
This is Grab20.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// You may freely copy, distribute and reuse the code in this example.
// The author disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied,
// as to its fitness for any particular use.

// Grab20 and Capture written by Peter Eisch.

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <video/NXLiveVideoView.h>

#define MAX_X "MaximumXOrigin"
#define MAX_Y "MaximumYOrigin"
#define MAX_WIDTH "MaximumWidth"
#define MAX_HEIGHT "MaximumHeight"

@interface Grab20:NXLiveVideoView
	id frameSlider;
	id horiSlide;
	id vertSlide;
	id widSlide;
	id heiSlide;
	id field;
	id startGrab;
	id stopGrab;
	id startWrite;
	id stopWrite;
	id width;
	id height;
	id x;
	id y;
	id in;
	id open;
	NXRect grabRect;

- begin:sender;
- setCount:sender;
- update:sender;
- updateHori:sender;
- updateVert:sender;
- updateWid:sender;
- updateHei:sender;
-	changeIn:sender;


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