
This is pointdata.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* This is pointdata.h, header for pointdata.c. */
/* This module is a standard ANSI C point-data */
/* List implementation.  Format of a point is : */

#define BLOCKSIZE 100
#define UP 1
#define DOWN 0
#define SKIP -1

typedef struct  {
	float x;
	float y;
	int pen;
	float pencolour;
} Point;

typedef Point pointBlock[BLOCKSIZE];

typedef struct pnode {
	pointBlock block;
	int contains;
	struct pnode *next;
} pointNode;

typedef struct pointlist {
	pointNode *head;
	pointNode *tail;
	pointNode *curr;
	int currpos;
	int currtot;
	int quantity;
} PointList;

void newPointList(PointList *p);
void freePointList(PointList *p);
int addToPointList(PointList *p, Point *pt);
int removeFromPointList(PointList *p,int index);
int insertInPointListAt(PointList *p,Point *pt, int index);
int gotoPointInList(PointList *p,int index,Point **pt);
int gotoNextPointInList(PointList *p, Point **pt);
int lastPointInList(PointList *p, Point **pt);
void doTestShape(PointList *p);
int savePointList(PointList *p,char *fn);
int loadPointList(PointList *p,char *fn);
int nearestPointInList(PointList *p,Point **pt,float x,float y,int *index);

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.