This is xanim_set.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* * xanim_set.c * * Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994 by Mark Podlipec. * All rights reserved. * * This software may be freely copied, modified and redistributed without * fee for non-commerical purposes provided that this copyright notice is * preserved intact on all copies and modified copies. * * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software. * It is provided solely "as is". The author(s) disclaim(s) all * responsibility and liability with respect to this software's usage * or its effect upon hardware or computer systems. * */ #include "xanim.h" #include "xanim_set.h" #include "xanim_iff.h" #include <ctype.h> LONG Is_SET_File(); ULONG SET_Read_File(); SET_FRAM_HDR *SET_Init_FRAM_HDRS(); UBYTE *SET_Read_BACK(); UBYTE *SET_Read_FACE(); SET_SSET_HDR *SET_Alloc_SSET_HDR(); SET_SSET_HDR *SET_Get_SSET(); SET_BACK_HDR *SET_Alloc_BACK_HDR(); SET_BACK_HDR *SET_Get_BACK(); SET_BACK_HDR *SET_Add_Black(); void SET_TheEnd(); void SET_TheEnd1(); void SET_Extract_Directory(); void SET_Modify_Directory(); void SET_Read_SSET(); void SET_Add_SETTER(); void SET_Add_BACK(); void SET_Add_TIME(); void SET_Read_Sound_IFF(); void SET_Add_CHDR(); void SET_Free_Stuff(); ULONG UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(); LONG UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(); ULONG UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(); XA_ACTION *ACT_Get_Action(); ULONG UTIL_Get_Buffer_Scale(); void UTIL_Scale_Buffer_Pos(); void ACT_Setup_Mapped(); void IFF_Read_BMHD(); void IFF_Read_BODY(); void IFF_Read_CMAP_0(); void IFF_Read_CMAP_1(); void IFF_Shift_CMAP(); void IFF_Print_ID(); XA_CHDR *ACT_Get_CMAP(); ULONG CMAP_Get_Or_Mask(); void ACT_Add_CHDR_To_Action(); static ColorReg set_cmap[256]; static XA_CHDR *set_chdr; static SET_BACK_HDR *set_back_start,*set_back_cur; static ULONG set_back_num,set_sset_num; static SET_FRAM_HDR *set_frames; static ULONG set_fram_num; static SET_SSET_HDR *set_sset_start,*set_sset_cur; static XA_ACTION *work_act; static XA_ACTION *back_act; static ULONG set_time; static LONG set_xscroll_flag,set_xscroll_len,set_yscroll_flag,set_yscroll_len; static LONG set_back_xpos,set_back_ypos; static ULONG set_back_scroll_fram; static LONG set_sset_cur_num,set_sset_xoff,set_sset_yoff; static ULONG set_multi_flag; static ULONG set_or_mask; static char set_buff[512]; static char set_buff1[64]; static Bit_Map_Header bmhd; static ULONG set_imagex,set_imagey,set_imagec,set_imaged; void SET_Print_CHID(chid) ULONG chid; { ULONG d; d = (chid >> 24) & 0xff; fputc(d,stderr); d = (chid >> 16) & 0xff; fputc(d,stderr); d = (chid >> 8) & 0xff; fputc(d,stderr); d = chid & 0xff; fputc(d,stderr); fputc(' ',stderr); } SET_BACK_HDR *SET_Get_BACK(back_num) ULONG back_num; { SET_BACK_HDR *tmp; tmp = set_back_start; while(tmp) { if (tmp->num == back_num) return(tmp); tmp = tmp->next; } fprintf(stderr,"SET_Get_BACK: invalid back_num %lx\n",back_num); SET_TheEnd(); return(0); } SET_BACK_HDR *SET_Add_Black(anim_hdr) XA_ANIM_HDR *anim_hdr; { UBYTE *pic; SET_BACK_HDR *tmp; XA_ACTION *act; ULONG psize; /* if black already exists */ if (set_back_start != 0) if (set_back_start->num == 0xffff) return(set_back_start); psize = set_imagex * set_imagey; if (work_act == 0) { UBYTE *t_pic; t_pic = (UBYTE *)malloc( XA_PIC_SIZE(psize) ); if (t_pic == 0) SET_TheEnd1("SET a: malloc failed\n"); memset(t_pic, 0x00, psize ); act = ACT_Get_Action(anim_hdr); ACT_Setup_Mapped(act,t_pic,set_chdr,0,0,set_imagex,set_imagey, set_imagex,set_imagey,FALSE,0,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE); work_act = act; } tmp = (SET_BACK_HDR *)malloc( sizeof(SET_BACK_HDR) ); if (tmp == 0) SET_TheEnd1("SET: back malloc fail\n"); tmp->num = 0xffff; tmp->xsize = tmp->xscreen = set_imagex; tmp->ysize = tmp->yscreen = set_imagey; tmp->xpos = tmp->ypos = 0; tmp->back_act = 0; tmp->csize = 0; tmp->chdr = 0; tmp->next = set_back_start; set_back_start = tmp; pic = (UBYTE *)malloc( XA_PIC_SIZE(psize) ); if (pic == 0) SET_TheEnd1("SET_Add_Black: malloc failed\n"); memset( pic, set_or_mask, psize ); act = ACT_Get_Action(anim_hdr); tmp->back_act = act; ACT_Setup_Mapped(act,pic,set_chdr,0,0,set_imagex,set_imagey, set_imagex,set_imagey,FALSE,0,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE); return(set_back_start); } SET_BACK_HDR *SET_Alloc_BACK_HDR() { SET_BACK_HDR *tmp; tmp = (SET_BACK_HDR *)malloc( sizeof(SET_BACK_HDR) ); if (tmp == 0) SET_TheEnd1("SET: back malloc fail\n"); tmp->num = set_back_num; set_back_num++; tmp->xsize = 0; tmp->ysize = 0; tmp->xscreen = 0; tmp->yscreen = 0; tmp->xpos = 0; tmp->ypos = 0; tmp->back_act = 0; tmp->csize = 0; tmp->chdr = 0; tmp->next = 0; if (set_back_start == 0) set_back_start = tmp; else set_back_cur->next = tmp; set_back_cur = tmp; return(set_back_cur); } SET_SSET_HDR *SET_Get_SSET(sset_num) ULONG sset_num; { SET_SSET_HDR *tmp; tmp = set_sset_start; while(tmp) { if (tmp->num == sset_num) return(tmp); tmp = tmp->next; } fprintf(stderr,"SET_Get_SSET: invalid sset_num %lx\n",sset_num); SET_TheEnd(); return(0); } SET_SSET_HDR *SET_Alloc_SSET_HDR() { SET_SSET_HDR *tmp; tmp = (SET_SSET_HDR *)malloc( sizeof(SET_SSET_HDR) ); if (tmp == 0) SET_TheEnd1("SET: set malloc fail\n"); tmp->num = set_sset_num; set_sset_num++; tmp->faces = 0; tmp->next = 0; tmp->face_num = 0; if (set_sset_start == 0) set_sset_start = tmp; else set_sset_cur->next = tmp; set_sset_cur = tmp; return(set_sset_cur); } /* * */ LONG Is_SET_File(filename) char *filename; { FILE *fin; ULONG d1,d2; if ( (fin=fopen(filename,XA_OPEN_MODE)) == 0) return(XA_NOFILE); d1 = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); /* read past size */ d2 = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); /* read magic */ fclose(fin); /* check for "xSceneEd"itor */ if ( (d1 == 0x78536365) && (d2 == 0x6e654564) )return(TRUE); /* check for "xMovieSe"tter */ if ( (d1 == 0x784d6f76) && (d2 == 0x69655365) )return(TRUE); return(FALSE); } ULONG SET_Read_File(fname,anim_hdr) char *fname; XA_ANIM_HDR *anim_hdr; { FILE *fin; ULONG op; ULONG cur_fram_num; ULONG cur_fram_cnt; ULONG exit_flag; set_multi_flag = TRUE; cur_fram_num = 0; cur_fram_cnt = 0; work_act = 0; back_act = 0; set_fram_num = 0; set_frames = (SET_FRAM_HDR *)0; set_back_start = 0; set_back_cur = 0; set_back_num = 0; set_sset_start = 0; set_sset_cur = 0; set_sset_num = 0; set_xscroll_flag = 0; set_xscroll_len = 0; set_yscroll_flag = 0; set_yscroll_len = 0; set_back_xpos = 0; set_back_ypos = 0; set_back_scroll_fram = 1; /* default stuff if no background */ set_imagex = 352; set_imagey = 240; set_imaged = 5; bmhd.compression = BMHD_COMP_BYTERUN; bmhd.masking = BMHD_MSK_NONE; set_or_mask = CMAP_Get_Or_Mask(1 << set_imaged); if ( (fin=fopen(fname,XA_OPEN_MODE)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open SET File %s for reading\n",fname); return(FALSE); } DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr,"Reading SET file %s:\n",fname); exit_flag = 0; while(!feof(fin) && !exit_flag) { XA_ACTION *act; op = fgetc(fin); switch(op) { case 'a': /* 256 ascii 32 ascii IFF stuff Background Image */ { SET_BACK_HDR *tmp_back_hdr; UBYTE *pic; fread((char *)set_buff,1,256,fin); set_buff[256] = 0; DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr," a) %s ",set_buff); fread((char *)set_buff1,1,32,fin); set_buff1[32] = 0; DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr," %s\n",set_buff1); tmp_back_hdr = SET_Alloc_BACK_HDR(); if (set_multi_flag == FALSE) pic = SET_Read_BACK(fin,tmp_back_hdr); else { FILE *fnew; SET_Extract_Directory(set_buff,set_buff1); if ( (fnew=fopen(set_buff,XA_OPEN_MODE)) == 0) { SET_Modify_Directory(set_buff,0); if ( (fnew=fopen(set_buff,XA_OPEN_MODE)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open SET File %s for reading\n",set_buff); SET_TheEnd(); } } pic = SET_Read_BACK(fnew,tmp_back_hdr); fclose(fnew); } if (pic == 0) SET_TheEnd1("SET read a) failed"); if (work_act == 0) { UBYTE *t_pic; t_pic = (UBYTE *) malloc( XA_PIC_SIZE(tmp_back_hdr->xsize * tmp_back_hdr->ysize) ); if (t_pic == 0) SET_TheEnd1("SET a: malloc failed\n"); memset(t_pic, 0x00, (tmp_back_hdr->xsize * tmp_back_hdr->ysize) ); act = ACT_Get_Action(anim_hdr); ACT_Setup_Mapped(act,t_pic,set_chdr, 0,0,tmp_back_hdr->xsize,tmp_back_hdr->ysize, set_imagex,set_imagey,FALSE,0,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); ACT_Add_CHDR_To_Action(act,tmp_back_hdr->chdr); work_act = act; } act = ACT_Get_Action(anim_hdr); tmp_back_hdr->back_act = act; ACT_Setup_Mapped(act,pic,set_chdr, 0,0,tmp_back_hdr->xsize,tmp_back_hdr->ysize, set_imagex,set_imagey,FALSE,0,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); ACT_Add_CHDR_To_Action(act,set_chdr); } break; case 'b': /* 256 ascii 32 ascii IFF stuff Faces */ { SET_SSET_HDR *tmp_sset_hdr; tmp_sset_hdr = SET_Alloc_SSET_HDR(); fread((char *)set_buff,1,256,fin); /* disk:directory name */ set_buff[256] = 0; DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr," b) %s ",set_buff); fread((char *)set_buff1,1,32,fin); /* file name */ set_buff1[32] = 0; DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr," %s\n",set_buff1); if (set_multi_flag == FALSE) SET_Read_SSET(anim_hdr,fin,tmp_sset_hdr); else { FILE *fnew; SET_Extract_Directory(set_buff,set_buff1); if ( (fnew=fopen(set_buff,XA_OPEN_MODE)) == 0) { SET_Modify_Directory(set_buff,0); if ( (fnew=fopen(set_buff,XA_OPEN_MODE)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open SET File %s for reading\n",set_buff); SET_TheEnd(); } } SET_Read_SSET(anim_hdr,fnew,tmp_sset_hdr); fclose(fnew); } } break; case 'c': /* 10 bytes set current frame */ { ULONG i; i = 8; while(i--) fgetc(fin); cur_fram_num = UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(fin); cur_fram_cnt = cur_fram_num; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," c) %lx\n",cur_fram_num); } break; case 'd': /* new SSET header 32 ascii + 10 bytes */ { ULONG i; fread((char *)set_buff,1,32,fin); set_buff[32] = 0; DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr," d) sset hdr %s ",set_buff); set_sset_cur_num = UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(fin); set_sset_xoff = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); set_sset_yoff = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); i = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); i = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); /* last fram in series */ set_sset_cur = SET_Get_SSET(set_sset_cur_num); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," %lx %lx\n", set_sset_cur_num,set_sset_cur->num); cur_fram_cnt = cur_fram_num; } break; case 'e': /* position face 12 bytes */ { SET_FACE_HDR *face_hdr; ULONG face_num,depth,garb,fram_num; LONG xpos,ypos,xoff,yoff; LONG back_x,back_y; face_num = UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(fin); xoff = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); yoff = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); depth = UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(fin); garb = UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(fin); fram_num = UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(fin); /* not correct */ DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," e) %lx (%lx %x) %lx %lx %lx\n", face_num,xoff,yoff,depth,garb,fram_num); if (face_num > set_sset_cur->face_num) { fprintf(stderr,"SET_Read: e) face_num invalid %lx (%lx)", face_num, set_sset_cur->face_num); SET_TheEnd(); } face_hdr = &(set_sset_cur->faces[face_num]); xpos = face_hdr->xoff + set_sset_xoff; xpos += xoff; ypos = face_hdr->yoff + set_sset_yoff; ypos += yoff; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," e FACE off <%ld,%ld> fin <%ld,%ld>\n", xoff,yoff,xpos,ypos); /* Back ground Scrolling calculations - see g) */ if (set_xscroll_flag == 1) { back_x = -set_xscroll_len * (cur_fram_cnt - set_back_scroll_fram); while(back_x < 0) back_x += set_back_cur->xsize; if (back_x >= set_back_cur->xsize) back_x %= set_back_cur->xsize; } else back_x = 0; if (set_yscroll_flag == 1) { back_y = -set_yscroll_len * (cur_fram_cnt - set_back_scroll_fram); while(back_y < 0) back_y += set_back_cur->ysize; if (back_y >= set_back_cur->ysize) back_y %= set_back_cur->ysize; } else back_y = 0; if (face_hdr->face_act->type != ACT_NOP) SET_Add_SETTER(anim_hdr,cur_fram_cnt,back_x,back_y, xpos,ypos,face_hdr->face_act,depth); cur_fram_cnt++; } break; case 'f': /* backgrnd display info 4 bytes */ { ULONG back,effect; back = UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(fin); effect = UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(fin); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," f) backgrnd info %lx %lx ",back,effect); if (back == 0xffff) set_back_cur = SET_Add_Black(anim_hdr); else set_back_cur = SET_Get_BACK(back); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," %lx\n",set_back_cur->num); SET_Add_BACK(cur_fram_num,set_back_cur->back_act,set_back_cur->chdr); } break; case 'g': /* backgrnd scrolling info(?) 8 bytes */ { LONG tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4; tmp1 = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); tmp2 = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); tmp3 = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); tmp4 = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); if (tmp4 == 0) { /* scroll only in x direction */ set_xscroll_flag = 1; set_yscroll_flag = 0; set_yscroll_len = 0; if (tmp3 == 0) set_xscroll_len = tmp1; else set_xscroll_len = tmp2; if (set_xscroll_len == 0) set_xscroll_flag = 0; } else { /* scroll only in y direction */ set_yscroll_flag = 1; set_xscroll_flag = 0; set_xscroll_len = 0; if (tmp3 == 0) set_yscroll_len = tmp1; else set_yscroll_len = tmp2; /* PODNOTE: I haven't seen tmp3 == tmp4 == 1 so this is a guess */ if (set_yscroll_len == 0) set_yscroll_flag = 0; } set_back_scroll_fram = cur_fram_num; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," g) %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", set_xscroll_flag,set_xscroll_len,set_yscroll_flag,set_yscroll_len); } break; case 'h': /* sound info 10 bytes */ { ULONG i; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," h) sound info - not supported\n"); i = 10; while(i--) fgetc(fin); } break; case 'i': /* timing info 2 bytes*/ set_time = UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(fin); if (set_time == 0) set_time = 1; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," i) %lx\n",set_time); set_time = set_time * 16; SET_Add_TIME(cur_fram_num,set_time); break; case 'j': /* 256 ascii 32 ascii IFF stuff Sounds Info */ fread((char *)set_buff,1,256,fin); set_buff[256] = 0; DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr," j) %s ",set_buff); fread((char *)set_buff1,1,32,fin); set_buff1[32] = 0; DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr," %s\n",set_buff1); if (set_multi_flag == FALSE) SET_Read_Sound_IFF(fin); /* else ignore */ break; case 'k': /* ? header of some sort 40 bytes */ { ULONG i; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," k) ???\n"); i = 40; while(i--) fgetc(fin); } break; case 'l': /* cmap info 64 bytes */ DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," l) cmap\n"); set_imagec = 32; IFF_Read_CMAP_1(set_cmap,set_imagec,fin); IFF_Shift_CMAP(set_cmap,set_imagec); set_chdr = ACT_Get_CMAP(set_cmap,set_imagec,set_or_mask, set_imagec,set_or_mask,4,4,4); SET_Add_CHDR(set_chdr,cur_fram_num); break; case 'v': /* ? header of some sort 26 bytes */ { ULONG i; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," v) ?header?