
This is UndoManager.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <appkit/appkit.h>
//  Written by: Jeff Martin (jmartin@bozell.com)
//  You may freely copy, distribute and reuse the code in this example.  
//  Don't even talk to me about warranties.

@interface UndoManager : Object
	id	undoList;	// The list that holds undo records
	id	redoList;	// The list that holds redo records
	int	disabled;	// Whether the UndoManager is accepting events
	BOOL	undoing;	// Whether the UndoManager is currently undoing
	BOOL	redoing;	// Whether the UndoManager is currently redoing
	BOOL	recordGrouping;	// Whether UndoRecords are being grouped
	int	levelsOfUndo;	// How many levels of undo/redo to record

	id	target;		// Current target of registered undo messages
	unsigned int	freeArgsMask;	// Stores which args to free
	unsigned int	copyArgsMask;	// Make undo manager copy pointer args
	char *undoName;
	char *redoName;
	id	delegateList;	// List of objects to be notified of UM changes

// Format of an undo/redo record
typedef struct UndoRecord {
	marg_list args;
	int freeArgsMask;
	int argSize;
} UndoRecord;

typedef struct RecordGroup {
	Storage *recordList;
	char *undoName;
	char *redoName;
} RecordGroup;

- init;

// Grouping multiple UndoRecords into an undo event
- beginUndoRecordGrouping;
- endUndoRecordGrouping;

// Disable/Reenable UndoManager to prevent events from being added to undo list
- disableUndoRegistration;
- reenableUndoRegistration;

// Setting the current target for events that are received
- setUndoTarget:object;

// Setting the current name of RecordGroup
- setUndoName:(const char *)aName;
- setRedoName:(const char *)aName;

// Querying the Undo/Redo status for menu validation
- (const char *)lastUndoName;
- (const char *)lastRedoName;

// Setting the target or args of the next registered method to be freed when 
//  they fall off the end of the undo/redo list or are executed
- freeUndoTarget;
- freeUndoArgs;
- freeUndoArgAt:(int)pos;

// Setting the target or args of the next registered method to be freed when 
//  they fall off the end of the undo/redo list
- freeUndoTargetOnRecordDiscard;
- freeUndoArgsOnRecordDiscard;
- freeUndoArgOnRecordDiscardAt:(int)pos;

// Setting the target or args of the next registered method to be freed when 
//  they are executed
- freeUndoTargetOnRecordExecute;
- freeUndoArgsOnRecordExecute;
- freeUndoArgOnRecordExecuteAt:(int)pos;

// Make UndoManager copy arguments(like objects or strings) for convenience
- copyUndoArgs;
- copyUndoArgAt:(int)pos;

// Make UndoManager copy arguments and free them when record is discarded
- copyUndoArgsFreeOnDiscard;
- copyUndoArgFreeOnDiscardAt:(int)pos;

// Make UndoManager copy arguments and free them when record is executed
- copyUndoArgsFreeOnExecute;
- copyUndoArgFreeOnExecuteAt:(int)pos;

// Copies the pointer args in undoRecord as requested by copyArgsMask
- copyUndoArgsForRecord:(UndoRecord *)undoRecord;

// Overridden to capture undo/redo messages to be added to current record
- forward:(SEL)aSelector :(marg_list)argFrame;

// Removes a record from the undo/redo list and dispatches the messages in it.
- undo:sender;
- redo:sender;

// Query and set the maximum length of the undo/redo list
- (int)levelsOfUndo;
- setLevelsOfUndo:(int)value;

// These methods add and remove objects that are to receive undo notification.
- addUndoDelegate:object;
- removeUndoDelegate:object;
- sendNotification:(SEL)action;

// Used internally to free the space used for an undo/redo groups and records
- discardRecordGroup:(RecordGroup *)group;
- executeRecordGroup:(RecordGroup *)group;
- freeUndoRecord:(UndoRecord *)undoRecord withFreeMask:(int)mask;

// Remove and Free all records currently stored in the UndoManager 
- emptyUndoManager;

// Free space used by UndoManager
- free;


extern id undoManager;

@protocol UndoDelegate
- undoManagerWillUndo:sender;
- undoManagerDidUndo:sender;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.