
This is the README for fliplay.1.0.N.b.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

By Hugh Allan

Welcome to FLIPlay. This program provides what I think you'll agree is
the best available animation you'll see on a standard NeXTstation. It
plays AutoDesks FLI format, as created by AutoDesk Animator and
AutoDesk 3D Studio. So as you can guess the animation tends to be hand
drawn or ray traced/shaded polygons.

Easy, just copy the FLIPlay.app app wrapper to /LocalApps or the Apps
directory in your home directory, log out, and any file ending in
.FLI/.fli's icon will change to the FLIPlay fli icon. Got that? How
just click twice on it as you would any other file and the animation
will display. A demo animation,  bounce.fli has been included.

Where to find FLI files:
Best source I know of is the Screen Artists: Danger! Hot Stuff CD-ROM.
This is an IS0-9660 conforming CD-ROM which is provided free, you only
pay the cost of the media. Expect to pay around X3.50 for it. My copy
contains 200 Megs of 320x200 256 colour VGA animations. FLIPlay plays
95% of these(even the ones with packet errors, tut tut).

CIX, has a few, as does Compuserve, I don't know of any Internet ftp
sites that carry these things, if you know of any please contact me
and I'll include a list in this document.

I'll upload a compressed directory of FLIs to Purdue with this, look
for BestFli.compressed in Purdue submissions... It'll be big! Real
big... *GRIN*

Problems, and futures.
Animation speed does vary somewhat. The player is optimized only to
display the smallest changed rectangle, but it does need some more
work. Also it could do with a control panel. It will write an update

Also I have written Amiga based IFF ANIM players, so expect to see an
ANIM player soon, as well as a grasp player. 

This app was written under 3.0, so I doubt it will work on any
previoud versions, sorry!

Also, if anyone has details of the DL animation format, or better
still details of QuickTime(propriety I guess? Hmmm...). Or if anyone
knows of any other animation formats, please mail me.

InterNet: hallan%cix.compulink.co.uk@ukc.ac.uk
CIX: hallan
Hugh Allan
Ness Castle
Dores Rd
Inverness IV1 2DJ

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.