\n"); i = 26; while(i--) fgetc(fin); } break; case 'w': /* frame count */ set_fram_num = UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(fin)+1; set_frames = SET_Init_FRAM_HDRS(set_fram_num); DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr," w) %ld frames\n",set_fram_num); break; case 'x': /* title and version 32 ascii*/ fread((char *)set_buff1,1,32,fin); set_buff1[32] = 0; DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr," x) %s\n",set_buff1); break; case 'y': /* 8 bytes if present indicates IFF chunks included */ DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," y)\n"); set_multi_flag = FALSE; break; case 'z': /* EOF marker */ exit_flag = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unknown opcode = %lx\n",op); fclose(fin); SET_TheEnd(); } /* end of switch */ } /* end of while */ fclose(fin); { ULONG frame_cnt,i,j; XA_ACTION *back_act; ULONG fram_time; ULONG buffx,buffy,need_to_scale; /* Check Out For buffer Scaling */ need_to_scale = UTIL_Get_Buffer_Scale(set_imagex,set_imagey,&buffx,&buffy); fram_time = 1; frame_cnt = 0; back_act = 0; for(i=0; i<set_fram_num; i++) { SET_FRAM_HDR *fram_hdr; ACT_SETTER_HDR *pms_hdr; fram_hdr = &(set_frames[i]); frame_cnt++; /* register chdr's */ if (fram_hdr->cm_hdr == 0) fram_hdr->cm_hdr = set_chdr; else set_chdr = fram_hdr->cm_hdr; /* spread out timing info */ if (fram_hdr->time == 0xffffffff) fram_hdr->time = fram_time; else fram_time = fram_hdr->time; /* spread out backgrounds */ if (fram_hdr->back_act != 0) back_act = fram_hdr->back_act; else if (back_act != 0) fram_hdr->back_act = back_act; else { set_back_cur = SET_Add_Black(anim_hdr); back_act = set_back_cur->back_act; fram_hdr->back_act = back_act; } if (back_act->chdr == 0) ACT_Add_CHDR_To_Action(back_act,set_chdr); /* add set_chdr to setter action if it doesn't have one */ if (fram_hdr->pms_act) { if (fram_hdr->pms_act->chdr == 0) ACT_Add_CHDR_To_Action(fram_hdr->pms_act,set_chdr); } pms_hdr = fram_hdr->pms_hdr; while(pms_hdr) { ACT_MAPPED_HDR *back_map_hdr; back_map_hdr = (ACT_MAPPED_HDR *)back_act->data; pms_hdr->back = back_act; pms_hdr->xback = back_map_hdr->xsize; pms_hdr->yback = back_map_hdr->ysize; DEBUG_LEVEL1 { fprintf(stderr,"---> %ld %ld ",pms_hdr->xpback,pms_hdr->ypback); if (pms_hdr->face) fprintf(stderr,"%ld %ld\n",pms_hdr->xpface,pms_hdr->ypface); else fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } if (need_to_scale) UTIL_Scale_Buffer_Pos(&pms_hdr->xpback,&pms_hdr->ypback, set_imagex,set_imagey,buffx,buffy); /* add set_chdr to face action if it doesn't have one */ if (pms_hdr->face) { if (pms_hdr->face->chdr == 0) ACT_Add_CHDR_To_Action(pms_hdr->face,set_chdr); if (need_to_scale) UTIL_Scale_Buffer_Pos(&pms_hdr->xpface,&pms_hdr->ypface, set_imagex,set_imagey,buffx,buffy); } DEBUG_LEVEL1 { fprintf(stderr," %ld %ld ",pms_hdr->xpback,pms_hdr->ypback); if (pms_hdr->face) fprintf(stderr,"%ld %ld\n",pms_hdr->xpface,pms_hdr->ypface); else fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } pms_hdr = pms_hdr->next; } } /* end of frame list loop */ frame_cnt++; /* last frame */ anim_hdr->frame_lst = (XA_FRAME *)malloc(sizeof(XA_FRAME) * frame_cnt); if (anim_hdr->frame_lst == NULL) TheEnd1("SET_ANIM: frame_lst malloc err"); anim_hdr->frame_lst[frame_cnt-1].time = 0; anim_hdr->frame_lst[frame_cnt-1].act = 0; j = 0; for(i=0; i<set_fram_num; i++) { if (set_frames[i].pms_hdr != 0) { anim_hdr->frame_lst[j].time = set_frames[i].time; anim_hdr->frame_lst[j].act = set_frames[i].pms_act; j++; } else { anim_hdr->frame_lst[j].time = set_frames[i].time; anim_hdr->frame_lst[j].act = set_frames[i].back_act; j++; } } anim_hdr->loop_frame = 0; anim_hdr->last_frame = frame_cnt-2; anim_hdr->imagex = set_imagex; anim_hdr->imagey = set_imagey; anim_hdr->imagec = set_imagec; anim_hdr->imaged = set_imaged; } SET_Free_Stuff(); return(TRUE); } UBYTE *SET_Read_BACK(fin,back_hdr) FILE *fin; SET_BACK_HDR *back_hdr; { ULONG chid,data; LONG size,form_size; UBYTE *pic; pic = 0; chid = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); /* NOTE: for whatever reason the Anti-Lemmin' animation as a "bad" form * size with the upper 16 bits set to 0xffff. By making sure the last * bit is clear, things should work ok anyways. We just read to the BODY. */ form_size = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); form_size &= 0x7fffffff; /* PODNOTE: Anti-Lemmin' kludge/workaround */ data = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); form_size -= 4; DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr,"SET_Read_BACK: chid %lx fsize %lx