
This is PENCILinspector.tcl in view mode; [Download] [Up]

proc addInspector {nm p} {
	global INp
	P_addMenuItem 3 "$nm..." "" "openInspector $p"

proc openInspector {w} {
	global INbr P_insp PIN

	if [catch {$w.open}] {
		source [P_find Inspector.$w]
	if [lsearch $PIN $w]<0 {
	lappend PIN $w

proc INch {} {
	global udef
	set u {}
	foreach i [array names udef] {
		append u "$i $udef($i) def\n"
	P_setUserDef $u

proc INrm {w} {
	global PIN

	if [set n [lsearch $PIN $w]]!=-1 {
		set PIN [lreplace $PIN $n $n]
		out $PIN

set PIN {}

proc P_upd {} {
	global PIN udef
	if [info exists udef] {
		foreach i $PIN {

foreach i { {Gradient grad} } {
	addInspector [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i 1]

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.