFromFile: fileName]; if (view == nil) { [tmp free]; return Err_OPEN; } cinf = [view commonInfo]; [self initLocateWindow:fileName width:cinf->width height:cinf->height]; [self makeComment: cinf]; [commentText setStringValue: cinf->memo]; if ((tmp = [scView setDocView: view]) != nil) [tmp free]; [scView setCopyOnScroll: YES]; [self scrollProperly]; [thiswindow display]; [thiswindow makeKeyAndOrderFront: self]; NXPing(); return 0; } - makeComment:(commonInfo *)cinf { const char *alp = cinf->alpha ? " Alpha" : ""; if (cinf->bits == 1 && cinf->numcolors <= 2) sprintf(cinf->memo, "%d x %d Bilevel%s", cinf->width, cinf->height, alp); else sprintf(cinf->memo, "%d x %d %dbit%s%s%s", cinf->width, cinf->height, cinf->bits, ((cinf->bits > 1) ? "s" : ""), ((cinf->numcolors <= 2) ? " gray" : ""), alp); return self; } - makeComment:(commonInfo *)cinf from:(const commonInfo *)originfo { const char *p; [self makeComment: cinf]; if ((p = begin_comm(originfo->memo, YES)) != NULL) { strcat(cinf->memo, " : "); comm_cat(cinf->memo, p); } return self; } - (commonInfo *)drawToyWin:(const char *)fileName type:(int)type map:(unsigned char **)map err:(int *)err { *err = [self drawFromFile: fileName or: NULL]; return NULL; } @end
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