dat %lx\n", chid,form_size,data); if (chid != FORM) SET_TheEnd1("SET: back is not FORM\n"); while(form_size) { chid = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); form_size -= 4; size = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); form_size -= 4; size &= 0x0000ffff; /* PODNOTE: Anti-Lemmin' kludge/workaround */ form_size -= size; if (form_size < 0) form_size = 0; DEBUG_LEVEL2 IFF_Print_ID(stderr,chid); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," size %lx ",size); switch(chid) { case BMHD: IFF_Read_BMHD(fin,&bmhd); set_imagex = bmhd.width; /*pageWidth;*/ set_imagey = bmhd.height; /*pageHeight;*/ set_imaged = bmhd.depth; back_hdr->xsize = bmhd.width; back_hdr->ysize = bmhd.height; back_hdr->xscreen = bmhd.width; /*pageWidth; */ back_hdr->yscreen = bmhd.height; /*pageHeight; */ DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr," %ldx%ldx%ld %ldx%ld cmp=%ld msk=%ld\n", back_hdr->xsize,back_hdr->ysize, set_imaged,back_hdr->xscreen,back_hdr->yscreen, bmhd.compression, bmhd.masking); break; case CMAP: set_imagec = size/3; back_hdr->csize = set_imagec; IFF_Read_CMAP_0(set_cmap,set_imagec,fin); IFF_Shift_CMAP(set_cmap,set_imagec); set_chdr = ACT_Get_CMAP(set_cmap,set_imagec,set_or_mask, set_imagec,set_or_mask,4,4,4); back_hdr->chdr = set_chdr; break; case CAMG: /* ignore for now */ case CRNG: /* ignore for now */ case DPPS: /* ignore for now */ case DPPV: /* ignore for now */ { ULONG d; while( (size--) && !feof(fin) ) d = fgetc(fin); } break; case BODY: { ULONG xsize,ysize; xsize = bmhd.width; ysize = bmhd.height; pic = (UBYTE *) malloc( XA_PIC_SIZE(xsize * ysize) ); if (pic == 0) SET_TheEnd1("SET_Read_BODY: malloc failed\n"); IFF_Read_BODY(fin,pic,size, xsize, ysize, (ULONG)(bmhd.depth), (int)(bmhd.compression), (int)(bmhd.masking),set_or_mask); form_size = 0; /* body is always last */ break; } default: SET_Print_CHID(chid); SET_TheEnd1("\nUnknown in Back chunk\n"); break; } /* end of switch */ } /* end of while */ return(pic); } void SET_Read_SSET(anim_hdr,fin,set_hdr) XA_ANIM_HDR *anim_hdr; FILE *fin; SET_SSET_HDR *set_hdr; { ULONG chid,data; LONG list_num,type,i; chid = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); list_num = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin) + 1; data = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); set_hdr->face_num = list_num; DEBUG_LEVEL1 { fprintf(stderr," "); SET_Print_CHID(chid); fprintf(stderr,"%lx ",list_num); SET_Print_CHID(data); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } if (chid != LIST) SET_TheEnd1("SET: LIST not 1st in SSET\n"); set_hdr->faces = (SET_FACE_HDR *)malloc(list_num * sizeof(SET_FACE_HDR) ); if (set_hdr->faces == 0) SET_TheEnd1("SET: faces malloc failed\n"); /* Read PROP */ chid = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); /* PROP */ DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr," "); DEBUG_LEVEL1 SET_Print_CHID(chid); if (chid != PROP) SET_TheEnd1("SET: 1st not PROP in SET\n"); data = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); /* prop size */ type = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); /* prop type */ DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr,"%lx ",data); DEBUG_LEVEL1 SET_Print_CHID(type); /* Read CMAP */ chid = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); /* CMAP */ DEBUG_LEVEL1 SET_Print_CHID(chid); if (chid != CMAP) SET_TheEnd1("SET: 2st not CMAP in SET\n"); set_imagec = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); /* CMAP size */ set_imagec /= 2; DEBUG_LEVEL1 fprintf(stderr," %lx\n",set_imagec); IFF_Read_CMAP_1(set_cmap,set_imagec,fin); IFF_Shift_CMAP(set_cmap,set_imagec); set_chdr = ACT_Get_CMAP(set_cmap,set_imagec,set_or_mask, set_imagec,set_or_mask,4,4,4); for(i = 1; i < list_num; i++) { SET_FACE_HDR *face; UBYTE *pic; XA_ACTION *act; face = &set_hdr->faces[i]; pic = SET_Read_FACE(fin,face); if (pic==0) SET_TheEnd1("SET_Read_SSET: read face failed\n"); act = ACT_Get_Action(anim_hdr); ACT_Setup_Mapped(act,pic,set_chdr, face->x,face->y,face->xsize,face->ysize, set_imagex,set_imagey,TRUE,set_or_mask,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE); ACT_Add_CHDR_To_Action(act,set_chdr); face->face_act = act; } } UBYTE *SET_Read_FACE(fin,face_hdr) FILE *fin; SET_FACE_HDR *face_hdr; { ULONG chid,data; LONG size,form_size; UBYTE *pic; pic = 0; face_hdr->xsize = 0; face_hdr->ysize = 0; chid = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); form_size = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); data = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); form_size -= 4; DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," "); DEBUG_LEVEL2 SET_Print_CHID(chid); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"%lx ",form_size); DEBUG_LEVEL2 SET_Print_CHID(data); if (chid != FORM) SET_TheEnd1("SET: face is not FORM\n"); while(form_size) { chid = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); form_size -= 4; size = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); form_size -= 4; DEBUG_LEVEL2 SET_Print_CHID(chid); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"%lx ",size); form_size -= size; if (form_size < 0) form_size = 0; switch(chid) { case FACE: face_hdr->xsize = UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(fin); face_hdr->ysize = UTIL_Get_MSB_UShort(fin); face_hdr->x = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); face_hdr->y = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); face_hdr->xoff = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); face_hdr->yoff = UTIL_Get_MSB_Short(fin); DEBUG_LEVEL2 { fprintf(stderr," FACE size <%ld,%ld> p <%ld,%ld> off <%ld,%ld>\n", (LONG)face_hdr->xsize,(LONG)face_hdr->ysize, (LONG)face_hdr->x, (LONG)face_hdr->y, (LONG)face_hdr->xoff, (LONG)face_hdr->yoff ); } break; case BODY: { pic = (UBYTE *) malloc( XA_PIC_SIZE(face_hdr->xsize * face_hdr->ysize) ); if (pic == 0) SET_TheEnd1("SET_Read_BODY: malloc failed\n"); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," %ldx%ldx%ld comp=%ld msk=%ld", face_hdr->xsize,face_hdr->ysize,set_imaged,bmhd.compression, bmhd.masking); IFF_Read_BODY(fin,pic,size, face_hdr->xsize, face_hdr->ysize, 5, (ULONG)(bmhd.compression), (ULONG)(bmhd.masking),set_or_mask); form_size = 0; /* body is always last */ break; } default: SET_TheEnd1("\nUnknown in Back chunk\n"); break; } /* end of switch */ } /* end of while */ DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return(pic); } void SET_Free_Stuff() { while(set_back_cur != 0) { SET_BACK_HDR *tmp; tmp = set_back_cur; set_back_cur = set_back_cur->next; FREE(tmp,0x7000); } while(set_sset_cur != 0) { SET_SSET_HDR *tmp; ULONG num; num = set_sset_cur->face_num; if (set_sset_cur->faces != 0) { FREE(set_sset_cur->faces,0x7000); set_sset_cur->faces=0;} tmp = set_sset_cur; set_sset_cur = set_sset_cur->next; FREE(tmp,0x7000); } } void SET_TheEnd1(mess) UBYTE *mess; { SET_Free_Stuff(); TheEnd1(mess); } void SET_TheEnd() { SET_Free_Stuff(); TheEnd(); } void SET_Read_Sound_IFF(fin) FILE *fin; { ULONG chid,data; LONG size,form_size; chid = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); form_size = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," FORM %lx ",form_size); data = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); form_size -= 4; DEBUG_LEVEL2 SET_Print_CHID(data); if (chid != FORM) SET_TheEnd1("SET: sound is not FORM\n"); while(form_size) { ULONG d; chid = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); form_size -= 4; size = UTIL_Get_MSB_Long(fin); form_size -= 4; DEBUG_LEVEL2 SET_Print_CHID(data); DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr," %lx ",size); form_size -= size; if (form_size < 0) form_size = 0; switch(chid) { case BODY: form_size = 0; /* last chunk */ case VHDR: case ANNO: case CHAN: while( (size--) && !feof(fin) ) d = fgetc(fin); break; default: SET_Print_CHID(chid); SET_TheEnd1("\nUnknown in SOUND chunk\n"); break; } /* end of switch */ } /* end of while */ DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } SET_FRAM_HDR *SET_Init_FRAM_HDRS(num) ULONG