
This is SerialPort.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/*	SerialPort.h
	24 March 1993
	See .m file for details.
#import <objc/Object.h>
#import <sys/file.h>
#import <sys/ioctl.h>
#import <sys/types.h>

@interface SerialPort: Object {
    int fd;
    int speed, parity, echo, raw;
    char *eol;    // the end-of-line character \n or \r (\r default)
    int delay;    // max. # seconds to wait for input, e.g., in gets:...
    id delegate;  // recipient can be called with input from the port.
    SEL action;

////////////////////////////////////////////// Allocation Methods
+ new: (char *) devicepath baud:(int)b parity:(int)p echo:(int)e raw:(int)r;
+ new:(char *)devicepath baud:(int)b;
- free;
////////////////////////////////////////////// Parameter Methods
- setBaud:(int)b parity:(int)p echo:(int)e raw:(int)r;
- (char *)eol;
- setEol:(char *)s;
- (int)delay;
- setDelay:(int)n;
- (int)fd;
////////////////////////////////////////////// Input Methods
- (int)hasInput;
- (int)waitInput:(int)seconds;
- flush;
////////////////////////////////////////////// Reading & Writing Methods
- (int)putc:(char)c;
- (int)write:(char *)s length:(int)n;
- (int)puts:(char *)s;
- (char)getc;
- (int)read:(char *)s length:(int)n;
- (char *)gets:(char *)s length:(int)n;
- (char *)gets:(char *)s;
- (char *)puts:(char *)s gets:(char *)response;
////////////////////////////////////////////// Delegate Methods
- (void)setAction:(SEL)theAction;
- delegate;
- setDelegate:d;

////////////////////////////////////////////// Input Functions
int fdHasInput(int fd);
int fdWaitInput(int fd, int timeout);

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