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# this file will be "sourced" at startup proc P_find {n} { global P_searchpath P_appdir env foreach i $P_searchpath { if [file exists [P_subst $i]$n] { return [P_subst $i]$n } } } proc out {t} {puts $t} # initialize PopUpLists: proc P_initPopUps {} { global tgs _load set tgs 0 for {set j 0} {$j<4} {incr j} {P_clearitems $j} if [catch {set _load [lindex [exec dread PencilTWO load] 2]}] { exec dwrite PencilTWO load "BASIC EXTRAS EFFECTS1" set _load "BASIC EXTRAS EFFECTS1" alertPanel "Welcome!" "I guess this is the first time you're using PencilTWO (at least on this account). Read about the 'Searchpath' in the HELP panel and consider moving your PencilLibrary directory to some place in your HOME-folder (if you haven't already done so). Then read about the Palette and Attributes windows and convert the Palette.pencil and the Attributes.pencil documents in the SampleImages directory.\nHave fun!\n Florian Marquardt" "OK" } foreach i $_load {loadMeth $i} } proc loadMeth {n} { global P_t P_l tgs out "PencilTWO: Loading $n..." set fname [P_find $n.mth] set f [open $fname] set l [read $f] close $f for {set i 0} {$i<4} {incr i} { foreach x [lindex $l $i] { P_additem [lindex $x 0] [incr tgs] $i set P_l($i.$tgs) [lindex $x 1] set P_t([lindex $x 1]) $tgs } } P_setPath pol P_setDraw dFS P_setFill fill P_setStroke stroke } if [catch {set _qual [lindex [exec dread PencilTWO quality] 2]}] {set _qual "3 1"} # loading PS definitions proc P_PSdraw {} { global _qual openPSdef openPSdef drawPS "\n/qual [lindex $_qual 0] def\n" } set PrintOwnDict 0 # for level 1 printers: if ![catch {set po [lindex [exec dread PencilTWO ownDict] 2]}] { if $po { set PrintOwnDict 1 } } proc P_PSprint {} { global _qual global PrintOwnDict if $PrintOwnDict {drawPS "\n150 dict begin\n"} openPSdef drawPS "\n/qual [lindex $_qual 1] def\n" if ![catch {set flag [lindex [exec dread PencilTWO nxcolors] 2]}] { if $flag { drawPS "/setrgbcolor {nxsetrgbcolor} bind def" } } } proc P_PSprintend {} { global PrintOwnDict if $PrintOwnDict {drawPS "\nend\n"} } proc openPSdef {e} { global _load foreach n $_load { catch { set f [open [P_find $n$e]] drawPS [read $f] close $f } } } # "Shapes" panel proc openPaths {} { global pathsWin set pathsWin [new window 123 500 240 60 "Shapes"] set x 0 set y 0 set w 30 set h 30 set path [P_find Shapes/] foreach i {{RT.tiff RT} {CP.tiff charP} {Hermite.tiff her} {HermiteO.tiff herO} {Polygon.tiff pol} {PolygonO.tiff polO} {Bezier.tiff bez} {BezierO.tiff bezO} {Circle.tiff cir} {Rect.tiff rect} {RRect.tiff rrect} {Arc.tiff arcP} {ArcO.tiff arcPO} {Catm.tiff cat}} { set img [new image -load $path[lindex $i 0]] set b [new button $x $y $w $h "" "shape [lindex $i 1]"] $b setImage $img set x [expr $x+$w] if $x>=240 {set x 0; set y [expr $y+$h]} } set b [new button $x $y $w $h "" {P_setPath polO; P_setDraw dS; P_setStroke stroke}] $b setImage [new image -load ${path}line.tiff] set x [expr $x+$w] set b [new button $x $y $w $h "" {P_convert2CP}] $b setImage [new image -load ${path}R2C.tiff] $pathsWin display } proc shape {n} { P_setPath $n } openPaths # Layers set curL 0 proc takeLayer {} { global curBr curL $curBr select [set curL [P_getCurLayer]] } proc correctLayer {} { global visibleBr selectBr curL set curL [P_getCurLayer] set l [P_getLayers] set v [lindex $l 0] set s [lindex $l 1] set v [lreplace $v $curL $curL 1] set s [lreplace $s $curL $curL 1] $visibleBr setValue $v $selectBr setValue $s P_setLayers "{[$visibleBr value]} {[$selectBr value]}" } proc setLy {} { global visibleBr selectBr P_setLayers "{[$visibleBr value]} {[$selectBr value]}" P_display } proc setCurLy {} { global curBr curL if ![P_setCurLayer [set curL [lsearch [$curBr value] 1]]] correctLayer P_dispCurGr } set layers "" for {set i 0} {$i<128} {incr i} { lappend layers $i } set s "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" set layerWin [new window 123 600 300 120 Layers] $layerWin hideDisplay { set visibleBr [new browser 0 0 100 120 layers setLy] $visibleBr setTitle Visible $visibleBr setMultipleSelection 1 $visibleBr setValue $s set selectBr [new browser 100 0 100 120 layers setLy] $selectBr setTitle Selectable $selectBr setMultipleSelection 1 $selectBr setValue $s set curBr [new browser 200 0 100 120 layers setCurLy] $curBr setTitle Current $curBr select 0 $visibleBr autosize h $selectBr autosize h $curBr autosize h } $layerWin display proc P_pageLayout {w h l r t b} { set res [alertPanel "Resize document?" "Do you want to change the document size according to the settings in the PageLayout panel?" Yes "No, only for printing"] if $res { out "[expr $w-$l-$r] [expr $h-$t-$b]" P_resizeView [expr $w-$l-$r] [expr $h-$t-$b] P_display } } # dragging (Palette window): set P.dr takeDrag proc takeDrag {x y n} { global P_drags curL if [info exists P_drags($n)] {eval $P_drags($n)} { global PDobj if [info exists PDobj($n)] { global PDpath P_select1 -1 set m [P_objectcount] P_readObject $PDpath/$PDobj($n) set b [P_objectBounds $m] P_moveObject $m [expr $x-[lindex $b 0]] [expr $y-[lindex $b 1]] P_display1 $m } } } set PDnum 0 proc PDds {} { global PDimg _width _height PDrag PDnum PDx PDy set r [$PDrag visibleRect] set y [lindex $r 1] set min [expr int($y/80)] set max [expr int(($y+[set h [lindex $r 3]]+79)/80)] if $PDnum<$max {set max $PDnum} drawPS ".666 setgray 0 $y $_width $h rectfill" for {set i $min} {$i<$max} {incr i} { set y [expr $i*80] drawPS ".666 setgray 0 $y /w $_width def w 80 rectfill 0 setgray 0 $y 1 add moveto w 0 rlineto stroke 1 setgray 0 $y 79 add moveto w 0 rlineto stroke" $PDimg($i) composite $PDx($i) [expr $y+$PDy($i)] s } } proc PDmd {} { global PDimg PDrag _my PDnum PDx PDy set i [expr int($_my/80)] if $i<$PDnum { $PDrag startDragging $i $PDimg($i) $PDx($i) [expr $i*80+$PDy($i)] } } proc PDadd {i o} { global PDnum PDx PDimg PDpath PDobj PDdorefresh PDy set PDimg($PDnum) [new image -load $PDpath/$i] set s [$PDimg($PDnum) size] set PDx($PDnum) [expr (80-[lindex $s 0])/2] set PDy($PDnum) [expr (80-[lindex $s 1])/2] set PDobj($PDnum) $o incr PDnum global PDrag PDsc if $PDdorefresh { $PDsc free PDrefresh } } proc PDrefresh {} { global PDwin PDrag PDsc PDnum .curwin $PDwin hideDisplay { set .curwin $PDwin set PDrag [new view 0 0 90 [expr $PDnum*80] PDds -nowindow] set PDsc [new scrollview 0 20 100 100 $PDrag] $PDsc autosize w h $PDrag setDragSource 1 $PDrag setMouseDown PDmd } $PDwin display } proc PDaddObj {} { global PDaddWin .curwin PDpath set l [P_selection] if ([llength $l]==0)||([llength $l]>1) {alertPanel "Add object" "Please select exactly one object before trying to add it to the palette. Group several objects, if necessary." OK} { if ![info exists PDaddWin] { new fromNIB $PDpath/../addObj.nib set PDaddWin ${.curwin} } { $PDaddWin orderFront } } } proc PDdoAddObj {} { global PDtf PDaddWin $PDaddWin close P_addToPalette [$PDtf value] } catch { set PDwin [new window 228 21 100 120 "Palette"] new button 0 0 100 20 "Add object" PDaddObj set PDpath [P_find Palette] for {set i 0} {$i<$PDnum} {incr i} { catch { set PDimg($i) [new image -load [P_find drag$i.tiff]] } } catch { set PDdorefresh 0 foreach f [glob $PDpath/*.obj] { set F [file tail [file root $f]] catch {PDadd $F.tiff $F.obj} } set PDdorefresh 1 PDrefresh } } proc P_selToTIFF {name gw gh} { global W H n set n [P_selection] set b [P_objectBounds $n] set x [lindex $b 0] set y [lindex $b 1] set w [lindex $b 2] set h [lindex $b 3] P_select1 -1 P_setClearBG 0 P_writePS $x $y $w $h /tmp/temp.eps P_setClearBG 1 set e [new image -load /tmp/temp.eps] set f 1.0 if [set F [expr $gw/$w]]<$f {set f $F} if [set F [expr $gh/$h]]<$f {set f $F} $e setSize [set W [expr int($w*$f)]] [set H [expr int($h*$f)]] set i [new image -size $W $H] $i lockFocus { drawPS "0 setalpha 0 0 $gw $gh rectfill" $e composite 0 0 s } $i saveAs $name $e free $i free } proc P_addToPalette {name} { global PDpath W H n P_selToTIFF $PDpath/$name.tiff 75.0 75.0 P_writeObject $n $PDpath/$name.obj PDadd $name.tiff $name.obj } source [P_find PENCILinspector.tcl] source [P_find Attributes.tcl] proc P_beforeImgImport {} { global P_getImageFromFile if [alertPanel "Import TIFF/EPS" "Do you want to include the image in the document or do you want a link to the image?" Link Include] { set P_getImageFromFile 1 } } proc P_afterImgImport {} { global P_getImageFromFile catch {unset P_getImageFromFile} } proc P_Img {m} { set dir [file dir [P_name]] set n [file tail $m] if [file exists $dir/$n] {return $dir/$n} if [file exists $dir/../$n] {return $dir/../$n} if [file exists $dir/Bilder/$n] {return $dir/Bilder/$n} if [file exists $dir/Images/$n] {return $dir/Images/$n} if [file exists $m] {return $m} return "" } proc getCenter {} { global cx cy set b [P_objectBounds [lindex [P_selection] 0]] set cx [expr [lindex $b 0]+[lindex $b 2]/2] set cy [expr [lindex $b 1]+[lindex $b 3]/2] } # Inspectors menu: catch { foreach k { {Shapes... S {$pathsWin orderFront}} {Layers... L {$layerWin orderFront}} {Palette... "" {$PDwin orderFront}} } { P_addMenuItem 3 [lindex $k 0] [lindex $k 1] [lindex $k 2] } } # Tools catch { foreach k { {"TCL interpreter..." T {if [info exists TIN] {openTIN} {source [P_find TIN.tcl]}}} } { P_addMenuItem 1 [lindex $k 0] [lindex $k 1] [lindex $k 2] } } # Actions catch { foreach k { {"Deselect+To Back" < {P_back;P_select1 -1}} {"Redraw selection" y {P_dispCurGr}} {"Convert Doc to palette" "" {source [P_find DocToPalette.tcl]}} {"Convert Doc to attributes" "" {source [P_find DocToAttr.tcl]}} {"Convert From Pencil 1.0" "" {source [P_find convertFromPencil1.tcl]}} {"Flip x" "" { getCenter foreach i [P_selection] {P_scaleObject $i $cx $cy -1 1} P_dispCurGr }} {"Shear" "" { getCenter foreach i [P_selection] { P_rotateObject $i .7 $cx $cy P_scaleObject $i $cx $cy 1.3 .76923076 P_rotateObject $i -.7 $cx $cy } P_dispCurGr } } } { P_addMenuItem 2 [lindex $k 0] [lindex $k 1] [lindex $k 2] } } source [P_find Blend.tcl] source [P_find Transparency.tcl]
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