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/* Copyright (c) Uwe Hoffmann, 1995. All Rights Reserved. Filename: MiscDiagramTree.m Author: Uwe Hoffmann Date: Sep 03, 1995 $Id: MiscDiagramTree.m,v 1.1 1995/09/03 11:22:00 Uwe Hoffmann Exp $ $Log: MiscDiagramTree.m,v $ */ #import <foundation/foundation.h> #import <foundation/NSArchiver.h> #import <appkit/appkit.h> #import "uwFoundationAdds.h" #import "MiscDiagramTree.h" #import "MiscUserPath.h" @implementation MiscDiagramTree + tree /*"Creates, initializes and returns a MiscDiagramTree instance."*/ { return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease]; } + treeWithLabel:(NSString *)aLabel shapeType:(MiscShapeType)aShapeType /*"Creates, initializes and returns a MiscDiagramTree instance with size aSize."*/ { return [[[self alloc] initWithLabel:aLabel shapeType:aShapeType] autorelease]; } - initWithLabel:(NSString *)aLabel shapeType:(MiscShapeType)aShapeType /*"Initializes a newly created instance of MiscDiagramTree with aSize. This is the designated initializer of this class."*/ { NSRect r; labelTextCell = [[TextFieldCell allocWithZone:[self zone]] initTextCell:[aLabel cString]]; [labelTextCell setBackgroundTransparent:YES]; [labelTextCell setTextGray:NX_BLACK]; [labelTextCell setAlignment:NX_CENTERED]; [labelTextCell setFont:[Font newFont:"Times-Roman" size:10.0]]; [labelTextCell calcCellSize:(NXSize *)&(r.size)]; self = [super initWithSize:r.size]; shape = [MiscDiagramShape newWithZone:[self zone] shapeType:aShapeType bounds:r]; return self; } - init { return [self initWithLabel:@"Node" shapeType:MiscRectangleShapeType]; } - (void)dealloc { [labelTextCell release]; [shape release]; return [super dealloc]; } - copyNodeWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { MiscDiagramTree *theCopy; theCopy = [super copyNodeWithZone:zone]; theCopy->shape = [shape copyWithZone:zone]; theCopy->labelTextCell = [labelTextCell copyWithZone:zone]; return theCopy; } - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { [super encodeWithCoder:coder]; [coder encodeObject:shape]; [coder encodeNXObject:labelTextCell]; } - initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { self = [super initWithCoder:coder]; shape = [[coder decodeObject] retain]; labelTextCell = [[coder decodeNXObject] retain]; return self; } - (void)layoutNode { [shape moveTo:[self pos]]; } - (void)drawOutline { MiscDiagramTree *theChild,*theSibling; theChild = (MiscDiagramTree *)[self child]; theSibling = (MiscDiagramTree *)[self sibling]; [shape drawOutline]; if(theChild) [theChild drawOutline]; if(theSibling) [theSibling drawOutline]; } - (void)drawFill { MiscDiagramTree *theChild,*theSibling; theChild = (MiscDiagramTree *)[self child]; theSibling = (MiscDiagramTree *)[self sibling]; [shape drawFill]; if(theChild) [theChild drawFill]; if(theSibling) [theSibling drawFill]; } - (void)drawCellsInView:aView attachments:(BOOL)aBool { MiscDiagramTree *theChild,*theSibling; NSRect r; theChild = (MiscDiagramTree *)[self child]; theSibling = (MiscDiagramTree *)[self sibling]; r = [self nodeBounds]; [labelTextCell drawInside:(NXRect *)&r inView:aView]; if(theChild) [theChild drawCellsInView:aView attachments:aBool]; if(theSibling) [theSibling drawCellsInView:aView attachments:aBool]; } - (void)fillLines:(MiscUserPath *)linesPath { MiscDiagramTree *theChild,*theSibling, *theParent; theChild = (MiscDiagramTree *)[self child]; theSibling = (MiscDiagramTree *)[self sibling]; theParent = (MiscDiagramTree *)[self parent]; if(theParent){ [linesPath moveto:([self pos].x + [self size].width / 2) :([self pos].y + [self size].height / 2)]; [linesPath lineto:([theParent pos].x + [theParent size].width / 2) :([theParent pos].y + [theParent size].height / 2)]; } if(theChild) [theChild fillLines:linesPath]; if(theSibling) [theSibling fillLines:linesPath]; } - (MiscShapeType)shapeType { return [shape shapeType]; } - (void)setShapeType:(MiscShapeType)aShapeType { NSRect b; b = [shape innerBounds]; [shape release]; shape = [MiscDiagramShape newWithZone:[self zone] shapeType:aShapeType bounds:b]; [self setSize:[shape bounds].size]; } - (NSString *)label { return [NSString stringWithCString:[(TextFieldCell *)labelTextCell stringValue]]; } - (void)setLabel:(NSString *)aLabel { NSSize s; [labelTextCell setStringValue:[aLabel cString]]; [labelTextCell calcCellSize:(NXSize *)&s]; [shape sizeTo:s]; [self setSize:s]; } @end
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