
This is CustomVideoView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <appkit/NXLiveVideoView.h>

@interface CustomVideoView:NXLiveVideoView
  id theImage;		// The image that is displayed (output image)
  int theMode;		// Video Mode (NX_FROMINPUT,NX_FROMVIEW)
  NXRect grabRect;		// The bounds of the captured image
  NXSize imageSize;		// Size of output image
  NXPoint imagePoint;	// Location of output image
  BOOL actualSize;		// State of how image should be drawn
  BOOL changed;		// tells the image to recache itself
  NXSize myGrabSize;	// size of the grab rectangle
  int frames;		// number of frames to grab

  id widthField;
  id heightField;
  id frameField;
  id msizeField;

- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent;
- grab:sender;
- setWidth:sender;
- setHeight:sender;
- setFrames:sender;
- setVideoSize:sender;
- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount;

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