num; { SET_FRAM_HDR *tmp_fram; ULONG i; tmp_fram = (SET_FRAM_HDR *)malloc(num * sizeof(SET_FRAM_HDR) ); if (tmp_fram == 0) SET_TheEnd1("SET_Init_Fram_HDR: malloc failed"); for(i=0; i<num; i++) { tmp_fram[i].time = 0xffffffff; tmp_fram[i].cm_act = 0; tmp_fram[i].pms_act = 0; tmp_fram[i].back_act = 0; tmp_fram[i].cm_hdr = 0; tmp_fram[i].pms_hdr = 0; } return(tmp_fram); } void SET_Add_CHDR(chdr,fram_num) XA_CHDR *chdr; ULONG fram_num; { SET_FRAM_HDR *fram_hdr; if (fram_num > set_fram_num) { fprintf(stderr,"SET_Add_CHDR: invalid frame %lx\n", fram_num); return; } fram_hdr = &set_frames[fram_num]; if (fram_hdr->cm_hdr != 0) { DEBUG_LEVEL2 fprintf(stderr,"SET_Add_CHDR: duplicate cmap warning\n"); } fram_hdr->cm_hdr = chdr; } void SET_Add_BACK(fram_num,back_act,chdr) ULONG fram_num; XA_ACTION *back_act; XA_CHDR *chdr; { SET_FRAM_HDR *fram_hdr; if (fram_num > set_fram_num) { fprintf(stderr,"SET_Add_BACK: invalid frame %lx\n", fram_num); return; } fram_hdr = &set_frames[fram_num]; if (fram_hdr->back_act != 0) fprintf(stderr,"SET_Add_BACK: duplicate back err\n"); fram_hdr->back_act = back_act; /* if no CMAP for this frame add the back's */ if (fram_hdr->cm_hdr == 0) SET_Add_CHDR(chdr,fram_num); } void SET_Add_TIME(fram_num,fram_time) ULONG fram_num,fram_time; { SET_FRAM_HDR *fram_hdr; if (fram_num > set_fram_num) { fprintf(stderr,"SET_Add_TIME: invalid fram_num %lx\n",fram_num); return; } fram_hdr = &set_frames[fram_num]; fram_hdr->time = set_time; } /* * */ void SET_Add_SETTER(anim_hdr,fram_num,xpback,ypback, xpface,ypface,face_act,depth) XA_ANIM_HDR *anim_hdr; ULONG fram_num; ULONG xpback,ypback; ULONG xpface,ypface; XA_ACTION *face_act; ULONG depth; { ACT_MAPPED_HDR *face_map_hdr; SET_FRAM_HDR *fram_hdr; ACT_SETTER_HDR *tmp_pms,*cur_pms; XA_ACTION *act; if (fram_num > set_fram_num) { fprintf(stderr,"SET_Add_SETTER: invalid fram_num %lx\n",fram_num); return; } fram_hdr = &set_frames[fram_num]; face_map_hdr = (ACT_MAPPED_HDR *) face_act->data; act = ACT_Get_Action(anim_hdr); tmp_pms = (ACT_SETTER_HDR *)malloc(sizeof(ACT_SETTER_HDR)); if (tmp_pms == 0) SET_TheEnd1("SET_Add_SETTER: malloc failed"); act->type = ACT_SETTER; act->data = (UBYTE *)tmp_pms; tmp_pms->work = work_act; tmp_pms->xpback = xpback; tmp_pms->ypback = ypback; tmp_pms->xface = face_map_hdr->xsize; tmp_pms->yface = face_map_hdr->ysize; tmp_pms->xpface = xpface; tmp_pms->ypface = ypface; tmp_pms->depth = depth; tmp_pms->face = face_act; tmp_pms->back = 0; tmp_pms->xback = 0; tmp_pms->yback = 0; /* if this is the 1st one. */ if (fram_hdr->pms_hdr == 0) /* 1st one */ { fram_hdr->pms_hdr = tmp_pms; tmp_pms->next = 0; fram_hdr->pms_act = act; return; } /* if 1st one is of less or equal depth */ if (fram_hdr->pms_hdr->depth <= depth) { tmp_pms->next = fram_hdr->pms_hdr; fram_hdr->pms_hdr = tmp_pms; fram_hdr->pms_act = act; /* keep act current */ return; } cur_pms = fram_hdr->pms_hdr; while(cur_pms != 0) { /* there isn't a next one */ if (cur_pms->next == 0) { tmp_pms->next = 0; cur_pms->next = tmp_pms; return; } /* if the next one's depth is <= then put here */ if (cur_pms->next->depth <= depth) { tmp_pms->next = cur_pms->next; cur_pms->next = tmp_pms; return; } cur_pms = cur_pms->next; } } void SET_Extract_Directory(dname,cname) UBYTE *dname,*cname; { ULONG i,j; i = 0; while( (dname[i] != ':') && (i < 256) && (dname[i] != 0) ) i++; if ((dname[i]==0) || (i >= 256)) SET_TheEnd1("SET_Extract: error 1\n"); i++; /* skip over : */ j = 0; while( (dname[i] != 0) && (i < 256) ) { dname[j] = dname[i]; i++; j++; } if (i >= 256) SET_TheEnd1("SET_Extract: error 2\n"); dname[j] = '/'; j++; i = 0; while( (cname[i] != 0) && (i<32) ) { dname[j] = cname[i]; i++; j++; } if (i >= 32) SET_TheEnd1("SET_Extract: error 3\n"); dname[j] = 0; } void SET_Modify_Directory(dname,flag) char dname[]; ULONG flag; { int d = (int)dname[0]; if (flag == 0) /* flip upper/lower on 1st char */ { if (isupper(d) ) dname[0] = (char)tolower(d); else dname[0] = (char)toupper(d); } }
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by