
This is the README for JWord.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

JWord - a 3DReality bundle
 - by Andrew Stone
The JWord bundle allows you to render Two-Byte fonts such as Hanzi and Kanji
fonts in Stone Design's modeling program, 3DReality.

This bundle was originally developed to work with "KaiSu-Regular", a font
available on cs.orst.edu:pub/next/fonts/KaiSu.pkg_0.7.tar (developed and
donated by Jackson Ltd. in Taiwan,  prepared and packaged by David Li,
david@twnug.info.com, and the Taiwan NeXT User Group). It is copyrighted by
the General Public License of the Free Software Foundation.

sum JWord.tar.Z
07493   333

If you don't yet have 3DReality, you can ftp a demo from:

 cs.orst.edu		pub/next/ray/Reality_1.4.tar
 sonata.cc.purdue.edu	pub/next/3.0/com/Reality1.4.tar
 ftp.cs.unm.edu		pub/stone/3DReality/3DReality_1.4.tar
or you can get the STONE_CD from us with all of our Applications (Create,
DataPhile), images, textures, shaders and much more by calling us at (505)
345-4800 for $15 (add $5 for overseas shipping), or send email to

What's Included:
0. JWord.REAME.rtfd - this file
1. JWord.pkg - the new Shape bundle for two-byte fonts.
2. JWord_Helper.pkg - a replacement for
3DReality.app/Library/Classes/GSV.bundle (MUST BE INSTALLED)
3. Chinese_sample.rtf - some characters you can paste into the entry window.
4. PinYinEdit  - A tool for inputting Hanzi characters by William Wei of the

How to install:
1. Double Click JWord.pkg. This installs JWord.bundle into 3DReality.app app
2. Double Click JWord_Helper.pkg. This installs GSV.bundle into
	(You need to overwrite the old one)

How to use:
0. Be sure you have installed a two-byte font, such as KaiSu-Regular.
1. Launch 3DReality.
2. You'll see a Hanzi character icon in the Library Window's Shapes:
	Drag it into the document window
3. You can copy characters from Chinese_samples.rtf and paste into the
pop-up window, or you can build the PinYinEdit application, and copy/paste
the characters into the pop-up window.

How to customize:

By default, the JWord will try and use the font "KaiSu-Regular". To change
this, in a terminal:

dwrite 3DReality JWordFont <NAME_OF_FONT>

where <NAME_OF_FONT> is the name of the font you want Reality to use as a
default. You must restart 3DReality for the change to take effect. Of
course, you can also use the Font Panel to set the font.

Thanks to Tyng-Jing Yang who kept asking for this until I finally coded it
David Li, who maintains the KaiSu font; and William Wei, cnslt018@phibro.com
for writing PinYinEdit.

(C) Copyright 1994 Stone Design Corp

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.